inside the video.......

Listen to Kiana's explanation just now.

Leiden Meiyi also nodded in understanding. indeed.

In the long story before.........

Kiana has always played a role of being led to grow up.

Even after the sacrifice and dedication of our predecessors,........

Kiana gradually became independent.

Although, Kiana has indeed grown up now........I can now stand alone.

You can also become a star that illuminates others.

But if you ask Kiana whether she has such confidence, that's really a question.

And this kind of psychological thought is very reasonable and reasonable. so.........After listening to Kiana's explanation just now.

In fact, she can understand Raiden Mei!

Moreover, when Raiden Meiyi nodded in understanding.

On Kiana's side, she spoke again

"Now I have to be pushed by doctors every day to catch up on the cultural knowledge I missed in the past few years. Every weekend and at the end of the month, I have to face various exams..........Even the exploration of the ultimate power is almost always carried out with the help of everyone."

"Moreover, there are more than 100 people who have traveled back and forth between the moon and the earth over the years. I am so familiar with them that I even know what grade their children are in."

"So, let’s talk about new faces........Unlike you two, I haven't seen you for a long time."

It's not just that Kiana has no confidence.

In fact ,.......for a long time before.........

Kiana is even still catching up on the cultural classes she missed.

Looking at it this way, she might be in cultural classes.........No better than his own students.

Moreover, the people Kiana wants to lead now may also be people she didn't know before.

Complete strangers suddenly have to come into contact with them........Even become their teacher.

All at once!

Kiana, she really became shy and embarrassed.

Outside the light curtain, inside St. Freya Academy.

Listen to the comments from your future self in the video.

Don't know why........

Kiana suddenly put her head in her hands and became a little crazy.

"ah!! ? ? ?

How come I have successfully saved the world once in the future? result.......Do I still need to take extra cultural classes?

This, this is not right!

This is inconsistent with common sense and does not fit with the plot!!!"

As a"stupid student", Kiana always thinks about how to avoid studying.

But the very painful fact is.........

Even in the future where [Honkai] ends, culture class........That was still a part of her that she couldn't escape!

Seeing Kiana beside him in such pain.

Next to her, Raiden Meiyi also showed a somewhat helpless expression.

Although, Raiden Mei also knows why Kiana doesn’t like studying.........

However, Leiden Meiyi also thinks the same.

Whether it is for Kiana now or in the future.........Tutoring in cultural classes is indispensable!

Also, listening to Kiana's distressed voice.

Bronya next to her, she doesn’t care at all........

Because she had just received a very important message from the story.

That is in this future........The self-developed"Arahato" does not seem to have exploded in sales.

After all, Kiana has successfully played. and........It seems that my future self did not discuss this issue.

Therefore, Bronya takes it for granted........My future self's"Arahato" should have already achieved initial success!

Just, back to the real point. look.......The focus returns to video.

You can feel it from Kiana’s words just now........In the future Kiana, she is no longer as social as before.

In fact, she has become a little shy.

When I think about the next step, I want to lead a group of students who I don't know at all to study.

Kiana, is she a little shy?

I saw that she continued to express distressed lines

"Mei is one of the examiners of the [Mars Exploration Selection Competition] and has already dealt with Helia and Coralie; Bronya also asked Coralie to outsource part of the development content of Alahato."

"As for me, I am a complete stranger to them now."

In Kiana's view, Raiden Mei and Bronya have at least had contact with those students.

But to her, they are a group of completely unfamiliar existences..........

On the moon, I haven't had any contact with strangers for a long time.

So, now Kiana.......She has even become a little socially fearful.

Once again, we came outside the light curtain, inside the office of the dean of St. Freya College.

Listen to Kiana's voice in the video just now.......(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As Kiana’s aunt, Teresa also showed a rather surprised and unexpected expression.

She even wanted to say........

Is this person in the video really his niece Kiana?

When I saw Theresa, she said with surprise on her face

"ah? Is Kiana already so good at thinking about things? [] and.......Is she still shy?

This, this isn’t quite right, is it?"

In Theresa's view, her niece is not a shy person who is afraid of contact with strangers.

But looking at this future story........That doesn't seem to be the case! ?

Even, it's not just Theresa.

Even Wuliangta Jizi beside her said she was a little surprised..........

"Kiana, she is still shy?"

That's right!

In Wuliangta Jizi's impression, Kiana is definitely not a shy person.

But now it seems that this is the fact. However, for Theresa and Wuliangta Jizi, , although surprised........But it is not something that is incomprehensible.

After all, in the future, Kiana must stay on the moon.

So.......The number of people who can interact with her on a daily basis must be limited.

It’s natural for me to feel"social fear" if I haven’t been in contact with society for so long.

At the same time, on the other side of the light curtain.

Here at Tianming Headquarters.

What is different from other viewers is that.........

Otto, he doesn't care about whether Kiana is socially fearful or not.

Compared to this, Otto was actually more concerned about another thing.

I saw him slowly and seriously speaking.

"em........What a shame.......An independent game developed by oneself actually outsources part of it.

How can game development be such child's play!

It seems that Bunya will still not be able to become an excellent game developer in the future."

It seems that Otto doesn't like it........In fact, it was Bronya who outsourced the development of the game.

In his opinion, this was indeed a bit disgraceful.

To know.........An entire series of games called Kallen Fantasy.

That was all handled by Otto himself!

So, also as a game developer.

Now Otto looks down on Bronya's behavior.

But now, my eyes return to the inside of the light curtain first.

The video is not over yet.........

Listening to Kiana analyzing all the current situations in one breath just now, Bronya next to her expressed great surprise and said

"'I never imagined that these words would come out of your mouth one day"

"If it were you before, I probably wouldn't have had these worries at all. When you saw someone, you would have been laughing and joking."

Indeed.......This is not a joke.

Although Bronya usually likes to tease Kiana.

But this time, what Kiana said is indeed true..........

Now Kiana has begun to feel constrained in doing things.

There is no such"reckless" spirit as before.

And this time, listening to Bronya’s lines.

Qia (Nuo Zhao) Na also did not choose to refute.........

Because she can also realize that she is indeed worrying too much now.

It's just that this is the worry in my heart.

She couldn't completely suppress such emotions.

By Kiana's side, Raiden Meiyi fully understood the worries in Kiana's heart.

She also immediately knew how to comfort Kiana in this situation.

I saw her speaking gently

"Yes, but I can understand Kiana's worries."

"If you find it difficult to change your mentality for a while, you may worry that you will mislead others..........Then think of them as two new classmates who are about to transfer to another school. What we have to do is, as old classmates, help them understand and adapt to the new environment of the moon."

In the future, Raiden Mei herself will be a teacher.

So.........She is really good at educating others.

However, I don’t know if it can have any effect on Kiana now.

PS: Still working on it........

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