Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

Chapter 115: Tiger Talisman? The Herrscher Of The Sky Joins The Q&A Space!

"Miss Ben didn't lose!"

Kiyana retorted loudly: "It's just that you accidentally got the upper hand!"

"That's right! My sister hasn't lost yet!"

Little Goose waved his iron fist, while cheering for Chongchong, he landed his small fist on her body.

Kiyana almost burst into tears: "Don't hit me, don't hit me! Youlandelle, it hurts so much!"

"Okay, okay, come~ come to Auntie~"

Teresa opened her arms to catch the little goose that rushed over: "Oh, it feels like going back to the past..."

As she spoke, she suddenly glanced at Chongchong beside her.

Seeing her slightly envious eyes, Teresa couldn't help but smiled slightly.

"Don't just look stupid, you come too- let's go, Kiyana."

"I... I'd better forget it."

Qiyana was somewhat shy: "With the small size of my aunt, it is more appropriate for me to hug you and little Youlandelle rather than you hugging me.

Teresa: "?"

"Besides, it really is Mei's embrace that is the warmest!"

Chongchong jumped into Mei Yi's arms and rubbed back and forth: "Woo~ Mei is still the most comfortable!"

Mei suddenly blushed: "Qi, Kiyana...!"

Ji Zi couldn't help laughing out loud: "The head of the school will also have a day of being disliked, haha

Fu Hua: "...Huh? Xiao Shi, what are you doing looking at me?"

Zhibao: "Huh!"

Compared with the fairly harmonious scene in the question-and-answer space, Qiyana and the Herrscher of the Sky on the screen are still confronting each other nervously.

【Why do you want to help the Herrscher of Domination?"


Facing Qiyana's questioning, Herrscher of the Sky sneered, with disdain on his brows: "Don't compare those puppets with me."

"They are a group of hopeless losers, pathetic ants; they mutter incomprehensible words, and their gestures are full of the same weak breath as you."

"These guys came to the door on their own, and said that they wanted to rescue me out of their own strength, and their appearance was extremely funny.

The queen's attitude is full of arrogance: "However, I am still willing to give them a chance, so that I can enjoy a clown's farce——I really didn't expect that it brought you to me.

"To be honest, I only have disappointment in my heart right now."

The queen shook her head and looked at Qiyana sarcastically: "You are not as good as them, you don't want to be called a 'container' bust by me~!"

Kiyana was speechless and just responded with silence instead.

The queen waved her hand as if bored: "Okay, the opening remarks have been long enough. I hope you will cherish this time and reflect on your last life."

"———Come on, Kiyana."

She raised her hand and looked down at Qiyana from top to bottom: "This is a theater for only you and me, a stage for the winner."

"Be obediently be dominated by me."

"———This is your destiny that you cannot escape!"]

"Tsk tsk! Now that Herrscher is really a clown~"

Zhibao stretched his waist: "Everyone looks down on it, everyone is using it, only it enjoys it, really speechless.

"That's right, no one really thinks it's very powerful!"

Chongchong also taunted wildly: "To put it bluntly, they just led out the Herrscher of the Sky, if there were no Herrscher of the Sky, these guys would have been wiped out by this lady long ago! "

"Besides, the power of the Herrscher can only take away Bronya and half-assed Herrschers like the squad leader.

Chongchong inexplicably opened the map cannon: "I really met my Mei, why don't I just lie down!"

"Qi, Kiyana..."

Mei Yi looked at Bronya and Fu Hua in embarrassment, as well as Zhi Bao, whose expression was already a little strange: "Don't, don't say any more.

"Qiana is right."

The honest man Fu Hua agreed with her words: "The Herrscher of Domination seems to be difficult to deal with, but to put it bluntly, it just seizes and takes advantage of the loopholes in people's hearts. As long as we firmly believe, the Herrscher of Domination will have nothing to do with us. "

"Yes, Kiyana." Ji Zi encouraged Qiyana: "So, you must not be shaken!"

"Don't worry, Teacher Jizi!"

Chongchong patted his chest: "I will definitely not let you down!"

"————Recast the glory of the Lawrence, we are obliged!"

At this moment, the screen suddenly stopped, and the familiar electronic synthesis sound sounded again in the next second——

[Additional question: Faced with the fierce offensive of the Herrscher of the Sky, what choice did Kiyana make——?]

【A: Ignore the gap and step forward desperately】

【B: Break the defense on the spot, give up resistance】

[C: Reflect and choose to accept]

【D: Unbearable torment, turn around and run away】

"It goes without saying!"

Chongchong yelled: "I must fight her to the death!"

"Wait a minute, Kiyana.

Meiyi held back Chongchong, afraid that she would make a choice without thinking: "I think we should discuss it first."

"Indeed, although Bronya also thinks option A is more likely, but——

Bronya looked at the remaining three options: "Considering that Qiyana's personality has become mature and stable in the future, Bronya feels that even though options B and D are unlikely, option C still has a certain chance of being correct. of.

"Huh? Reflect? Accept?"

Chongchong looked in disbelief: "Are you kidding! The Herrscher of the Sky is the chief culprit who killed Teacher Jizi! Why should I reflect on it? How can I accept it!"

"Uh, although I know the ins and outs of the matter, I always feel that it sounds a little uncomfortable..."

Ji Zi held her forehead, helpless: "However, I think what Bronya said is also reasonable."

"If it's the future Kiyana, there is indeed a possibility of thinking like this.

Kiyana: ..... Ji, Himeko-sensei!"

0 looking for flowers…………

Teresa hugged the little goose and nodded seriously: "Well, I think so too."

Qiyana's eyes widened: "Auntie!"

"How about choosing C to try?"

Mei said uncertainly: "Honestly speaking, I also think that the future Kiyana will at least not act in such a life-threatening manner as A."

"Even Mei.........!"

Chongchong blinked her eyes in a daze, unexpectedly her teammates thought that option A was more correct than option A!

She couldn't help turning her head to look at option C, wondering in her heart——the future self would be too calm!

"Qiana, I also think option C is more likely—"

Fu Hua opened his mouth and said seriously: "After all, in a sense, you are Sirin, and Sirin is you, and you and the Herrscher of the Space are actually the same existence."

"This point, in any case, will not change with the development of the matter. It is a fact that has been doomed from the beginning.


- In the future, if you want to truly defeat the Herrscher of the Sky, you will inevitably face this problem. "

Kiyana: "Like you and the Herrscher of Knowledge?"

Zhibao: "Hey, hey! I'm not the same as Old Antique! Don't compare me with her!"

Fu Hua: "...You can think so too. All in all, from my personal point of view, you in the future have grown into a mature and calm warrior who can think independently. When faced with this situation, You shouldn’t lose your mind and go all out.”

Listening to everyone's answers, Qiyana also fell into hesitation.

She scratched her head and said uncertainly: "Then why don't I try to choose C?"

After seeing everyone nodding unanimously, Chongchong stepped forward: "I choose C!"

[The answer is correct, congratulations to Kiyana Kaslana for getting the Zodiac Tiger Charm]

Kiyana: "Oh! You got the answer right!"

Little Goose: "Okay! Sister got it right!"

Teresa: "It hurts! Kiyana [Don't pull my hair QAQ"

Mei: "Sure enough, the future Kiyana is really mature and calm!"

Ji Zi couldn't help crying: "My teaching is not in vain...... Oh, the future me has already learned the last lesson with my life..."

Fu Hua: "However, what does this Tiger Talisman mean?"

"I don't know too well... ehhhhhhh!!!!"

Chongchong looked at the talisman that appeared in his hand with a dazed expression.

However, before she could react, she saw the talisman suddenly flashing with huge brilliance, completely covering her whole body in it.

Immediately afterwards, amidst the exclamation of everyone, they witnessed Qiyana being split into two!

One is Chong Chong Ben Chong with white hair and blue pupils.

The other is the Herrscher of the Sky with white hair and golden pupils!!!

【Sirin the Herrscher of the Sky, join the Q&A space】

Listen to the opinions, and quickly carry out a Ding repair work!.

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