Outside the light curtain, the Tianming headquarters.

Listening to Cocolia, she evaluated Kiana of the Honkai Impact 2 world as"the god who destroyed the world."

Otto, he could already see the final outcome of this story in an instant.......

"Okay, this story is basically over.

There is no value for further discussion........

Kiana in that world was created for the purpose of destroying everything.

Now, it's just a return to the original situation.

But people from that world........I guess no one can compete with the power of [Herrscher of the End].

[Tuiyu Wendy] has already shown overwhelming power before.

So..........This is especially true for the more powerful and terrifying [Endgame].

Now, there is not much more to say.

The ending of the story has already been determined."

Otto, he doesn't think there is any hope of saving the Honkai Impact 2 world.

Because it's too overwhelming..........

The Herrscher of the End in that world must have a power beyond human imagination.

And, even more difficult is........

In the world of Honkai Impact 2, there has never been a human character with such power.

That means........

【With the arrival of Herrscher of the End, no one in the world has the ability to compete with her.

This is the biggest problem!

On the other side of the light curtain is the headquarters of the Fire Chaser Moth from the pre-civilization era.

Listen to Cocolia’s lines in the video.........

The expressions of the heroes and warriors were also not optimistic.

Although, this is not something that happens in their world. but to be honest........All human civilization was destroyed by [Herrscher of the End].

As Ying Jie, everyone feels the same 983 in their hearts.

Su, he kept shaking his head and said sadly.

"did not think of........In that world, this kind of plot is still happening.

Tragedies always happen one after another.

No one can compete with the power of [Endgame]........."

Eden:"In the final analysis, the next era of civilization can succeed........Most of the reasons still depend on the sacrifices of Kiana and Alicia. It was Alicia's sacrifice that brought us the opportunity.........It was Alicia who brought us hope, made Kiana become the [Herrscher of the End], and chose to stand on the side of mankind."

Dr. Mei:"Well, Alicia's sacrifice is great. It was she who saved us........."

Kevin:"She has never betrayed humans."

Dr. Mei:"But the problem now is that Kiana in that world became the [Herrscher of the End], but she did not choose to side with humans. This is undoubtedly This is the worst outcome!"

The"despair" in the world of Honkai Impact 2 makes even the heroes feel that there is no hope at all.

It is conceivable........The difficulties are so huge!

It is even more conceivable that other people in the world of Honkai Impact 2........The despair in their hearts at this moment will be so deep into their bones!

Eyes, continue to focus back to the video.

Listen to Cocolia keep telling herself the truth.........Then he calls himself"the god who destroys the world."

At this moment, Beng Erqiana couldn't believe the truth at all.

The expanding Honkai energy inside her body was causing her constant tearing pain. (ceag) But these are far less than the severe pain in Kiana’s heart

"no!!! no!!! no!!! no!!!"

He kept denying Cocolia's words.

But........Kiana has already accepted the truth in her heart.

Otherwise, she wouldn't show such grief. should say.......Kiana may know the truth.

However, she kept denying and choosing to ignore it.

But this time, after confirming the fact from Cocolia’s mouth.

Kiana's mood completely collapsed!

Now, the Herrscher core in Kiana's body went berserk.

Honkai energy is leaping and expanding at an extremely exaggerated speed..........There seems to be no limit.

There is no doubt that this has far exceeded the upper limit of the [Second Herrscher]. even........It's even better than the fully grown [Tuiyu Wendy].

Compared to the [Herrscher of the End] that destroyed the Honkai Impact 3 world, it is already surpassed!

Moreover, this Honkai energy is still expanding without limit.

If this situation continues.........It is only a matter of time before it surpasses [Tuiyu Wendy]!

Such strong Honkai energy seems to tear the world apart at any time.

Feeling this huge threat........

Even Bronya next to her reminded everyone present and said

"The cold strength of Honkai exceeds the critical point, and a new Honkai is about to break out.

Sister Mei, Dean Theresa, and Bronya suggest evacuating immediately!"

Although Kiana is also a very important companion.

But it is undeniable that........

Now, it would be very dangerous to stay with Kiana.

Not to mention fighting her.

Such exaggerated concentration and expansion of Honkai energy would have a huge impact just being around her.

Ordinary people will even be directly corroded and disappear.

But they are better than Raiden Mei and Theresa.......

Such an exaggerated concentration of Honkai energy is not something they can bear!

Now, the best thing to do is to evacuate the scene. only........

To be honest, when [the end] comes.

No matter where humans escape, they still cannot change the outcome!

However, Bronya felt that evacuating the scene now was the best choice.

But........As Kiana's best friend, he is also the person who cares about Kiana the most. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Now Raiden Meiyi, how could she leave Kiana here alone and leave alone!

I saw Raiden Meiyi at this time, she kept shouting to Kiana who was running rampant


Thunder Mei's scream was heartbreaking.

How she wished she could summon Kiana's personality back.

But it's a pity that........

Now, it is impossible for her voice to reach Kiana's heart.

The gap is too far. all of these.......They are all under the control of [Honkai Will] in the Honkai Impact 2 world.

Human power can no longer hinder the coming of [The End]!

As for Kiana, she was still silent in the absolute pain and sadness.

"You are all lying to me!!!"

Continuously denying the facts about Cocolia just now.......

But it was just a verbal denial.

It was precisely because she had already acquiesced to this fact deep in her heart.

That's why she needs to deny the facts.

But everything has become a fact.........

No matter how much Kiana tries to deny it, the facts will not change!

Moreover, when Kiana collapsed.

Cocolia, her words still continue to influence Kiana.........

"Yes, hate more, hate your own incompetence and helplessness, this is human beings.

Haha, he is not a real Herrscher yet.

The condition for opening the door is that there is still one Thunderbolt Meiyi left. As long as you return the belongings of the Second Herrscher in your body to its original owner, God will truly come."

It seems that Cocolia really hopes that Kiana will completely collapse and become the [Herrscher of the End].

Because only in this way can the world be completely restored!

However,........Another important thing can also be detected from her words.

That is, there seems to be"items" of the [Second Herrscher] hidden in Leiden Meiyi's body.

At this moment when Cocolia spoke!

Finally, the Honkai energy in Kiana's body reached the critical point!

Bronya:"The Honkai Man's rampage is no longer controllable. The heavy-armed bunny unfolds and prepares to accept the impact!"

Raiden Mei:"Kiana!!!"

Theresa:"Mei, you can't go through!!!"

Raiden Meiyi:"Kiana, Kiana!!!"

The scene became extremely chaotic, and at the same time, it was also extremely depressing!


A violent sound came!

At this moment, it was not just St. Freya Academy.

Even the whole world was shaking violently.

Kiana's figure suddenly disappeared from everyone's sight without any warning.

At the same time, that wave The terrifying Honkai energy also disappeared into this space along with Kiana.

Theresa:"The rampage of Honkai energy.........Stopped?"

Thunder and Lightning Meiyi:" Kiana.......where?"

Bronya:"An extremely strong source of Honkai was found ahead. This level has exceeded the peak of the third Honkai........"

Just when everyone is confused about the current situation......

With the golden power of the god, Kiana appeared in front of everyone again.

However, calling her Kiana now seems a bit wrong.

She now.......It should be called [The Herrscher of the End]!!!

PS: The update is being accelerated, hurry up!!!.

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