"When Suzu was chosen to be the Lawyer, her end was already preordained."

"This is Honkai!"

Kevin listened to Mei's words, looking at Suzu's corpse and Sakura's lost mind at the moment.

His eyes showed a fierce light, and his clenched fists seemed to be dripping blood at any moment.

He tried to calm himself, but the trembling of his body exposed his pain and anger.

All the while, Honkai is constantly hurting the people around him.

First strangers, then subordinates, and now finally to the closest comrades-in-arms?

Kevin's heart was filled with anger, and at this moment, his emotions fluctuated violently.

Although the girl known as the lawyer is dead, is this really ~ the end of the matter?

Before she had time to think about these questions, Dr. May's voice sounded out of place again.

Mei: "Kevin... Kevin, can you hear me? "

"Something happened, and the lawyer has not been eliminated."

Kevin: "What did you say?!" "

Mei: "The systems in the base were attacked by viruses, and the defense procedures were completely compromised. "

"All the equipment and robots fell under the control of the other side, and it is now further seizing control of the nuclear bomb silo."

Kevin: "Hold on, I'll be right here!" "

Mei: "The essence of this lawyer is a virus with self-awareness..."

"This is... The Law of Erosion .... A real gesture..."

The communication device makes a beep sound.

As the communication system went down, the security doors of all surrounding rooms were closed.

At this moment, control of the base has completely fallen.

Of course, this is not difficult.

The heavenly fire in his hand burst into flames again, and he looked at Sakura and "ordered" in an unquestioning tone:

"Sakura, hurry up to a safe place, the attack of the lawyer is not over yet!"

When the words fell, the dumbfounded Sakura suddenly moved.

She turned her head slightly and looked at Kevin with eyes that had lost her highlights.

"-Suzu, are you still alive?"

A sudden sound froze the air.

"Kevin, where is she?"

Kevin's expression changed suddenly:

"Sakura... What do you want to do? "

Sakura: "I'm going to find her." "

Kevin: "Are you crazy, she's not a bell anymore!" "

"Have you forgotten the sixth breakdown! Your current state is dangerous! "

Sakura: "That's why I'm going because it's dangerous." "

"Kevin... You're not going to stop me, are you? "

"Suzu must be lonely now, she has always been a child who is afraid of loneliness."

“...... She needs me. "

The roar of artillery fire was intertwined with the sound of sirens, endlessly.

Kevin knew that getting Sakura out of here was destined to be a journey with no return.

His heart ached, and he knew that it was time for him to make a choice again.

Countless people's voices and smiles appeared in my mind.

Trace, Daistobia, the warriors who died under their own hands, the civilians who were killed by the Law of the Dead because of their weakness...

Honkai, always taking important things away from him.

Kevin is fed up with this kind of thing.

This time, it will also take away one of humanity's last thirteen warriors and one of Kevin's most cherished comrades.

This satisfies how other Kevin accepts.

He was reluctant to watch his comrades die anymore, especially with his own hands or eyes.

Even if he couldn't say it, even if he couldn't find a single reason to stop this comrade-in-arms.

But so what?

At this moment, the emotions that had been suppressed in Kevin's heart for a long time could no longer be contained.

"No kidding! The bell is dead! "

"Stop it, Sakura!"

His angry voice was wrapped in a cold wind, echoing through this experimental base.

In any case, he also wants to stop this comrade from sending him to death.

But what responded to him was Sakura's sad words.

"Kevin... I'm sorry..."

Ugh --

The sound of drawing the knife sounded, it was so crisp, so caught off guard.

The blade came out of its sheath, bringing up a cold light in the sky.

Sakura's blow completely "froze" the space.

Time lags, consciousness flies, and everything tends to stand still.

In those short seconds, she was the only one who could act in this lightless realm.

"I still have unfinished business!"

She skimmed Kevin's ear and firmly left her last words.

A few seconds later, the illusory knife light shattered.

Kevin walked out of the lagging time and space, and the great sword in his hand had turned into a state of destruction.

However, he did not follow in Sakura's footsteps.

At the moment, there is no need for that.

He closed his eyes, melted the safety door in front of him with a sword, and walked into it without looking back.

Sakura expressed her will with her actions.

How could Kevin not know what Sakura was thinking.

No matter how sad he is, he can only choose to give respect.

Things on Dr. May's side are equally important.

Kevin wants to help clean up the dead above the 33rd floor to match May's tactics.

Time is urgent, and she can't wait for Hua to arrive, and she is likely to be blocked on other floors.

The picture stretched, and the promenade of the base suddenly became quite deep.

The intrusion of the Law of Erosion into the base system prevented most of the lights from turning on properly.

Only the emergency lights on the roof flickered faintly, flickering on and off.

Kevin took the robbery in his hand and walked towards the depths of the corridor in the light of the fire.

His back was no longer straight, and he looked rather lonely.

He walked alone into the depths of darkness, but it was difficult to be engulfed by darkness after all.

Most of the staff in the base were infected and turned into bloodthirsty soldiers.

They have been manipulated by the virus and are all doppelgangers of the Law of Erosion.

This also means that these dead men are unusually difficult.

It's a pity that they met Kevin, who was extremely angry.

The flames of destruction splashed, igniting everything in its path and turning all the dead to ashes.

The icy wind reverberated, causing frost on the walls and destroying enemies hiding in the shadows.

This time, the massacre became Kevin's wordless catharsis.

He knew that the number of permanent personnel of the Fire Moth was huge, which meant that the number of dead soldiers could not be only these.

The reason why he did not encounter too many dead soldiers proves that most of these enemies were led away by Sakura.

This is not good news.

As long as the lawyer is not eliminated for a moment, the virus will continue to spread, infecting more people.

First ordinary people, and then more physically strong soldiers.

Finally, it's yourself.

At this moment, the audience outside the light screen is also aware of this problem.

[Nassida: This does not work, if it continues, there will always be problems, and the lawyer will continue to create similar dead men. 】

[Lauderdale: Indeed, these enemies are too messy to be cleared! 】

[Otto: Huh... It's just a bunch of minions, if I deal with this matter, I will definitely start with the lawyer body in the Internet. 】

[Walter Young: Dr. May is probably doing just that. 】

[Chongyun: Feeling... This group of dead soldiers is much more difficult than the dead soldiers who appeared on the light screen before..."

[Tinaly: After all, it is a virus directly from the Lawyer, and the dead created in this way are definitely full of special! ] 】

[Dortore: Huh... Essentially, these dead men are slices of the Law of Erosion...]

[Paimon: Huh? Is that so? The Law of Erosion can even make slices?! 】

[Ying: No... There are traces to follow... The Law of Eclipsion is essentially a virus with self-awareness, and it is very reasonable that the dead man manipulated by the virus can be regarded as the doppelganger of the Lawyer! 】

[Dadalia: Oops! Isn't that Sakura going to face the lawyer alone?! 】

[Zhongli: In terms of general rationality, there are far fewer enemies here than before, and they were probably all led away by the female swordsman..."

[Diluc: So it is... That's why Kevin desperately tried to stop Sakura...】

[Kage: With Sakura's sword skills, she should be able to deal with these dead warriors..."

[Kevin: Normally, that's true. 】

[Mebius: But the enemies Sakura has to face are hundreds of super deaths, and the Lawyer virus that is almost ubiquitous in the air.... Ah, that's troublesome..."

[Lauderdale: Sure enough... No lawyer is easy to deal with...]

[Bronia: Bronia feels that it is necessary to isolate the infection route before cleaning up the enemy... Otherwise, more and more people will only be infected, and the battle of humanity will only fall into disadvantage..."

[Fu Hua: Bronia... You're right... This is indeed something that should be considered...]

When Fu Hua's barrage floated by, the picture had changed.

Almost half an hour had passed in the light curtain, and the inside of the base was already devastated.

However, this has not been without progress.

The attack of the dead stopped briefly, and the survivors collapsed and fell into a deep sleep.

Kevin squinted slightly and saw the illusory feathers constantly falling in the air...

He sighed and marched in the direction where the corpses of the dead were the most.

Ahead, it is probably the battlefield where the battle is fiercest. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At the same time, it is also a battlefield unique to Sakura...

Pass through hills of dead soldiers, through ruins with black blood and knife marks.

The emergency lights flashed with flickering light and dimming, and the power to the base still has not really been restored.

Here, Kevin meets Sakura.

Almost at the same time.


The headphones, which had been silent for a long time, finally sounded again.

Mei's relieved voice came from it.

"Kevin, I made it."

"The lawyer fell into the trap and was trapped in the master control system by the quarantine program. I'll find a way to transfer her to the black box. "

“...... Kevin, what's wrong, can you hear me? "

Kevin: "Sorry, May. "

"Can you give me a little time..."

"I have something... To be processed. "

Without waiting for May to answer, Kevin removed the headphones and threw them on the ground, smashing them.

His angry behavior caught Sakura's attention.

Sakura has long been unable to lift her head, and her eyes have been blinded by the virus.

"Kevin... Is that you..."

At this moment, Sakura's words were intermittent, with a weakness that could never be bridged.

0 for flowers 0

She leaned against the rubble flattened by the blade, and the faint glow of the emergency lamp shone on her cheeks, making Sakura's already white face look even paler.

Sakura's favorite combat uniform was already shattered, with blood at the corners of her mouth, and a pair of fox ears weakly pulled down.

In the endless metal ruins, she is like a lone flower in ruins.

Kevin looked at Sakura's situation at the moment, his nose soured, but he didn't cry after all.

Sakura is not a betrayer, she fights Honkai to the end.

Kevin didn't want to cry out in front of her, didn't want to humiliate the dying warrior with tears.

Sakura, who felt Kevin's emotions, just smiled slightly.

"Kevin... I know you're right..."

Kevin: "May has sealed the Lawyer. "

At the last minute, she said, there was an unexplained disorder in the lawyer's activities.

"She didn't miss this opportunity..."

Sakura: "Huh... That's fine..."

"I accompany the bell... Came to the last minute... Until the end... She's still my sister..."

"I held on..... The pride of being a sister..."

Kevin: "You didn't regret it until the end... That's enough. "

Sakura's eyes darkened, but a smile flashed at the corner of her mouth.

Maybe she saw something, something that only she could see.

Sakura: "... Kevin, I finally ... And one more request..."

Kevin: "I'm listening. "

Sakura: "After I died... Please take my remains... Bring it back to our hometown..."

"I still remember the cherry blossom square in my hometown..."

"That's really a... It's a warm view..."

Kevin: "I'll try. "

Sakura: "Kevin... Don't be sad..."

"Something... Some regrets... There's nothing we can do..."

"But you... And those who want to protect ... There are still unfinished responsibilities..."

"The world may not be a better place anymore... But everything, there is still hope..."

The flickering light of the emergency lights finally went out.

Along with this, the last bit of light in Sakura's eyes disappeared, returning to nothingness with her life.

Kevin stood here quietly, watching Sakura leave, engraving her last wish in her mind.

His expression was still cold, but there was an uncontrollable sadness in his eyes.

But in the end, he didn't shed a single tear.

Putting away the skyfire, Kevin turned to leave.

His clenched fists finally left blood, dripping to the ground, turning into pieces of red ice...

I don't know how long it took.

Hua walked up to the third floor and saw Kevin leaning against the wall.

He looks lost, as if he is also controlled by the key of God, and is wandering in his dreams.

Sensing Hua's arrival, Kevin did not look up.

"I saw that the people in the base seemed to have lost their souls, and I knew it was you."

Hua: "Kevin. "

Kevin: "The Twelfth Law has been sealed. "

Hua: "Is it? Is Sakura okay..."

Kevin was silent for a few seconds, and he looked up into the distance, which was where the Lawyer had been held.

"She's dead."

"This time, the lawyer's ability is like some kind of virus, it can not only hack into computers, but even erode humans."

"Honkai... It's always beyond our imagination. "

Hua was speechless for a while, seemingly digesting this heavy fact.

Finally, she sighed softly.

"What a loss."

Kevin: "The casualties in the base are about a hundred, and the rest are dead soldiers from outside invasion..."

"Those who were close to the Law were the first to be infected, and the virus was too fast for us to stop it..."

"Thanks to you, if you hadn't made a quick decision to block the erosion of humans by the virus, I'm afraid there would be no living people in this base."

Hua: "It seems like good news. "

Kevin: "I haven't said the bad news yet: all three metropolises are destroyed. "

"The virus took control of the defense system and fired all the nuclear bombs into the inhabited area of the planet."

Hua: "Ahhh..."

"I'm sorry, I judged it was a mental attack... There is no way I can hold the computer. "

Hua sat down against the wall in frustration.

"I'm sorry, I thought I had the situation under control..."

Kevin: "No, it's okay. "

His body slid down the iron wall and landed beside Hua.

"It's always like that, isn't it? You're not very surprised. "

Hua: "..."

Kevin: "Humanity always wins miserably, paying a huge price and winning a small victory. And the offensive of Honkai will only get stronger and stronger, and it will become more and more terrifying every time. "

"We held out until the twelfth ..."

"But everyone knows... It was known a long time ago. "

"All victories are a disguise for defeat so that we don't look so miserable."

"Humanity has lost, Hua Wu."

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