After the story that accompanies"Thus Spoke Apokalis" ends........The light curtain slowly turned into that pure white piece.

However, although the video for"Thus Spoke Apokalis" is over.

But this does not mean that Otto’s story is over.

In that pure white space...... came the voice belonging to Otto.

However, something special is.......There were two voices in total.

One is the voice of Otto when he was young. Although it is very similar, it seems more immature.

The other one is the voice of adult Otto. The audience will not have any strange feeling about this voice.

"Don't worry, this time....."

"Everything will change because of you......"

"Just like a long time ago, you changed a certain boy"

"It was a spring morning......"

"He who was not loved by others met you who climbed over the wall......"

This is Otto expressing his inner feelings.

At the same time, this is also the reason why he fell in love with Karen.

There's no particular reason.......

Just a young man who doesn't get much attention.

When he was young, he was recognized by a certain girl.

Since then.......They became the best of friends.

Otto, his love for Karen is not the superficial love between a man and a woman.

Otto's love for Karen is the simplest and most simple [love] in human nature.

He just wanted Karen to have a happier and happier life, that's all.

Pure [love] does not expect anything in return

"You greet him warmly and invite him to play with you"

"And at that moment......"

"this young man......"

"Obtained the salvation of his life......"

There was once a saying that said

【Some people use their childhood to heal their whole lives, but some people use their whole life to heal their childhood. 】

There is no doubt that........Otto's life fully illustrates this line.

Outside the light curtain, inside St. Freya Academy.

Listen to Otto's inner monologue just now........

Only then did the Yusan family understand the real reason why Otto had such deep feelings for Karen. reason.......Extraordinarily simple........But it didn't give the audience any sense of violation.

Because sometimes, for a person, salvation is such a simple thing.

Kiana:"I really didn't expect that Otto's feelings for Kallen started so early and so easily.........But it's very reasonable. After all, sometimes, redeeming a person is as simple as that. because........I think Otto at that time really needed this rescue."

Listening to Kiana's sighing voice.

Raiden Meiyi next to her nodded in approval.

After all, she herself fully approved of Kiana's speech.

In the past, Raiden Meiyi also gave up hope of living........

That time, it was Kiana who stretched out her right hand at the most dangerous moment and saved Raiden Mei. from that time........Leiden Meiyi's heart was redeemed and she strengthened her belief in living.

So, for the relationship between Otto and Karen.

Leiden Meiyi, she is also the one who has the deepest understanding

"yes.......That kind of helping hand at the most critical moment........It is enough to give people the faith and persistence to live.

Sometimes, to save a person........It’s really just enough to lend a helping hand at the most critical moment.

Although this may be really [cheap].

But for the redeemed........Such a helping hand is extremely precious."

Listening to the lines of Raiden Mei and Kiana.

On Bronya's side, she became a little silent.

She has never felt the same way about this kind of story........So there was no thought of speaking.

And on the other side, the Far East 500 years ago.

Inside Yae Shrine in Yae Village........

Karen, tears were still dripping from the corners of her eyes. perhaps.........She herself had never thought about it.........

His own redemption of Otto back then was actually so important.

In her opinion, she just found a friend of the same generation to play with.

Karen herself, she had thought about so many things. but now.......Karen finally knew.......How important his actions back then were to Otto!

What's more, there is St. Freya Academy.

I was also listening to my grandfather’s voice.......

At this moment, Theresa finally knew her grandfather's original story.

It was at this moment that Theresa could intuitively feel.......Why is his grandfather so persistent in Karen's feelings?

She said with a sigh

"Original........Is that so?

Where does the story of Grandpa and Kallen begin?

If that's the case, I can understand........."Why Kallen" continues to return to the picture.

The pure white scene recedes.........

The stage of the story is Europe 500 years ago.

The character who appears in the picture is Otto in his youth.

The young Otto in the picture is enjoying this happy moment of his own with the paper airplane in his hand.

During this period, in order to be able to fight against the power of [Honkai Beast]

【Tianming] is still in a stage of advocating strength.

Otto, who was in frail health, naturally became a little transparent of [Destiny].

Even if he is the Archbishop's youngest son.

Without strong power, you are bound to not get attention.

But because I have long been accustomed to this kind of indifference and loneliness.

As a child, Otto learned to use his wisdom to make these little inventions to please himself. only.........

It would be nice to have such wisdom.

For the current [Destiny], Otto is still not enough to be taken seriously. even........The video plays here. sudden!

Otto's two brothers appeared, and they arbitrarily took away Otto's paper airplane. After ridiculing him, they threw his paper airplane directly outside the wall.

Although they are brothers........But bullying the weak Otto........This has become their daily routine.

And Otto was also used to this kind of thing.

Just, look at that high wall.

The young Otto had sadness flashing in his eyes. because he knows........I am too weak to climb such a wall.

When he thought that he would never get back the lost paper airplane, he could only cry loudly.

Tears soaked his eyes.

However, crying is of no use.

Because in [Destiny], Otto is indeed a little transparent.

No one cares about him........Not to mention that no one would come to help him pick up the discarded paper airplane.

However, accidents always happen when people least expect them.

When Otto was still crying sadly as a child........

"swipe, swipe, swipe~~"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Outside the wall, a special sound came inexplicably.

And then........

Under the sunshine.

A girl with silver hair and blue eyes appeared there.

Holding the paper airplane in my hand

"Hi, is this your stuff?"

The girl with silver hair and blue eyes made a curious voice towards Otto.

And looking atThe girl suddenly appeared, looking at her smile........Look at 393 the paper airplane in her hand again.

All at once!

Otto, he was a little stunned.

I saw him replying with some hesitation.

"It's mine, thank you"

"Could you please give it back to me?"

Faced with Otto's request, Kallen certainly would not refuse.

Because she would appear here just to return this paper plane to Otto.[] just before that........Karen is very interested in Otto.

Why is this little boy able to create such interesting toys at the same age? with curiosity.........

Kallen jumped from the high wall, her eyes flashing, and she came to Otto's side excitedly.

Karen:"Did you do this?"


Karen:"You are really amazing......"

"I can't even do this"

"Can it fly?"

Listening to Karen's words, young Otto's mood was unprecedentedly excited.

Because it was the first time.......For the first time, someone really cares about his"invention" and someone actually praises his invention.

His existence was recognized and praised.

The young Otto wiped away his tears and answered Karen with a smile.

"It can fly.

Kallen:"Wow!" It's really awesome.

Otto:"Do you really think so?"

Karen:"Of course.""

"I believe you can become a great inventor in the future......"

"My name is Kallen Kaslana, and you will become a great inventor in the future."

"I become a Valkyrie"

"Let's save the world together......"

"My name is Otto Apokalis."

The video has played to this moment. Everyone in the audience understands what Otto is obsessed with.......

Some people use their childhood to heal their whole life......

Someone spent his whole life curing his childhood......

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