Outside the light curtain, in St. Freya Academy.

Watch the development of the plot in the light curtain.....

Kiana, she scratched the back of her head in confusion.

"ah? Will the me in that world begin to change in the direction of the [Second Herrscher]? but.........It doesn’t seem to be a big problem.

The me in this world has also become the [Herrscher of the Sky] before, right?

Although, at that time in the future.......There must have been a lot of unpleasant stories happening to me.

However, it shouldn’t be so exaggerated as to destroy the entire human civilization, right?"

Now Kiana, she still feels that the world of Honkai Impact 2 is not that bad yet.

After all,.........

Right now, the"self" in the Honkai Impact 2 world is only merging with the Second Herrscher.

The power of the Second Herrscher, that is, the power of Siren........There is still a long way to go before the destruction of human civilization.

Therefore, Kiana now feels that the problem is not serious yet.

Just, by Kiana's side.

Raiden Mei and Bronya as close friends........However, their hearts were still tense and worried, and they never relaxed.

Raiden Meiyi:"Indeed, if you just merge with the Second Herrscher, it won't bring too big a crisis. After all, I believe that Kiana in that world.......She herself has the ability to survive such a crisis. But looking at the situation now, it should not be that easy.......twenty four..."

Bronya:"Indeed, the title says that Kiana in the Honkai Impact 2 world will become [Final]. Now she is just merging with [Second Herrscher]. My thoughts are the same as Sister Mei, things are different. It would end too easily."

There were differences in the thoughts of the Yusan family.

Of course, that's a legitimate disagreement.

Because everyone is expressing their thoughts on the video.

At the same time, inside the headquarters of the Fire Chaser Moth from the pre-civilization era.

Watching the video, an astonishing concentration of Honkai energy burst out........And [Beng 2 Kiana] is merging with the Second Herrscher.

The expressions of the heroes and warriors were not very optimistic.

Even Dr. Mei made a sound of surprise

"Is this really the [Second Herrscher]? What an astonishing concentration of Honkai energy........

Such a concentration of Honkai energy is extremely rare even in our civilization era.

Current situation........It's really not just that Kiana is about to merge with the [Second Herrscher]."

Dr. Mei's perspective is much clearer.

Feel the extremely exaggerated purity of Honkai energy that can be intuitively felt through the screen...........

Dr. Mei knows very well that the current problem is definitely not as simple as the fusion of Kiana and [Second Herrscher].

And after Dr. Mei finished marveling.

Next to him, Kevin also spoke after a long absence.

"Indeed, that pure Honkai energy.......They are extremely rare in our world.

In fact, the current purity is able to catch up with the Honkai energy burst out by the [Feathering Temperature] that appeared before.

Kiana of that world.......She is indeed not just heading towards the [Second Herrscher].

It should be said that she has directly passed this stage and is changing in the direction of [Endgame]! and........That is the power that wants to overpower the [Endgame] of our world!"

Now, even Kevin admits........

Comparison of the two worlds of Honkai Impact 2 and Honkai Impact 3.

There is no doubt that the [Endgame] power of the Honkai Impact 2 world is much stronger!

Back to the video.

Listen to the conversation between Kiana and Theresa just now.........

Feeling now, the unprecedented Honkai energy bursting out from Kiana could even be described as shocking.

Cocolia, she also noticed something was wrong. but.........It was completely different from Theresa's panic and fear.

Cocolia, aware of the crisis, became excited and fanatical.

"Can this girl carry the power of the Herrscher's core?........ etc!!!

Is your father's name Siegfried? ?"

You can see it, just like Theresa.

Cocolia is also a member who knows the"secret".

But what's different from Theresa is........

Theresa didn't want to see Kiana merge with the [Second Herrscher].

Cocolia........But she has long been very dissatisfied with this world!

And listening to Cocolia, she mentioned her father's name.

Even though the body is in severe pain........

But Kiana, she still endured the severe pain that seemed like her body was about to be torn apart by the Honkai Energy, and asked that question to Cocolia in front of her.

"how do you know!! ? ?"

It can be seen that........Kiana desperately wants to know.......How much does Cocolia know about her father?

After all, Kiana's current goal is to get her stinky dad back.

Even if it was just a little clue, she didn't want to miss it.

Therefore, even though she is about to be completely torn apart by the Honkai energy bursting out from her body.

But she was still able to endure the severe pain and ask questions to Cocolia.

But it's a pity........

She is a person who longs for answers, but she also has an answer she hopes to get in her heart.

The problem is, the world doesn't always turn out the way you want it to. so........Kiana will never get the answer she wants to hear.

Looking at Kiana's painful but eager look now.

Cocolia felt a little ironic in her heart.........

The thing he had been looking for was actually right in front of him, and it was actually one of the [Destiny].

Moreover, under such circumstances, he learned the true identity of the other party.

Cocolia, she feels that this world is extremely ironic. but........This is no longer a problem.

Because now, we only need to confirm that Kiana is the body of [Second Herrscher], and this is enough.

I saw Cocolia at this time, shouting loudly to Kiana. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Hahaha, it turns out everything is operating under God’s will.

Qiyana, you don’t need to look for your father.

Because Siegfried him......."

He hadn't even waited for Cocolia to finish speaking.

Theresa next to her rudely interrupted Cocolia's lines. She didn't dare to let Kiana know the real truth.

"Don't tell her!!!"

Teresa's voice was filled with panic and fear.........

It is conceivable that if Kiana is allowed to know the truth.

What a crisis that situation would be.

But it's a pity........

Now Theresa has no ability to change these tragedies.

As for Cocolia, she cruelly told Kiana the truth.

With her almost crazy attitude, she shouted loudly to Kiana

"..........(Siegfried) He's dead!!!"

This is a, what a cruel truth.

Honkai Impact 2 Kiana, she has been.........Always looking for his father.

But she didn't know that her father was dead. 497

She is looking for someone who is no longer alive in the world..........

And, importantly.......Such a truth, but no one told me[]

Kiana, she lives in this world......The only spiritual support is her father.

But now, her father is.......

Outside the light curtain, in the Saint Fuya Courtyard.

Listen to Honkai Impact 2 Cocolia’s lines in the video........

"The expressions of the three"Yusan Family" also froze instantly.

No one thought that the situation would be so bad.

Kiana, she even took a breath of air and said with a panicked and extremely troublesome expression.

".........How could this happen? Such a thing is impossible.

The stinky daddy of that world is no longer around! ?

So, the me in that world........How is she going to accept this fact?!!"

Kiana, who was originally relatively calm, began to become worried.

Because she knew........Now the situation in the Honkai Impact 2 world has indeed begun to get worse.

It should be said that it was far worse than she thought.

Emotional despair collapse..........

In this case, the Honkai energy will continue to expand...........Then it reaches a point where it is completely uncontrollable.

By then, I'm afraid it will really be more than just the [Second Herrscher].

The [Endgame] that will destroy human civilization is coming soon!!!

PS: Keep updating!!!.

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