Genshin World.

Liyue, three bowls do not reach Hong Kong.

Dadalia looked at the temporarily ended video and applauded.

"Great battle."

"In a world without the eye of God, such a miracle can be created."

"It seems that it is necessary to re-examine the power system of the collapsed world."

Ying looked at the expression of Dadalia's eyes shining, and immediately knew that he was referring to it.

Let's not talk about Dadalia, even she herself was scared.

In this battle, Ying has thoroughly seen the showdown of high-level abilities in the Honkai world.

In the past, I saw the Mandate of Heaven troops cleaning up the Avalanche Beast, and I saw the Red Kite Immortal killing the Avalanche Beast in seconds.

Yingdu feels that this is nothing, which is very reasonable.

In other words, she came to the Honkai world, and her strength was also said to be in the past.

But what Ying didn't know was.

At the first exposure, the Red Kite Immortal and his companions were too strong, and all enemies, including the Lawyers, were mostly second-killing.

When exposing Otto, Otto was not in battle most of the time, which made them have some preconceptions that the level of strength of the Honkai World was comparable to Tivat.

Until today, she saw the black hole, saw the unpredictable soul steel body, and saw the true use of the key of God.

Suddenly, Ying's whole person was not good.

Ying sighed:

"No need to revisit, Dadalia..."

"The power system of the Collapsed World far exceeds that of the continent of Tivat."

"When I came here, I had the experience of traveling through the starry sky with my brother."

"So I know exactly what the appearance of a black hole means... It's horrible..."

Zhong Li also fell into a rare deep thought:

"Black holes... Frankly, I've only heard about it..."

"Traveler, what exactly is that."

Ying looked at the picture and said visibly:

"A black hole is a special celestial body in the universe, which stems from the collapse of stars."

"When the star is destroyed, the inner space and time will be compressed to a singularity, producing a terrifying pulling force."

"Once you are trapped in it, even the light cannot escape."

"When my brother and I were still traveling in the universe, we were afraid to avoid it."

"Because black holes represent the destruction of a planet, powerful enough to destroy everything that approaches."

Zhongli listened to Ying's description and frowned slightly.

It has lived for more than six thousand years, and the concept of the planet is also clear.

Standing on Sky Island 21 overlooking Tivat, you can also faintly see the shape of the sphere.

Therefore, Zhongli knows what kind of concept Ying is described.

It's scary to think about compressing the entire space-time of Tivat into a narrow origin...

At that time, whether it is the seven gods or Tianli, it will be impossible to escape death after all...

Dadalia: "It seems that you have a lot of experience, partner." "

"I don't understand what you're saying, but it should be a scary thing."

Paimon: "It's terrible! "

"That black hole actually appeared on the battlefield of the Collapsed World???"

Zhong Li: "Unbelievable..."

"The collapsed world has the ability to restore the collapse of the stars..."

Ying nodded and said seriously:

"It's the sphere in Walter's hand."

"Although the principle is unknown, that sphere can indeed create a scene of the destruction of stars..."

"It's terrifying that the Honkai World can use black holes in battle."

"But what is even more terrifying is that Otto, who is standing in the center of the black hole, actually has the ability to fight back..."

Dadalia: "Okay, okay, although I don't mind talking to this guy." "

"But hearing such a description, let's wait for me to improve myself again."

Paimon muttered, "Dardalia... You're so brave..."

"I feel that your personality will not live more than a few minutes in front of Otto."

Dadalia smiled:

"How? I don't believe he can kill me in seconds. "

"In the final analysis, this guy Otto may be a little more defensive, and in terms of combat skills, I think he is average."

"This person is overly dependent on weapons."

Ying said with some amusement: "He hit someone with your personality..."

"I know that in the face of the enemy, Otto can directly become my appearance and stab you in the back."

"That black gun, once it is poked, it can't be saved directly."

Dadalia: "It seems to be such a truth..."

Meru, Jozen Palace.

Nasida sat on the swing, her expression always a little solemn.

Nasida: "I just read Otto's Heart. "

"In the second when the black hole appeared, Otto's mental activity reached its peak."

"Like locking fire slimes and mushrooms in a room, Otto has mild split personality."

Skirmishers: "Not to mention how he came up with so many things in a second, I don't see a split personality." "

"For nearly five hundred years, from 1491 to 1955, all of Otto's actions were very much in line with his obsession."

"Split personality? Where is the split? "

Nassida: "In the central region of the black hole, the flow of time seems to be extremely slow. "

"In that space, Karen appeared in Otto's mind and was still communicating with him."

"But that Kalien, psychologically speaking, actually represents the goodness in Otto's heart..."

Skirmishers: "Huh? Is he still kind? "

"I thought this guy's humanity had long been swallowed up by darkness."

"What do you say, what did they talk about?"

Nasida sighed:

"Karen reprimanded Otto, calling him an unrequited pervert and calling him a madman."

"Karen thinks he's bad and asks how many people he has to get involved."

And Otto retorted one by one, saying that Karen didn't understand anything.

"He wants a way to the dark, and there is no way to turn back..."

"In the end, it was Otto's good heart that he couldn't stand his actions, but he couldn't dominate Otto's actions."

"Because Otto is right... He himself, he can't stop himself..."

The skirmishers burst out laughing.

Nasida: "What's wrong, Ahat?" "

Skirmishers: "I thought that Otto was a man of great psychological quality, who would have thought that he also questioned his actions." "

"Sometimes, you who can read minds are always more accurate than I am by guessing."

"I thought Otto was crazy and couldn't tell what to do and what not to do."

"But now it seems that he knows that he did the right thing and did not do the right thing."

"I know it's an evil thing, but I still do it, he... This kind of person is the most hateful..."

Nassida: "Indeed..."

"Mentally speaking, Otto may have been suffering from a serious illness..."

"It makes him more paranoid and cruel, but correspondingly, there must be a soft side in his heart..."

"At least I'm sure that Otto's communication with Walter in the hot springs is sincere."

"This person really knows a lot..."

Skirmishers: "Maybe, anyway, I'm very interested in this guy Otto now." "

"I read the subtitles and said that he seemed to be going to fool the gods."

"It's interesting, I'd like to see that he fooled the god."

Saying that, the corners of the skirmisher's mouth turned up faintly.

What he was looking forward to was the appearance of the "gods" of the Honkai world.

The skirmishers who once ascended to the throne knew what kind of life form the so-called "god" was.

How are the gods of the Collapsed World different from the seven gods of the continent of Tivat.

Skirmishers are looking forward to it ...

Collapse the world, the promised land of the past.

Phyllis's eyes widened, as if she hadn't come to her senses.

After a few seconds, she said with some surprise:

"I'm not mistaken..."

"Otto, he seems to have shattered the Star of Eden!"

"Wow! Isn't that the weapon that Sister Eden once used, how could it end up like this! "

Eden: "All right, Phyllis. "

"Soul steel can repair itself, as long as it doesn't hurt the core, it's no big problem." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Vilvie: "But anyway, this guy Otto is really outrageous." "

"As a special armor against Honkai, the Key of God should be a precious thing in the next civilization."

"It feels like Otto shattered the Star of Eden, as if there was no hesitation at all..."

Kevin: "He just did the most correct reaction. "

"When the God Key is running at full strength, the defense is the weakest."

"To stop the quasi-black hole, Otto has to find a way to destroy the Star of Eden, and this is the opportunity."

Sue: "Indeed..."

Alicia: "Otto, it was an eye-opener. "

"It turns out that the First God Key is so interesting! Really, why didn't such a good thing come out earlier. "

"Weapons with infinite possibilities are the most suitable for the beautiful girl's heart!"

Mebius: "Have you forgotten that the Void is the last divine key of the former civilization." "

"Oh, blame me, I forgot too."

"Alicia, you seem to have left before that..."

Thousand Calamities: "Mebius... Don't say any more..."

Sakura: "Anyway, Otto is already very skilled in applying the Void Manzo. "

"To a certain extent, this is the way the Law of Reason fights."

"Simulating all the God's Keys for battle, although the individual effect is not good, but the victory is in the full."

"Otto's strength is really not to be underestimated..."

Kosmo: "The Void... Handsome..."

"But it's pitiful enough... After so many years, he was actually imprisoned by Otto..."

Aponia: "I'm a little curious..."

"What exactly is the "divine revelation" mentioned in the subtitle..."

"Above the collapse, is there really a "god"..."

Grace: "No, Mother Aponia. "

"Sister Alicia has erased the silk thread, and no one will plan our destiny anymore..."

Mebius: "The gods..."

"They are just another kind of creature, and with genetically modified species, humans may also reach that level."

"But since it is a god, why didn't Dr. Mei observe it..."

"Oh? It wouldn't be....."

Mebius's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had thought of something very interesting.

Vilvie: "No, that's interesting..."

Kevin: "Final Associate 0017..."

Sakura: "You guys... What are you talking about? "

Before Sakura's words fell, the light curtain began to change.

Otto's last turn of the gears of fate kicked off.

The video played again, and it was still the Mandate of Heaven's War Hall.

The bishop's position was empty, only the sound of electricity constantly echoing.

Above the large screen in the center of the Overseer Hall, a barren snowfield is displayed.

It was a snow-covered land, a tall tower standing on top of the sky, the top of which shone red.

In the lower right corner of the light curtain, the red text is intermittent.

February 3, 2000 AD.

The second Avalanche broke out, and the Snow Wolf Squad had arrived on the battlefield.

Under the tower, there is another shocking scene.

The picture stretches, enters the screen, and a figure appears in the center of the picture.

The man was a strong man and dressed in a white dress.

Wearing a clown mask and a white top hat, he is marching against the wind and snow.

At this moment, the barrage gradually broke out.

[Fu Hua: It's the Siberian snowfield. 】

[Teresa: Sure enough, it's the second collapse! ] 】

[Himeko: The turning point in Bishop Otto's fate was actually in the second collapse? 】

[Kevin: It's only fifty years, did the second collapse appear...]

[Alicia: Will the lawyer have self-awareness this time? 】

[Otto: Yes, self-awareness is very strong, so it seems very naïve. 】

[Walnut: The man in white, is it Otto? 】

[Nasida: Yes, his heart has told me. 917 [Dortore: Clown Alpha, hehe, sure enough. 】

[Paimon: Huh?! There is also Otto in the second collapse, so isn't the second law dangerous! 】

[Kosmo: Is there a possibility... Is that a good thing? 】

[Walter: Wait, this seems to be.....]

As Walter's barrage drifted by, Otto stopped.

He walked up a hillside and quietly watched the two figures in the sky ahead.


The explosions began one after another, and the audience noticed that the sky changed color at this moment.

Huge explosions continued to sound, and a dragon fell from the air.

The sky was enveloped by red currents, and the gravity of the entire area seemed to be greatly amplified, making it slightly difficult for Otto to walk.

"Well, it's good here."

Otto didn't seem to be affected, and he pressed the brim to secure the hat on top of his head.

Immediately, he watched the battle in the air with interest.

"It's good to catch up."

"Let me see how much the strength of the Second Law has grown..."

The picture stretches, and the battle screen in front of Otto is presented on the light curtain.

It was a battle between two humanoid creatures.

One was a girl with purple-pink hair, who looked young and her golden eyes were full of disbelief.

The other was wearing a trench coat with blood at the corners of his mouth, and he opened his arms, and a large number of warships and missiles appeared behind him.

These things seemed to be born out of thin air, wrapped in a crimson halo, and shot in unison towards the girl.

The man's eyes were resolute and shining with a crimson sheen:

"I, Walter, declare war on you on behalf of humanity!"

"Gods, test whether human beings are qualified to survive!"

"All troops, fire!"

The girl retreated in horror and hurriedly summoned the barrier.

Explosions continued to occur, causing the barrier built by the girl to violently shake and create a spiderweb-like crack.

Seeing it doesn't last long.


"You traitor to the gods! To do this for that group of ants! "

"You are still the first lawyer!"

The voices of the two were drowned in the wave of explosions, and the figures were also drowned in the firelight.

The picture turned around and once again gave it to Otto.

His expression could not be seen clearly through the mask, and his disdainful laughter could only be faintly heard in the aftermath of the artillery fire.

Immediately, he braved the aftermath of the artillery and approached the center of the battlefield alone.

Otto knew that it was Walter, the ally of anti-entropy, who fought against the Second Lawyer.

It's just not the Walter he knows.

Walter Joyce had long since died of exhaustion for blocking the Collapsed Fission Bomb.

A fully prepared and experienced Riche against a Void Lawyer who has only been born for two days.

The probability of the latter winning is not high.

This time, Otto saw it as an opportunity.

Anti-entropy has always been a scourge to the destiny of heaven.

Otto decided to take advantage of today's opportunity to come to a wave of praying mantis cicada catchers.

It is not only necessary to give the second law a chance to grow.

He also wants to kill the First Lawyer with his own hands....

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