Sometimes, love is all about going through tribulation.

Especially to pursue a girl like Mei, who is extremely slow in this regard.

Kevin's road ahead is long.

For today's basketball, Kevin has been preparing for a long time.

His pursuit has always been fierce.

Unfortunately, no matter what means Prince Kevin used for three months, May could always ignore him perfectly.

More than Kevin, May seems to want to live with books for the rest of her life.

Looking at the back of Mei holding the book and leaving, Kevin smiled helplessly.

To have such a situation today, Kevin is already very satisfied.

By the end of the game, it was almost nightfall.

The setting sun shines through the classroom window and falls into the empty classroom.

In the back row by the window, Mei was holding the thick book and taking notes.

She is working on a quantum mechanics study.

Three months ago, May published a paper on quantum mechanics in an academic journal, which is said to be highly regarded.

In the following period, she was invited to attend the academic seminar in Mu Continent, so she did not have much time.

What Kevin didn't know was that compared to when he first entered school, Mei was not so repulsive to him now.

As the days passed, Kevin was also trying to get into May's heart.

There were footsteps in the hallway, and the classroom door was gently pushed open by Kevin.

He knew early on that Mei would be here, and he came over immediately after the game.

The afterglow of the setting sun spilled on Kevin's gray hair, and the sweat droplets were like crystal pearls.

He looked at the girl who was reading hard in the sun, and laughed:

"Mei, I knew you were here!"

"How about it, my performance in the gym is not handsome!"

Mei: "..."

"Do you want to listen to the truth?"

Kevin: "Speak quickly, speak quickly!" "

Mei put down the book and said with a smile:

"Average, just more active than the rest of the team."

"I can see that you have a good popularity."

"Whether it's your opponents or your teammates, they're giving you as much opportunity as possible to perform."

"Why? Because I'm there? "

Kevin said in surprise: "You can see this?!" "

Mei held up her glasses:

"Reading you is much easier than reading quantum mechanics."

"So, I lost interest in the game when I saw it halfway."

Kevin: "Hahahaha... Look at you, you're a little embarrassed for me..."

"Hehe, it's a pity that my brothers' acting skills are so good, but they are still seen through by you."

"Alas, if only Su were here, he must have a way to make our performance more natural!"

Mei: "Sue? "

Kevin: "yes, haha, that's my best buddy!" Although he has some literary crepe, his target is the sea of stars. "

"It's a pity that I transferred schools and haven't seen Su for a long time..."

Mei: "The sea of stars..."

Saying that, Mei's gaze passed through the window and looked into the distant sky.

The sun has not yet set, and several floating clouds float above, a quiet and peaceful scene...

Mei: "Kevin, let's go to the rooftop and talk." "

Kevin: "Why?" "

Mei smiled: "Because, my goal is also the sea of stars." "

At this moment, there is a barrage rolling above the light curtain,

[Mebius: Hehe, it's really Mei's little henchman, who actually had this tendency in high school. 】

[Raiden Bud Suit: Hmm... It is completely incomparable to that Kevin on the screen... Is this really a person? 】

[Fu Hua: Before I joined the Fire Moth, I was also an ordinary person. Kevin like this... It's normal...]

[Alicia: Hey, hey, hey! This is the prince of the Senba Academy! 】


[Kevin: Although I expected it... But this light curtain will really play my picture at that time..."

[Yae Miko: Oh? It seems that Kevin will change a lot in the future. 】

[Pardophyllis: It's not just big, it's not alone! ] Can't do it, the more such a Kevin boss looks at it, the more interesting it is! 】

[Grace: Sister Phyllis stop laughing...]

[Cosmoz: Kevin's state is not quite right, is he shy, wait, is he still shy of this emotion... But this can't be helped, after all, he has such a past, which is simply contrary to his current mental state, should I go to comfort him, should I go]

【Kiana: Ko~S~~Demon~~~】

[Cosmoz: ......]

[Cosmoz: It's okay... Also, have you even learned this trick....]

[Ying: Hmm... Something strange.... Kevin seems to be an ordinary student... How did it finally become the state on the video...]

[Paimon: It's a little strange...]

At the moment, the audience in the live broadcast room only has two emotions: curiosity and puzzlement.

Kevin's look like this, it's a little strange....

This is completely inconsistent with the cold as ice image in the picture, but like a sunny and cheerful pure love big boy.

What happened to make him what he is now...

As Paimon's barrage drifts by, the scene has switched.

On the benches on the roof of the teaching building, the afterglow of the setting sun has gradually converged.

Kevin and May sat side by side, looking up at the sky.

The night drenched the sky, and a few stars shimmered with a little light.

Mei looked at the stars in the sky, with a hint of subtle emotion in her tone:

"I remember it well..."

"That night, I happened to go to the window and look up at the starry sky like I do now."

"I suddenly had a wonderful feeling – as if I wasn't looking up at the stars, but the stars were looking down on me."

"Under the vast galaxy, I am so small, and human beings are so small. Everything around became insignificant in that instant. "

"At that time, I immediately had an idea-"

"I believe that every star in the sky is our enemy."

Kevin is a little puzzled by the unfolding of this topic:

“...... Every star is an enemy? "

Mei: "That's right. "

"In the physics textbook, there is a picture of the Earth taken by a space probe from sixty kilometers away."

Kevin: "Ah, I remember! There was nothing in the picture, and I searched for a long time before I saw a small blue dot. "

Mei: "That's Earth. The planet that we were born and raised, the planet that has existed for 4.6 billion years, is just a small point of light in the grand universe. "

"Thousands of years of human history, billions of lives, countless knowledge and culture, are not worth mentioning from the scale of the universe."

"I often wonder, how much can a person mean to such a vast universe?"

Kevin turned his face sideways and looked at Mei's serious expression.

Immediately, he laughed:


Mei was a little puzzled, with a little reproach in her tone:

"What are you laughing at?"

"You think I'm worrying and naïve?"

Kevin hurriedly shook his head: "No, no, I just feel very novel." "

"In the past, I dated other girls and talked about the starry sky, and the next thing I would talk about was constellations, blood types and so on."

"It's the first time I've seen a girl who talks about the universe and humanity from the starry sky, and it's worthy of you."

May was silent, looking at Kevin with faint eyes.

She was quite a rational person, and she didn't even understand what Kevin meant at the moment.

Seeing this, Kevin explained with a smile:

"I mean... You are unique and different. "

"Please go on. The topic just now is quite interesting, and I still want to hear it. "

Mei: "I'm done, you haven't answered my question yet. "

Kevin: "Oh, yes. Well...... I want to think. "

"Like you said, the universe is big, and the earth is too small."

"Probably... For this starry sky, we... And everything we care about is meaningless. "

Mei: "Exactly. "

Kevin sighed: "What a heavy conclusion. "

Mei: "But despite this, I, you, and everyone in the world are living meaningfully. "

"We live, we exist, we make every choice in life, we grasp every moment of the moment."

"Human beings have no meaning, but we give us meaning."

Kevin watched the sun gradually set and listened carefully to May's words.

Although he didn't understand it, he still found it interesting.

Kevin: "Now, you're a philosopher again. "

Mei smiled indifferently:

"On the question of the nature of the universe, science and philosophy have something in common."

Saying that, Mei also finally realized the problem.

She looked at Kevin curiously and asked suspiciously:

"You don't seem like someone who would be interested in this topic at all, but what I say, you hear all the time."

"Do you really find this conversation valuable? I hope you can tell me honestly. "

Kevin smiled: "... You ask me if it's valuable, and I can't answer. "

"Because of these things you say, I estimate that I can only understand half of them, maybe less than half."

"But ah, the way you seriously say these things really attracts me. So... I want to keep listening. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Mei was a little surprised: "Just because of this reason?" "

Kevin: "Right. "

Mei: "Why?" "

Kevin: "I don't know, rather, I want to know too." "

"I will learn from you and try to think about the answer to this question."

May was silent.

For a long time, she finally laughed out loud from the bottom of her heart.

Kevin: "You're finally smiling!" You look good when you laugh. "

In the face of Kevin's sudden praise, Mei's face suddenly turned a little rosy.

She hurriedly changed the topic:

"This summer, I will go to Mu Continent to attend an academic symposium, and many famous physics professors and scholars will be present."

"I plan to talk to them and discuss my ideas."

"It may sound a little proud, but I want to meet people who can change the world, and I want to be one of them."

"I want to see how far I can go under this starry sky."

Kevin: "Come on, I'm sure one day you'll come true to what you've said today." "

Mei: "What about you?" "

"Kevin-san, do you have any plans for the future?"

Kevin: "No, not at all. "

His answer was crisp and neat, without the slightest hesitation.

Kevin looked at the starry sky, the corners of his mouth upturned.

"I don't have such lofty ideals as you. Changing the world or something, it's too far away for me. "

"I just want to live the life in front of me, cherish every friend, and enjoy every present. Have fun and live freely. "

Mei: "You don't think about the future at all?" "

Kevin shook his head: "Don't want to think about it." The world is so big, there is always a place to welcome me, there is always something waiting for me to do. "

"But if I just look ahead, I will miss the people standing next to me."

"I'm still a high school student after all! Live naïve, be happy, just like me. "

Mei smiled: "What a frivolous person..."

"However, I wish you to fulfill your wishes."

Kevin: "Well, hopefully our wishes will come true. "

"Ah, right! Why don't I go to the Mu Continent with you this summer——"

"You are responsible for your academic discussion, and I am responsible for protecting you!"

May smiled without saying much.

The two raised their heads like this and looked at the starry night sky after the sun set.

The breeze was cool, ruffling Kevin's white hair and brushing the sweat from his forehead from playing ball.

After I don't know how long it took, Mei finally smiled softly.

Mei: "Kevin, I know your heart. "

"I want to... You must be able to endure all kinds of troubles around me..."

Kevin heard Mei's words and immediately sobered up.

He almost jumped up with joy, and then patted his chest and assured:

"Of course you can!"

"Mei, may I understand that you agreed to my request?"

Mei smiled: "If you just go to Mu Continent with me, it's no problem." "

Kevin: "Hahaha, Mei, it's not frank." "

"But, hehe, I see."

"Don't worry, although I have some... Belch... Frivolous, but, Kevin will definitely take responsibility! "

May smiled and said no more.


Kevin couldn't sleep with excitement, took out his phone from under his pillow, edited a message and sent it.

But it wasn't Mei who sent the message.

Rather, Sue.

February 23, 00:05

Kevin: Sue! Good news, I got her in my hand!

Sue: Huh?

Sue: It's okay to cheat your brother, don't fool yourself.

Kevin: Really, Sue, you still can't trust me.

Kevin: Although she hasn't made her position clear, I don't think that day is far off!

Sue: You're quite optimistic.

Sue: So, congratulations?

Sue: You can take her to a concert in Eden to enhance your relationship, and the success rate will be higher.

Kevin: Good idea, then trouble you to buy tickets for both of us!


Sue: Are you talking about people?

Kevin: So, let's go with the three of us?

Sue: I don't want it, I don't use light bulbs.

Kevin: Hehe, then don't take her, let's go together!

Sue: You're wrong...

The screen froze and paused on Kevin's phone screen.

Immediately, subtitles sprang out above it.

[Kevin Kaslanna's first major turning point in fate is here. 】

[There are no fierce battles, and there is no bitter plot. 】

[It seems very plain and very routine. 】

[But, where we can't see, the gears of fate are turning violently. 】

[Once Kevin's romantic relationship with May is confirmed, his fate will be rewritten. 】

[As Mei said, it would be quite troublesome to be with her. 】

[This is not an empty phrase, it will turn into an established fact and befall the future in a few months. 】

[At that time, Kevin will be able to glimpse the truth hidden by the high-level through this relationship with May. ] 】

[Those were fourteen natural disasters that ravaged the world, and those were fourteen examinations for civilization. 】

[By Dr. May.] 】

The door to a new world is about to open for him. 】

[The human Chimera is about to be born in the world. 】

The subtitles disappear and the light curtain is loading the next video.

And above that, the barrage rolls.

[Kiana: Am I mistaken... This seems to be a youth love drama... Bud Yi, this is also amazing! 】

[Wendy: Hey, I know, Mei's goal is the sea of stars, but Kevin has no goal at all, such a contrast may be the source of the spark between the two of them! ] 】

[Paimon: Singing, you understand again! ] 】

[Kevin: Is that so... I thought it was the result of my efforts...】

[Alicia: Isn't it? Any spark is inseparable from the efforts of both sides. 】

[Fu Hua: I really didn't expect it... Kevin even has such a past...]

[Otto: It seems that this one is similar to me. It's all because a woman broke into her life and was changed by her fate. Several].

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