Outside the light curtain, inside St. Freya Academy.

Looking at monitor Fu Hua in the video........She just broke the tires on her bicycle.

But he still couldn't catch up with Hei Yuan's car.

"Yu Sanjia" showed a somewhat worried expression at the same time.

Kiana:"Ah.........Didn't catch up.........It's a pity that we can't even catch up."

Bronya:"Although it is indeed a pity for squad leader Fu Hua. But it would be strange to catch up. That's an RV.........How could the bicycle catch up?"

Leiden Meiyi:"It should be said that the bicycle cannot withstand the power of Squad Leader Fu Hua after the man-made collapse........Otherwise, there should still be hope."

Although the Yusan family expressed regret for Fu Hua's failure in the video, they also felt that such a thing was natural.

After all,.........If a bicycle can chase"July 17" into an RV, that's truly outrageous!

And listening to the comments of the three people from the"Yu Sanjia" around me.

Fu Hua herself also showed a somewhat speechless expression.

I saw her saying with a little embarrassment

"no........What is black kite.......I won’t comment on it either..........

But why are they stealing our cars?........

Why do you want to kidnap the Book of Cangxuan?"

Even Fu Hua began to feel that the story in the picture was a bit abstract.

But now, the tires of the bicycle have been kicked out.

So now........What should I do in the video to recover the RV and rescue the Book of Cangxuan?

Under the worried and doubtful gazes of everyone.

Continue to return to the video..........

Listen to what the Herrscher of Consciousness said about himself just now.

Fu Hua, she said helplessly

"However, because you said you wanted to eat the cold cakes from Chunfeng Garden, we had to take a long detour........."

Following Fu Hua's words.

In an instant! The Herrscher of Knowledge, she was silent.......Lost for words........

For a moment, she really didn't know how to answer Fu Hua's lines. should say.......She didn't even know how to refute Fu Hua's lines.

Because if you look carefully, it seems that it is really her own responsibility!

There is really no other way, the Herrscher of Knowledge can only act like a stubborn little girl who shirks her responsibilities, and forcefully said:

"I..........That's what I said!"

He was slapped in the face so quickly.

Even the Herrscher of Knowledge became a little embarrassed when he shied away from his responsibility.

And looking at the Herrscher of Knowledge like this.......Fu Hua continued to"make up for it" with an expressionless expression.

"But you've been saying it for days........."

Although Fu Hua was just stating the facts.

But it is undeniable that Fu Hua's lines are indeed a further slap in the face to the Herrscher of Knowledge.

There is really no way........The Herrscher of Knowledge could only say stubbornly again

"oops. Forget it, forget it, don't explain, I forgive you."

"Let's think about what we should do now."

It's obviously my fault.......But she naturally shifted the responsibility to Fu Hua.

He even regarded himself as the"just" party and actively chose to forgive Fu Hua.

In a sense, he is not ordinary thick-skinned. but.......It would indeed be cuter if this character were the Herrscher of Knowledge.

Outside the light curtain, in the familiar space of [Palace of the Past].

Listen to the lines of the Herrscher of Knowledge and Fu Hua in the video.........

Unable to help it, even Alicia laughed.

"Uh-huh~~hahahaha~~~So cute, Herrscher of Knowledge.

He looks like a cute, stubborn kid who doesn't want to admit his mistakes.

This mental age is indeed.........

Consider Hua’s character again.

From this point of view, the current relationship between the two of them........It's really like a mother and her rebellious little daughter.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha~~"

In Alicia’s opinion, the story in the video..........How to develop?

That is completely unimportant.

What Alicia wants to see now is actually the interaction between Fu Hua and the Herrscher of Knowledge.

Because of their special relationship, this story has a special feel. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

His eyes focused again.

Listen to the urging of the Herrscher of Consciousness.......

On Fu Hua's side, she also looked bitter. indeed.......She also knew that the most important thing now was to quickly recover the RV and rescue the Cangxuan Book.

But the problem is that the only vehicle bicycle is no longer working 0.......

Now in a hurry.........Where on earth are we going to find a vehicle to catch up with the RV?

Fu Hua, she sighed helplessly and said

".......You are right, but.......The bicycle is broken, so I have to find a new means of transportation."

"This is not Tianming’s service area, and there is no one I know around. Where should we look?"

Slender fingers rubbed his chin, Fu Hua was also thinking about this problem.

Fu Hua watched the cars speeding by on the road - obviously, after the collapse, the city began to gradually regain its vitality.

Looking around, Fu Hua sighed Tone.

In this huge city, trying to find Cangxuan Book is no different from finding a needle in a haystack.

But even so, she is not willing to give up! []

One is Cangxuan Book, her daily companion, and the other One is their precious RV.

No matter which one, they will never give up.

"Give it a try and see if you can catch a ride."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of roaring cars rang in his ears.

Fu Hua:"Huh?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge:???

A rough voice came from inside the car,"Fu Fu Fu, Ms. Fu Hua?"

With the rapid sound of brakes, a freight bus stopped at the roadside.

Looking at Fu Hua's familiar figure, he waved quickly, just in case Fu Hua didn't see him.

Fu Hua:"It's destiny. Freight truck, sitting in the driver's seat is........"

Fu Hua took the initiative to step forward with the Lawyer of Knowledge and greeted politely:"Master, you 1.8........good?"

The driver looked Fu Hua up and down,"Great, yes, you are dressed very well now.........Festive, but fortunately I didn’t admit my mistake"

"What a coincidence that I met you here."

The Herrscher of Knowledge walked out from behind Fu Hua, glanced at the bus driver, and then looked back at Fu Hua,"Do you know him?"

Fu Hua:"I........"

Looking at the other person's face carefully, Fu Hua had no memory in his mind. should say........No memory at all!!!

PS:Resuming the third update today, keep working hard!!!.

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