St. Freya, student dormitory.

All four people present fell silent for different reasons.

The content of this video is really a bit targeted for them.

Especially Kiana.

Kiana: "Hey! Make no mistake! "

"That Mei, how to look like Bud Yi!"

"It's terrible, if Bud Yi stands with her, I'm afraid I won't be able to tell who is who..."

"Are you sure you don't have twin sisters?"

Bronia: "Stupid Kiana, that's a former civilization!" "

"Mei is already a person from 50,000 years ago, how can she be sisters with Sister Nha Yi..."

"Even if there is really a blood relationship, I am afraid that 50,000 years of time will be diluted."

"This is probably, it's just a coincidence..."

Bud Yi: "Indeed. "

"However, there is such a magical thing above the world..."

"For a moment, I really thought I appeared on the light curtain..."

Kiana: "Actually... Nha Yi, you and Mei are still very differentiated. "

"I was joking just now, Mei and you do look very similar, but she has a scholarly temperament, which is a point that can be distinguished."

Saying that, Kiana smiled.

"Hehe, actually, I can quite understand Kevin."

"Just as I feel overwhelmed when I see Bud Yi, Kevin sees Mei too!"

Fu Hua sighed:

"Honestly, Kiana."

"If Kevin can have half of your enthusiasm for Bud Yi, I'm afraid he won't be able to become a fusion warrior."

Kiana: "Huh? Does it have anything to do with this? "


Fu Hua: "Hehe, if Kevin had been like you every day, yelling about marrying Mei and doing some tricks to Mei, I'm afraid he would have been able to step on the sewing machine with a lewd conviction." "

Bronia: "Indeed, it is impossible to imagine "two, two, three". "

"But... Bronia always felt that Kevin and Kiana were similar in some way. "

"What to say... Worthy of being the ancestor of the bloodline of the stupid Kiana..."

Kiana: "Huh! Don't tarnish people's innocence out of thin air! "

"Isn't Miss Ben just nagging a few times and wants to eat beautiful girly flavor... Target... Instant noodles..."

Kiana said as she spoke, seemingly realizing her somewhat jumpy remarks, and her voice became smaller and smaller...

And Fu Hua smiled and continued:

"Also, don't use common sense to speculate on Kevin."

"He is still an ordinary high school student playing in the light curtain, who has not been exposed to the cruelty of the world, and lives dashingly and freely."

"This time is probably a rare time in Kevin's life."

"After all, after that, he was not as simple as he is now."

It's not as simple as it is now...

Bud Yi speculated on Fu Hua's words, trying to find some information.

At this moment, Nha Yi was actually a little unbelievable in his heart.

The portrait of Kevin presented on the light screen is so cold, but now the Kevin played in the video is completely opposite to the mental state of the portrait.

In this case, either suffering from some mental stimulation.

Or, maybe it's a side effect of some kind of surgery...

Could it be that Kevin also has a divine voice, or something like that?!

Suddenly, Nha Yi felt a faint fear.

Recalling Fu Hua's cold eyes five hundred years ago, she already had some psychological shadows about this kind of thing as Shenyin.

Thinking of this, Bud Yi tentatively asked Fu Hua:

"Kevin became withdrawn... Could it be hypervariant surgery? "

"Chimera and Leviathan... What does it mean..."

Fu Hua listened to Bud Yi's doubts and carefully recalled for a few seconds.

Then, she shook her head:

"Hypersurgery is just one part of Kevin's changes, and it's the most trivial one."

"I was under the impression... Kevin, who underwent hypervariant surgery, is more popular... Especially in summer. "

"That kind of physical change may indeed make Kevin feel lonely, but I don't think that's what caused Kevin to change in the end."

"Compared to this, we have experienced so much despair..."

"As for the Chimera and Leviathan... Sorry, I don't remember exactly. "

"I only have a vague memory of knowing that there was a Chimera plan in the former civilization, which may have been an opportunity for Kevin to become stronger, but whether it led to a change in personality, I can't remember..."

Bud Yi sighed with emotion:

"Is the biotechnology of the former civilization so powerful..."

"Another operation... Chimera again..."

Fu Hua smiled: "Don't worry, Bud Yi, we are the pioneers after all, and we are the pioneers who help you after all." "

"Neither I nor Kevin have the right to make a choice for you until the end comes."

"So, don't worry."

"Besides, you can see Kevin's childish appearance in the video that this person is actually not bad."

"The reason why you feel afraid is that you haven't gotten along with him as a comrade-in-arms."

Kiana: "That's it, Miss Ben also thinks that Kevin is very interesting!" "

"It is worthy of being my ancestor, and he is even better than Miss Ben in pursuing girls!"

Nha Yi: "I always feel that these words come out of Kiana's mouth.... Something isn't quite right..."

A paradise of the past.

End of video.

Twelve people except Kevin looked at Kevin's face together.

The movements are uniform, revealing a wonderful and strange tacit understanding.

At this time, even though Kevin has turned into ice cubes, there still seem to be some emotions in his heart, which are awakened by the light curtain and these heroes.


Kevin coughed softly and said lightly:

"That... Do you have any questions? "

"Well... I admit, everything on the light screen is true. "

"I vaguely guessed... This was my first twist of fate, but I didn't expect it... The light curtain will be presented in such detail..."

Alicia: "Don't explain, Kevin. "

"Do you know how much energy I put into seeing you in the light curtain."

"I once borrowed Yuduchen from Hua to restore you to Lord Prince's mental state; Even wearing Sue's clothes suddenly appeared in front of you, wanting to see your most real reaction..."

"But you're such a dismal man."

"You didn't even fall for it once! It makes me so sad about this beautiful girl! "

"Hehe, I didn't expect it, the more you hide yourself, the more shameful you will be when you are publicly executed today."

"Don't look at me like this, Kevin, Dr. May is not there, don't be afraid of shame~~~"

Kevin sighed:

“... You can actually talk to me directly..."

Su did not open her eyes, but said with a smile:

"Indeed, I didn't expect that the content of my text messages with Kevin and I were exposed..."

"But... How long has it been since I've seen Kevin like this..."

"Hehe, it's interesting, it reminds me of my high school life when I was young..."

Kevin: "Sue..."

Phyllis: "Something is wrong, Boss Kevin!" "

"I can understand that you can't sleep in the evening, but why don't you go and send a message to Dr. Mei, but to Brother Su?"

"You two... What exactly is the relationship! "

Kevin responded directly: "Friendship. "

Mebius laughed and teased:

"More than that, Kevin."

"According to my observations, you only show some of the characteristics of the prince in the picture when you talk to Su in the Promised Land."

"Even Alicia knows that it takes Sue's clothes to scare you to be effective." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"It seems that besides Mei, Su is the person you value the most..."

Kevin was asked and pondered.

He still had that cold expression, but there was a little more emotion in the depths of his eyes.

Immediately, Kevin shook his head:

"I can't give a precise answer..."

"But if you say that, it's not bad..."

Sakura: "Oh, I saw another side under Kevin's cold mask." "

"The first time the gears of destiny turned, it turned out to be Dr. Mei... Unexpected, reasonable. "

Thousand Calamities: "Kevin he... He has quite a talent for comedy..."

"When Alicia asked us to make a movie before, I wondered why he could be so funny so naturally."

"It turns out... Kevin's such a person..."

"Frankly... Some were surprised..."

Cosmoz: "..."

"Anyway... I still think Kevin was better back then..."

"Now he has lost a lot of necessary emotions..."

Kevin: "Kosmo, I've never changed. "

Grace: "Coase Mo... You're talking about daddy again..."

Cosmoz: "... Forget it..."

Eden clapped his hands: "Well, that incident has long been over, and the tragedy of Mu Continent is irreparable." "

"So, saying that now doesn't do the slightest."

"No need to add regret, just remember."

Vilvie: "That being said... But in my impression, after Kevin joined the Fire Moth, it seems that he never showed the appearance in the video..."

"This has to be said to be a pity."

"What do you say, Kevin, would you like to restore us to Lord Prince's state now?"

Kevin: "Don't. "

Hua: "Feel Kevin he... There are fewer and fewer words..."

Sue: "Hehe, these pictures are equivalent to Kevin's black history." "

"The turning point of fate turned out to be the process of pursuing Dr. Mei, which is quite a dramatic development."

"I'm afraid, Kevin doesn't know now... How to express yourself. "

Kevin: "Indeed..."

"I have to say... It's a bit magical..."

"At that time, I had not yet seen the cruelty of the world, and I lived a life that I could live well..."

"At that time, I didn't have any ideals, I just wanted to live one day at a time, and be happy and happy every day."

"But Honkai, it won't give us a choice."

"If I hadn't interacted with Mei at that time, I'm afraid I wouldn't have had the opportunity to come into contact with the Fire Moth and die in a certain collapse."

"From this point of view, the contact with Mei can indeed be a turning point in my destiny..."

"I have no objection to that."

Mebius smiled: "In this way, I can also be regarded as the lifesaver of you and Mei." "

"Thanks to my solitary vision, I fished Mei's paper out of the vast materials, thus opening up a channel for the two of you to enter the Fire Moth."

"I think, just like Hua, your next turning point in fate is probably to become a fusion warrior."

After thinking for a few seconds, Kevin shook his head slightly:

"No, if there are only four turns, it doesn't necessarily include such a trivial matter."

"After all... I've had too many experiments. "

"I want to... The next twist of fate is probably the decisive battle on the moon..."

Saying that, Kevin ignored the heroes who were crazy about themselves.

For Kevin, the picture presented on the light curtain has always been the tenderness buried in his heart.

He was able to see Dr. Mei's voice and smile again in reality, and he also felt a faint joy.

Therefore, showing this picture through video is not something that Kevin cannot accept.

Compare to this, of course.

What Kevin wants to see more is the future in 50,000 years.

Those who come cannot be consulted, but those who come can still be pursued.

Kevin cares more about the future than immersing himself in the past...

Mandate of Heaven Headquarters, Overseer War Hall.

Otto watched the plot of the picture with interest, and seemed to get to know Kevin again.

Otto: "As expected, Kevin really has his corresponding weaknesses. "

"It's a pity, 50,000 years ago may still be able to use a little, as for now, heh..."

Lauderdale: "Bishop Otto, are you thinking of some evil conspiracy again?" "

Otto: "Bianca, you know me. "

"As the bishop of the Mandate of Heaven, I can't be as free now as I will be two years from now."

"In order for that to happen in the future, I have to make sure that everything is under my control."

"Even Kevin, who hasn't appeared for fifteen hundred years, can't relax..."

Lauderdale: "Bishop, I think... You're probably not Kevin's opponent..."

"In that case, how are you going to control this being?"

Otto smiled:

"In terms of strength, Otto Apocalis uses all his strength, and I am afraid that he is not his opponent."

"But, I'm qualified to pull him to the negotiating table."

"Bianca, most of the time, it's much easier to use your brain than your hands."

"Who says Kevin is powerful and can't be used?"

With that, Otto pointed at Rita with his glass.

"Rita, what do you think Kevin is in this video?"

Rita looked at the content of Kevin's text message in the picture, thought and said:

2.1 "He is a very single-minded person, and although he is popular with girls in every way, he still rejects everyone for the sake of his true love. "

"He is a very optimistic person, even though he knows the insignificance of human beings, he is still optimistic about life and wants to live every day for the rest of his life."

Otto smiled slightly: "The summary is in place." "

"I remember Fu Hua once mentioned to me that Kevin was on a mission to defeat Honkai."

"To this end, the former civilization entrusted Kevin with an important plan."

"Such a plan is very demanding for executives."

"First of all, he must endure loneliness, walk alone for more than 5,000 years like Fu Hua, and make a layout for the final plan."

"Secondly, he must have strong strength to help him clear all obstacles in his path."

"Finally, he must have a very high psychological quality, and can calmly deal with the death of each individual and the destruction of each group."

"And Kevin, who is single-minded in his feelings, can naturally endure loneliness, and the optimistic and cheerful prince's psychological quality will not be too bad, and as a fusion warrior, it is natural that he is strong."

"You see, all the details that appear in the video can be used as memory points to confirm speculation, so that I have a general idea of Kevin, the forerunner."

"So essentially, I'm extracting details in the video to complement Kevin's image, like a puzzle."

"And when I put all the puzzle pieces into place, this person's weaknesses and weaknesses will be mastered by me."

"After that, even if I don't have good strength, grasp the right direction, and make good use of the resources at hand, I still have the qualifications to negotiate conditions with him."

Saying that, Otto smiled indifferently.

"This is grasping human nature, two."

"As my student, these things are to be learned, and it will be very helpful for you."

Rita: "Obey." "

Lauderdale: "Lord Bishop... It feels like your heart is dirty...".

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