Listening to the worried and painful voice of Kiana in Honkai Impact 3. beside her.....

Raiden Mei, Bronya and Fu Hua.

The three of them were worried about the condition of Kiana from the Honkai Impact 2 world in the video.

They also know very well.........Facing that fact.........

Kiana in the Honkai Impact 2 world cannot possibly accept it.

It should be said that no one in the world can directly bear the destruction of the spiritual pillar.

This is an inevitable thing!

Lei Dian Meiyi frowned and said with a particularly worried expression.

"Kiana of that world.......She herself is already in the process of merging with the [Second Herrscher].

That Honkai energy has expanded to a shocking level.

Now, after getting the truth from Cocolia's mouth......I'm afraid the emotions will go further to the extreme!"

Bronya:"Sister Meiyi is right, as long as she still has feelings........Then you cannot accept that truth casually."

Fu Hua:"After the emotional breakdown, Honkai's tendency to go berserk has obviously intensified. Now, I'm afraid it's no longer as simple as [Second Herrscher]."

There is a very depressing atmosphere lingering in the entire Valkyrie dormitory at this moment.

Everyone is very worried about the condition of Kiana in the Honkai Impact 2 world in the video.

On the other side of the light curtain, there is the Tianming Headquarters.

I was also watching the development of the situation in the video........

On Otto's side, his expression seemed much calmer and calmer.

Although, she also knew that the development of that world was very bad. but........What does that have to do with him?

Otto felt that it was a matter of the Honkai Impact 2 world and had nothing to do with him in the Honkai Impact 3 world.

He was just simply curious about that world. and.........For Otto now.

He also wanted to see how Kiana became the [Herrscher of the End] after she completely broke down and went berserk.

I saw Otto, he was worried that the world would not be in chaos, so he said with interesting expectation

"Uh-huh~~ No matter which world you are in.........Cocolia, she is such an extreme and [villain] character.

It was so much fun.

However, Siegfried died.

So.......Kiana in Honkai Impact 2 World........She was not far away from an emotional breakdown.

I would like to see it, also as the [Herrscher of the End].

The [Endgame] of the Honkai Impact 2 world, how much more powerful will she be than the [Endgame] of our world?'~?"

When he saw [Tuiyu Wendy] before,

Otto realized.........The upper limit of the world of Honkai Impact 2 is horribly high.

Now, the same is [Endgame].

Then there is reason to think that.......

The [Endgame] of the world of Honkai Impact 2 is probably far superior to the [Endgame] of Honkai Impact 3!

Keep going back to the video.

Looking at Kiana, she had a complicated and twisted expression of pain, shock, and surprise after hearing the truth.

Cocolia, she continued to"pursue the victory" to expose the truth to Kiana.

"Ha, ha, ha, she is indeed an ignorant girl. According to the anti-entropy information, Siegfried was already dead in 2012.

The cause of death was the incident involving the body's rampage when Destiny was chasing the Herrscher's body.

It seems that the so-called Herrscher's body is this girl!"

It seems that the truth is a hundred times crueler than everyone imagined!!!

The father that Kiana has been trying to find.......It's not just as simple as having already left this world.

Even, the most ironic thing is.......

The person who caused Siegfried's death was actually Kiana herself.

As the Herrscher body, when Honkai was able to go berserk.......She killed her father with her own hands. She was the one who caused the tragedy.

What a cruel truth.

No! should say........This is the cruel truth that humans can come up with!! ? ?

Irony, irony to the extreme!!!

Is there any more ironic fact in this world than this?

Outside the light curtain, inside St. Freya Academy.

It turns out that"Yu Sanjia" and Fu Hua Shangxian.......

The expressions of the four of them were already extremely worried about Kiana's condition in the Honkai Impact 2 world.

Now, after learning further truth. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Everyone knows.

The story of that world is far more tragic and cruel than all the stories in the Honkai Impact 3 world.........And, even more desperate!!!

It's obviously not something I have personally experienced.

But after listening to the story of the world of Honkai Impact 2 happening to another me,........

Kiana, her expression was also in pain, she was extremely uncomfortable and trembled as she said

".......Why, how could this happen? I thought my story was cruel enough.

Important people leave you.

But I never thought about the story of the world of Collapse 2.......It's a hundred times more cruel than this.

The dream you have been working towards is a dream that has no possibility of coming true. even........The person who made this dream impossible to realize.......It's myself in another world.

How can you accept such a truth?!!"

Now Kiana, she can't even bear to watch this video anymore.

And by Kiana's side........

Leiden Meiyi, Bronya and Fuhua Shangxian, the mood of the three of them is not the same.

But when they want to say something.......The words came to his lips, but he didn't know how to speak.

Such a cruel truth, what do you want them to say? ? ? ?

I'm afraid nothing you say can change the tragedy.

Because that is already an established fact!

In the world of Honkai Impact 3, everyone is suffering and feeling extremely uncomfortable........

The video inside the light curtain continues to play.

After learning the extremely cruel truth from Cocolia’s mouth,


Obviously.........The Honkai energy in Kiana's body is further expanding, and she is already heading towards an extreme and completely uncontrollable state of rage.

Moreover, she was so emotionally broken that she kept denying Cocolia.

"Ah, no way, this can't be me who killed dad.

How can it be?

I do not believe it!!!"

Although she is extremely unwilling to accept this truth.

But the problem is........When she kept denying Cocolia.

That means that Kiana herself does not have the courage to believe that her father is still alive.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be so tough-talking.

But it's a pity........On Cocolia's side, she looked at Kiana who had completely collapsed, but she was still unwilling to let the poor girl go.

I saw Cocolia. She continued to yell at Kiana crazily.

"Hahaha, the evidence is already obvious, you can accept the power of the Herrscher's core!

This shows that you are the body created by destiny to resurrect the Second Herrscher, and you are the one (god) who destroys the world!!!"

PS: Let’s see if we can continue to update more!.

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