Among the expressions of extreme joy and the sounds of extreme laughter in the entire collapsing world. look.........The focus returns to the video.

This story has only just begun.

Listen to the voice of the Herrscher of Knowledge just now saying that he was riding too slowly....~..

However, she didn't care about Fu Hua, and she didn't even move very fast.

On the contrary, she was very Buddhist and continued to speak to the Herrscher of Consciousness.

"If you are afraid of falling, you can hold your hands tighter."

Listening to Fu Hua's lines like this.........The Herrscher of Knowledge is even more happy here.

Now, she was just forced to hug Fu Hua's waist to prevent herself from falling off the bicycle.

But such an"intimate" move.

In fact, the Lawyer of Knowledge himself is somewhat resistant........

It should be said that while I like it, I am a little embarrassed.

So, after listening to Fu Hua's lines just now.

The Lawyer of Knowledge, she immediately turned her head away and said pretending to be dissatisfied.

"I-I'm not afraid of falling! Do you mean you don't understand what I'm saying?"

"At this rate, by the time we get back to the RV, the cabbage we bought will have roots growing out."

Although the Herrscher of Knowledge says so..........

But her hands did hold Fu Hua's waist tighter.

This scene is indeed more like an old mother taking her daughter out to buy groceries.

But while doing so.........

The Herrscher of Knowledge still said a bit harshly.

"Can you........"

However, the Lawyer of Consciousness has not yet finished speaking. sudden.........

""Didi" whistle interrupted Tai Chang of the Herrscher of Knowledge.

At the same time, the harsh whistle also attracted the eyes of Herrscher of Knowledge and Fu Hua.

They both looked back at the same time..Fu

Hua:"Huh? ?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge widened his eyes even more,"This is........"

Beside the two of them, a truck was speeding.

The person sitting in the passenger seat is a bird that looks like a gangster, very similar to the Herrscher of Knowledge........

That's right!

She is the villain of this video, Black Kite!

While passing by Fu Hua and the Herrscher of Knowledge, Hei Yuan showed an arrogant and extremely disdainful expression!

However, this is not the point.

The focus is on this speeding truck.......Actually, the Book of Cang Xuan is still tied up.

That is to say........Now the Book of Cangxuan has been kidnapped by Black Kite! ?


The accelerator was stepped on and the engine roared.

The truck suddenly accelerated!

Cang Xuanzhi, who was tied to the roof of the car, was suddenly frightened and trembling all over.

His eyes kept falling. Little pearls, with the blessing of speed........Keep spilling towards the back


"fish head........."

You can vaguely hear Cang Xuanzhi asking Fu Hua for help.

It seems that the real plot is about to begin.

Outside the light curtain, in the headquarters of the Fire Chaser Moth from the pre-civilization era.

Look at the"Black Kite" appearing in the picture.

The Yingjie people showed a.......Dumbfounded expression.

Eden, her voice became broken.

"em........This feels a bit beyond my expectations.

This very [cute] guy, is he Black Kite?

Although he does look like a villain........But it's not scary at all.........."

In Eden's view, the black kite in the video not only does not bring any sense of threat to people, but even makes people feel cute and funny.

Can such a person become a villain?


His behavior is indeed that of a villain.

Just after Eden's words fell.

Mebius next to her was more concerned about another thing..........

I saw her saying thoughtfully

"The one who was kidnapped........The Book of Cangxuan! ?

Isn’t that my assistant? ?

Why were you kidnapped?! ? ?"

The character in the picture caught Mebius's attention.

But now the story in the video is still a bit confusing.

Everyone can't notice that this story........What kind of story is it?

And what kind of things happened during this.

The audience has no way of knowing!!!

On the other side of the light curtain is the Tianming headquarters.

He was also looking at the villain who appeared in the video, Black Kite.

On Otto's side, he was immediately speechless, and even the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"this.......This thing looks like a fat bird..........Is he the villain of this video?

Forget it, this shouldn't be the story of what happens in our world.

It should be a parallel story from another world.

I won't......Too many comments........"

Otto, he was really speechless by this video.

Keep your eyes focused and return to the video.

Reacting.......After kidnapping his companions in the truck.


The Herrscher of Knowledge gave a loud cry

"How many of you........"

It's a pity that the Herrscher of Consciousness hasn't finished speaking all the words yet.


The engine roared and the truck accelerated again.

In an instant........Or he had already disappeared from the sight of Fu Hua and the Herrscher of Knowledge with the Book of Cang Xuan.

You really can't even see the taillights.

However, such things happen.

Fu Hua, who was originally a Buddhist shopper,........

She can no longer continue the Buddhist tradition like this.

Fu Hua:"Stop!"

After shouting such lines.


Fu Hua, she began to explode her power as Ying Jie!

With the blessing of [man-made collapse].......Her power has reached its peak!

Both feet are pedaling quickly!

A moment!

The bicycle burst out with extraordinary speed!

But it's a pity........Although Fu Hua's power is indeed powerful.

However, the gap in vehicles is too great.

Even though Fu Hua kicked off the bicycle chain and caused sparks........

But the speed of those two wheels was still difficult to catch up with Hei Yuan's truck.

The bicycle tires are already worn out.......Neither Fu Hua nor the Herrscher of Knowledge could see the truck.

The Herrscher of Knowledge suddenly stopped and gasped for breath.

"ha.......ha.........There's no way to catch up!"

"These four-wheeled things just run faster than two wheels!"

While the Herrscher of Knowledge kept complaining,

Fu Hua looked at the distance where the truck disappeared........He also silently made a sound of emotion.

"It turns out that the RV can also explode at such extreme speeds"

"Herrscher of Knowledge, I admit that I drove too slowly before." did not think of.......We have reached this situation now, and Fu Hua still cares about that kind of thing.

I have to say, this is probably a bit natural.[]

Listening to Fu Hua’s emotion........

The Herrscher of Knowledge once again made a helpless sound of complaint.

"Wow, you really know your mistakes and can correct them. Should I praise you? Fu Hua:"

That's not necessary.""

Yin and yang" and"old antiques" have become the daily routine of the Herrscher of Consciousness.

It's just that........Herrscher of Knowledge and Fu Hua's complaints are completely useless.

Because Fu Hua is too serious.

She couldn't understand this kind of move, this kind of strange aura!

However, now is not the time to worry about that kind of thing.

Only the Herrscher of Knowledge, she once again emphasized the current problem.

"You - what a stupid person! Think of a way to catch up with them?"

Listening to the accusation from the Herrscher of Knowledge, Fu Hua could only shake his head.

"There was nothing we could do about being anxious, the tire of the bicycle was already worn out. We cannot move on."

Seeing Fu Hua's helpless look, the Herrscher of Knowledge became even more angry.

Glancing at the tattered bicycle next to her, she cursed and said

"I didn't expect this thing to catch up with them."

While complaining, the Herrscher of Knowledge recalled the appearance of the RV just now........

Suddenly, she seemed to realize something important.

That's their RV!

While stealing the car, the other party also kidnapped their Cangxuan Book!

The Herrscher of Knowledge stamped his feet vigorously and shouted angrily

"Damn it, those two brave guys actually drove away from the RV while we were out shopping for groceries."

"Old antique, it’s all your fault for riding too slowly! If we could go back sooner, this wouldn't happen."

It seems that there is a conflict between mother and daughter now.......

PS: What are some of the accelerated code words!.

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