Looking at the video, the black Honkai Beast whose body was directly crushed by Otto was seen.

A moment!

The entire Honkai Impact world is excited!

Because everyone can see it......Otto's hope of success!

Now, in that [Imaginary Number Space], there are no enemies standing in front of Otto. so.........He can successfully reach the [Imaginary Number End] and create a world where Kallen is alive!

Outside the light curtain, inside the office of the dean of St. Freya College.

Watching this scene in the video, Theresa got excited.

Because she saw that in the future world........Her grandpa succeeded!

Teresa shouted excitedly

"It worked, grandpa, he really did it! so......There should be no enemies that will appear in front of him again.

Grandpa, he is really moving towards his dream. but........Can [Judas's Oath] still be used in this way?"

For Otto's success, there should be no one in the entire Collapsed world who is happier than Theresa.

However,........while being surprised.......

Teresa herself was surprised that in Otto's hands, [Judas' Oath] could still be used in this way.

She originally thought that her use of [Judas' Oath] had been developed to a quite extreme level.

But now it seems..........

20 Compared with Otto, his level is still a little inferior.

After all, Teresa is just a"Judas transmitter".

On the other side, in the headquarters of Wen Ji Yuan Chasing Fire Moth.

Regarding Otto's performance........The Yingjie also expressed surprise.

Originally, in their eyes.

The power of that Honkai Beast is indeed not that powerful. but........Considering Otto's condition.........

The difficulty in defeating that Honkai Beast is quite exaggerated.

But the fact is that this story exceeded everyone's expectations.

It was completely beyond everyone’s expectations.

Just two rounds........

Otto easily crushed the Honkai Beast to pieces.

Dr. Mei, she couldn't help but make a sound of admiration.

"It seems.........I did underestimate him before.

His will gave him power beyond his limits. and........In his hand, the [Eleventh Divine Key] can still be used in that way.........This is a path I never imagined."

Mebius:"Although he is indeed not the fighting type. But his brain allows him to analyze the best course of action in an instant. This is where he stands out!"

Eden:"But, even so. He defeated that Honkai Beast so easily.......This is still beyond our expectation."

Kevin:" Maybe........This is what Alicia has always pursued, the glory of humanity. When you let the flower of humanity bloom, everything is possible!"

Kevin believed........

Most of the miracles that will come to the next civilization era are the result of the blooming of the"seed of humanity" planted by Alicia.

The same is outside the light curtain.

Watch the content in the video..........

At this moment, Otto's crazy laughter has already echoed throughout the command room of the headquarters.


Now, finally, no existence will appear in front of me in the future.

I can.......I can finally take that step!

That's the most crucial step to save Kallen!

Now, just the last bit is left! hurry up......Hurry up and touch the [end of the imaginary number], my future self!"

Otto, he can't wait to see the moment when he succeeds in the future!

Returning to the video again.

When Otto, he successfully used [Mimetic Judas' Oath] to completely blast the Honkaiju just now. After becoming a wreckage. After losing his"support", it was natural for him to fall on the desert full of blood-red sand.

The struggling.........Continue to endure all kinds of severe pain coming from the body.........

Otto, he stood up from the ground tremblingly.

After going through those battles just now, let alone walking anymore.

Even standing on this beach is extremely difficult. but........His incredible will supported him to drive this dilapidated body and continue to move forward!

However, with the destruction of the Honkai Beast just now.

On Otto's body, the condition eroded by black and green lines has obviously become more serious.

The face, neck, etc., are already highly eroded. this also means........Otto was already at the edge of his limits in every aspect, whether it was his life or the erosion of Honkai energy.

He has no margin for error anymore.

If he is not careful now, he will soon become a"loser". but..........

Fortunately, the enemy has basically been"annihilated" now.

Now, there should be no more enemies appearing in front of Otto.

Dragging a broken body.......he keeps moving forward........Step by step........Approaching the [end of the imaginary number].

That was Otto's dream and his long-cherished wish.

Now, all obstacles are gone. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He was just a little away from creating a world where Kallen was alive.

Along with the pictures and the plot of the story, we came to this touching and tearful moment.

Otto's personal song also sounded at this moment


"Too-much-of-the-past-for-one-to-memorize The past is too long, but the memory is too short [The years are too long for people to remember]

There are too many words left, but there are very few readers [Left There are too many for people to read.]

Between heaven and man, all living beings are bustling. [There is a bustling crowd, in the world and in heaven.]

As time goes by, [all living beings are following time.】"

Under that exciting soundtrack.

Otto........He finally came to the [Tree of Imaginary Numbers][]

Now, you just need to raise your right hand and place it on the tip.

Input all the thoughts in your heart into the terminal.

Thus.......He can create the world he wants.

All the previous efforts were worth it.

Because for Otto, nothing is more important than Karen!

Outside the light curtain, in St. Freya Academy.

Look at the picture in the video........990

The girls at this moment were also extremely excited. everyone is looking forward to it.......The moment Otto fulfilled his long-cherished wish!

Kiana:"Hurry up, Otto! Now, just put your right hand on the tip of the [big tree], and your wish will come true!"

Mei Raiden:"It's obviously a video of a villain..........However, this light curtain always brings us the contrast between these villains."

Bronya:"I think there may not be pure villains in this world. No! should say......There is no need for pure villains and pure villains to appear on this light screen."

Fu Hua:"Things.......I always feel like it won’t be that simple........"

When the three Yu families were all looking forward to the moment when Otto succeeded.

Only Fuhua Shangxian........She still felt that things would not be that simple.

Although Otto, he did encounter all kinds of obstacles just now.

But in general.......The difficulty is still not too outrageous.

If only this were the case, a new branch world could be created on the [Tree of Imaginary Numbers].

Fu Hua, she still felt that this was too simple and too relaxing.

Things shouldn't be so simple. but........Next, facts will prove.........

Fu Hua's worries were not groundless. only........even so.......

Otto's"love" for Karen will definitely surpass everything again!

PS: Continue to maintain yesterday’s update today!!!.

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