Outside the light curtain, in the office of the dean of St. Freya College.

Listen to the video........A complaint from Future Kiana.

Theresa showed a very shocked expression.

She would never think of it.......self in future.......His stupid niece Kiana.

She's actually going to be a teacher!! ? ?

No matter how you think about it, it’s not right!

As Kiana's aunt, she also serves as her college principal.

Theresa, she knew very well what kind of character her niece was.

But it is precisely because of Theresa that she knows her niece’s character very well.....

That's why she showed such a surprised expression at this time. in her opinion.......It is absolutely impossible for my idiot niece to be qualified for the role of"teacher".

Only Theresa was seen, she looked particularly panicked and said、

"ah? Let Kiana be a teacher? ? ?

This is not a wise decision........

In the future, who is so stupid?

You actually want Kiana to be a teacher?

This problem is not ordinary serious!"

Theresa, she couldn't even imagine the scene of Kiana"teaching and educating people."

And next to her, Wuliang Tajizi showed an interesting expression.

Although........She also thinks that Kiana is not suitable to be a teacher.

But Wuliangta Jizi felt that this would be more fun.

Considering Ki08's character, if she were to be someone else's teacher........That must be very interesting.

Crossing her hands on her chest, Wuliangta Jizi said interestingly

"em........Will Kiana be a teacher?

Although students, they may not be taught.

But I miss that kid.......I will definitely get along with those students.

It feels like it would be fun~~"

It can be seen that Wuliangta Jizi is really curious about the scene where Kiana becomes a teacher.

On the other side of the light curtain, inside St. Freya Academy.

Listen to the distressed lines of your future self in the video........

Kiana in this timeline tilted her head in confusion and made a confused sound.

"Um? future me.......Want to become a teacher?

A teacher at St. Freya's College?

Hey~~This is not bad~~

Why will I be troubled by this matter in the future?

I am very confident that I can bring out outstanding students!!!"

Kiana clenched her little pink fist and expressed that she was very excited.

For her in this timeline,.......Things like this are really fun.

At the same time, she is also very confident that she can do this well.

Because of this timeline, she is very expanded!

However, listening to Kiana's excited and eager lines.

Next to Leiden Meiyi, she couldn't help but smile again.

"Will Kiana become a teacher? that is indeed.........Very interesting......."

As she said that, Raiden Mei had already begun to imagine what kind of stories would happen when Kiana became a teacher.

In her opinion, this is also a very"violating" thing.

But Mei Raiden doesn’t think Kiana can’t become an excellent teacher at all, it’s just that the process........It's going to be fun!

As for Bronya, she doesn't have many thoughts about Kiana becoming a teacher in the future.

After all, no matter how stupid the paramecium is,.......

As a [Hero] who saved the world, she has this qualification.

It should be said that her identity.......Her experience and her spirit.......It is indeed suitable for passing on to the next generation.

But, compared to this........

What Bronya is even more curious about is that in the future world, Kiana has successfully played her own game and changed her online name to a very weird one.

So, what is her evaluation of the game she will develop in the future?

Bronya.......She is really curious!

Eyes, continue to focus back to the video.

A rare tea party........Seeing his best friend now in distress.

Raiden Meiyi immediately patted Kiana on the shoulder, expressing her desire to comfort her.

But now Kiana, she doesn't really need comfort. after all.......The things I have experienced before are much more difficult than these.

What Kiana needs most now is actually a solution to the problem.

She glanced at Raiden Meiyi beside her, and then continued to express her distress. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"No need, Mei. I’m really happy to be Helia’s teacher. I’m just.........Just a little guilty."

Indeed, I can feel it.

No matter which timeline it is Kiana,.........

She is very happy to become a teacher.

The only problem is that she used to be self-confident without thinking[]

But now, Kiana has experienced more things and has become more mature.........She can think, be afraid, and even more worried.

She was a little unsure that she could lead those students well.

However, just when Kiana expressed confusion.

Bronya next to her took a bite of the small cake, and then immediately took over Kiana's lines and teased the other party:

"oh? We [Zhaoyuehaiyuyucat] also have moments of guilty conscience?"

Listening to the other party's"yin and yang" of his own social media name openly.

In an instant!

Kiana's long white hair exploded instantly, just like a real kitten.

I saw that she was very emotional. shouted to Bronya

"Bronya!! How many times do you have to practice before you feel satisfied?"

"That's obviously because the guidance of the Alahato beta version is not perfect enough. If you had said earlier that you could only change your name once a month, I would definitely consider it!"

Thunder Meiyi smiled softly:"So, what is Kiana guilty of?"

It seems that Kiana's social-dead online name......She picked it up accidentally. only.......Due to the setting of"Arahato" developed by Bronya.

If Kiana wants to change her online name, she will have to wait a month. before this........Kiana must always carry this social-dead internet name.

Even, Bronya had to keep teasing her about this"cute" but"socially dead" online name.

Outside the light curtain, in St. Freya Academy.

Listen to the comments from your future self in the video.

Kiana, she showed a"that's it" expression.

After she nodded repeatedly, she continued her habitual"yin and yang anger" and Bronya next to her said.

"snort! What did I say?........It turns out that someone’s game is not humane enough.

I was forced to use the screen name I chose unintentionally for a month. snort! Sure enough, the game developed by Bronya still has many flaws!"

Listening to Kiana's"strange anger", Bronya also responded immediately.

"That's because someone is stupid...273....before naming.......Don't read the rules carefully.

It must be that you didn't see that the name change limit is once a month, and you were anxious to choose a name immediately, so this situation occurred!"

A familiar scene appeared again.

The quarrel between Kiana and Bronya.

Seeing such a scene, Raiden Meiyi, who was sitting between the two, could only sigh helplessly, and then focused his eyes back on the light. The scene is interrupted.

Return to the screen and the video continues to play.

Leaving the topic with Bronya just now.......

Listening to Leiden Meiyi asking herself, what exactly is she guilty of?

On Kiana's side, she seemed a little hesitant and said it as if she was very embarrassed.


"What do you think, from the source, do I have no experience as a teacher at all?"

"When I was in St. Freya, I always belonged to the role that everyone taught me. Even if I reach the moon, it will still be the same."

Listen to what Kiana said.......This seems to be the case.

Under most of the timeline story of"Honkai Impact 3".

Kiana is indeed growing passively.......

After"Eternal Flame", Kiana has gradually transformed into a star that can illuminate others. only.........Now Kiana, she doesn't have such self-awareness or such self-confidence.

Therefore, she does not think that she can 100% guide those future students now.......

PS: We will continue to update tomorrow, so rush!!!.

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