Kevin knew what he had just done.

No one instructed, no one ordered, it was he himself who made that choice.

For the trolley problem, Kevin gave his own answer.

That is, the lesser of two evils.

Indeed, he does have enough power to slash black holes.

However, he did not dare to risk it, did not dare to risk everyone's lives.

Kevin's choice was undoubtedly right, and the victory against the lawyer was indeed included in his pocket.

But the price is the eternal death of a friend.

It was his fierce conflict with the teenager.

The picture changed, and Kosmo had already changed his appearance.

He lost his human form, like a demon from hell, roaring and pounced on Kevin, completely devoid of comradeship.

Today is a day to remember.

On this day, humanity defeated the Ninth Lawyer.

Meanwhile, this day.

The first instance of overweight and overcapacity in human history was born.

The fire-chasing moth later called it -

Artificial caving...

Mandate of Heaven Headquarters, Overseer War Hall.

Above the light curtain, the battle between Kevin and Avalanche is presented.

The demon-like warrior appeared in a state of almost madness, attacking Kevin like crazy, devouring the flames.

Of course, the battle didn't last long.

Kevin quickly stunned him and called for headquarters support.

The light curtain stopped briefly here.

Otto looked at this static picture, the corners of his mouth slightly upturned.

Otto: "Okay, I know what is the purpose of this light curtain to broadcast this event?" "

"It's showing the constant change of Kevin's heart, but his growth from a sunny boy to a cold warrior."

"When he collapsed on the sixth time, he killed the people of a city because of his soft heart."

After that, his heart hardened a little, and he killed the Seventh Law without hesitation."

"This time, he killed his friend with his own hands, just because the lesser of two evils."

"Huh... Invisibly, he became a little cruel again. "

Lauderdale sighed:

"Theoretically, Kevin does have the power to cut down black holes."

"His last sword did the same thing."

"That boy was right... Mark did die because of him..."

"He instinctively made the best of both worlds, but he didn't..."

Rita shook her head slightly: "I think it's okay for Kevin to make such a choice..."

"The Fire Moth waited until the black hole dissipated before allowing the warriors to attack, which shows that they are also afraid of this black 373 hole."

"For some reason that Rita doesn't know, I think Kevin must have some of his own concerns in it..."

Lauderdale: "But in fact, he can indeed cut down black holes, and it does lead to the death of Mark." "

"Rita, if I were Kevin, then I would definitely try to gamble!"

"I don't believe that he doesn't know his strength, nor do I believe that the price of forcibly breaking the game is unacceptable."

"Rita, let's put ourselves in another position."

"If you're Kevin and I'm the one, can you really make up your mind to swing a knife at me in the face of the same situation?"

Rita was silent.

In her heart, she had bits and pieces with Lauderdale, the big and small tasks that the two had experienced over the past few years, and all kinds of warm daily life.

Yes, if you have suffered the same thing as Lord Lauderdale, and the decision-making power is in your hands...

"No, Lord Lauderdale."

"I will take my full strength and destroy the black hole in the shortest possible time."

"As for the cost... That's not something to consider in a critical period..."

Apparently, Rita wouldn't swing a knife at Lauderdale.

She couldn't do it.

The other side.

Lauderdale was pleased with Rita's reaction.

She even really did for a moment, afraid that Rita would nod her head and say yes.

If so, then Lauderdale will have to get to know Rita again...

Thinking about it, Lauderdale said with a smile:

"It's you, Rita."

"So, that's when you can better understand Kevin's cruelty."

"His relationship with Mark may be no less than that of you and me."

"But even so, didn't he make the worst choice?"

"Anyway, I... Unacceptable..."

Otto, who listened to the exchange between the two, never interjected.

He really wanted to know what kind of evaluation his two students would give to judge their growth.

However, the conclusion of the two men made Otto both satisfied and not very satisfied.

He is satisfied that a deep bond has been established between Lauderdale and Rita, and that their feelings for each other are also very strong.

Otto's plan, in essence, only Lauderdale was enough.

But the reason why he spends energy to continue cultivating Rita is to create a companion for Lauderdale and firmly tie her to him.

The question is, of course, that the less the better.

Therefore, seeing that the relationship between the two is so strong, Otto is very satisfied.

However, it is not entirely without problems here.

At least, for a human like Otto who has lived for five hundred years, Kevin's choice is actually completely correct.

He smiled slightly, knocked on the arm of the chair, and shifted the attention of the Lauderdale duo to himself.

Otto: "We limit all conditions to death, so as to make a simple assumption. "

"If one day one of you comes to a railroad track, the road of the two splits off, and two routes extend into the distance."

"One person is tied to one track on the left, and a hundred people are tied to the right one."

"The train can't stop, humans can't break free, and you're the one who decides where this train goes, what choice will you make?"

"Oh, by the way. The man tied to the rail on the left is also one of the two of you. "

Lauderdale: "The trolley problem?" "

"Lord Bishop, why did you suddenly ask this question?"

"I don't think Kevin's situation at that time was a trolley problem, it was probably just an ordinary strategic decision."

"But if it were me, I would find a way to stop the train, and people can't be limited by rules, especially us."

Otto smiled.

"Rita, what would you choose?"

Rita thought for a moment or two, and said softly:

"I choose the left, Lord Bishop."

"There are always sacrifices on the road to fighting Honkai, and Lord Lauderdale obviously carries more weight than ordinary people."

Otto clapped his hands: "Very good, good choice." "

"Bianca's mind is limited by sensibility, and Rita you exist rationally, just not much."

"Let's go into a little more detail about these images."

"The train means the collapse of the raging wave, and the hundred people on the right track represent the human race and civilization of the world."

"Bianca, I don't think you have the ability to shake this train."

"Rita, I'm sure you'll fall into hesitation."

"At that time, Kevin was facing a similar situation."

"Betting on the survival of civilization, the tram problem."

Lauderdale has some regrets:


"Is it so serious..."

Rita pondered and said:

"Lord Bishop, do you mean black holes..."

"The train Kevin was facing... Is it essentially a black hole of the Law of Rock? "

Otto laughed:

"Well, it's just a metaphor."

"Let's get out of the trolley problem, let's talk about the Law of Rock."

"The Ninth Lawyer, the Law of Rock, there is no such thing in our time, so that you do not fully understand his abilities."

"But it doesn't matter because I'm there."

"Don't you think it's strange that such a huge black hole appears above the earth, but only ends up swallowing a continent."

"You know, even a black hole the size of a grain of rice is enough to destroy the entire earth."

"In a sense, the ability of the Rock Law is simply a paradox."

"The black hole she created has basic physical properties, but it is not a real black hole after all. Instead, it resembles a black hole. "

"This is also the zero-rated power rating of the Star of Eden. Oh, I forgot you guys saw this trick, after all, your bishop survived the black hole of the Star of Eden..."

Lauderdale: "So, it seems to be true..."

"There is indeed something wrong with that black hole..."

Rita: "Indeed, Lord Lauderdale. "

"If it is a real black hole, it will certainly be impossible to destroy it with Kevin's blow alone."

"And the former civilization also showed an extremely cautious attitude towards this black hole..."

Otto: "That's right, Rita. "

"The former civilization knew that this black hole was fake."

"They also know how (Daei) can make this black hole real."

"The reason why a quasi-black hole has the nature of a black hole is essentially that the law of the rock controls gravity and magnifies it more than ten thousand times."

"But the reason why he can't become a real black hole is that the Rock Law is also controlling this energy to avoid himself also dying and inside the black hole."

"This force changes the physics of the black hole to some extent, allowing it to be dispersed by stronger forces, but it also represents a huge cost."

"That is, once it cannot be completely dispelled, no one can guarantee whether this black hole will become real."

"In short, it's a gamble."

"And what is betting on the table is all life and all civilization on this planet."

"So, I'm throwing the trolley problem to you again."

"Bianca, Rita."

"If you were Kevin, would you stick to your original choice in that situation?"

Otto's speech, with a little banter, said extremely heavy words lightly.

Lauderdale was also silent.

She recalled the attitude towards the destruction of the Rock Law, the former civilization.

They did not choose to attack, but watched, but watched, watching the city known as the apex of civilization to the end...

Among them, this can explain a lot of problems.

Realizing that she has a civilized life on her shoulders, Lauderdale knows that she must be careful.

She can feel this feeling very well, after all, there is a world bubble hidden in her body now, inhabited by her friends and the world that once traveled...

Rita: "So..."

"It seems that black holes have always existed, and Kevin can only choose between whether to destroy or not, so it is delayed..."

"What a sad trolley problem..."

Lauderdale: "Now I can understand Kevin..."

Otto smiled:

"Huh... It has to be said that the former civilized lawyer is more intelligent. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"The Law of the Rock knows how to use black holes to warp space-time to cover themselves, and they also know to create gravitational fields to weaken enemies."

"But she underestimated the human will to sacrifice."

"In the end, Mark gave his life and weakened the abilities of the Rock Law."

"Kevin was able to directly attack the lawyer body, thereby indirectly achieving the purpose of destroying the black hole."

"Hahaha, it's like the principle I used in 1955 to smash the Star of Eden with mimicry Judas."

"There's nothing wrong with attacking its users if you want to interrupt an ability."

Lauderdale looked at the light curtain, and the emotions in her eyes were quite complicated.

Lauderdale: "So... Is this the reason why Kevin is gradually indifferent..."

"His hesitation in the face of choice is precisely the expression of kindness in his heart..."

"Kevin is also measuring the value of the world and his friends, and in that regard, he is no different from us..."

"Actually, Kevin may not have changed, he was just dragged forward by the cruelty of Honkai..."

Otto laughed:

"As I said, Lauderdale, your thinking is mostly based on sensibility."

"It may not be a good thing to make decisions, but you can better understand the unspeakable distress in the hero's heart."

"You will eventually become that kind of person, after all, there is some deeper connection between you and Kevin, which is a fate that you can't hide."

"You are right, in the face of Honkai, human beings do not have any time to hesitate."

"Just like my old friend in the past 5,000 years, she is also doing tram problems all the time."

"These people are not bad people, but the world forces them to go cold, gradually grinding them into a cold piece of ice."

"Fu Hua is like this, and so is Kevin."

"So, I'm going to change my previous rhetoric now."

"The role of this video is not only to show Kevin's gradual process of becoming cold."

"It's more about showing Kevin's helplessness and the process of his gradual strengthening of confidence in fighting Honkai."

"Huh... This is more pertinent. "

Lauderdale nodded.

At this moment, her feelings for Otto also became complicated.

In the last exposure, all kinds of bad things Otto did were in her heart and vividly remembered.

However, these words just now let Lauderdale know that Otto actually believes in the beauty of the world more than anyone, and can also distinguish between good and evil.

However, it was he who trampled all this under his feet, just to fulfill his long-cherished wish.

The rational wicked, Lauderdale in her heart, made such an opinion of Otto...

A paradise of the past.

Cosmon has long turned his back and is unwilling to witness this history again.

Grace quietly accompanied Kosmo, in a sense, she was also a party to this incident.

After all, Mark is Grace's biological father...

Kevin watched the picture change quietly, like a piece of ice.

He does not explain or express it.

Only he knows how uncomfortable it feels to kill his friend with his own hands.

However, he had to do so.

Alicia endured the cold and patted Kevin's shoulder and comforted softly:

"Okay, I understand you."

"You weren't as mature as you are now, and you inevitably made some bad choices."

"Although everyone says you are like a piece of ice, I know that this is not the case."

"So, stop beating yourself up, Kevin."

Mebius also smiled:

"Okay Kevin, do you have anything to say now?"

Kevin shook his head: "No..."

"That time, we all lost the necessary cool."

Mebius: "Hehe, why do you think it was three people acting together at that time?" "

"It has long been calculated above, and the existence of Trace and Kos Demon is essentially a sacrifice for you to kill the lawyer."

"Kevin, you know the cruelty better than I do, but we have no choice."

Thousand Calamities: "Huh... That's a nice thing to say..."

"Now he can cut open a quasi-black hole with his hand."

"At all, it's not because Kevin was too weak at that time."

Sakura sighed:

"Okay, don't mention this past, no one wants to see such a thing happen."

"Constraints and erosions deserve more attention than this, don't they...".

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