Kevin stood in the corridor with a complicated expression, and across from him was Sakura, who was in a fighting stance.

Once close comrades-in-arms, two of the last thirteen, would actually draw their swords at each other here.

Kevin didn't like the vibe, but there was no way around it.

Although he knew what happened, he had no intention of embarrassing Sakura.

But the survival of humanity is at stake, and no one can be emotional.

He sighed softly and said softly:

"A special Avalanche energy reaction was detected in Suzu's body, no doubt ... She is the Twelfth Lawyer. "

Sakura: "What does it mean to have an Honkai reaction?" You and I both have the factor of the Collapse Beast in our bodies, but we are fusion warriors who protect humans. "

"Suzu has no symptoms, she can control that power, she won't hurt others."

"You guys... You can't take her life! "

Kevin: "Sakura, I understand your feelings. "

"But the power of the Eleventh Lord is beyond everyone's imagination, and no one could have imagined that disaster would befall in that form."

"We can't afford to lose that again."

"Suzu's situation is special, but she has to be regulated. Trust Dr. May to make wise judgments. "

Sakura: "I don't doubt Dr. Mei's personality, but I can't trust the Fire Moth. "

"Kevin, you know what kind of eyes those people have been looking at us all this time."

"I don't care how I am, but now that the bell is in their hands, I will never sit idly by."

"Get out of the way!"

Saying that, the cold wind mixed with the sword wind instantly filled this space.

This was Sakura's last warning.

If you change to an ordinary person, just standing here will be full of injuries and unconscious.

But for Kevin, it doesn't help.

He sighed and stretched out his hand to Sakura:

"Sakura, the Fire Moth needs you, we need you."

"I won't hurt you, and I'm never going to let you pass through here."

Sakura: "Kevin, although we have fought side by side for so long..."

"But you shouldn't have seen it with your own eyes once, my true ability, right?"

Kevin: "..."

The blade flashed with cold light, and the giant sword burst into flames.

The two of them were at loggerheads, as if space had stood still.

Kevin held the Skyfire Great Sword and slowly walked towards his goal.

One step, two steps...

Facing Sakura, who is also a fusion warrior, Kevin has never taken any chances, and has already transformed the Heavenly Fire Saint into a great sword posture.

However, precisely because he was a companion, he only turned the heavenly fire into a great sword posture, not a calamity posture.

He did not like to draw his sword against his comrades, not at all.

However, things are urgent.

Although there was considerable resistance to this battle in my heart, I had to do it.

The flames danced, illuminating the dark space 780 and splashing Mars.

And then -

The man in Kevin's eyes disappeared...

This made Kevin, who was somewhat absent-minded, suddenly sober up.


Things came by surprise.

Sakura, who had been in his sight, suddenly disappeared.

Even Kevin felt quite incredible at the moment.

He instinctively turned around, only to find that Sakura, who should have been standing in front of him, had arrived behind him.

Without looking back, she ran deeper into the passage, and at the same time, the alarm sounded out of place.

Kevin immediately discerned what the alarm wavelength represented.

"Attack alarm?"

"It's not Sakura, it's from another floor..."

"Not good!"

Kevin chased a few steps in Sakura's direction, then closed his eyes and turned back resolutely.

Mei's deep voice appeared in the headphones:

"Kevin, where are you, I need you to strike immediately."

"Room 769 on the 33rd underground floor, hurry up and clean up the wandering dead."

Kevin spoke in amazement as he ran towards the target location:

"Mei, what's going on?"

Mei: "Lawyer, awaken." "

"The base.... Just go.... Sakura don't need to use it first.... Damn it.... Wow..."

The signal from May was interrupted, and no one knew what was happening in the command room.

Kevin couldn't care about these things, and quickly rushed to the 33rd basement floor.

Since he is a lawyer, I am afraid that he will not be able to last long by relying only on the lower Hua level.

No one knows what kind of ability this lawyer has...

The picture turned, and came to the center of a dark scene.

This is a few minutes ago, the scene of the 33rd basement floor.

In front of Room 769, more than a hundred crazy soldiers were crowded.

They knocked down the guards and delivered impassioned speeches.

"Comrades, the ** brains on the fire moth have broken! They went crazy!! "

"They forgot what kind of beasts the lawyer is! Forget the deeds of the lawyer of death to slaughter the city, forget the disaster brought by the tragedy of restraint! "

"Now, the Twelfth Law has appeared, and the crisis of humanity has come again! How did Dr. May do it? "

"She listened to the lies of the Lawyer, was deluded by the appearance of the Lawyer, and only imprisoned her instead of killing her, putting us all in danger!"

"You say, is that really reasonable!!?"

"Unreasonable !!" People shouted in response.

"That's right! Irrationality! Lord Aponia once told us to live no matter what! "

"Only by living can human beings be called (ACAA) human beings, and civilization can be called civilization!"

"What should we do in order to survive!"

"Kill the Twelfth Lawyer !!" People frantically responded to the Tao.

"That's right, kill the demons imprisoned in this room!"

"Taking advantage of the fact that the strength of the lawyer has not yet been fully stimulated, this is a good opportunity for us to strike!"

"What Dr. May doesn't want to do, we'll do for her!"

"We want to stop the coming sacrifice, we want to take the place of Skywalk!"

Saying that, the orator kicked on the iron door and aimed the muzzle at the combination lock.

Inside the iron gate, the girl was shouting in fear, leaning against the corner of the wall and not daring to move.

She whispered to her sister, tears dripping down her cheeks.

Outside the door, there was a continuous stream of gunfire, and bullets were fired, leaving one bullet hole after another in the iron gate.

Finally, the gate was broken, and the black-pressed crowd rushed into it.

Without saying a word, they fired a volley at the bell in the corner.

The shell flew and sprinkled on the ground with the girl's blood flowers, forming a dark red rose flower...

The bell was completely breathless at the moment, and blood flowed from his body, covering the small cell, flowing under the feet of the murderers.

They killed a child like that.

However, they do not have any guilt.

They are cheering, they are celebrating.

"We killed another lawyer!!"

"Humanity has won another victory!!"

"We are all heroes!"

Almost crazy joy pervaded the crowd, between the orator and everyone.

In contrast to the tragedy of constraints, this victory is so sudden, such a surprise.

But will it really end like this?

Apparently not.

The celebrants will not notice that the blood under their feet has become darker at this moment.

They would not notice that a thick black mist appeared in the body of the dead girl, which had already filled the entire room and eroded everyone's body.

All the excitement, all the ecstasy, all the abnormal emotions, all the abnormal emotions come from this.

The people who realized the problem hurriedly fled, leaving only a dozen people who were festering in the black mist but still cheering.

At this moment, the bell died, the orator died, everyone died.

What survived was a demon called the Law of Erosion.

The Law of Erosion, Super Virus. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It infects everyone as a dead man, invades the internal system of the Fire Moth, and frantically seizes the final authority.

Dr. Mei is currently confronting it on the Internet, but the reality is not optimistic.

I don't know how long it took, the dead man turned into pieces in the cold wind, and the fox-eared girl stepped on the wind.

She stormed room 769 with the intention of taking her sister out of the dead.

However, everything has long been unrecognizable.

The smell of blood filled the air.

Sakura's eyes lost their highlight and she collapsed weakly in a pool of blood.

The sight in the eyes hits the brain, leaving a deep imprint in the depths of consciousness.

She saw the bell dead in the corner, the shocking scars, as if telling the despair of the girl's last moments.

Of course she knew who did it, but it all meant nothing.

In the space, only bottomless malice remains, which makes people feel cold from the bottom of their hearts.

Sakura: "..."


"If I can be a little faster..."

Sakura stroked Suzu's cold body, tears slipping from her eyes that lost their highlights....

At this moment, the barrage broke out.

[Paimon: How cruel! These people are terrible! 】

[Ying: Just killed an unarmed girl... Is this really a manifestation of justice? 】

[Ah hat: Huh... Never overestimate human nature, especially in the last days. 】

[Diluc: Hmph... A bunch of idiots. 】

[Dortore: It's really a bunch of idiots who lack the necessary brains, and in the face of the special situation of the Twelfth Lawyer, they don't even think about what kind of mutation will happen after killing the Lawyer. 】

[Kiana: It's abominable! These people! It's normal for the bell to be clear! 】

[Frona: Sue! I'm going to sue! None of those people want to run! 】

[Zhongli: It's really cruel... However, it is not incomprehensible...]

[Wendy: Listening to their speeches, it seems that these people's will to survive is a little too high? 】

[Empty: Huh... When Heavenly Reason overthrew Canria, did the seven gods think like this? Have you ever spared any of your children? 】


[Nassida: Kevin, it's time to face another tragedy...]

[Jean: Suzu is just a child... She did not show any ill will that originated from the lawyers. Killing her like this, those people are simply unforgivable! 】

[Lauderdale: Unforgivable indeed... How is this group of people like this! Do they really think they know better than Dr. May?! 】

[Otto: Alas, human nature is such that what can we want? Dr. Mei's detention of Ling is not a kind of protection in disguise? 】

[Alicia: Sakura? You okay? No problem...]

[Pardolphilis: Sister Sakura! Don't scare me! What's wrong with you! You say something! 】

[Sakura: Suzu... How so...]

[Abonia: Sakura... Take it easy... Please calm down, these things are in the past. 】

【A Thousand Calamities: Aponia!! 】

A paradise of the past.

A raging flame burned above Thousand Calamity's body, and the eyes under the mask stared viciously at Aponia, seemingly ready to attack at any moment.

But out of the [Commandment Not to Hurt the Innocent], and Kevin's gaze here, he finally managed to control himself with difficulty.


Qian Hao pointed to the nun on the opposite side and roared:

"You have to pay for this!!"

"If it weren't for your commandments, how could these people find it difficult to control themselves and commit great sins!"

Aponia: "..."

"Sorry... Sakura..."

"I didn't expect this either... I was just there to save them... Let them not give up their will to live..."

At this moment, Sakura's vision in the Promised Land was equally empty, and the highlight in her eyes had long since been lost.

"Why... Why is this..."

"My end... I actually experienced such a thing..."

"Suzu... How could it be..."

Alicia gently put her arms around Sakura's neck and patted Sakura's back:

"It's over, Sakura, you're not wrong... It's the collapse that's wrong, it's those who are out of control. "

"I've always believed in you, Sakura, you're a very good fighter. The choices you made at the last minute, I would like to agree with. "

Qianji: "What kind of identity?" Identity [Identity], right? "

"If I had been there, things wouldn't have gotten to that point."

"I don't know what you guys think of me. But those who were there at the time, were they more like [humans] than me! "

"They killed an innocent girl, but said that fear pulled the trigger for them and won a rare victory."

"They're even cheering for it, celebrating it! A bunch of garbage... Dregs.... Death is too good for him!!! "

Kevin: "That's it... A thousand calamities. "

"We are just a shadow of the past, no amount of anger will help..."

"If you can't calm your anger, you can fight me... Just like ever..."

Qian Calamity: "Hmph, no need. "

"I want to see those scum die in pain, I want to witness the end of Sakura."

"This is... The only thing I can do now..."

Mebius: "It's a miracle that a thousand calamities actually controlled themselves." "

Kosmo: "After Sakura's death... But the big thing..."

Sakura wiped the teardrops from the corners of her eyes and said softly:

"Thank you... Ellie, and Thousand Tribulations..."

"You're right... The past is already irreparable..."

"But I'm Suzu's sister... I should have guarded my sister's pride..."

"Just let me... Witness your end..."

In the screen, the video continues to play.

In the dim dungeon, there are only dim lights and constant alarms.

The sound of the roar was intermittent, and then gradually disappeared in the center of the shadows...


Footsteps came from shadows in all directions, it was a dead man who had not yet died.

They came from all directions, heading towards the unsuspecting Sakura.

At this moment, Sakura has almost lost any sense of battle, allowing herself to immerse herself in sadness.

And almost at the same time.

Phew -

Crimson flames swept in, turning the dead into ashes and scattering in the air.

In the middle of the firestorm, Kevin walked out slowly.

Kevin: "..."

After scanning the surroundings to make sure there were no enemies left, he put away his great sword.

The flames were extinguished.

Kevin: "Sakura..."

Sakura: "..."

Kevin's call went unanswered.

The warrior with the name of [Moment] seemed to fall into some invisible abyss with his dead sister.

He had thought Sakura would be surprised, puzzled, angry, and crying, and he had imagined countless possibilities.

But now, Sakura just sits there quietly, unwilling to wake up no matter how others call.

Kevin: "..."

He shook his head lightly and connected the communication channel.

"May, this is Kevin. The dead on the 33rd basement floor were cleaned up. "

"There is no abnormality in the body of the lawyer."

Mei: "I can't judge that the danger has been completely lifted, wait a little longer, Hua will arrive at you immediately." "

"The ability of the Twelfth Law is determined to release a large number of airborne corrosive viruses at the moment of death."

"Without our knowledge, the soldiers in the base executed her without permission, which awakened the lawyers."

"Sakura is wrong, Suzu is a true lawyer."

"She is responsible for her intrusion...".

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