Bud Yi: "So, the squad leader has long expected what Bishop Otto is going to do?" "

Fu Hua: "As I said, he was inflated and arrogant at that time, and it was not difficult to predict his actions. "

"For me personally, I don't want Destiny to be dictatorial, and it's not a bad thing to have more of the Collapse Organization."

"Walter, on the other hand, has the talent to create and lead an organization."

"Therefore, Otto is not willing to give him a chance, and I am still willing to give it."

Bronia: "So... Inverse entropy was established..."

With that, Bronia continued to watch the video, trying to find more details in this scene.

She knew that Fu Hua would definitely not take the initiative.

But against the current Otto, if not with absolute strength.

Then it is only possible to apply some targeted means.

The video is still playing.

It was the picture of Otto's battle with the crowd.

Of the original five, only three had combat effectiveness.

But the strongest Leanna becomes Otto, and the broken and animalized Schrödinger is controlled by Otto.

As for Walter, he and Einstein Tesla have been stabbed in the black abyss and are on the verge of death.

At the critical moment, the owner of the inn rushed out with a gun to help relieve the siege.

While she distracted Otto, Schrödinger saw an opportunity.

At the cost of complete quantization, she took the white flower from Otto's hand and activated the rated power to cure everyone.

Then, it disappeared completely.

Walter recovers, and the Star of Eden strikes with all his might.

Otto was a little annoyed, and he also used the Void to fight back.

At this moment, Otto showed a wave of masterful techniques for the audience in front of the light curtain.

For more than five hundred years, Otto's application to the Void has far surpassed everyone.

He mimicked various god keys, turning them into various unique attacks.

Soon, Walter was defeated.

Knowing the danger, he directly turned on the zero rated power of the "Six Nine Zero" Star of Eden.

Resembles a black hole.

This blow reproduced the scene of the Rock Law devouring the Mu Continent back then.

The range is extremely wide, and Otto can't avoid it.

The world in his eyes was distorted, and he felt that everything in the world was disintegrating before his eyes.

Time and space seem to be thrown into a giant blender.

The past, present, and future are blurred in endless slowdowns and fragments.

At the center of a black hole, all finite processes will extend to infinity.

This is important for Otto, who is using terminal signals to control the body from the outside.

Otto's consciousness is gradually being torn apart.

In a trance, he saw Karen who walked to the execution ground that day.

Karen wore a crown of thorns and opened her red eyes.

Seeing this scene, Otto was stunned.

He instinctively thought it was an illusion of a black hole distorting space-time, but that Karen actually spoke.

Karin: "Otto, you can't really change anything. "

Otto was startled, and he instinctively responded:

"No, everything is going according to my plan!"

Karin: "You never have any plans, you just dwell on the fate of the past and feel sorry for yourself." "

"And fate is like a prostitute, deliberately playing tricks on this traitor and fueling his evil arrogance."

Otto: "Stop! "

"My Karen doesn't talk like that! Who are you! "

Kalien: "But you will, Mr. Otto." "

"If your soul had found heaven, you would have found it that day."

Otto: "..."

"I see, you don't understand anything."

"Because you're just Otto Apocaris himself."

Kalien: "Of course I don't understand you, because we are not the same. "

"After all these years, it's only you... Only you cannot accept my death yet. "

"How many people do you have to burden in this matter before you are willing to give up?"

Hearing this, Otto laughed strangely.

Otto: "That's right, I can't accept it. "

"But you're wrong, it has nothing to do with how many people are involved."

"Without Kalien's world, it is impossible to have the meaning of existence!"

"Since the world has only left me with one path, then don't blame me for clearing all the obstacles!"

"Even myself... Even I can't stop all this! "

Otto's voice almost roared.

However, there is a sense of helpless rightness.

As Otto said.

His actions for five hundred years have long been unstoppable.

His feet were already in pools of blood, and he had to keep moving forward, otherwise the way back would be just as hard and painful.

At this moment, Otto's appearance can no longer maintain his human form.

The liquid metal skin is gradually peeled off and the hard mechanical structure begins to be revealed.

But Otto didn't panic in the slightest.

The exchange with another self may be very long.

But at the time of the black hole, it may be less than a second.

Five hundred years of combat experience allowed Otto to make up for his lack of strength.

Despite being within the confines of a black hole, Otto reacted quickly.

He manipulated the void to simulate Judas' vows.

Then, a spear of light was fired


The sound of cracking came, and the Star of Eden in Walter's hand suddenly turned into crumbs.

The key of the ninth god of the former civilization was damaged just like that.

The black hole disappeared, Otto was unharmed, and the tide of battle was reversed.

Walter was penetrated by the imitation of Judas, and under the power of restraint taking effect, his strength could not be used too much.

The only person who can compete with Otto has lost his strength, and Otto has won the battle without suspense.

He picked up the black abyss on the ground and was trying to get to know these witnesses thoroughly.

However, the variables occur again.

Otto found himself unable to move.

The world in front of him blurred, his body seemed to turn into stone, and his soul steel body seemed to be forcibly solidified.

He looked back and found that his body had been sprayed with a spray by the innkeeper.

That's a soulsteel inhibitor.

The picture turns to the beach last night.

Fu Hua's figure in a trench coat appeared in the light curtain and exchanged a few words with Walter.

She told Walter to take care of herself and gave him two gifts.

One is a collection of poems by Shenzhou, and the other is a bottle of "chili spray".

Walter wonders why Fu Hua gave him this, but Fu Hua tells him that you are going to meet a troublesome guy.

Walter didn't take it seriously at first.

Until he met Otto.

Until now, that "chili spray" came in handy.

Otto, who was sprayed by the Soulsteel inhibitor, was immediately restricted in his movements.

He struggled to get out of his inhibited state, but to no avail.

Seizing this opportunity, Walter used his legalist power to reproduce his hands into Judas' vows.

With one punch, Otto's consciousness was knocked back to headquarters.

The battle, it's over.

The screen changes and arrives at the headquarters of Destiny on the floating island.

In the War Overseer's Hall, Otto, who seemed to be asleep, woke up suddenly, his face full of anger.

Without thinking, he directly used the bishop's power to launch a fission bomb towards New York.

For Otto, the loss of a large city and a population of more than ten million is a minor issue compared to setting himself up a mortal enemy.

However, that still ended in failure.

Otto noticed that Leanna had rebelled.

She worked with Walter to stop missiles in the air.

And Walter even used the power of the lawyer to create a shield to stop Otto's attack.

This time, Otto couldn't do anything about it.

Broken fission bombs, what a precious resource.

In thirty years, Destiny will not be able to launch a second one. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He sighed and cleaned up his mess.

Although the goal has not been fully achieved.

But this time, Otto also gained a lot.

He not only got rid of the North American branch as a henchman, but also gained a lot of knowledge about the lawyers.

This allowed him to make important improvements to his future plans.

The picture freezes on Otto's departing back.

There are flaming subtitles appearing from the light curtain.

[The first collapse can be described as an important node in Otto's life. 】

[Although Otto's actions were not smooth, he at least gained experience in contact with the current civilized lawyers. 】

[During this time, Ao was actually very sincere. 】

[He really appreciates the talent of the first lawyer and expects Walter to stand with him.] 】

[But Otto knows that Walter's power, if not controlled by himself, will eventually become his own calamity. 】

[Therefore, for various reasons, Otto chose to cut the grass and remove the roots, and paid a huge price. ] 】

[Common sense, this seems to have little to do with the turn of Otto's fate. 】

[However, this experience served as a landmark in Otto's long fate. 】

[During this time of contact with the Law of Reason, Otto learned that the Law Man would be seduced by unknown consciousness. 】

[This demagoguery will make the lawyer stand on the side of Collapse, wantonly destroy civilization, and fulfill his duty.] 】

[It was through the soul fragments of the 300,000 dead in Berlin that Walter successfully overcame this unknown consciousness and became a lawyer who fought for mankind. 】

[This gave Otto hope, and let Otto know——]

[Above the collapse, there are "gods". 】

Since then, his plans have changed dramatically. 】

[His goal was changed from the lawyer to the "broken will" above it.] 】

[He wants to meet the "broken will" and verify whether the other party is a god in the true sense.] 】

[Fate appeared tributary and guided Otto in the right direction. 】

[The last turn of the gears of destiny is coming.] 】

[Next Act - Divine Revelation.] 】

【Stay tuned.】 】

St. Freya, Office of the Dean.

Teresa looked at Otto's back in the picture a little sluggishly, mixed with thick anger in her heart.

Teresa: "Grandpa, he's still the same as then!" "

"If you can't solve the problem by yourself, you will leave it to the Collapse Fission Bomb to solve!"

"It was like this during the second collapse, but I didn't expect it to be like this during the first collapse.........."

"Moreover, the Walter he wants to kill is still a lawyer who fights for mankind, or a good person!"

"Just because I can't control it, I have to take the lives of tens of millions of people to be buried with him!"

"Grandpa, how can he be like this!"

Saying that, Teresa angrily took out her mobile phone and dialed Otto's number, ready to ask Otto why harshly.

Why can he magnify things to this point for his own little selfish desire!

However, Teresa found that the phone could not be reached.

Otto directly shut down!

Himeko: "There's no way. "

"It is indeed inappropriate for Lord Bishop to do this, and he will inevitably be greeted by various people."

"Speaking of which, Bishop Otto is a little more fierce than I thought."

"I wasn't honest with people in the bathroom the day before, why did I come directly to silence my mouth today..."

"This man's behavior is completely unpredictable."

Teresa: "Hmph, it turns out that this is the true character of grandpa." "

"Fifteen years ago he told me that launching a fission bomb into Siberia was not his real idea."

"He said that at that time, the collapse spread, and it was Cecilia who asked Destiny to launch missiles to deal with the crisis."

"But after seeing the picture on the light screen, I don't think things will be so simple."

"Grandpa he... Something must be hiding from me. "

Himeko was a little surprised:

"Are you saying that the truth of the second collapse may not be what we know?"

Teresa nodded.

She didn't dare to guarantee that she understood Otto completely, but she grew up next to Otto, and after all, she understood Otto, the bishop of Destiny better, than others.

He knew that his grandfather's wisdom was far beyond human reach, and he also hid a lot of past events.

Most of them are bad things he has done himself.

For example, human experiments five hundred years ago, such as the truth of the first collapse.

Teresa knew that when it came to Otto, she couldn't avoid the second collapse.

At this moment, she was very glad that the light curtain appeared.

This will allow her to intuitively see what Otto did at that time and determine the true cause of Cecilia's death.

Ziegfried was silent about this matter, he must have been threatened by Otto!

Teresa secretly steadfastened her faith.

She must break the thinking cocoon created by her grandfather and see the truth!

Mandate of Heaven Headquarters, Overseer War Hall.

Looking at Otto, who had failed and left, he sighed with a slight regret.

He turned off his phone and tossed it aside.

Otto: "Although I just showed no concern for you, I really regret what happened to Walter. "

Lauderdale: "It's a pity that you didn't kill them all?" "

Otto: "Not only that, but also a pity that a generation of Walter died like this." "

"The Man of Reason, if he can let go of his fear, the world will probably be a better place than it is now on my side."

"At that time, I could have gone to him a few more times and tried to fight for it a few more times."

"But no way, that Finn wants to leak secrets, is it okay to live well..."

Rita: "Lord Bishop, ordinary people who have no training do something like that, and most of them will say it. "

"Instead of burying it in the bottom of your heart and accepting torture all the time, it is better to come 4.8 more painfully and spit it out."

"I guess the archaeologist thought the same way."

Otto smiled slightly:

"Probably, hehe, this kind of person who can't hold things around is the least valuable."

"However, this time it has given me a lot of gains."

"For example, since then, I won't give my soul steel body any other identity."

"Leanna's betrayal did teach me a lesson."

"So two, you don't have to worry about what I will do to you, after all, I already have a soul steel body like Leanna."

"In addition, through this battle, I found the misunderstanding of my previous plan."

"I only set my sights on the lawyers, without thinking about what the lawyer represents and the principle of their power."

"Instead of waiting for the Law of Death to come, I should take some more radical measures."

"I want to communicate with the gods myself."

Lauderdale: "So, you really met the God of Collapse?" "

Otto nodded:

"The things of the Law of Reason tell me that there is a broken will."

"But His very existence itself is so secret that only His apostles, the Lawyers, can communicate with it."

"So, my tactics against the Second Law have changed a little."

"Oh, now it seems that it is indeed the third turning point of my fate."

Rita was a little puzzled.

She knew what Otto was talking about, but she didn't know how to achieve it.

Could it be said that Otto was going to turn himself into a lawyer, but how could this be done?

But according to Otto's statement, the bishop did see the "broken will", which turned into a third turn of fate.

"Divine revelation..."

Rita silently recited this word, and suddenly felt a faint fear...

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