St. Freya, Office of the Dean.

Teresa also has a similar puzzle to Lauderdale, and does not know why Kevin is not willing to take the risk and make the best of both worlds.

However, Himeko next to her was a doctoral student at California Polytechnic University, specializing in astronomy.

Therefore, she almost immediately saw that the black hole was not simple, and also made ~ a guess similar to Otto.

After Teresa understood, her expression became a little stunned.

Teresa: "Killing his comrades who have become lawyers, and then sacrificing friends." "

"Kevin, he is really gradually becoming indifferent, completely different from him in school..."

"Himeko, I can understand Kevin's difficulty at that time, but I feel really strange."

"I always think that Kevin is the pre-civilized Kiana, and I feel like this is watching Kiana's future."

"It's only been four years, and a lively child will be shaped like this by the malice of the world."

"It's terrible..."

Himeko smiled:

"But he's also stronger, and he can be on his own, right?"

"Dean, growing up always comes with pain, especially in times like that."

"Even in today's civilization, sometimes we don't have a choice."

"I understand Kevin's pain and know Kevin's difficulties, but he is the strongest warrior and the hope of humanity, and all this has to be carried."

"And the mistake he just made is just a part of growth after all."

"You know, Kevin was just a young man at that time."

Teresa sighed:

"Indeed... Himeko..."

"At least Kevin's maturity is completely beyond his age, and as for me unconsciously looking at him with adult eyes..."

"Well, if I say so, I don't have any sad emotions anymore...."

Himeko: "Hahaha, worthy of being the head of the academy, did you come out of your sadness so quickly?" "

"I just don't have a sense of substitution, because Kiana is not as mature as Kevin, and she is still in the time period when she turns in exams and skips class every day!" Teresa said angrily.

Immediately, she sighed softly:

"However, since it was already 50,000 years ago."

"Then it is useless for us to say this, just like the pre-civilization, all we can do is wait and see, and use this to gain some experience against Honkai..."

Himeko: "Indeed, at least this time I witnessed the horror of the Ninth Lawyer. "

"The destructive power of creating a black hole that annexes the continent cannot be underestimated."

"As for the means of confrontation, I can only think of using the divine enchantment to neutralize, or smashing the black hole with high enough power."

"It's a pity that grandpa's phone is turned off, otherwise you can call to discuss."

Himeko smiled: "So, do you have any clues about that Kos demon suddenly turning into a monster?" "

"The more I look at it, the more I think it's probably the same principle as your eyes turning red."

Teresa: "..."

"Himeko! Let's not mention that, okay! "

Saying that, Teresa suddenly paused.

"Hmm... But according to what you said, I think it really has some credibility..."

"Even across the screen, I can feel an aura that is quite similar to mine..."

"The source seems to be from that Kosmo..."

Himeko: "The Kos demon in the picture has the ability to devour flames, and he also said that he can devour the collapse energy that creates black holes. "

"It wouldn't be so coincidental! He is also a fusion warrior with the Pyridenu gene?! "

Teresa pinched her chin and said softly:


"So, it seems to be really..."

Recalling the appearance of the other party and the performance of various battles, although he was finally defeated by Kevin, he still showed a lot of the characteristics of the Honkai beast.

Teresa knew that this might indicate the upper limit of her strength that she could reach in the future.

Thinking about it, she clapped her hands excitedly.

Teresa: "Himeko, this is a bonus, if you don't mention it, I won't think of it!" "

"Kos Mo, huh? I wrote him down! Be sure to observe him next time! "

St. Freya, Valkyrie quarters.

Bud Yi nodded as if in an epiphany, and said abruptly:

"So it is, the law of the rock is the one the squad leader said, the law who destroys the structure of the human economy."

"It turned out to be the direct destruction of the city... I thought there really were lawyers, who engaged in commercial warfare with humans..."

It's no wonder that Bud Yi would think so.

His father was a successful businessman, and he ran Massive-Electric with roots around the world, making its products both civilian and military.

Therefore, Raiden Ryoma has to deal with countless business battles.

Bud Yi, who has grown up in such an environment since childhood, is difficult not to have such an idea.

Kiana: "I have to say that the Rock Law is really violent..."

"She actually created a black hole and directly destroyed the city!"

"It's over... Bud Yi, I think more and more the lawyer of our time is too cute..."

Bronia nodded and said in agreement:

"At the very least, they can all be reasonable, while the former civilized lawyer cannot..."

"Those things of the Law of Rock are simply Yang conspiracy, using the black hole effect to delay time, and humans have no room to stop it..."

Saying that, Bronia suddenly looked at Fu Hua:

"Squad leader, as you said, the birth of the Law of Rock is essentially to destroy the human economy."

"It can really take a hit to humanity's economy and bring various industries to a virtual standstill."

"But Bronia noticed that just against one lawyer, three fusion warriors were dispatched."

"I'm afraid that the attack of the Law of Rock will not have as great an impact on human strength as imagined."

Fu Hua shook his head slightly, and said like a reminiscence:

"The image is big, and the economy can only be superficial."

"Frankly, I don't remember exactly what happened in the previous civilization."

"But I clearly remember the catastrophe caused by the birth of each lawyer."

"Mu Continent was the economic center of the former civilization, and since the destruction of this city, the economy of mankind has been hit hard, and the coordination of various resources has also been problematic."

"Fortunately, there is only one government in the pre-civilized world, which can mitigate the impact of this problem in disguise."

"I have to say that although it is a little cruel, Dr. Mei made the right choice, the appearance of fusion warriors has preserved the high-end combat power of human beings against the lawyers, and the lower-level warriors are also gradually retreating from the lawyer battlefield."

"But correspondingly, our people will be eliminated by the times and replaced by the next fusion warrior troops."

"Survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest." Whether it is nature or society, this is the truth..."

"Do you guess what should be the first problem for human society to solve after this happens?"

Bud Yi: "I guess, it's the internal contradiction of human beings..."

"Although the main fusion warriors are still alive from a macro perspective, the strength of the former civilization has not weakened too much."

"But economic problems will eventually affect the lives of civilians, resulting in the loss of the role of soldiers other than integrated fighters..."

"Once the problems of these people break out, the effect is no worse than a collapse..."

Kiana: "Huh! Bud Yi actually understands so much! "

"It's worthy of being the woman that Miss Ben fancy!"

Bud Yi hurriedly waved his hand:

"Don't say that, Kiana, it feels weird..."


"Stupid Kiana."

"Sister Nha Yi is the eldest lady of the Raiden family, and her vision and knowledge are in us."

Kiana: "It seems to be so..." (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Fu Hua nodded, smiled and said to Bud Yi:

"I have to say that Nha Yi is very good at comprehension."

"You're right, Nyayi."

"The destruction of the Mu continent has made the already serious social problems of mankind more and more intense, and many problems that should not have appeared have also appeared one after another."

"Human society has maintained stability on the surface, but the interior has long been decayed and decayed."

"If you want a problem to erupt, you just need an opportunity."

"That is—"

"Crisis of trust."

Kiana: "Crisis of trust..."

Bud Yi's tone was serious: "Let human beings lose trust and enter the trap of mutual attack, which will lead to the rupture of society and the fire moth from the inside, causing human beings to become enemies of each other." "

"Squad leader, is there really such a lawyer?"

Fu Hua nodded: "Yes." "

"Not only that, but there are a thousand of them."

"That is the tenth lawyer, the lawyer of domination, the lawyer of a thousand."

Kiana: "I remembered! It was the group of puppets who fought with Miss Ben in Bishop Otto's exposure! "

Fu Hua: "Well, almost. "

"That incident indirectly caused a rebellion of the Chrysalis troops, and a major card change was carried out on the top level of the Fire Moth, allowing Dr. May to successfully rank among the top ranks."

"Kevin disposed of a lot of rebels from the Chrysalis Force because of this, of course, the main force to do this seems to be a thousand calamities..."

"So, since the protagonist of this exposure is Kevin, I think it probably has little to do with the collapse of that time."

"Kevin's real problem at that time was not domination, but restraint."

"Alas, those two things are coming after all..."

Saying that, the tragedy of restraint once again appeared in Fu Hua's mind.

That can't be said to be a happy memory, it's true for Fu Hua, it's true for Kevin...

Above the light curtain, there is a continuous barrage sliding by.

[Shadow: With such great power, I am afraid that the Law of Rock is enough to destroy Canrea alone..."

[Zhongli: The power of terror... Is the Law of Rock a ... It's really extraordinary...]

[Kevin: I'm saddened by that... But... I don't regret it...]

0 for flowers 0

[Kevin: I had no choice then...]

[Otto: Another example of overweight and overfiability... It turns out to be completely transformed into that monster-like posture, interesting..."

[Walter Young: Ain, it's time to update the information of the Ninth Lawyer. Oh, and don't forget to update the Star of Eden...]

[Lauderdale: It seems that everyone has learned a lot from this...]

[Mebius: The Law of Rock, the destructive power is indeed very good, but in the final analysis, he is still a weak guy...]

[Wendy: "Weak", worthy of the collapse of the world...]

[Ying: Rubbing black holes with your hands, this is called weakness... Dardalia, you better give up the idea of fighting against the Honkai world..."

[Sue: Again and again, Kevin has been forced to make choices like this, and his coldness and indifference are not innate, but the result of being wrapped up by the times..."

[Virvie: Oh, poor Kevin, but I don't think you need comfort..."

[Thousand Calamities: Huh... Don't think so much, whatever he is, just kill the roadblocker..."

[Dainsleb: Whatever the reason, this person is gradually becoming cold, is this the wear and tear of the disguised world of Collapse..."

[Otto: Huh... The road is still long, let me see how the next four lawyers, the former civilizations, have coped..."

Otto's barrage slipped by, and the picture of the light curtain had quietly changed.

For viewers who watched the first exposure, the scene presented on the screen felt quite familiar.

Of course, the audience of the Genshin World can also roughly recognize one or two.

That's where Kevin once fought, where the Law of Flame once wreaked havoc—

Continental Australia.

This ruined city is now in the form of a holographic picture in the center of the screen in front of Dr. Mei.

And Kevin appears in the picture, standing quietly behind Dr. May.

At this moment, the sharp-eyed audience has already discovered the problem.

The Australian continent in the picture seems to be playing out a killing at this moment.

Above the light curtain, subtitles appear.

[Only the last two events remain before Kevin's complete awakening. ] 】

[One is the tragedy of erosion, the other is the tragedy of restraint.] 】

[The human experience of fighting Honkai is very challenging, like a game between two chess players. 】

[Honkai will always find the right ability to conquer humans and descend the lawyer with the corresponding power.] 】

[After the Mu Continent incident, the society was in turmoil, and the Thousand People Law was born. 】

[They wander within various groups, causing all contradictions to erupt on the surface, causing a crisis of trust between human beings.] 】

[But this still did not defeat the human race, although it caused a lot of destruction, but under Mei's planning, this group of rabble did not escape the fate of being completely annihilated after all. ] 】

[The key to mass production gods-Xuanyuan sword, was born. 】

[In order to train troops capable of wielding the Key of God, Dr. May embarks on a brutal plan. 】

[The Meta-Morph Project aims to screen for hypervariable factors in the human body with a crisis that is enough to cause life. 】

[And this is the fuse that triggered the tragedy of restraint. 】

[Kevin will be strengthened both physically and mentally after this incident. 】

[He will be swept up by fate and become the hero who will eventually carry everything...]

The subtitles disappeared, and Kevin's figure became clearer.

His expression was cold, but there was a trace of unbearability in the depths of his eyes.

On the holographic screen in front of him, it is the testing ground of Meta-Morph, which is a hell full of blood and cruelty.

Ordinary warriors with weak strength are tricked there and turned into the cornerstone of the plan, becoming the foil behind the successes.

The people in the command room, like cruel spectators, watched the tragic deaths of the soldiers, and seemed to be taking pleasure in it.

Here, including Kevin.

He doesn't approve of the Meta-Morph in mind, but in the big picture, it's an essential plan.

Therefore, he had to be silent, waiting for the plan to come to fruition, waiting for the appearance of the fusion warrior unit in Dr. May's heart.

What he didn't know was that fate always liked to joke with people.

The picture turned, and came to a ruins shining with a brilliant golden light.

Kevin held the sky fire in his hand, standing quietly at the top of a building, staring at the figure suspended in the air in the distance.

At his feet, countless warriors rushed into the golden halo, and in less than three minutes, they staggered and fell into death.

These people are the result of the Meta-Morph projection, the fusion warrior unit created by Dr. May.

And in the light, their lives are like grass mustard, and death is so sudden, so arbitrary...

This is Mei's plan, the plan to use the human sea tactics to deal with the Divine Enchantment.

Sacrifice, Kevin has seen too much.

He just watched the soldiers quietly without saying a word.

Only the calamity in his hand constantly burst into blazing fire, expressing his anger... Towel..

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