Meru, Jozen Palace.

The skirmishers quietly stared at the extinguished heavenly fire in the picture, at its owner, the lonely and indifferent man.

Kevin seemed to have really turned into a piece of ice at the moment.

There are no feelings, no sorrows and joys, as if a machine that only knows how to fight against collapse...

skirmishers: "..."

"This time, is it the opportunity for Kevin to change..."

"Huh... Whether he kills the lawyer or kills his teammates, he can now be expressionless and distracted. "

"After the heavenly fire was extinguished, he launched the ice element strike just now almost instantly, and to make such a decision in less than a second, it is difficult not to imagine whether Kevin has some mental problems..."

"Yes, Kevin, do your tears freeze? Oh no, will you leave tears for them? Hahahahaha! "

Nasida shook her head and said with a light sigh:

"Don't say that, Ahat."

"Sometimes things don't look the way they appear, Kevin isn't an ice cube, and he has the same warmth inside."

Skirmishers: "Do you mean to send all the warriors who trust him to hell in order to kill the Lawyer, and to accompany the Lawyer?" "

"Do you mean that after killing everyone, instead of apologizing, he said that he was fighting for the future?"

"Boyel, I admit that he had no choice at that time."

"But he should at least show sadness, should show apology, and not stand on the ice field without saying a word!"

Based on his experience of stepping on the sand five hundred years ago, Kevin's actions were tantamount to betrayal in the eyes of the skirmishers.

He unconsciously substituted himself into the perspective of a sacrificed warrior and the side that was betrayed.

The long-dormant feeling of pain once again hit the heart of the skirmisher's puppet, making him unable to have much respect for Kevin at this moment.

Nasida sighed, gently wiped the teardrops from the corners of her eyes, and there was a hint of emotion in her tone:

"Everyone has their own unspeakable secrets, and neither does Kevin."

"Frankly, I read his heart and know what he's thinking right now."

"His heart is also very tormented at the moment, especially when communicating with that Alicia, the sadness in his heart is like substance."

"However, he can't show it."

"Kevin never considered himself a hero, he is and he used to be."

"It's just that he knows that he must become a hero and become the strongest warrior leading mankind."

"31 He cannot cry because he thinks he has no right to cry, and his shoulders cannot collapse, because he carries a weight that is beyond the reach of ordinary people."

"The current Kevin is not only a warrior, but also a totem of the former civilization against collapse, bringing together the hope of all people."

"Once he collapsed, once he collapsed..."

"Humanity has lost its spiritual pillar... Everything will be irretrievable..."

Skirmishers: "The human beings who have broken the world have created a god for themselves?" "

Nasida nodded:

"Yes, in the last days, human beings must always find spiritual sustenance."

"And Kevin, who has repeatedly killed the lawyer and has made great achievements, is the one that people support the most."

"So, Kevin knows better than everyone that he can't collapse, he doesn't deserve to crash."

"No matter how painful his heart is, no matter how desperate he is, he will never be able to show it."

"Ah hat, I can understand now why Kevin has always looked cold..."

"He's carrying too much... It's so much that you need to give up your feelings, so much that ..."

"From a cheerful teenager, life has become a piece of ice..."

skirmishers: "..."

"Therefore, the reason why he looks so cold is not that his whole person has become cruel and ruthless."

"Or did he have to, even knowing he couldn't be a hero to people?"

Nassida: "Yes. "

"I can feel that this incident has left something in Kevin's heart..."

"In the future, it may have some profound effects on him..."

Skirmishers: "So it is ..."

"If you're right, then I did misunderstand him..."

"Huh... Human beings are fragile by nature, and it is inevitable to create a god for themselves. "

"It's just that this god is essentially just another person..."

"For Kevin... It's really unfair..."

Mandate of Heaven Headquarters, Overseer War Hall.

Otto looked at the picture in the light curtain, his expression calm and without waves.

This was the second time he had seen the tragedy of the former civilization constraints, the difference was that the last time was from the perspective of Fuhua, and this time it was from the perspective of Kevin.

Finally, he chuckled.

"Red ice, I didn't know what it was when I first saw it."

"Now that I switch to Kevin's perspective, it's finally a lot clearer."

"Kevin Kaslana, cruel man, thanks to him for making a decision in less than a second to kill the killer."

Rita: "Indeed... Inside the red ice, wrapped in the remains of the soldiers..."

Lauderdale: "Kevin he... Killed most of your teammates..."

"This indiscriminate attack ... Is it really appropriate..."

"When those warriors saw Kevin, there was a clear light in their eyes, but now..."

Otto smiled slightly: "Hahaha, Bianca, I think Kevin did the right thing." "

"You are still young, and you seem too immature in dealing with things."

"If it were me, I would have made the same choice."

Lauderdale: "I can understand... But..."

Otto: "But what?" These people simply cannot be saved. "

"Kevin does not make a move, the divine grace enchantment is restored, they are dead; Kevin struck and launched a wide-area attack with a radius of at least one kilometer, and they were equally dead. "

"The difference is only that the former Kevin will die with them, while the latter will not."

"At the end of the day, Kevin must not be in his heart at the moment."

"But he knew that he was carrying the hope of all people, so much so that he had to carry it on his back and show himself cold and strong."

"Like I said, Kevin hasn't changed in the slightest, he's still that kind high school student, or the sunny and cheerful prince."

"At least, before this collapse."

"Huh... The tide of the times is rolling forward, and Honkai does not leave anyone with a choice. "

"Kevin, it's just one of them..."

Rita nodded, recognizing Otto's words in her heart.

She could see at a glance that Kevin's state was abnormal, and he was so cold that he was too cold to be normal.

Common sense is that killing so many comrades with their own hands will touch even the iron heart ...

And Otto's words made her feel the desolation in this man's heart.

No wonder his back was so lonely, no wonder the sun fell on his cheeks, but it couldn't melt his coldness.

No wonder... When he saw someone surviving, his eyes would be filled with uncontrollable joy...

Suddenly, Lauderdale spoke:

"No, Bishop, Rita..."

"I have a sense of discord... The progress of the pre-civilization seems to be a little too bumpy..."

"At that time, Honkai seemed to have wisdom and could decide how to fight against human civilization!"

Otto clapped his hands:

"Haha, do you feel that way too, Bianca."

"Well, I admit, looking at these things in the former civilization, I always have a feeling that this group of people is destined."

"The living cannot die, the damned cannot hide."

"You see, the former civilization can always make the best choice, but it still slides uncontrollably into the abyss."

Rita: "Is it the knowledge that Lord Bishop has acquired in the Void again?" (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Otto smiled slightly: "Yes, but more from my observations." "

"The level of military industry of pre-civilized humans was enough to kill the lawyers, so the laws of flame came, destroyed the rare earth mines of mankind, and curbed the progress of industry."

"Dr. Mei's response is to integrate warrior technology and gradually get rid of dependence on the military industry."

"Subsequently, the Rock Law appeared on the side of the collapse, destroying the economic center of the Mu Continent."

"The coordinated distribution of various materials has been briefly suspended because the economy has been hit."

"Whether it is the conventional military industry or the study of the Divine Key, and even the manufacture of fusion warriors, it has been greatly impacted."

"The economic shutdown has made social contradictions more conflictual, and humanity is about to fall into civil strife."

"Dr. Mei's response is to continue to create fusion warriors, while controlling public opinion and trying to fight social contradictions."

"After that, a thousand people appeared on the Honkai side, targeted to sabotage human society, planning to assassinate Dr. May and all important people, and destroy research institutions."

"Well, a large number of humans have lost trust among themselves, and there have been conflicts between fusion warriors and ordinary soldiers."

"Dr. May's coping strategy is to inject these redundant ordinary soldiers with the unperfected Meta-Morph agent and use them to perfect the experiment."

"At the same time, the perfect drugs obtained by these soldiers will be popularized to society, and a large number of fusion fighters will be produced in a short period of time."

"At this point, the social problem is solved, and the conflict between ordinary soldiers and fusion fighters disappears, because everyone is the same."

"And then? On the Avalanche side, the Law of Restraint appeared, single-handedly killing these fusion warriors until only 13 remained. "

"The only high-end combat power of mankind at the moment is only these thirteen people."

"You see, Dr. May can make reasonable choices every time."

"But at the same time, Honkai always brings a more weird lawyer."

"In any case, the former civilization will always be dealt a serious blow, and eventually it will not be able to return to heaven."

"In comparison, the difficulty of the current civilization to fight the collapse is actually not high."

Rita: "Indeed..."

"According to Lord Bishop... All this does have an almost strange sense of fatalism..."

"Honkai seems to adjust the abilities of the Counterpart to the human response..."

Otto smiled: "So, the more I look at the experience of the former civilization, the more I feel that the collapse problem of our era is very big..."

"Combined with the state of that god in the second exposure..."

"I guess that the former civilization probably did something on the underlying logic of collapse."

"What exactly... Oh, I'll see..."

Inazuma, castle tower.

The shadow pinched the corners of his forehead, and at the moment he didn't even have the mood to eat.

The slash that Fang Cai Kevin swung in the picture was enough to cause a vision of heaven and earth, enough to turn into a sun that illuminated the night.

As a top martial artist, Shadow knows very well how terrifying Kevin's blow is,

The power and accuracy of this sword are several times stronger than when tested.

This made the shadow feel extremely shocked...

Even if Kevin can get a fly-like improvement in less than a year, it will not directly double the power.

This guy, how much power is hidden in his body...

Seeing his friend's dull expression, Miko smiled slightly.

Yae Miko: "Okay, Kage, no matter how strong Kevin is, he can't threaten our side." "

"What's more, his strength comes at a price."

"Have you noticed, Kevin's body has changed when he releases the blizzard."

"Perhaps, the price of strength may be to abandon your human identity."

"It's a hard thing to decide."

Shadow: "Whether it's a human or a broken beast, Kevin, as a fusion warrior, can't be counted as a human in the biological sense." "

"On the continent of Tivat, he is fully qualified to name his life form as a demon god."

"These are the price of strength."

"Compared to Kevin's burst of power, these costs seem insignificant..."

"It's hard to imagine how high Kevin's ceiling really is, I really can't imagine..."

Yae Miko: "..."

717 "Shadow... You wrapped yourself around the tip of the bull's horn again, and you can't get out..."

Kage sighed: "No, Miko, I'm sober." "

"For Kevin's strength, I will not give any evaluation after that."

"Son of God, I don't deserve it, I don't deserve to dream of a single heart, and I don't deserve to think about a knife..."

"Yes, all I can do is witness, witness what Kevin's strongest posture is, and witness what kind of thing the being who is more powerful than Kevin is."

"There are people outside the people, and there is a sky outside the sky."

"The high-level combat power of the Collapsed World may be able to bring me some realm improvement again..."

St. Freya, College Quarters.

Fu Hua looked at the red ice slag that shattered everywhere and smiled helplessly.

"With Jun Mo's words, he will become a marquis."

"The tragedy of restraint, huh... This didn't deserve to be called a victory, and even Kevin the Killer couldn't bear the burden, so he wouldn't celebrate the victory, nor would he celebrate himself..."

"His silence is precisely to cover up his sadness..."

Kiana: "Really... Even if I saw this red ice field in the exposure of the squad leader, I still felt a little cold in my back when I saw it again..."

"These are all those living people..."

Nha Yi: "This also shows ... Kevin's power is beyond imagination..."

"In that exposure of the squad leader, I didn't feel anything when I saw the flames falling from the sky..."

"But this time... I think Kevin's blow was pretty terrifying..."

"Under the power of restraint, it can still cause such an effect, but I am afraid that any lawyer with less strange abilities will be killed by him..."

Bronia: "But all this is not without cost. "

"Bronia noticed that Kevin's body seemed to have some changes briefly when he was fighting..."

"That change feels a lot like Kosmo in the last video..."

Fu Hua nodded: "Indeed. "

"At the nodes before and after the eleventh collapse, Kevin's strength has indeed made a certain level of leap."

"The Chimera plan seems to have been executed on Kevin before he entered the war... That's why he briefly showed that strange gesture, but it was different from the Chimera I remembered..."

"In our time, we called Kevin's situation overweight and overweight."

"And on top of the overweight, there are more serious man-made caving..."

Kiana was quite stunned: "That is to say... This event is not Kevin's limit yet?! "

Fu Hua nodded: "No, because Kevin has three different states. "

"Normal Kevin."

"Karma Kevin."

"And the theoretical limit of Kevin—the Redeemer Kevin...".

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