On the other side of the light curtain is the Tianming headquarters.

Looking at my future self in the video, I have reached a moment of crisis!

Otto in this timeline also instinctively showed a nervous, even fearful expression.

For Otto, it was an expression that was almost impossible to show.

But there is no doubt that.....

He is now afraid of his future. He is afraid that he will fail in the future!

"No, we can’t fail at this time! future me........We have worked hard to this point, and we absolutely cannot lose here again!

Definitely can't fail here!

The chance is only this time......~.

No matter how powerful the enemy is, how difficult the battle is.

I absolutely cannot fail!-!!"

Otto knew very well that his future self would only be defeated once like this.

If you lose here.......

Then, he will lose the chance to resurrect Kallen.

And he will also lose his life. so........it's all over.

But he cannot accept such a future!

Otto, he absolutely cannot accept that kind of world!

No matter how difficult or painful it is........

Otto, he must do everything he can to resurrect Kallen!

Eyes, continue to focus back to the video.

Feeling that there are several enemies behind him who are about to attack me........

Otto, of course he said that he was in a very dangerous situation now.

Draw weapons from the bodies of those"Dark Ottos" and then resist?

I am afraid........It's already too late.........

But, since it's too late.

Then it’s better to give it up directly!

Release the spear with both hands.......

Otto suddenly turned around and once again injected his Honkai energy and thoughts into the [Void Manzo].

After the golden light flashes.......

Two more sharp swords appeared in Otto's hands.

That is one of the forms of [God’s Key Xuanyuan Sword]........

A long time ago, Otto also traveled across the land of China for a period of time.

Therefore, Otto can easily imitate the form of [Xuanyuan Sword].

But that doesn't matter now! brandish the sword in your hand.......

"brush!""brush!"Two times.

Otto easily harvested the few"Dark Ottos" who tried to launch a sneak attack on him.

And then.......

Holding a sharp sword, he rushed directly into the group of monsters!

It's like a"harvester".

Otto was fighting crazily, tearing apart"Dark Otto" one after another.

An enemy of this level cannot defeat Otto.

But at the same time.........

Otto, he couldn't clear out all these enemies quickly at this moment.

What's more important is........

As this battle continues.

What can be seen with the naked eye is that Otto has already appeared in the same situation as those"Dark Otto".

Black and green lines have spread all over his body.

The more enemies he defeats, the higher the spread becomes.

The position of the wrist is particularly covered!

What's even more terrifying is.......This situation is not just about the wrist.

Even Otto's neck has black and green lines spreading up.

If this kind of battle continues,.........

There is no doubt that!

Otto will also become one of the"Dark Ottos". so.........

Now, Otto not only wants to clean up the almost"infinite" dark Otto.

And, this is a limited-time challenge!

The difficulty........It can be said that it is simply not something humans can imagine!

But Otto, he must overcome such difficulties!

Outside the light curtain, inside the space of [The Paradise of the Past].

Watch Otto's fight in the video.......look at his condition........

Even Alicia had to worry about this story


Otto is assimilating with those [Dark Otto]........

If the situation continues like this.

There is no doubt that he will also become one of those individuals who fail.

But there are too many........

It just relies on the simulated God Key and Otto's state.

There is simply no way to determine the outcome with one blow...........

The situation is too bad!!!"

Otto is a sinner, there is no doubt about it.

But at this moment, he is fighting for the one he loves.

His [love] touched everyone.

Even Alicia chose to stand his side..........

Maybe Otto must"go to hell". but before that.......Everyone hopes that he can fulfill his long-cherished wish of 500 years before the end of his life!

Keep going back to the video.

Otto's battle never stopped for a moment.......

The sword in his hand also never stopped swinging.

"Dark Otto" fell one after another.

Otto, he is doing everything he can to get closer to the [Tree of Imaginary Numbers]】..........

Perhaps the difficulties he needs to overcome are really too many, and his body will"die" at any time.

But with that incredible will.......Otto, he keeps fighting!!!

However, when the battle lasted to this point. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Those"Dark Otto" also realized that.......If this continues.

They could not stop Otto's progress.

In this case.........Then we can only gather all the power of"Dark Otto" into one!

In an instant!

These"Dark Ottos" seemed to have reached some kind of consensus.

They actually started to gather together quickly........The bodies began to pile up and turned into"a mass of darkness."

There is no doubt that their powers are merging!

In front of Otto, a"dark hill" seemed to have appeared.

Outside the light curtain, in the headquarters of the Fire Chaser Moth from the pre-civilization era.

Looking at the video, those"Dark Ottos" are merging.

The expressions of the heroes also changed slightly.........

It should be said that the Yingjie also noticed something.

That's where Otto's challenge starts to get more difficult.

Dr. Mei, she said unfavorably[]

"【The Tree of Imaginary Numbers seems to feel Otto’s will........The mechanics of stopping him also changed.

Those [Pitch Black Ottos] are merging.

0 Request for Flowers

A single individual is no match for Otto.

But the quantity was such that Otto could never clean them all.

And now........If all those incredibly large numbers of [Pitch Black Ottos] are merged together,........That must have given birth to a behemoth. one......An enemy that Otto can never defeat!"

Dr. Mei, although she admired Otto's will.

But she is an absolutely rational person.

In her opinion........The probability of Otto successfully touching the [Imaginary Number End] is infinitely close to zero!

But after Dr. Mei just expressed his inner thoughts.

Next to him, Kevin once again rarely spoke.

"However, what if all those [Pitch Black Ottos] merged into a single individual.

So........Otto, he only needs to deal with such an enemy to reach the [Imaginary Number End].

It's better than fighting those seemingly infinite [Dark Ottos].

It's just that the problem is.........It’s just how he wants to defeat that [behemoth]."

Unlike Dr. Mei, Kevin seems to be quite optimistic about Otto.

Returning to the video again.

The screen suddenly left Otto.........Switch to Europe 500 years ago.

At this moment, Kallen has been sent to the gallows and is about to be executed.

But at this moment.........


From all directions, the violent roars of Honkai beasts kept coming!

This was something that shouldn't have happened.

But in order to cause panic and create a chance for Kallen to escape.

Otto 500 years ago, he released all Honkai beast sealed by [Destiny].

In other words........

Now, this city is already filled with countless Honkai Beasts.

The crowd fell into panic instantly!

The Destiny soldiers around Kallen were also busy dealing with such sudden accidents.

Braziers used for lighting were scattered all over the place.

A fire was burning in front of the gallows. among the cities........The raging Honkaimon is killing every civilian!

Looking at such a tragic scene.

Kallen had already lost her desire to live.

Her pupils were filled with worry and anger.

Kallen couldn't watch the vivid lives disappear from her eyes.

She has to take action.......


With the strange strength inherited from [Kaslana Family],

Kallen easily shattered the wooden shackles on her neck.

Then, she tore the hemp rope locks on her hands. Kallen rushed into the crowd and gave loud instructions panicked crowds in the city

"Get out of here quickly!"

Compared to my own life........Kallen values ​​other people's lives more.

Perhaps, this is the thought that everyone who inherits the name of [Kaslana] will have.

But Kallen's power alone obviously cannot prevent the tragedy of this city.........

PS: The third update is to make up for yesterday’s update. The fourth update will be coming soon!.

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