For pre-civilizations, the law of restraint was something entirely novel.

She has paradoxical powers, unleashing the enchantment of divine grace and destroying all living forces of mankind.

But humans cannot escape it.

This is the enemy that will eventually be faced.

At this moment, under Mei's command, a large number of fusion warriors poured into the enchantment, dedicating their life force to break the threshold of restraint.

Watching the warriors enter the enchantment one after another, Kevin gently closed his eyes.

Since everything is no longer preventable, it is necessary to make these warriors die worthwhile.

A communication sound came from the earphones, it was Dr. May's voice.

"Kevin, go and meet Hua and Ellie."

"The enchantment will not be able to hold on, now is your chance."

Kevin knocked on the headphones, his voice low and cold.


He jumped from the tall building and reached the meeting point as fast as he could.

Present at the scene were the gorgeous girl and the silent warrior who walked out of the Australian proving ground.

At this moment, Alicia was patting Hua's shoulder and whispering softly:

"Hua, it's okay, just treat it as an ordinary task."

"Our time was carefully arranged by Dr May without any problems... Probably. "

Hua: "No... I'm okay..."

"Watching familiar comrades die with their own eyes ... That tastes really bad..."

"Captain Ellie... I'm not afraid of death... However, even if we can survive, we still have to carry the will of the deceased to continue walking. "

"This price ... Somewhat too high. "

"I'd rather not carry it... I don't want to see them die in confusion like this..."

Alicia: "..."

The moment of "Hua, the 60 of the decisive battle" has arrived. "

"I promise you, me, and Kevin, we will all live well."

"And after Kevin kills the Lawyer, the remaining fusion warriors will also have a chance to survive and see the sun in an hour."

"Hua, I promise you..."

Footsteps sounded, bringing a constant approaching heat.

Kevin came over with the robbery in hand, his face expressionless, but his eyes flashed with a faint sadness and firmness.

"Time to go, Ellie, Hua."

"Let's put an end to the sacrifice of this day..."

Alicia: "Okay! Kevin, follow the plan. "

"Hua is responsible for interfering with the law breaker with feather dust at the moment when the domain fails, so that she is temporarily unable to manipulate power."

"Kevin is responsible for using robbery to kill the Lawyer when he is manipulated by Yuduchen."

"And I, together with the Thousand Tribulations, will help you clean up the broken beasts along the road, help you open the way, and provide the protection that I can."

After a pause, Alicia said with solemn eyes:

"Finally... Kevin, you have to succeed, I don't like cleaning up messes for others. "

Kevin didn't answer, just knocked on the headphones.

After getting the exact instructions, he thought about the two and nodded.

"Two, the action begins."

Alicia conjured a crystal bow and arrow: "Received ~~"

Saying that, the three of them stepped into the golden light in front of them together.

That is the enchantment of the Law of Restraint, that is the radiance that leads to death.

The perspective stretches and comes to Kevin.

Without the other people's weak appearance after entering the enchantment, Kevin's speed did not slow down in the slightest.

The dazzling flame burning above the calamity was instantly extinguished after coming into contact with the golden light, and there was no trace of remnant.

Kevin ignored it, and rushed towards the center of the enchantment, where the Restraining Lawyer was suspended five kilometers away.

Fighters were constantly approaching the core area ahead, followed by uncontrollable falls.

Some of them were pounced on by the unaffected Avalanche Beast before they could reach the core area, and killed alive.

All this, Kevin saw in his eyes.

His blue pupils flashed with golden light, and no one could tell what kind of mood he was in at the moment.

But Kevin himself knows.

The loss of power is ten times faster than the outside world, and even if you stay in it for more than five minutes, you will probably be buried here like everyone else.

However, this is still when the enchantment is about to expire.

It is hard to imagine how painful and desperate the warriors were when the enchantment was still intact.

However, they didn't say anything more, and all tried their best to get close to the lawyer and try to kill.

Although the result was death, they did not have any resistance.

This is a fight for humanity, a fight for civilization.

It does not matter whether the individual lives or dies, what matters is to eliminate the lawyer and protect his homeland.

Today, Kevin finally deeply understands this emotion.

And similar emotions, Kevin asked himself.

I don't have it...

However, this does not mean that Kevin cannot empathize with them.

Looking at the corpses of fallen warriors in front of him, Kevin ran and whispered faintly in his mouth:

"You showed your determination, you showed your will."

"So... I will also do my best to respond to your will. "

"Rest in peace....."

On Kevin's way, the Avalanche Beast kept sneaking out and trying to intercept it.

Without Kevin's move, the Thousand Tribulations in front will kill the Broken Beast in a ravaged manner, and Alicia in the rear will also use a crystal bow to clear the potential hidden dangers behind him.

Soon, Kevin was very close to the Law of Restraint.

With restraint, Kevin ran four kilometers in three minutes and finally reached the range available for strike.

Below, dozens of fusion warriors who insisted on coming here, killing the Broken Beast of the Protector, providing Kevin with the opportunity to launch an offensive.

The effect of restraint is indeed weakening, and it is enough for the warriors to rush here to fight.

The last dozens of fusion warriors of mankind saw Kevin's figure, and their eyes lit up with hope.

They knew that Kevin was the original fusion warrior of the Fire Moth, the only qualified person of the Heavenly Fire Saint Division, the most powerful warrior of the Fire Moth.

His appearance means that this mortal battle has come to an end.

Victory is at hand.

Suddenly, their movements seemed to have more power, and a fine light seemed to appear in their eyes.

Yes, they all believe in Kevin.

I believe that Kevin can bring victory to them and victory to humanity, as always.

And hope came so quickly.

In an instant, the golden glow dimmed, and the lawyer's dull pupils appeared a little empty.

Illusory feathers fluttered and lingered around the lawyer.

Hua's spiritual attack took effect...

The calamity in Kevin's hand, the core suddenly lit up, bursting out into a burning flame.

A pillar of fire rose up into the sky, but it did not escape in the slightest, and all of them converged on the blade of destruction.

The picture focuses on Kevin's body.

He took the robbery in his hand, jumped high, and swung the blade of judgment against the Restraining Law a kilometer away.

In an instant, the clouds of the night sky dissipated, and the Great Sword of Destruction seemed to turn into the rising sun hanging in the night.

That is Kevin, who has the energy bottom, and the greatest power he can exert at this moment.

It was his extremely serious sword while retaining his back hand!

The sky was dyed the color of flames, and the indescribable heat and explosion turned into a falling sun that slammed into the lawyer in the distance.

The explosion continued, and this flame seemed unstoppable.

At this moment, the barrage erupted.

[Shadow: See the god son, such a sword is the power of Kevin's serious moment, and his realm should not be underestimated. ] 】

[Yae Miko: Unbelievable... Human power can do so much..."

[Ah hat: This is a god-level attack... Compared to this, the power of instant life and death is simply humiliating..."

[Nasita: Kevin got serious... No wonder he couldn't afford not to take it seriously in such an environment. 】

[Zhongli: In terms of universal reason, the ability of the law of restraint is somewhat unsolvable... Such an existence itself is unreasonable...]

[Bronia: It's a pity... Honkai can explain anything...]

[Wei: Watch the sacrifice of these warriors... It made me ring the floating house again... I remembered what happened then...]

[Xingqiu: In the past, there were loyal souls, like that flying scattered things. Today I light the lamp, and may the heroic spirit not be confused. 】

[Paimon: From the perspective of the Liyue people, those sacrificial fusion warriors are indeed the same as the guards of the Stratum Abyss...]

[Wei: Protecting civilization is also protecting homeland, in the context of a collapsed world... There is no difference between the two...]

[Lauderdale: Abominable... If this kind of power appears in the current civilization, we can't also use the tactics of the sea of people to forcibly break the situation..."

[Walter Young: Maybe... You can try the Moonlight Throne Technique, whether it can dissolve the power that makes up the enchantment..."

[Mebius: Oh, I think that civilization does not need to worry about this problem. Won't you still have false gods in the future, and if nothing else, that Otto has already taken out mankind's biggest trouble. 】

[Sakura: In a way, Otto's action objectively consumed the excess imaginary power, which both defended the law of restraint and slowed down the arrival of the collapse. 】

[Kevin: That's a big job. 】

[Otto: Hahaha, it is an honor to be praised by the heroes of the former civilization. 】

[Hu Tao: Such a powerful attack should be enough to end the battle... Well, no, this business is not very easy to do, the hall master can't go all over the battlefield to find the remnants of the lawyer... This is not very good for the psyche, and it is troublesome enough...]

[Dortore: Kevin's sword is enough to destroy a country... Oh, I can't think of how the defenseless lawyer took this trick. 】

[Dadalia: The battle is over, let's wait to see the death of the lawyer. 】

[Vinina: Wait! Something isn't quite right! 】

Ferninga's barrage drifted by, and strange things did happen.

The sun-like fire in the sky was wrapped in a brilliant golden brilliance at this moment and quietly dissipated.

The eyes of the Restraining Law are no longer confused, as if waking up from a dream... 0

At this moment, everyone inside and outside the light curtain unconsciously became nervous.

They knew something was going to go wrong.

However, before a specific question can emerge in everyone's minds. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

A layer of white frost hung above the light curtain...

Looking closely, the source of the white frost was Kevin's body.

His forehead seemed to have given birth to horns, and his body appeared to varying degrees of collapse and beastification.

The blizzard centered on his body, turned into a sharp blade, and spread out in all directions.

Everywhere we went, everything was destroyed...

Suddenly, heavy snow fell on an area with a radius of five kilometers.

And all this is indescribably fast, not even a second ...

The golden glow disappeared, the enchantment disappeared.

The warriors with light in their eyes disappeared, and the lawyer fell from the sky.

Everything, under this blow, returned to absolute stillness.

Everything goes to zero...

When the reinforcements of the Fire Moth arrived, the Eleventh had been suspended from a makeshift cross, silent.

Seeing the Law of Restraint regain its strength, even the most determined warriors wept over it.

They thought that they would also come to an end and be buried with all the deceased martyrs here and their former comrades.

But victory came so suddenly, and unreasonably.

They saw ice, red ice, everywhere.

In the distant sky, the morning sun has long risen, and the sun for the rest of the life after the disaster shines on the earth.

The red crushed ice reflected the sunlight, reflecting on Kevin's cold face, which looked particularly hideous and terrifying...

Although the battle is long over, the unique cold aura around Kevin still covers the entire battlefield.

And all the blood that had flowed out of this land was frozen in mid-air in the posture that had just flown out, like a dark red wave.

In the center of everything, a purple shimmer flowed quietly.

The eternally blooming crystal rose was also withered and shattered by the tragedy in front of him.

Alicia stopped and picked up Hua, who was already unconscious, and stood in front of the man.

"Kevin... How do you explain it to her? This was by no means the ending she wanted to see. "

Kevin: "Hua will understand me. "

"As I said before, we have no choice."

Ice and frost grow outward from under a man's feet like veins.

The chill around him seemed to have grown a little in a blink of an eye.

Alicia let out a long sigh:

"Hey, Kevin..."

"Maybe you don't want to admit it, but now you are like an extension of Mei's will."

"Understand you... That's not hard at all. "

"Even today, you are still only carrying out Mei's orders, I understand that."

"But yes, Kevin... Look at these fallen people. "

"They are your companions, and they believe in your strength and determination more than anyone else."

"From the beginning, everyone knew their ending. But they still stepped in here without hesitation. Because they believe in you and believe that you can bring victory and hope to all. "

"Look at their faces, Kevin. Your tears... Will it freeze? "

Kevin still had no expression, just looked at the scene around him faintly, watching the surviving soldiers 4.6 walking around blankly.

He sighed lightly and said in a low voice:


"Their hope has been forged into the hope of more people."

"I will make the same choice if I change places..."

"We can't cling to the past, Alicia. We are fighting for the future of humanity. "

Alicia: "I hate people who don't keep their promises..."

Alicia looked at the girl sleeping in her arms and gently touched her forehead between the other's brows.

"But now, you make it impossible for me to fulfill my promise with her."

She didn't say anything more, turned away with Hua.

In the red ice, the man stood alone for a long time.

He is the winner, but no one will cheer for the winner.

No one will cheer for a tragedy.

At this moment, Kevin's back in the center of the picture looks particularly lonely and lonely.

Suddenly, the man seemed to realize something.

He heard sounds, breathing.

In front of everyone's eyes, he once again raised the giant sword, which symbolized destruction, but only to dig the frozen soil under his feet.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, the man patiently dug until the faint sound of breathing reached his ears again, to everyone's ears.

The white-haired man was lying in the crushed ice, his body full of broken ice slag...


Kevin watched him quietly, and the coldness in his eyes weakened slightly.

"Can you still stand up, Thousand Calamities?"

The picture freezes here.

Under the nascent sun, in the endless red ice slag, the extinguished calamity is inserted in the ruins, as if the image of this tragedy.

It seems to be a wordless monument erected for all the fallen soldiers.

After this battle, only thirteen fusion warriors remained.

The last thirteen....

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