Outside the light curtain, you are still in the space of [Paradise of the Past].

Look at this story that happened to Kallen 500 years ago.

Alicia, her expression began to become more sad.

It's obvious.......She is worried about the safety of the most powerful Valkyrie who was destined to live 500 years ago.

Pink fairy, she said sadly

"What a kind girl....

It was clear that when those people were going to execute her just now, she didn't complain at all.

But now, when everyone is in crisis.

But she was able to stand up and [live] in order to save everyone. one.......A person who can dedicate himself to others.

She is also a girl who can shine with the brilliance of humanity~~

No wonder Otto likes this girl so much.

Even if it takes 500 years to"five hundred and ninety"".......Even if he commits numerous crimes.

Even if you have to sacrifice your own life, you have to create a world with Kallen........."

It can be seen that Alicia also likes Kallen as a woman.

Because it's on Karen's body.......Alicia saw the shining"light of humanity" again.

On the other side of the light curtain is the Tianming Headquarters.

Witnessing the tragedy of 500 years ago again.......

Otto's originally excited and worried expression began to look sad again.

He regrets his past self........I regretted what stupid things I had done in the past.

Holding his forehead with his right hand, he sighed in pain and said

"........What a sad past........

How stupid I was.

But stupidity is second to none. my really important question........I'm too selfish.........

I didn't consider Karen's feelings at all.

He was just thinking about saving Karen, but he didn't think about what she was thinking at all.

I'm really a hopeless sinner..........

But this time, I must create a world where Kallen exists.

Maybe this time, I still didn't consider Karen's own feelings at all. but.......This is the most selfish thing a person can do........."

Otto, he knew he was selfish.

But he really wanted to create one.......The world where Kallen lives!

Continue back to the video.

Get out of Karen's perspective......

Now, the scene has returned to the [imaginary number space].

Otto's battle is not over yet.

The"dark Ottos" that were"stacked" together just now gradually formed a new shape.........

A twisted, huge, giant Honkai Beast that exudes a terrifying aura!


The Honkai Beast let out that deafening roar, as if it was showing off its unparalleled power!

But compared to the powerful power of this Honkai Beast........

Otto, he is even more afraid of........It's probably the shape of this Honkaimon.

Because this Honkaimon is actually the Honkaimon that killed Kallen 500 years ago.

For Otto.......This Honkaimon is equivalent to Otto's"nightmare" existence.

So one can imagine how terrifying it would be for Otto to face such an enemy!

But now, Otto wants to create a world with Kallen in it.

So........He must overcome this"nightmare" in his heart"!


During the roar, the Honkai Beast's huge front paws struck hard on the red blood sand. The powerful impact even caused ripples in the blood-red desert.

The shock wave shocked even Otto. He was overturned on the beach!

The gap in strength between the two can be imagined............

However, no matter how huge the gap is.

Otto will never give up either......

""Nightmare" or Honkaimon!

Otto's love for Kallen has already surpassed all of them! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Standing angrily from the blood-red desert again rise........Otto rushed out of the blood-red smoke.

And, at the same time.......He also activated the ability of [Void Manzo] again, injecting Honkai energy into it, allowing it to change its shape again.

Countless golden chains were released by Otto, and directly entangled the Honkai beast. He got into it and bound him tightly, causing him to lose the ability to move..0

This is the ability of God's Key [Judas's Oath].......Limit the operation of Honkai energy.

At the same time, this is also the divine key of [Destiny] passed down from generation to generation.

What's more important is........This is also the God Key used by Kallen, the most powerful Valkyrie in the past.

Now Otto, he chooses to use the divine key of mimicry to deal with this Honkai beast, I am afraid there is such a layer of consideration.

When the Honkai beast is completely restrained by the chain,........

Otto did not waste this golden opportunity.

He stepped forward directly and rushed towards the huge Honkai Beast as quickly as possible.

Follow the opponent's arm and"climb" directly to the opponent's head.

Then leap into the air........

Through the inertia brought by the super high quality of [Judas's Oath]! []

Otto, he fell straight down like a"cannonball"! at last.........

"boom!"A loud noise

【Judah's Oath] directly shattered Honkaimon's shell and got stuck in Honkaimon's body.

But it's obvious.......This is the effect Otto wants to see.

After completing this step.

Otto directly unfolded the [Oath of Judas] that he had simulated, revealing all the weapons inside.

And then.....2.2..



All the weapons were released in one breath, and they flew out like shotguns, directly bombarding the Honkai Beast into pieces.

This time........There is no doubt that it is Otto's victory. now!

In this [imaginary number space], there is not a single enemy left!

Otto, he succeeded!

He can reach the [Imaginary Number End] and create a world with Kallen!!!

PS: The fourth update is complete, this is the additional update today!!!!.

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