How does it feel to be patronized by a horror quiz? Uchiha Quanna: I ask a lot of money for an unspoken mouth!

Another one without eyeballs! !
“Are you the only members of the Otsutsuki clan on the moon who have eyes, so they were sent out to have sex with them to change the genetic problem?”
Speaking with conscience, there is not a single dirty word in Hokage’s words, but it hurts people to the root…
It took a few seconds to realize that his brother was scolding Chishou, Shiraikiri, and Hashimama. Suddenly, he felt that his genes were too good. It turns out that Torima is not black, but it has not been cut open.
Otsutsuki Hamamura: “…” I feel that my brother’s descendants are cursing, but there is no evidence.
“Our moon Otsutsuki has good eyes! It must be the work of the villains who split up!” Otsutsuki Sanosuke directly began to coax. This time, Yangtai, who is also the sect’s family, did not continue his dynamic education. Apparently, he also had more grudges about the separation.
It’s not just that the atmosphere in the viewing area is a little dignified.
The content of the video is more eerie than a horror movie.
[“White eyes… are white eyes…”]
Naruto Uzumaki should be thankful that he couldn’t hear the sound, because the soundtrack in the video at the moment had an extremely weird and terrifying feeling.
Even other people watching the movie were a little creepy, not to mention Naruto who was afraid of ghosts.
In the image, the old man who lost his eyeballs got out of the grave and jumped, and then he drew a different memory ball from his mouth.
In the near future, there will be a war between the clan and the clan of the Otsutsugi clan of the moon.
Different from the hundreds of ninja tribes on Earth.
There is only one clan on the moon, Otsutsuki.
The Zong family and the branch family are like two huge ninja kingdoms that are incompatible with each other.
In that war, they went out of their own way. Both sides were troops of tens of thousands of people, fighting to the death without the knowledge of the earth.
The branch family got some kind of weird weapon, the Zong family was crushed under the suppression of this weapon, and finally the whole army was wiped out.
The corpses piled up in mountains are no worse than the war of the ninja world.
[“Must… block… stop…”]
[—Wow. 】
After speaking, they scattered like dust reincarnated in the dirt.
Naruto pointed at the image in horror and asked Sasuke, “Yu, ghost?!!”
“What’s so scary, you won’t be afraid to see it with your own eyes in the future.” Sakura sighed.
Otsutsuki Hamamura smiled bitterly: “It seems that the world created by my brother is not the problem, but the descendants I left behind on the moon.”
Yu Yi nodded, “But it hasn’t happened yet.” He learned from the memories of Naruto and Kurama that this image was an experience from another world, “Just find the reason and correct it in advance.”
The few Otsutsuki who came to marry the white-eyed princess over there, still couldn’t let go of the identities and interests of the clan and the branch.
On the contrary, let the members of the original clan of the Hinata clan stand from the perspective of bystanders and see how ugly and despicable it would be if they were too obsessed with the identity of the clan.
[“We are descendants of Hamura, the chief clan of the Moon Otsutsugi clan.”]
[“The descendants of the branch family distorted their understanding of the ‘destiny’ of Lord Hamura, and slaughtered all our clan!”]
[“The separated family Totoro Otsutsuki abused the power of Tenseigan, and even planned to let the moon fall on the earth, destroying the world created by Yui-sama.”]
In the eyes of Hinata in the image, time and space are intertwined, and the tombs have turned into white-eyed clansmen whose eyes were closed. They formed a neat formation and knelt down as ninjas, making way for a passage.
The soul of Otsutsuki Hamura appears in the image.
[“The world created by my brother must not be allowed to…”]
[“—It will be destroyed!”]
The video ends here.
After being silent for a long time, all eyes were on Totoro Otsutsuki, who is currently fifteen years old.
The delicate moon boy looked helplessly at the young Otsutsuki Hamura.
He didn’t know how to justify having done nothing.
“Fortunately, everything was a misunderstanding, brother.”
The Six Paths Immortal in his youth nodded, but he was frightened. Looking at the previous video, he really thought that Hamura and himself had a grudge against him.
“As long as you’re not afraid of Big Brother.”
Hamura smiled slightly, “Why, I have always respected my brother very much.”
Qianshou Hasuma looked at his younger brother Tobirama with a reproachful face: “It’s good, the younger brother of the Six Path Immortals will directly speak out about the revered elder brother.”
“Big brother, are you a child?!” Tobirama sometimes really doesn’t know whether Hasuma is an older brother or himself.
“Do you remember Tobirama-sensei? You said that to us before.” Kagami suddenly interjected, “To me, as well as Hizan, Danzo, Tofu, Yan, and Xiaochun.”
Seriously, that happened two lifetimes ago. He was reincarnated three times as a dirty soil and came to the world. Adding up, how could he remember everything that happened more than a hundred years ago.
Uchiha Mirror Memories——
To protect them, Tobirama-sensei used as bait to attract all the firepower of Yunyin Jinyin Brothers Special Forces.
After they successfully escaped, they waited for a long time to see the seriously injured Senju Tobirama.
Although he was in danger and was appointed as Hokage, he continued the Hokage selection system not long after returning to Konoha together. But the result was as expected by Senju Tobirama, and Sarutobi Hizen became the third Hokage.
At this time, the First Ninja World War was not over yet.
After watching the inauguration ceremony of Hokage, the second-generation Hokage, who had already pushed to the limit at that time, left it to their disciples…
The real last words.
——Protect Konoha and Konoha’s companions.
——The world created by my brother must not be allowed to…
——It will be destroyed!
“Did the old man say such a thing?”
After being resurrected, the second generation, who looked unusually young, intervened and turned to the side.
“I don’t remember at all.”
Former Hokage Class: Appeared! Tobirama-sensei’s little gestures to hide! !
After hearing this, Hasuma was completely moved, “Tobirama! Big brother takes back what you just said, but if you can be more direct like the younger brother of Six Path Immortals—”
“To shut up!!”
Tobirama really hates my big brother…
Madara Uchiha: MDZZ
Uchiha Izuna: White hair deserves it.
Others who watched the movie in the third Chunin Exam:
I have learned a lot.
The brotherly love of the Otsutsugi clan and Konoha.
“But then again,” Uchiha Quanna asked, “Why do these people close their eyes? It’s not like tens of thousands of people have their eyes gouged out, right?”
As a Hitomi family, Uchiha’s people feel horrified just thinking about that scene.
[“Where are the eyeballs of the Moon Otsutsuki clan?”]
When Senju Tobirama opened the sealing technique, he didn’t forget to give Uchiha Izina a stern look.
The Uchiha clan, the Hinata clan, the two brothers from the ancestors of Otsutsuki, the two brothers from the ancestors of Moon Otsutsuki, and the ancestors of Chishou all stared at Quanna.
Madara Uchiha was also a little embarrassed, but as a brother, he still stood in front of Quan Na.
Uchiha Izuna: “…”
Is it too late to ask a lot of money for an unspoken mouth?
Ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for a custom QvQ.

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