Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

Chapter 114: The Herrscher Of Space Comes Again! Ji Zi Was Shocked!

"However, I didn't expect that Qiyana has grown to the point where she can solve her own difficulties without relying on the help of others.

Teresa felt the relief of a child growing up: "It's really touching."

Kiyana will be able to be on her own in the future, and Yolandelle, who is the biological daughter of Cecilia and Siegfried, has already been able to be on her own.

This made Teresa feel a little bit of comfort, a sense of witness watching the growth of the younger generation.

"Yeah, originally I was a little worried about what Qiyana would become in the future."

Ji Zi also echoed: "But now it seems that there is no need to worry too much in the future."

"—That's right, no matter how naughty a child is, he will eventually grow up!"

"Hey~ Teacher Jizi, don't worry!"

Chongchong is full of confidence: "Just watch with your own eyes, this lady will wipe out all these puppets! Let's avenge you!"

"......Uh, what does it mean to avenge me?"

Ji Zi's eyes were subtle: "I'm still alive and well!"

On the screen, after Qiyana snatched the Plague Gem by surprise, the puppets started to yell!

【"Snatched away, snatched away!"

"Flag justice, but also take people's things!"

"Thief! Robber! Death sentence!"

The dolls suddenly sighed: "Forget it, since you want that gem so much, I will give it to you. 11

"However—there is a price!"


Before Qiyana could react, she felt a sharp pain in her head, and her body knelt on the ground uncontrollably.

A golden streamer faintly appeared in those azure blue eyes, as if something...was about to wake up!]

"Wait, wait! This, this situation is not right!"

Chongchong was stunned by 943: "Why do I look like I'm going to die all of a sudden, when I'm fine?"

"Obviously, it was quite majestic just now!"

Mei: "I always feel a little uneasy..."

"Maybe it's because your body resonated with the Plague Gem, causing Herrscher's core to activate."

Fu Hua began to analyze: "If this is the case, maybe the following situation... will become a little worse."

【"After all, you have already refused to be our companion!"

The puppets laughed premeditatedly: "Although it's a pity, we have to invite another guest

"Although our initial target was her, the process of liberating her has not been smooth."

"It's all because of you, it's all because of you!"

The dolls accused Qiyana angrily, and then smiled again: "Although you are very strong in your words and tough in your performance, you can't lie to yourself!"

"——The moment we took out that gem, your heart, your soul, truly wept!"

"Of course she won't let go of this momentary opportunity, will she?"

Qiyana opened her eyes slightly, feeling bad in her heart!

"Let me think about it, did that Catholic bishop named Otto do the same thing to you back then?"

The dolls watched Kiyana struggling, and laughed: "—awaken her consciousness, and then give you a gem. We are all very clear about the result."

"You take it as a re-release of that incident (abbe)?"

"Okay, okay, the actors who have finished the performance, let's leave the stage honestly~"

The dolls opened their arms: "Next, let us welcome the protagonist of the next performance, and make a grand debut!"

"Welcome - Herrscher of the Sky, Sirin!"

Accompanied by the noisy sounds of the puppets, Kiyana looked at her palm in disbelief.

The golden light flickered, and the clothes transformed from the power of the Herrscher adorned the body, and the only remaining blue left eye was completely dyed with bright gold.

"This is...... the Herrscher of the Sky!?"

The moment the words fell, a voice with a completely different tone and tone sounded from her mouth


Amidst the mocking laughter, the Herrscher of the Sky descends again!]

"It's over, it's over! Why am I being occupied by the Herrscher of the Sky again!"

Kiyana gritted her teeth annoyedly with an expression of something bad going on: "These hateful dolls are really too baby!"

"Unexpectedly, all of this turned out to be a trap set by the puppets!"

Teresa also felt strongly dissatisfied with the completely unexpected contrast in front of her eyes: "Kiana and we are both deceived!"

"What should I do? The Herrscher of the Sky was suppressed by Teacher Jizi at the cost of his life!"

Mei is also very worried: "Now she wakes up again, and there is only Kiyana alone!"

There was also worry in Bronya's eyes: "It seems that Qiyana's condition is not good."

Zhibao couldn't help feeling a little anxious: "Teammates, teammates! Save me!"

Fu Hua shook his head: "At this time, we may also be trapped in a certain place in the Domination Theater by the puppets.

Padofelis: "If this is the case, wouldn't the Herrscher of the Void be awakened completely? Once she joins forces with the Herrscher of Domination, the situation will become quite bad!

Alicia showed distressed expression: "Even in our era, there is no such thing as two Herrschers being born at the same time..."

Sakura: "If two Herrschers are born at the same time, I'm afraid it will be difficult for even Moth Chasing Fire to control the situation."

"Then, what should we do then? Do we want to watch Kiyana being occupied by the Herrscher of the Sky again?"

Teresa looked anxiously at the scene in front of her: "Qiana, come on! Don't lose to the Herrscher of the Sky!"

Little Goose also cheered for his sister: "Come on, sister! You must not lose!!"

Even Chongchong himself encouraged himself: "Persevere! The future me! Never give up no matter what!!!"

In the picture, when Qiyana, who lost consciousness, woke up again, she found that there were no dolls around.

In the empty theater, only a large mirror in front of him appeared in his eyes.

She walked over cautiously, silently listening to the crisp sound of the heels hitting the ground, like the beating of the heart.

When standing in front of the mirror, she was surprised to find that the figure reflected in the mirror was not herself, but a little girl with purple hair and golden pupils.

Qiyana stared at the girl in the mirror, and sadness suddenly flooded her heart like a tide. She subconsciously stretched out her hand, wanting to touch the mirror, but the moment she touched it—the mirror released cracks like spider webs, Then it fell apart!

And in the broken lens, two figures intertwined with each other, but with their backs to each other, came into view.

One is Kiyana K423 with white hair and blue pupils.

And the other——is the Herrscher of the Sky with white hair and golden eyes.

【"...It really is like this."

Kiyana closed her eyes lightly and said softly.

However, in the next second, a familiar haughty voice sounded: "It seems that you understand.

When Qiyana heard this, she quickly turned around and looked around.

Not far behind her, the Herrscher of the Sky was floating arrogantly in mid-air, looking down at her from a high position, the golden streamer in his eyes was as hot as lava, "as if a god descended.

"Long time no see, my container~"]

"Eh? Isn't my body occupied by the Herrscher of the Sky?"

Kiyana asked: "But why can I still talk to her face to face now?"

"Perhaps, it's because this is a different dimension from the real world."

As a user of Yu Duchen, Fu Hua still has some understanding of this: "It's similar to the domain of the spiritual world, as long as the spirit named [Qiana] still exists, she can continue to exist in this realm." dominate the theater."

"By the same token, as long as the consciousness named [Herserscher of the Void] really exists, then she will be able to ignore the restrictions of the laws of physics and come to this space."

"That is to say—is the next confrontation between Kiyana and the Herrscher of the Sky?"

Teresa was a little worried: "Qiana, can she win?"

Although she already knew the answer through the question and answer, Teresa was still a little worried to be honest.

She watched the two people on the screen, watching their confrontation.

【"I am not your container."


Facing Qiyana's answer, Herrscher of the Sky just smiled contemptuously: "The last time we met, was in Tianqiong City, right? It's been so long, and your dying struggle really hasn't changed at all."

"Qiana, you run and run, and where can you run to? In the end, you succumbed to the pain and knelt down in front of the crack in your heart—in front of me.

Qiyana's expression was firm: "I'm not who I was then, and I won't give in to you!"

The Herrscher of the Sky just smiled sarcastically: "I really dare to say it. But if you didn't waver, how could I appear here? Standing in front of you and dominating this body?"

"You are afraid to face me and refuse to face me. This is the reason why you bury me deep in your heart."

——But now, you lost. "

The Herrscher of the Void smiled proudly: "My shackles have been released, and no one else will disturb us. Your long-term efforts, everything you have done so far—"


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