Outside the light curtain, here at Tianming Headquarters......

Otto was originally looking forward to Fu Hua's [Artificial Collapse].

After he saw the [Collapsing Fuhua] in the video.

Otto's entire face suddenly showed an extremely speechless expression..........

In fact, he was so speechless that the corners of his mouth began to twitch slightly.

I saw Otto, he was very embarrassed and said

"this..........Is this the man-made collapse form of the [Red Mandarin Immortal]?

Although........I can indeed feel the powerful aura and power from such a gesture.

But this bike........

There is also the Herrscher of Knowledge behind him.

This composition is too strange!"

One of the most powerful heroes in the pre-civilization era, she rode a bicycle.........Taking one of the most powerful Herrschers of this civilization era with him, he went"buying groceries" on the street.

Such a picture is so strange no matter how you look at it!

There is such a thing!! ? ?

On the other side of the light curtain is the headquarters of the Fire Chaser Moth from the pre-civilization era.

Looking at the same scene in the video.........Even if it's a hero.

Everyone can't stand this scene either.

The once serious and taciturn Hua.

She can actually ride a bicycle and take a lawyer on the street to buy groceries! ?

This is too inconsistent! and.........Another point is that.........

Although everyone is also a Yingjie.

But in fact, in the pre-civilization era........Fu Hua has never used [Artificial Collapse] even once. 290 Because of the"divine sound" and"Garuda super-changing factor".

Fu Hua never had the chance to use [Artificial Collapse].

She will also not take the initiative to use the power that seems to be"taboo".

But now it seems.........In the future world, she will be able to successfully use this power again.

It’s just that the scene shown........This is not a scene where Fu Hua handsomely defeats his enemies.

On the contrary, it was a very fun and very inconsistent scene!

Dr. Mei, she even pushed up her glasses.........Then he lowered his head and said

"this.......I told Hua before.......

Don't use [Artificial Collapse] until the point is irreversible.

Therefore, even I have never seen Hua's artificial collapse posture.

But now looking at it like this........It's actually a bit too much.........Strange.

This power is not used to defeat the enemy.

Instead, it is used.........."

"........Used to buy groceries, this is indeed different from what we imagined. The gap is a bit too big."

After taking up the unfinished lines of Dr. Mei, Eden was also speechless and sighed.

However, when the heroes and heroes were speechless, they were watching the scene in the picture..........

Only Kevin is seriously analyzing the video this time.

I saw him speaking seriously without any emotion.

"em.........Although I don’t know which world or timeline this story takes place in.

But looking at the current situation........The villain's name is [Black Kite].

In the future Hua, what she represents is [Red Kite].

In other words,........

So the Herrscher of Consciousness is the opposite [Black Kite]?

Is she the villain of this video?

But judging from the situation, it doesn’t seem like it.........

But the [villain] of this video is always very special.

Therefore, my guess is not impossible........."

Somewhat surprisingly, Kevin seems to be unexpectedly talkative this time.

Perhaps it's because the protagonist of this video is Kevin's companion and a heroic hero.

That's why he showed such great concern.

But for now, let’s focus back on the video.

The story has just begun.........

Fu Hua is riding a bicycle. She is humming while riding her grocery shopping bicycle slowly.

However, the Herrscher of Knowledge behind her muttered.

It seems.........

At this moment, she was not in a good mood at all.

Somewhat anxiously, the Herrscher of Knowledge urged Fu Hua.

"Old antique, can you ride faster?"

Listening to the urging of the Herrscher of Knowledge, Fu Hua did not immediately speed up the pace of riding the bicycle.

On the contrary, she taught the"child"

"Don't be impatient, little knowledge"

"The sunshine in the early morning (ahbf) is just right and worth enjoying."

I can tell.......Fu Hua was in a particularly good mood today.

If it were her before, she probably wouldn't be humming songs for no apparent reason.

Not to mention not wasting time with the Herrscher of Knowledge on such a topic. and........This side of the Lawyer of Consciousness.

After listening to Fu Hua's lines just now, he looked at her contented expression again.

Even though I was a little anxious inside about her slow speed. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But in the end.........The Herrscher of Knowledge still chose"compromise".

Putting his hands on his neck, the Herrscher of Knowledge said in agreement.

"Indeed, at your age, you should get more sun to prevent osteoporosis.~~"

Listen to the child's angry words.

Fu Hua didn't take it to heart, and continued to talk leisurely.

"Spending more time in the sun is also helpful for staying healthy."

Although, today's weather is indeed good.

Fu Hua's mood today........There is no need to say more about that........

Originally, the Lawyer of Knowledge did not intend to say anything more.

But at this speed.........

The Herrscher of Knowledge really couldn't bear it anymore, and she shouted loudly to Fu Hua again.

"Don't you think this bike is so slow that it's about to fall over?!! ? ? ?"

At Fu Hua's speed, it is really difficult for this bike to continue to maintain its speed.

At such a speed........It's impossible to maintain balance!!! [ ]

Outside the light curtain, in St. Freya Academy.

Look at the story this time........

At this moment, the three of the"Yu Sanjia" could no longer hold back their laughter.

This story is really full of contrasts!

Especially squad leader Fu Hua........That is even more hilarious among the funny.

With her serious expression, she would never do something normally.

This time, it was all done.

All kinds of violations, all kinds of funny.

More importantly,.........

Watch the story in the video, Fu Hua and the Herrscher of Knowledge.

The relationship between the two of them is more like that of"mother" and"daughter".

It's downright hilarious.

Ying Jie from the pre-civilization era and Herrscher from the current civilization era, they have a"mother-daughter" relationship?

It’s really inconsistent and funny!!!

As for Fu Hua herself, she was equally speechless to the point where the corners of her mouth began to twitch. even though.......She even said that the person in the video was not herself.

But what is undeniable is that the sense of violation is indeed strong.

Normally, I would never do such a thing.

But now it seems........But in fact, it's not.

It's just this timeline. Fu Hua himself doesn't know what timeline it is.

What's more important is........The"villain" of this video.

It seems she hasn't appeared yet?

When I saw Fu Hua, she showed a somewhat puzzled expression and said

"But speaking of it.........How do you feel about the villain of this video? Is she?hasn't appeared yet

【Black Kite】?

She can't really be Xiaoshi, right?.........?"

PS: Keep adding updates and keep rushing!!!.

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