In the midst of Youlandale's somewhat helpless sigh.

The video's progress bar has reached the end.

The light curtain slowly returned to its pitch-black state.

It seems like this story about a villain.......Slowly it started to develop in the direction of"drama".

This has to make the audience more curious about how the next story will develop.

Outside the light curtain, there was a training lounge of the Tianming branch.

After watching the video just now........

Hollandale, her brows furrowed even more.

Holding his forehead with his right hand, Youlandale said with some tangle.

"It seems........In the future, Kiana and I will indeed become sisters.

But how should I get along with this sister in the future?

There is also........She asked me to help [protect] her instant noodles.

Do I want to help her with this?

After all, she is my sister.......Do I want to [protect] her horse?

No, that's not right.

Instant noodles are indeed unhealthy videos........

As a sister, I should also discipline her well."

On the matter of how to get along with Kiana, Hollandale seemed to be having a particularly headache at this moment.

This situation made Rita next to her unable to help covering her mouth and snickering.

It's just that.........Rita would not give her advice on the matter.

I won't give more reviews.

Because she believed that it would be more appropriate for Hollander to resolve this matter by himself.

The other side of the light curtain is on the side of Freya Academy.

After watching the video just now.......

Kiana's expression also seemed a little complicated.

However, the complicated expression on her face was not because the instant noodles were about to be confiscated.

Rather.........After discovering that in the future, she and Hollanddale will be the real"sisters".

Kiana, she doesn’t know how she should deal with this relationship.

I saw her lowering her head and saying with some embarrassment

"em........In the future, Hollander and I will.......elder sister.........We confirmed each other's identities.

But, how am I going to get along well with this sister?

For as long as I can remember, I have been.........

Moreover, my smelly dad is never by my side.

Now suddenly there is an extra sister........

Although I am very happy.

But can I get along with this sister?.~?"

It seems that Kiana is also worried about whether she can get along well with Hollander.

Looking at Kiana in distress.

Next to me, Raiden Mei, Bronya and Fu Hua........

However, the three of them looked happy at the same time. They did not comfort Kiana, let alone say anything to Kiana.

Because of this problem, it would be better to leave it to Kiana to solve it herself. and........How do you get along with your sister?

This question is not so much a question.......

Rather, it is the trouble of happiness.

Kiana of the future........Life is quite happy.

But now, the focus should shift.

That video just now........It's been over for a while.........

A new video should be starting.

Under the expectant gazes of countless spectators.

On the dark light screen, the description text about the next video finally appeared slowly.

【Honkai Impact Villain Eleven.........Black Kite!】

【Benghua Fuhua who rides a bicycle and Herrscher of Knowledge become teammates! The villain suddenly appears, Black Kite! ? 】

With the appearance of new titles.

All of a sudden, the entire audience in the collapsing world was surprised.

Everyone knows that the Herrscher of Knowledge has become a teammate. but.......Collapse of Fu Hua?

Fu Hua's [Man-Made Collapse]?

This is something that has never happened in previous videos.

Moreover, the villain"Black Kite"?

So what happens?

It seems........It’s a bit confusing!

Outside the light curtain, in St. Freya Academy.

This time, after seeing such a title, the girls........Everyone was once again immersed in contemplation and surprise.

Kiana even held her chin, glanced at Fu Hua beside her, and then slowly spoke.》

"【Man-made collapse】........I remember, isn't this a move that Kevin uses to release the power of Honkaimon in his body?

It turns out that Squad Leader Fu Hua can also use it?"

Leiden Meiyi:"Of course, as one of the [Thirteen Heroes]........It is only natural that squad leader Fu Hua can use such a move."

Bronya:"But why have I never seen squad leader Fu Hua use such a power before?"

After saying that, the three people from the"Yu Sanjia" tacitly turned their attention to Fu Hua.

Indeed..........Bronya’s question just now is very important. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

How come Fu Hua has never been seen using her [Artificial Collapse] form before?

Feeling everyone's eyes and listening to the questions just now.

Fu Hua's side........She also showed a rare expression of embarrassment.

She didn't know how to answer this question.

There was nothing I could do, after taking a deep breath.

Fu Hua, she was the one who responded to everyone’s questions just now and said

"em.........I do have the ability of [man-made collapse].

But it's not the same as Kevin's.

I can't maintain that posture for a long time.........

Moreover, I have not yet returned to my peak state.

So I can't use this trick at this stage.

Just look at this light curtain.........My future self seems to have regained that strength."

Listening to Fu Hua's explanation, the girls nodded in understanding.[]

And in the discussion just now.

This video inside the light curtain........Then it started playing. in the screen.......The one who appears in everyone's field of vision is of course the protagonist of this video, Fu Hua!

Of course, since it is [man-made collapse].

So........It's natural that Fu Hua appears in everyone's field of vision with a new attitude.

As for the color scheme, it is the most classic Red Kite color scheme.

Mainly red and white interlaced with each other.

On both sides of the hair, there are decorations like red kite feathers..........

The pupils also reflected a vermillion glow.

The clothes on his body were also changed into battle clothes that were more gorgeous and brighter than during the"Red Kite" period.

The arms are also"decorated" like gauntlets.

This gesture shows a very powerful aura..........

At least it is no less aura than the previous [Karen Demon Kevin].

However, although the aura of [Collapsing Fuhua] is very powerful. but.........The picture presented is quite gratifying.

Because of the [Collapsing Fuhua] in the picture, she is actually riding a bicycle!! ? ?

Moreover, it is still a very"grocery shopping" kind of bicycle.

Looking at such a picture, it is extremely inconsistent!

According to the current ability setting of [Collapse Fuhua].......(Zhao Hao)..

She flew directly and moved quickly, which was far faster than a bicycle.

No! should say.........Can such a bicycle withstand the force of Fu Hua after the collapse?

This question is really obvious!

However, the joy of the scene now is not just that.

What’s even more funny is.........

Now on Fu Hua's back seat, the Herrscher of Knowledge even hugged her waist to adjust his position.

Mother takes her daughter out for an outing? current scene.......It’s full of such a sense of déjà vu.

Really, so funny.

Feeling of dissonance, it fills you up immediately!!!

The audience of The Collapse World can no longer hold their nerves.........All kinds of laughter and laughter have filled the entire Honkai Impact 3 world.......

PS:Keep going, brothers!!!!.

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