Watching the five major ninja kingdoms against the moon! Sasuke: If he’s not here, I’ll come!

[“The sixth gate! The Jingmen! Open!!”]
Luo Li, who was not allowed to open more than three doors yet, saw that his future self could actually open the sixth door, Jingmen! The excitement inside is indescribable!
“Mr. Kai!! Hard work will indeed become a genius!”
“Good job! Li! Don’t let up! Continue to burn your youth!!”
“Yes! Teacher Kai!!”
Under the flaming background music, Rock Lee and Matekai with panda ears were brought by the rhythm of the video to ignite the youthful Chakra, shedding bloody tears…
Although the scene was really burning, it was inexplicably embarrassing because of the exaggerated reactions of the master and the apprentice.
Of course, even if the hot-blooded boy Naruto couldn’t hear the blazing background music, he was “so handsome! Too handsome boy with thick eyebrows and super thick eyebrow teacher!!”
Sasuke next to him complained, “Who do you think is not handsome?! The tail of an idiot crane!”
However, although the Crane Wing Formation is extremely powerful, its destructive range and comprehensive destructive power are slightly inferior!
In the video, Luo Li, who instantly cut off the huge meteorite in the middle, said that it was not good.The meteorite he cut in half continued to fall towards the village!
The camera gave a close-up of Kakashi Hatake, the sixth generation of Hokage.
Rin, Obito and the others have never seen Kakashi show such an expression!
“No, no?!”
Could it be that Konoha will rebuild after ten years? !
The Hidden Village of Konoha in that world has too many disasters!
Looking at Kakashi with that kind of expression, even with 583 soil, he wanted to go over and see him remotely…
Just when he hesitated whether to do so—
The sound of thousands of birds chirping across the cracking sky!
Kakashi: “Chidori?!”
This is obviously not the Rachel that he launched! Then the person who can use this kind of thunderbolt created by him…
As I said just now, the Bamen Dunjia has extremely strong attack power, but its attack range and comprehensive destructive power are slightly inferior. But the Thunder Escape Chidori used by someone is beyond the norm in terms of destructive power and attack range!
The huge meteorite was blown into pieces by Lei Dun ahead of time!
A suffocating rescue! !
Naruto’s eyes lit up, and he kept shouting, “It’s so handsome!”
Because he couldn’t hear the sound at all, he didn’t know how noisy he was at the moment.
But this time around him Uchiha, idol burden three tons, Sasuke is very double standard and didn’t complain, instead he snorted proudly?
[Kakashi: “You are…”]
In a blaze.
[The man in weird costume: “If that guy isn’t around… I’ll protect the village…”]
The man turned his head, the writing wheel eye and the reincarnation eye were faintly visible in the backlight.
His identity is self-evident…
It was Sasuke Uchiha who traveled far away from the village!
Naruto, who was jumping up and down a second ago, shouted “So handsome! I’m so handsome!” Naruto was embarrassed.
“Cut, that’s what happened! My uncle’s performance on the moon must be even more handsome!” Fortunately, the ears on his head are just decorations, otherwise he might have had to learn the cuteness of the Kurama without a teacher and shake his ears.
Next, the last position in the image looks like Yunyin Village!
The hidden Yunyin Village actually secretly produced the ultimate weapon that can destroy the entire moon? !
[“70% chakra filling!”]
Behind the huge machine is Quanyun Hidden Ninja delivering chakra to it!
【”seventy one!”】
【”seventy two!”】
【”seventy three!”】
The close reporting gives people a sense of crisis.
Qianshou Tobirama applauded: “Did you draw inspiration from the Fourth Ninja World War? It’s a good idea! It’s like the chakra of the gods from all over the world and sent to the goddess of 卯. Even people from a village will chakra. Carat contributes and concentrates together, and the destructive power can be imagined.”
“The difficulty is how to find the right material to make this machine that can support such a huge chakra.” Orochimaru’s hoarse voice pointed directly at the problem.
“That’s right, it looks like a special steel-like material.” Senju Tobirama analyzed the technique in his head: “I don’t know if adding a seal technique to an ordinary sticker can increase its strength.”
“It’s a good idea, as expected of your second generation.”
Senju Tobirama’s vermilion eyes looked at the black cat ears on Orochimaru’s head, and felt strange no matter what.
The first generation Megumi Hokage wanted to interject, but found that this was a field that he could not enter at all, and he felt a little depressed in his heart.
Orochimaru continued: “Actually, I am more interested in biological science and genetic engineering…”
“Speak straight.” The second generation said.
Orochimaru: “Unlike us, you and Uchiha Madara seem to have grown ears on top of their heads. I wonder if you would mind dedicating your life to science and let me draw blood for in-depth research and analysis? Maybe you can find that question and answer question. An unknown secret.”
Naifeng Minato was surprised!
As expected of Orochimaru-san! Has kidnapping children no longer fulfilled his ambitions? !
But if you look back at the face of the first generation…
Feeling the strange chakra, Orochimaru looked at Hokage, the first generation.
Then, embarrassedly and politely, he stretched out the leg that was on the verge of death.
Hiruzen Sarutobi held his chest: It’s still the same, Lord First Megumi.
The video did not show everyone the power of the Chakra energy cannon, but instead shifted the perspective to the moon at a critical moment!
According to the sales information, Namifeng Minato reacted at once!
“Can’t launch! Naruto and the others are still on a mission on the moon!!”
Second Hokage: “Don’t worry, Fourth Hokage, Naruto from another world has to become Seventh Hokage. Compared to this time, it’s only a near miss.”
Namikaze Minato, who wanted to understand this truth, sighed: “That’s great, Naruto can turn bad luck into good luck every time. Speaking of which, based on the previous question, the next image should prove that Otsutsuki’s Mandate was wrong. ?”
Otsutsuki Yui and the Hamura brothers held their chests and sighed.
Such a future really frightened them a lot.
In the video, Naruto, Shikamaru, Sai, Hinata, Sakura and the others came to the Moon Ruins. The countless graves startled the audience.And the faces of the big tsutsutsuki from the moon have changed dramatically!
“what happened?!”
Otsutsuki Sanosuke’s face is extremely ugly, the ruined ruins in the image are the boundaries of their clan!
“I just thought it was strange,” Yangtai said, “Although the inhabitants of the moon are much smaller than those of the earth, they will not wither until all the puppets run.”
Toto Otsutsuki, who used to be separated from the family, looked at the video and asked Brother Heji why he was the only one left in the video.
Heci didn’t speak, Yang Tai answered for him: “Separate the family… Killed the Zong family.”
The Hinata clan, who once had the difference between the main clan and the branch clan, were shocked!
They subconsciously substituted them into themselves. If the Hinata clan did not make reforms as soon as possible, would one day sooner or later, for some reason, they plan the conflict between the clan and the clan, and finally have to leave the other party?
The beloved has a question: “But why is Shiren’s eye socket empty?”
The pupil power is the foundation of Otsutsuki’s strength. The eyes of the descendants of the branch family are empty. How did the branch family who should have surrendered to the clan get the ability to kill the clan in one fell swoop?
Puzzles are imprinted in Otsutsuki’s heart…
[“The white-eyed princess.”]
Ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for custom QvQ
Hasama: That guy named Orochimaru seems to have bullied Itama!
The little black-skinned notebook wrote down the name of Orochimaru.

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