I left the sigh of Hollanddale.

The eyes return to the light screen again.....

At this moment, Otto still did not stop to"explain" himself.

He continued to talk about his crimes

"I don’t need anyone to judge me, after all these long and short five hundred years"

"It's just a man, all he can do for his own wishful thinking"

"He has now reached the end of his journey - what he wants to accomplish, what he wants to witness, what he wants to redeem......"

"They have taken root in the tree of imaginary numbers, just waiting for the lost messenger to deliver the last message before everything ends......."

"Despicableness will be taken to the grave by me; light will reach into the future because of you"

"I fooled my friends, I fooled my loved ones, I fooled the world and its rules"

"Just to give the only real you a second life"

"I'm back......Karen......"

Otto never denied his crimes. even.......He even felt that he had no qualifications to live.

Everything in the world has been"fooled" by him.

And all the sins he did were just to resurrect the only lover in his heart.

Now........Now that he has found a way to resurrect his lover.

Then, even if you die.

Then he will gladly accept it!

But at the same time, the Far East 500 years ago.

Inside Yae Shrine in Yae Village.........

What Otto didn't know was that Kallen was actually in this timeline.

She was also paying attention to the video titled"Thus Spoke Apokalis" through the light curtain that suddenly appeared...........

After knowing what Otto was doing now and what he was doing.

Karen's expression also began to look extremely painful and worried.

"Otto.......This is the story of what Otto will experience in the future.......

In other words, in the future I.......

But in order to atone for his sins, Otto spent 500 years and committed countless crimes.

Is all this just to resurrect me? even.......From the beginning, he never thought about continuing to live.......This, this is so cruel.

The story shouldn't be like this!"

Karen, she doesn't want to see Otto commit crimes for herself.

She doesn't want to see Otto sacrifice everything for herself.

She doesn't want to see Otto even more........He sacrificed himself in order to resurrect himself.

But it's a pity........

Now Karen, her voice cannot be directly transmitted into the video.

It cannot be conveyed to future Otto's mind.

Keep going back to the video.

As Otto continues to move forward........

His distance from the [Tree of Imaginary Numbers] is getting shorter and shorter.

At the same time,.......A small golden square fell from his body and landed on the red sand.

His heart continued to make that sighing sound

"When a person really wants to change the world, he will realize how small his personal power is......."

"The world is so chaotic, it is neither fair nor reasonable. It persecutes heroes and nourishes evil types. Ugliness is everywhere, and beauty is gone."

"Oh, let the evil people cut off the evil in the world."

"Once a person's soul is gone, he cannot come back to life. The world allows consciousness to match new containers, but does not allow containers to collect dissipated consciousness."

"If I want to save the only her, I can only"

"Create new possibilities in the past. This other future will be her moment......"

"Karen, stay alive!!!"

From here on, even the most obtuse audience.......Everyone finally knows what Otto is planning at this moment.........What exactly do you want to do!

But it’s obvious!

I want this thing to be done.......That is basically impossible without any obstacles.

When Otto got closer to the [Tree of Imaginary Numbers].

He can feel it more and more.......The crisis is coming towards him.

Maybe nothing has happened yet.

But Otto, he could feel a strong sense of crisis........

He opened his right hand and was prompted by a thought in his heart.


The small golden square that just fell on the sand immediately sensed Otto's thoughts and flew directly back to his hand..........

Later, Otto continued to"input" his Honkai energy and thoughts into this small golden square.

The next second!


Fire and golden light were released from the golden cube in Otto's hand.

A simulated golden [Skyfire Holy Seal] appeared in Otto's hand.

This is [The Key of the First God, Void Manzo] The ability.

It can copy weapons and props that the user understands the structural principles of.

It can even be copied into a [God's Key].


After all, the core of [Key of God] is the core of the Herrscher.

Therefore, even if [Void Manzo] can imitate, it would be fine........

The core of the true power of [God's Key] is the Herrscher core.

Therefore, even though [Void Manzo] can mimic other [Keys of God], its power is definitely far inferior to the original version! but now.......The enemies Otto needs to face are not very powerful.........(To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This level is quite enough.

The real problem is........Otto's body is actually equivalent to"death".

How far can he fight?

This is a real problem.

As Otto took out his"weapons", he entered into preparations for the battle.

The next second! beside him.........Countless pitch-black"Otto"s began to surround him, standing up one after another from the blood-red desert.

That was Otto's"sin", and he was also an individual who failed in countless world bubbles.

There is no doubt that.......These are the enemies that prevent Otto from reaching the [Imaginary Number End].

As for Otto, what he has to do now is to overcome these"difficulties" and reach the [end of the imaginary number]!

Dragging the already obviously scarred body......

He clenched the [Mimetic Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment] in his hand with both hands.

Otto, he rushed directly towards those black individuals.[]

Using both feet, he leaped into the air........

Wrapped in fire, there is also his most powerful power!



Otto directly let the fire burst out in the group of"Pitch Black Otto".

One sword after another, Otto waved the [Mimetic Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment] in his hand at different times.

Those enemies who tried to get close to him were killed one after another. Knock down.

Eliminate those dark individuals who prevent them from approaching the [Imaginary Number End] one by one!

But it is a pity that.......

There are too many of these [Pitch Black Ottos]!

According to the current situation, the battle cannot end in a short time.

At the same time, the screen changed again.

Now, the scene switches to Europe 500 years ago.

A starless dark night.

Here, countless onlookers gathered. but........

Today, they are not just here to watch.

Because in the middle of them is a nun dressed in white.

This nun also has the same iconic [Kaslana Family] silver-white hair as Kiana, Siegfried, and Kevin.

500 years ago, a woman with this look.......

Her identity doesn't even need to be guessed.

That's right!

She is the woman that Otto has been obsessed with for 500 years!

The most powerful Valkyrie of [Destiny] 500 years ago, Kallen Kaslana.

But it's a pity.......

Today's story is not a beautiful one.

Because today is the day that Kallen is executed!

Betrayal of [Destiny], or even defend [The Herrscher].........

For the senior management of [Destiny], this is simply a minefield.

It’s just about the execution of [Destiny].

Karen herself had no intention of escaping.

As the strongest Valkyrie, it is impossible for these ordinary soldiers of destiny to stop her.

Those wooden shackles are no different from foam in Karen's eyes.........

But Karen, she really had no intention of escaping from here. after all........

Now she is extremely disappointed with [Destiny].

However, although Kallen"accepted her fate".

But someone who loved her deeply didn't think so........

PS: We are continuing to accelerate today!!!.

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