Otto's idea is indeed correct.

Celine fell into a disadvantage.

A few seconds ago.

Walter was the first to exhaust and was controlled by Celine.

But it was all his plan.

Then a missile parachuted into the air, heading straight for the head of the Sky Lawyer.

That missile was an anti-entropy nuclear weapon called the Silver Bullet.

The explosion was small in scale, but extremely damaging.

This is a special weapon developed by anti-entropy against lawyers.

Then, a massive explosion occurred.

Celine couldn't cope and fell to the ground.

And Walter holds the Star of Eden and creates a black hole to involve the Law of Emptiness.

The second collapse seems to be a perfect end.

Then Otto got his hands on it.

He uses the Void Manzo to simulate Yudu Dust, interfering with Walter's judgment of his surroundings.

Immediately, a punch hit him in the abdomen.

Walter, who was already exhausted, suddenly spat out blood and looked at the tuxedo clown behind him in disbelief.

And with Otto's punch again, Walter's Star of Eden was also difficult to maintain.

This is a soul steel body that has undergone many enhancements, and its combat power is even far beyond that of Leanna forty-five years ago.

The black hole disappeared, and the Void Law was rescued by the Broken Beast and disappeared in front of Otto's eyes.

The second collapse, Ohua put a perfect question mark.

Walter was stunned.

What is this doing.

Who is this man?

And Otto was very polite.

He stepped on Walter's wrist and crushed the mimic Star of Eden, abolishing all of Walter's attacks.

Otto tells Walter that he needs the power of the Void Lawyer.

You can't kill her, she needs to grow.

And you don't need to grow anymore.

So, you just go and die.

Saying that, Otto pulled out his saber at the waist and stabbed Walter in the neck.

At this moment, the barrage was directly stunned.

[Navillette: Legally, Otto's actions deserve to be charged. 】

[Kevin: I actually chose to attack Walter at this time... Is Otto crazy...]

[Teresa: This is a joke with everyone's life! 】

[Zhongli: It seems that he wants to dispose of the anti-entropy alliance master here..."

[Dotore: Cruel guy, very good. 】

[Tesla: You ****, if it weren't for you stirring up the situation here, the problem of Siberia's anti-entropy would have been solved! ] 】

Einstein: No more people will be displaced, Mr. Bishop, you should really reflect on what you did fifteen years ago. 】

[Otto: Okay, well, reflecting. 】

[Lauderdale: No sincerity...]

[Kiana: Wait, I seem to see a stinky dad! ] 】

Kiana's barrage floated by, and the video was still playing.

However, there is an extra white-haired man on the screen.

The man protected Walter behind him and pointed at Otto with the Heavenly Fire Sacred Tailor.

Exactly Siegfried.

Otto was a little reluctant, and he tried to get Ziggy to fly back.

But the effect is not great.

Although he took Zigfried's gun and shot him through the lower abdomen.

But the man still did not fall, but shouted that he would die with him.

This behavior of not cherishing life provoked Walter to scold.

Otto is also stupid.

He tried to reason with Siegfried.

The first law is the enemy of humanity, and I am doing justice.

You can't beat me, and I don't want to be an enemy with you, so it's okay if you just leave directly.

Ziggy stumbled to his feet from the ground and said yes.

He also said that he probably couldn't beat Otto.

Fight Otto and you will probably die.

Otto looked at Siegfried and nodded in satisfaction.

Although this kid is reckless, he is still reasonable.

Otto was in a good mood thinking about Ziggy flying back.

The next second, he was punched in the face by Zigfei.

This time, Otto's mask was almost broken in half.

Otto hurriedly covered his face and asked Siegfried what he wanted to do.

Siegfried said he wanted to die together.

At this moment, Otto was completely stupid.

Is Kaslana like this, saying that giving her life is giving her life.

Sure, Siegfried is a pure-blood Kaslanna.

Thinking that the plan after that can be used by Zigfei, I can't kill it now.

The thought of your mask being shattered may be recognized.

Otto had to bend down and salute and praised Siegfried.

"I admire Your Excellency's courage (why are you so reckless!). )。 "

"For your sake, let go of the First Law First First (if it weren't for your use, you would be lying on the ground by now!). )。 "

Despite saying this, Otto felt sorry in his heart.

Anyway, Siegfried is also the current patriarch of the Kaslana family, and it is still useful to keep him.

Immediately, Otto left.

He is halfway there.

For Otto, the Law of Emptiness is not yet dead.

Whether it is the use of the power of the lawyer or the communication with the God of Collapse.

Whoever is the law of emptiness cannot die.

At the end of the day, Otto didn't want to eliminate her, but to make the most of her.

In this way, Otto let the tiger return to the mountain.

The screen turns.

The Law of Void came to the moon and directly saw the Broken Will.

She was very angry with Otto and directly obtained the four cores given by the Broken Will.

It's all the core of a true lawyer!

This corresponds to the four powers of the lawyer.

Storm of Longing (The Fourth Lawyer, the Lawyer of the Wind)

The Flame of Disease (The Seventh Law of Inflammation)

Conquered Thunder and Lightning (Third Lawyer Thunder Lawyer)

Silent Death (The Sixth Law, the Law of Death)

The Void Law who received the reward of Broken Will directly expanded.

Although she didn't know how it was in the sky, she felt that she was indeed invincible in the world.

So, out of courtesy.

She lifted the soil of the moon and rewarded four meteorites directly at the earth.

The picture turned, and Otto was leisurely drinking a small wine in the War Hall.

It didn't take long for him to receive a tip.

At this moment, human beings have suffered heavy casualties.

Otto knew that the growth of the Law of Emptiness was complete.

It's time to close the net.

He ignored the anti-entropy alliance master who took Ziggy to the moon.

Directly issue a combat speech, mobilize the Valkyrie troops of the Mandate of Heaven, and prepare to give rules to the Law of the Sky.

Just at this time, Fu Hua returned.

Otto felt even more like he could do it.

The Red Kite Immortals help, what can't be done.

Under such a swollen psychological effect, Otto took Fuhua and went directly to the vicinity of the Tower of Babylon.

The picture turns and comes to the Tower of Babylon.

Celine has returned from studying on the moon.

The six legal cores in the body have a rather arrogant attitude.

As for why six.

Five days ago, a takeaway named Walter voluntarily went to the moon and made a snack for the Empty Lawyer.

As for Siegfried.

He kept clamoring to die together, but the situation was broken, and he finally defeated himself.

With the information collected by the moon, he returned safely to Earth.

Seeing that the Law of Void was so arrogant, Otto decided to teach her a lesson.

With a wave of Otto's big hand, Fu Hua stood up.

She took the Xuanyuan sword in her apprentice's hand and rushed directly towards Xilin.

Immediately, a set of operations flowed.

Celine, who was in a state of expansion, did not take Fu Hua seriously at all.

But she didn't know that Fu Hua's strength was not like those previous opponents.

Fu Hua is a fusion warrior of the former civilization and a true person of the Red Kite True Person, the guardian god of the prefecture Ren Nian.

Fu Hua knows the information about the abilities of all lawyers, as well as the ways to deal with them.

Celine had to deal with Fu Hua with an inflated posture.

So, she paid the price.

The immortal instantly blasted out thousands of punches, and Cyrene found that her shield could not be blocked at all.

She's all stupid.

If this shield is not mistaken, it almost consumed Walter's artificial army.

But now, the human being in front of him has been casually resolved!

Before she could be surprised, Fu Hua's punch had already slammed in.

At this moment, Celine, who was high above, was punched down the Tower of Babylon.

Fell to the ground, embarrassed.

Looking at Fu Hua's figure holding a sword and falling from the air.

Celine suddenly felt fear, extreme fear.

She hurriedly used the powers of the Law of Death, but could not do any harm to Fu Hua.

The Carolus physique is no joke.

She also switched the power of the Wind Lawyer to create the Wind Blade.

Unfortunately, Celine herself is a master of body strokes.

At this time, Fu Hua was getting closer and closer, and she could only use one power.

Celine panicked and directly used the power of the Law of Flame.

A pillar of fire rose up and went straight to Fu Hua.

This is what she thinks, the most damaging blow. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

She had high hopes for this fire, believing it to be her own flame of hope.

However, the reality is sad.

This is not her spark of hope.

It is her flower of hope.

Otto looked at all this and secretly complained in his heart.

What power is not good, but chose the power of the law of inflammation.

Isn't this unveiling the old bottom of the immortals, dancing on the minefield of Fuhua.

Sure enough, seeing this fire, Fu Hua's mind appeared as a humble figure.

Here it goes.

Fu Hua became more serious.

She raised her sword and instantly pierced the pillar of fire, sending Ruoshui into Celine's chest.

Well, the invincible, extremely expansive law of emptiness.

In Fu Hua's hands, he successfully lasted for more than five seconds.

Gratifying, congratulatory.

This time, the same sentiment was in the barrage.

[Cosmon: God, Hua seems to have become a lot stronger in the past few thousand years of civilization, but don't I remember that she lost these powers, it's not like losing power, something is wrong, where does Hua's strength come from, can my pyroxynu still fight..."

【Alicia: Ko~S~~Demon~~~】

[Kosmo: Handsome! 】

[Kevin: Coo1! 】

[Thousand Calamities: Well played! ] That's just decent! 】

[Dadalia: Beautiful! ] The immortals moved their hands and acted so fiercely! It's the art of fighting! 】

[Furninga: You have to be a lawyer! It is to resist beating, if you beat someone else like this, how many years will you have to be sentenced! 】

[Linny: What a miracle... It's like magic! 】

[Youlauderdale: Fuhua seniors really still hide their strength! ] It's great that she didn't completely lose her power! 】

[Fu Hua: I am sorry to interrupt you. 】

[Fu Hua: Here, there is an illusion component of the Eighth God's Key, you don't have to take it too seriously..."

[Nasida: Illusion...]

[Kiana: Squad leader, you are humble again! ] 】

St. Freya, College Quarters.

Kiana shook Fu Hua's arm and looked quite excited:

"Squad leader, let's show off, what's the matter!"

"Look, how handsome you are in the picture, I don't know, I thought it was you who exposed the light curtain this time!"

"Squad leader, can you teach me two tricks when you have time!"

Fu Hua: "Classmate Kiana, I'm really not as powerful as you think..."

Bud Yi: "The squad leader is being modest again." "

"With your skill, the headquarters S-class Valkyrie does not recognize you without you!"

Fu Hua: "It's really not me..."

Bronia: "Bronia believes that Bishop Otto has lost his discernment and has a way to die. "

"Squad leader, let's go to anti-entropy together!"

Fu Hua: "I have to think about it..."

Kiana: "Squad leader, are all your martial arts in Shenzhou?" "

"Oh my God, it feels so good!"

Fu Hua nodded: "It's too void sword qi." "

"That time against the Law of Voidness, I used some means to raise myself to the Tai Void realm."

Too Void Sword Qi?!

Bud Yi suddenly realized that something was wrong:

"Squad leader, I remember, didn't you lose your divine voice five hundred years ago?"

"Sword Heart is broken, but why can you still use these abilities now??"

"Could it be that you have secretly restored your divine voice?!"

Fu Hua shook his head with a smile:

"Think too much, Nha Yi."

"If I really secretly regained my divine voice, then I would probably have thrown Saint Freya up uncontrollably."

"What is presented in the picture is just the illusion I performed to cooperate with Otto's plan."

"Let's put it this way, the Divine Yin is basically equivalent to cultivating a false lawyer core in the body."

"The key of God is essentially the core of the lawyer."

"I have every means to replace my broken sword heart with the lawyer core in Yudu Dust."

"At the cost of burning memories, return to its heyday in a short time."

Saying that, Fu Hua smiled helplessly.

"It's just like what is shown in the picture, but it's more inclined to real illusions, after all, memories are precious."

"Once the memory burns, I may never recall the three of you, and I will not recall the head of the academy and Himeko-sensei."

"That all-out shot, in fact, was only because it was to cooperate with Otto's plan."

Kiana: "The squad leader is always talking about Bishop Otto's plans. "

"To be honest, Otto dared to shoot and injure the smelly father, so Miss Ben also wanted to beat him."

"Let go of the Second Law and come to the battlefield in person, what exactly does Otto want to do?"

Fu Hua looked at the picture, and there was a little thought in his eyes.

Fu Hua: "He was then. "

"I want to talk to the gods of Honkai."

"It takes me to create illusions and build a bridge between them... (Qian Zhao's)."

The video continues to play.

In the picture, the battle is over.

Celine knelt on the ground with a dull face, and Fu Hua won the final victory.

In front of Fu Hua, the six-core void lawyer finally fell into the illusion realm, and it was difficult to break free.

It can be said that the current Celine is already in a state of slaughter.

But Fu Hua didn't make a move.

Because, this is part of Otto's plan.

Footsteps sounded, and Otto trotted here.

He looked at the red-haired Fu Hua and bowed his head slightly.

Otto: "Thank you, my old friend. "

Fu Hua: "I have already controlled the second lawyer, I can't hold out for too long." "

"Otto, hurry up and do what you have to do, and then we will kill her together."

Otto extended his hand to Celine's head, and golden feathers appeared.

Yuduchen's ability connected Otto's consciousness into Celine's mind.

He walked through Celine's memories one after another, and he saw all the sufferings Celine had suffered in the Laboratory of Destiny.

But he didn't care.

Finally, Otto found the memory he needed.

It was Celine's memory with her mother.

Before becoming a lawyer, before being thrown into the Tower of Babylon as an experimental subject.

Celine was also a happy child, but Avalanche took her mother.

And her longing for her mother is exactly where Otto intends to take advantage.

"It's this memory."

Otto smiled slightly, manipulated Yuduchen to create illusions, and arranged the space here as the interior of the Tower of Babylon.

And Otto himself transformed himself into the appearance of Celine's broken beast dependent, Bella.

Otto knew that this time Celine returned to Earth and mastered the power of the Law of Death.

For Otto, this was nothing less than an unexpected surprise.

He wants to trick Celine into trying to resurrect her mother here to see if the Law of the Dead can bring people back to life.

If not.

Then directly use Celine, the lawyer, as a bridge.

Go and meet the "god" above the collapse.

He didn't feel fear, he wanted to do it for a long time....

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