Under the watchful eyes of countless spectators.

Field of view, focus returns to video. spanned a long journey.....

At this moment, Otto has finally arrived in front of the [Tree of Imaginary Numbers].

Now, he only needs to raise his right hand and place it on the [end of the imaginary number].

He can create a world 500 years ago where Kallen was alive. but........It is at such an extremely anxious moment.

The screen changed again.

Now, the perspective has shifted to Europe 500 years ago.

The screen continued the story of Kallen just now.

Karen in the story.......She was still directing the retreat of the masses in this city.

But unfortunately, there are too many Honkai Beasts in the city now. at the same time........Everyone has completely fallen into panic and fear.

Just relying on Kallen's own strength may not be able to change the current situation. and!

While Kallen was still busy guiding and evacuating the crowd. sudden!

She suddenly saw a little girl not far away from her. She was blocked by a huge Honkai Beast.

The little girl was in panic. She was completely stunned and completely at a loss.

But when the little girl was still completely at a loss.........

The huge Honkai Beast had already raised its huge claws and was about to crush the little girl in an instant.

Saw such a scene.......

Karen, there is absolutely no way she can just sit back and watch!

In a flash, Kallen rushed directly to the little girl........

"boom!"There was a loud noise.

Honkaimon stepped out his heavy claws.......Kallen also raised her arms in a defensive posture.

Among the violent sounds.

Kallen successfully protected the little girl.........

But this is completely putting yourself in danger.

Because at this moment Kallen couldn't get out to deal with other Honkai beasts.

Behind her is the little girl.......She had to protect this little girl.

But this would also cause her to lose the opportunity and ability to fight Honkaimon.

There is no doubt that her situation is quite dangerous!

Outside the light curtain, in St. Freya Academy.

Looking at Kallen in the video........

Although, the subsequent story has not yet unfolded.

But seeing this, basically everyone can guess the follow-up of the story.

Theresa, she herself was extremely disappointed and sighed.

"I may have been able to see the sequel to the story........

Those Honkai Beasts were probably released by grandpa 500 years ago.

His original intention was probably to make [Destiny] tired of dealing with such emergencies, so that Kallen could get a chance to escape.

But it's a pity.........

Karen values ​​the lives of others more than her own life........"

Having said this, Theresa paused again.

Because she knew that it was precisely because she had a similar personality and thoughts to Kallen.

That's why Otto regarded her as his real granddaughter.

It was precisely because of thinking of this that Theresa paused and sighed inwardly.

After a short pause, she spoke again.

"grandfather........The reason why he is so obsessed with Karen........out of guilt.......It’s also that great love......

I really hope this past, full of sadness, can be changed immediately."

In Theresa's pupils, while sad, she was also looking forward to it........

She looks forward to the moment when she sees the past changed.

She looks forward to the moment when Otto creates possibilities that were different from those 500 years ago!

Continue to be watched by the expectant eyes of countless spectators.

Back to the video again.

Screen switching.........Returning to Otto’s perspective........

Standing in front of the [Tree of Imaginary Numbers].

Otto, he slowly raised his right hand and was about to create the world he had been worrying about for 500 years.

It is obviously an opportunity that has been waiting for 500 years, and it is obviously such an exciting and exciting moment.

But Otto........He acted so calm.........

I can't imagine what he is thinking at this moment.

Maybe it’s excitement, maybe relief.....

But everything will end at this moment.

As long as the right hand touches the [Tree of Imaginary Numbers], everything will end.

With relief and happiness.

Otto's right hand is about to touch the [End of Imaginary Number]. but!!!!!!!!

It is at this moment of extreme crisis that

"Uh-huh!!!"With a click.

Behind Otto, there was a Honkaiju that had become a wreck.

A sharp thorn actually shot out from his body.........

The spikes tore through the air at an unspeakable speed, and Otto didn't wait for him to react.........The blood was already spurting out in one step.

Those spikes mercilessly pierced Otto's chest.

Otto, who was already infinitely close to"death", after enduring such a sneak attack. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The result is one can imagine.

Could it be that........If you want to create a new world on the [Tree of Imaginary Numbers], is there really no hope at all?

Outside the light curtain, inside St. Freya Academy.

Look at the picture in the video.........It was such a painful sight to look at.

Look at the scene where hope disappears without a trace in an instant.

Kiana, Raiden Mei and Bronya........

In their hearts, they were even so sad that they couldn't breathe.

Indescribable throbbing pain filled their hearts.

What a cruel reality this is.........

It was clear that hope had arrived, but the [Tree of Imaginary Numbers] ruthlessly deprived me of this hope.

Otto has experienced such a battle, and life itself has reached its limit.

Now........After suffering such a sneak attack........

Girls should be optimistic no matter how much they do.

I'm afraid, there is no possibility of changing this sad ending.[]

Even Fu Hua lowered her head in disappointment and said in a heavier tone.

"Is there really nothing you can do?.........

Is it so impossible for humans to create a new world on the [Tree of Imaginary Numbers]?"

Although Fu Hua himself feels that it is impossible to create a new world on the [Tree of Imaginary Numbers].

But it is undeniable that........Fu Hua also vaguely hoped that Otto could create such a miracle.

The most important thing is that 500 years ago in the far east.

Inside Yae Shrine in Yae Village.......

Looking at Otto in the video, his chest was pierced by the Honkai Beast.

Karen, she also burst into tears instantly, feeling extremely distressed.

"No, Otto.......enough........

It's really enough for you to be able to do this for me.

Compared to my resurrection.

What I hope more is.......You do what you really like, be the real you, and have your own life.

You don't have to bear those sins for me, and you don't have to sacrifice yourself for me. my great inventor........This is really enough.

I really don't want to see you again.......Looks injured........."

Of course Kallen knew that what Otto hoped and wanted to do most was to create a world in which he could live.

But compared to these.......Kallen hopes Otto will cherish his life even more.

People who understand and persevere in each other always hope that the other person can have a better life.

But it's a pity.......

Compared to Kallen, Otto is more"selfish".

He could sacrifice everything he had in exchange for a world where Kallen was alive.

Continue to return to the picture.

When Otto was stabbed in the chest........When the story is extremely desperate........

But the scene switched to Europe 500 years ago.

Just like what the audience was worried about just now.

Here, tragedy also happens.

When Kallen protected the little girl.......

"Uh-huh!"A moment!

A sharp thorn suddenly stretched out from the body of the Honkai Beast.........Before Kallen could react,.......The spikes had already scratched Kallen's chest.

Karen and Otto, they both share the same tragedy.

Watch these two extremely sad scenes in succession........

The viewers of Honkai Impact Three Worlds intuitively felt the heart-wrenching pain.

500 years ago, Kallen died in tragedy.

And 500 years later.......Otto, who had given everything he had, could not change this tragedy.

Even his story came to an end in the same way. but.........Will the truth really end in sadness?

PS: Keep going later!!!.

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