Outside the light curtain, here at Tianming Headquarters.....

Listen to the description of [Memory Star God].

Otto, he nodded and analyzed.

"Hmm, another star god focused on special abilities? but........For everything in the universe, [memory] is one of the most important concepts.

Because there is no [memory].

Then all changes in [existence] will become disordered.

Looking at the description now, it is indeed the case.........

【The ability of"Memory Star God" is even powerful enough to restore the entire universe. sometimes........Creation is more difficult than destruction.

Therefore, this [Memory Star God] should also be a relatively powerful group among the Star Gods."

Although the light screen didn't say it clearly,.........

But Otto, he always habitually divided the fate and strength of the Star Gods into gradients.

And it's obvious.......In Otto's mind, [Memory Star God] is one of the top stars among the Star Gods.

Although it's just a guess.

But they should be inseparable.

But now, there is still some distance before all the Star Gods are exposed.

His eyes continued to focus and return to the light curtain.

This video introducing Star God is still playing.

After completing the description of the Memory Star God,........

His image and picture slowly disappeared from the audience's sight.

However, the picture is not as usual.........Return directly to the boundless starry sky.

Instead, the screen plunged directly into total darkness.

That is extremely deep, completely incomprehensible"black"!

A creepy, chilling"black".

It’s obviously mostly a dark scene.......

But I don’t know why, but the"black" appearing in the picture at this moment makes people feel scared!

And in this darkness........The mysterious purple woman's voice came faintly again

【the end king】

【Creatures that go against the time, ghosts that travel through the universe as Star Gods in charge of their final destiny, murmuring prophecies that will surely come true.】

【The admirers of the Last King devote themselves to interpreting the prophecies of the end of the world from the Last King's unclear words, waiting for a once-in-a-lifetime encounter. 】

It seems that the reason why the darkness is so special.

That's because this"pitch black" itself represents a star god.......

A Star God who [goes against time], a Star God who is talking about the end of the universe!

Outside the light curtain, inside the headquarters of the Fire Chaser Moth from the pre-civilization era.

Looking at the darkness inside the light curtain.......Listening to the mysterious purple woman again, she told the setting of [End Star God].

The heroes and warriors once again expressed their amazement.

This Star God is such a special Star God.

At the same time, what a terrifying Star God this is.

Dr. Mei also expressed some surprise and said

"Walking in reverse time?

This is too special, too scary.......

Doesn't this directly violate the nature of the universe?

Has he reached this level of detachment?

Predicting the end of the universe........What does this kind of behavior mean?"

Mebius:"That universe.......While adhering to the essence of the universe, it violates everything about the universe."

Kevin:"That's true........"

Padofelis:"1......4......17........It seems that a total of 17 star gods have appeared now. So that means.........The next one to appear is the last Star God! ?

Dr. Mei:"Well, it should be." However, I seem to already know the concept that the Star God represents. Because the matter of that Star God has been mentioned before in the settings of other Star Gods."

For the next Star God to appear, Dr. Mei did not show much expectation or curiosity.

Because in the previous description of [Reproductive Star God].........She already knew the destiny and concept represented by the last Star God.

It's just that the other viewers didn't pay that much attention.

Continue to return to the light curtain under the expectant eyes of everyone in the collapsing world.

Video continues to play........

After the dark scene, a faint light lit up in the light curtain.

In that light, the silhouette of a simple dragon slowly appeared in the audience's field of vision.

Although that's just a silhouette........But the audience still seems to be able to feel the ancient aura, prehistoric aura, and absolute coercion it possesses.

As for the mysterious purple woman, she started to popularize science about this star god.

【Immortal Star Dragon】

【He rules over the immortal ancient star god. In the past, it often appeared in the form of a giant dragon, leaving traces in the legends of countless civilizations.】

【He left behind a large number of dragon descendants, most of whom now live in the Immortal Boat Alliance and are called the Vidyadhara clan.】

【The symbol of immortality inevitably inevitably decays in the end. The legend lives on, but the real dragon is gone. ]

Sounds like.........Seems a bit ironic........

The Star God who represents immortality can actually decay.

However, even though I say that.......

But actually

【The decay of the Immortal Star God is inseparable from his own fate.

Because of his decay and the division of his destiny........There is a direct relationship.

The emergence of a more refined and accurate destiny caused [Immortal] to be split, thus affecting him.

Although I don't know if this is the truth.

But what is certain is that.......【Immortality] indeed experienced a split.

Outside the light curtain, the headquarters of Tianming.

Listen to the introduction of this last Star God.........

On Otto's side, he also fell into a state of deep thought.

"Um........【Immortal], is this the last Star God?

【Breeding] was split from his body, causing his downfall?

Although the facts may be somewhat different from what I guessed,.........But the problem shouldn't be too big. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In a certain (cefh) sense, life itself is the process of evolution in Yanbian and the pursuit of eternity.

But [breeding] is another answer to [eternity]........

Life needs to adapt to changes in the environment. [Reproduction] can make different evolutions and changes according to the environment.

【Breeding] can indeed be regarded as the refinement of [Immortality]........It should be said that [breeding] is a more ideal situation than [immortality].

Therefore, [breeding] can be split from [immortality]........On the contrary, it is understandable.

This is much more normal than [Tonghe] assimilating [Order]!"

In Otto's view, [breeding] is split from the [immortal] body........This is still very easy to understand.

Otto even thought this was a good"answer"!

On the other side of the light curtain, inside St. Freya Academy.

He was also looking at the last Star God to appear.

The expressions of the girls were also filled with surprise and surprise.

Kiana:"Huh? The last Star God, he is actually the Star God who represents [Immortal] destiny? But.........Since it represents [immortality], how come he still falls? Isn't this the opposite? this........This is too strange!!!!"

Although Chongchong doesn't like to think, it doesn't mean that she is really stupid.

She can still catch such an obvious problem.

And listening to Kiana's surprised and confused lines.

Bronya next to her, She sighed and said

"Paramecium really is........I didn't pay attention to those important issues just now............

【The decline of the Immortal Star God is actually due to the splitting of destiny.........more.......The more accurate and detailed [Breeding Star God] was split from him[]

It should be this reason that led to his weakness.......Finally decayed and fell."

Thunder Mei Yi:"Yes, Bronya is right. The [Immortal] Star God will also decay.......The only reason I can think of is this."

Kiana:"em.......It still feels so complicated. Stop thinking about these things........Now, let me do the math........It seems that 18 Star Gods have actually appeared.

That means........Should the next one be a new villain?"

As she spoke, Kiana's pupils began to flash with anticipation.

Although"villain" is indeed not a good word.

But the"villains" appearing in this light screen basically have their own special stories and stories. experience.

So........It is only natural that Kiana would be looking forward to the next villain.

And, those of you who are looking forward to the next video right now........Kiana isn't the only one either.

Everyone in this collapsing world is also looking forward to the opening of the next video.

Under the spotlight of everyone.

The light curtain had just returned to darkness not long ago.........The brightness has begun to increase again.

The white text once again outlines the new title and introduction text.

【She is the 69th descendant of the Kaslana family!】

【The strongest Honkai warrior who has the blood of both Kaslana and Shaniyat families!】

【The Great Collapse is coming, and the furnace containing the core of the Second Herrscher is activated.......】

【The Herrscher Core on the Moonlight Throne merges with the Herrscher Core in the Dogma Zone of St. Freya Academy!】

【The Second Herrscher Siren tried to resurrect with Kiana as her body!】

【After learning the final truth, Kiana collapsed emotionally, and the Honkai energy in her body broke out uncontrollably. Coupled with the influence of the second Herrscher core, she finally transformed into a Herrscher!】

【The Great Collapse is coming, and the vitality of the world is isolated in this collapse, and will eventually be inevitably destroyed!】

【Honkai Villain No. 7 - Honkai Impact 2 World, Ragnarok, the"End" of Destruction"!】

PS: More updates are being added!!!.

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