Outside the light curtain, inside the office of the dean of St. Freya College.

Look at the second frame in the video.

Teresa showed a surprised and worried expression

".......this is.......Is this the person Grandpa wants to save, the person named Kallen 500 years ago? her look........It really looks like me.....

But why didn't she resist?

Obviously, obviously those things are not enough to restrain her. and.......I think she must have done nothing bad, right?

Otherwise, why would grandpa be so obsessed with saving her?

What else happened 500 years ago?"

Looking at this 500-year-old fragment in the light curtain,

Teresa's mood was extremely complicated.

She was amazed that her appearance was so similar to Kallen.

Although she knew that she was a"replicant", she looked at it Kallen and Theresa still couldn't help but make a sound of surprise in the video.

And.......Theresa is also confused.......

Why didn’t Kallen resist in the face of [Destiny]’s trial?

According to her power, and her style.

She would never commit a crime.

And there is absolutely no difficulty in getting out of here. but.......Why didn't she do this?

Otto wanted to resurrect Kallen, but did he also execute Kallen because of [Destiny]?

Theresa was also thinking about this issue.

But by Theresa's side.

Wuliangta Jizi frowned slightly. because she knows.......The story in 000 is definitely not too simple.

Kallen, there must be a reason why she will be judged by [Destiny]. and......She doesn't resist, probably because she has despaired of this world.

After all, it can be judged from her empty eyes.

What's more,........

If it was really [Destiny] that killed Kallen.

Then the current [Destiny] may no longer exist. so........Wuliangta Jizi can make bold judgments.......

The story in the video is definitely not as simple as it seems!

At the same time, on the other side of the light curtain.

The headquarters of the pre-Civilization Fire Moth.

The heroes at this moment are also watching this video..........

However, it was different from Theresa just now.

The heroes didn't care much about Kallen's story.

Compared to Karen........

What the heroes paid more attention to was actually Otto's story.

They all want to know........Facing the obstacles and challenges given by the [Tree of Imaginary Numbers].

Otto, can he really cross over?

Dr. Mei, she was the first to comment

"Otto now.......Went through a battle like that.

I can say that it is quite incredible that his body can continue to fight. his willpower.......His incredible strength allows him to continue fighting like this.

But it is undeniable that his state (bjef) may [die at any time]】"

According to Dr. Mei.......Otto's body was actually [dead].

He was able to continue fighting because of his incredible perseverance.

Dr. Mei's words of astonishment followed.

Next to Eden, she also made a sound of admiration

"Indeed........His will is just like Kevin who wants to implement the [Stigmata Project], firm to a point that humans cannot understand and imagine!

And this will to persevere may also come from his [love] for his lover.

Although he is a hateful villain, a villain who has committed countless crimes.......

But it is undeniable that he is indeed a very great man!"

Eden made his own evaluation and gave Otto a very high evaluation!

It should be said......She gave a correct assessment of Otto.

But rather than marveling at Otto's will.........

Qianjie next to him had a completely different point of view.

A point of view that matches his personality

"snort! Use [Void Manzo] to copy the God Key to fight? but.......This guy's fighting skills are not very strong.

This was already visible from the time he became the [False God] just now.

This guy is just like Mebius, not the fighting type.

Dragging that scarred body and using those fighting skills.......How far can he persist?"

In the view of the fighting maniac Qianjie.

In the video, Otto, who has lost the power of [Pseudo God], is too weak! He is not suitable for fighting at all!

But even so, Otto never gave up!........(To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su, he shook his head and said

"【Tree of Imaginary Numbers] Rejecting Otto’s approach.........However, this is a matter of course..........

That is the most fundamental existence of all universes.

How could a human be qualified to get close?

It is extremely difficult to overcome this difficulty.

Needless to say,........

Otto's body is still the same as it is now."

As he said that, Su shook his head in despair again.

From his perspective,.......The probability that Otto wants to reach the [end of imaginary numbers] is actually infinitely close to zero.

After all, those countless"Dark Ottos" are the best proof.

Because they are all"failed" individuals!

Back to video


The roar of the fire has never stopped.[]

Otto, he even has countless.......How many"Dark Ottos" have he destroyed?

However, these"Dark Ottos" are still like a tide.......They kept coming towards me.

His body and physical strength had already reached the edge.

If this continues, it is inevitable that he will be exhausted. only........

This level of"despair" is not enough to defeat him!


The roar continued.


When the battle gets here.

The [Mimetic Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment] in Otto’s hands reached its limit earlier than himself.

"Click~~Bang!"A moment!

In that crisp sound........The mimic skyfire sword in his hand shattered into countless golden fragments.

His weapon disappeared.

However, think about it........This is also a matter of course.

After all, it is just a simulated weapon.

Compared with the real thing, its power is far inferior.

Durability, even more so!

But, for Otto.......This is still not difficult.

I saw that he continued to inject his Honkai energy and thoughts into the golden cube in his hand.

In his hand, a spear appeared again.

That is the mimetic [Black Abyss White Flower].

After all, that was also the Divine Key that [Destiny] once held........

For Otto, mimicry is already the God's Key that he has seen before, so there is no difficulty at all.

Holding that huge spear.......

Otto once again angrily rushed into the"Dark Otto" group.

Use inertia and the power of your own sprint......

All in one breath!

Otto directly pierced three"black Ottos".

The attack effect is outstanding!

But at this moment........ sudden!

Behind Otto, seven or eight"Pitch Black Ottos" were already leaping high, trying to sneak attack Otto from behind. but.......Otto at this moment.........The [Black Abyss White Flower] in his hand had not had time to be withdrawn from the bodies of the three"Dark Ottos". obviously!

He was still in a state of immobility from the previous attack.

For him, this second.......Extremely dangerous!!!

Outside the light curtain, St. Freya Academy.

Looking at"Dark Otto" in the video, they are about to succeed in a sneak attack.

Kiana, Raiden Mei and Bronya.......The three of them shouted in tacit agreement、




_.......Otto is fighting for the one he loves.

The girls also sincerely hope that Otto can realize his long-cherished wish and save his lover.......

PS: Second update to make up for yesterday’s update, third update coming soon!.

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