Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

Chapter 122: The Birth Of The Herrscher? Alicia Got Her Wish!


After losing the power of the Herrscher of the Sky, Qiyana, who was originally comparable, was unilaterally crushed by the Herrscher of the Sky in an instant, and she was no match for her at all.

In just a moment, she was covered in bruises.

Even so, she still didn't give up!

Every time I fall down, I always stand up with difficulty and continue to fight the king!

Even with a tenacious will to persist until now, it still cannot make up for the huge gap in combat power between the two sides.

But it also succeeded in making the Herrscher of the Sky feel a little impatient.

【"It's too ugly, there must be a limit to stalking!"

The Herrscher of the Sky frowned, and stared coldly at Qiyana who was struggling to resist: "It's better to accept your failure honestly than to be tragically crushed into powder.

"——In that case, maybe I can show mercy and give you a painless death."

"No, no, I won't...I will never lose to you!"

Kiyana struggled to stand up again, even though her body was already scarred, even though her spirit was exhausted.

But the moment she stood up, the Herrscher of the Sky clearly saw raging flames burning in her azure blue eyes.

As if immortal!

"Hmph!" The Herrscher of the Sky snorted coldly, "It's ridiculous, where did you get the courage to say such things to me?"

"Your companion is still busy playing house with the puppet, and no one will come to rescue you at all."

"The core power is in my hands, and the scope of your influence in the consciousness space is getting smaller and smaller. It won't be long before everything will completely surrender to me!"

"—————Open your eyes and see, you have nothing! What's the point of struggling?"]

"Yes, that's right!"

An arrogant and joyful smile appeared on Sirin's face: "Qiana, you'd better be honest and admit defeat!"

"I have the authority of a lawyer, and you will never be able to defeat me!"

"Hmph! Don't get carried away!"

Chongchong retorted: "This lady will become the Herrscher of Fire Fire in the future! How could she fall down here!"

"So what about the Herrscher of the Sky! Even if it's Kevin, I won't be afraid of him!"

Kevin: …………Don’t cue.

"Ah, speaking of—"

Mei suddenly thought of something: "I remember the question raised by the question and answer space at the beginning, it seems to have clearly indicated that the Herrscher of the Sky will be defeated by Kiyana, right?"

Obsessed with watching the plot, Mei belatedly remembered the answer given by the Q&A space at the beginning—didn’t the Herrscher of the Sky die in the fight with Kiana?

"Huh? What nonsense are you talking about!"

Sirin didn't believe it at all: "Beat me? With her who has been deprived of her Herrscher's power? Stop joking!"

"Yeah, I almost forgot!"

Qiyana also suddenly remembered: "This lady should have defeated the Herrscher of the Sky in the end!"

Bronya: "Idiot Kiana, are you willing to get up now?"

Fu Hua: "... You were really worried that you might lose before, weren't you?"

Teresa: "...Oh, yes! Isn't the answer revealed from the beginning!"

Ji Zi: .....Uh, Teresa, are you serious?"

What Kaslana traditional IQ?

What is Cheng Nei's death?

"You, you...are you kidding me!"

Seeing that everyone seemed to have reached a consensus, Sirin couldn't help but feel confused.

"Impossible, non-existent, unrealistic...how could I lose?!"

To be reasonable, if Qiyana can really kill her, she will eat the computer screen of this question and answer space on the spot!

Sirin raised her head and stared directly at the picture on the screen——

【"Perhaps.....It is indeed as you said, I have no strength now, but it is just a waste of effort."

Qiyana barely supported her body, gasping for breath: "Don't talk about competing with you, it is very difficult for me to maintain such a standing posture."

"However... Whenever I fall to the ground and feel so painful that I want to give up, I will think of many things inexplicably. M

"Burnt toast pizza, mild pepper curry, parfait for three, shining feathers, St. Freya's gate, and her last lesson..."

Qiyana's voice was full of tiredness and hoarseness, as if she had already reached the limit of her body.

But even so, the light in her eyes still didn't weaken at all, on the contrary, it became more intense and dazzling!

"Everyone who has helped me, guided me forward, and shown me kindness."

"Their smiles, gratitude, expectations for the future, the hands they stretched out to me, the light they shine on me..."

"Just thinking about this, I can't say the word 'give up'."

Qiyana took a deep breath, and slowly straightened up, facing the coercion of the Herrscher of the Sky.

Her gaze is as sharp as a sword, and her will is as firm as a rock!

"I have gained so much along the way. Courage, blessings, hope...all my best memories, they are always here, heavy, and always warm me.

"So—I'm not nothing!"

For a moment, a raging fire ignited on her body, as if the inherited fire was guided from the belief in her heart, instantly enveloping her whole body.

The power of the Herrscher has returned to her body again, and Qiyana has become the Sky Ranger who saved Sky City again, and she holds the broken sword that symbolizes the inheritance of faith tightly in her hands!

"I want to pass on what I have obtained so far!"

"I want to bring them to more people, I won't fall down here!"

"I will carry her ideals, their ideals - keep going!"]

"Oh! Miss Ben's power is back!"

Qiyana cheered happily: "The end of the Herrscher of the Sky is here!"


Sirin stared wide-eyed, looking at the scene before her in disbelief: "This, how is this possible!"

"No, no!"

She instantly understood: "This flame.....this is the power of the Plague Gem!"

"The Plague Gem?" Teresa was taken aback: "I remember this gem was used by Ji Zi, right?"


Ji Zi stared at Kiyana on the screen, and saw that although Kiyana had regained her celestial knight attire, the color of her clothes had turned red like fire, and the broken sword she held tightly in her hand ————Surprisingly, it is the God Meteor Sword that Ji Zi once used!

Even, Qiyana's original pair of heterochromatic pupils were completely restored to pure and clear azure blue eyes at this moment!

"It seems that Kiyana has been approved by the Plague Gem——that's a good job!"

Mei clasped her hands together and prayed in a low voice: "You must not lose! Kiyana!"

Bronya also whispered: "We must win! Kiyana!"

Fu Hua: "Qiana, don't give up!"

Zhibao: "Qiana! Quickly show the aura you once defeated me, and trample this arrogant Herrscher of the Sky under your feet!"

Sirin: "Damn it! You can't lose! My future self!"

In the picture, Qiyana, who has gained new power, has firmly suppressed the Herrscher of the Sky.

Wielding the broken sword in her hand, she pressed forward step by step with vigorous skill and flexible steps, pushing Herrscher of the Sky into a desperate situation step by step!

【"Why did the Plague Gem recognize you!?"

The Herrscher of the Void gritted his teeth: "Just because that woman used it?"

"you are wrong!"

Kiyana dismisses her: "It never belonged to you!"

"Hmph! It's just the remaining fragments of consciousness in the gem, why resist?"

The Herrscher of the Void roared angrily: "Obviously they are already dead, why are you still hindering me?!"

"Her life never stopped fighting!"

The turbulent flames attacked the Herrscher of the Sky, and Qiyana waved the broken sword, the burning flames reminded her of her inherited belief: "This is her flame, her color!"


Scorching air waves swept in all directions, ruthlessly raging the entire space.

The Herrscher of the Void questioned unbelievably, as if he was unwilling to face his foreseeable defeat—

"Why? Why do you think you can defeat me? Just because you are the good Sirin and I am the evil Sirin?"

"That never existed. I chose good and you chose evil!"

Qiyana held the handle of the knife tightly with both hands, pointed the broken sword at the Herrscher of the Sky, and then pressed down hard!

——As if the grievances between the two are completely cut off here!】

As Kiyana said, good and evil are never defined by anyone.

It's based on individual choices.

Walking in this world, Qiyana feels what is warmth, what is hope, what is companionship, and what is trust, so she chooses kindness and the future.

But the Herrscher of the Sky was only immersed in the hatred of the Tower of Babylon. Revenge and hatred filled her heart and occupied her thoughts, so she chose evil and the past.

During the long silence, Qiyana and Herrscher of the Sky just looked at each other, neither of them spoke.

Until Qiyana put down the broken sword and took a deep breath——


"...Yeah, it's over."

The voice of the Herrscher of the Void reveals a trace of resignation, but seems relieved: "The power of the gems is flowing to you. They abandoned me and chose you. It seems that your 'faith' is better."

"——I will make good use of these powers.

"Whatever you want." The Herrscher of the Sky didn't care anymore: "Anyway, without me, you can't relax a lot.

"——I will bear the crime you committed, this is my responsibility.

"That's your own business, there's no need to tell me."

The Herrscher of the Void looked at her: "You could have lived without knowing anything, or simply died as an innocent experimental subject. But you chose this path."

"The blood stained by Sirin, her sadness and despair, the contradiction between good and evil that all 'human beings' have to face—you have to bear these weights for the rest of your life."

Kiyana nodded: "...I will work hard to 053, so that there will be no next Sirin in the world."

"Okay, stop it." The Herrscher of the Sky remained arrogant even when the defeat was certain: "I don't need your sympathy."

"The winner stays and the loser disappears. This is the rule. I have no objection."

Qiyana was silent for a while, watched her and said softly: "Goodbye, Chenzhi's book.

"Goodbye, another... Sirin."

Herrscher of the Sky's body gradually became transparent and unstable, she looked at Qiyana: "I won't approve of your thoughts, but

"Since you won, go on your way."

At the last moment, Benares appeared beside the Herrscher of the Sky, and accompanied her for the last time.

Just like its loyalty to Sirin, even if it is death, it will never abandon it.

The Herrscher of the Sky rarely showed a gentle smile, and caressed Benares who had turned into specks of light with her.

She turned to look at Kiana——

"Do what you can, fight till the end. 17


"I lost?"

Sirin stared at the scene on the screen in disbelief, seeing that the place where she was originally standing has now become empty, and her whole person's expression also became bewildered: I actually lost to Qiyana?!"

"Don't be sad, there's nothing shameful about losing to Miss Ben."

Perhaps influenced by the beliefs of the two people on the screen, Qiyana rarely inspired Sirin: "At least, you still stick to your own beliefs until the end, and you haven't really been defeated by me, have you?"

As Kiyana said, even though the Herrscher of the Last Space was killed by Kiyana, she did not waver in her beliefs and insisted on her views from beginning to end.

As the saying goes - a man can be killed, but not defeated.

Therefore, the Herrscher of the Sky has never been truly defeated.

She just launched revenge against this unfair world as Sirin, and was stopped by another Sirin.

"It's not so much a contest between Herrscher and Herrscher, but rather a contest between human nature and the will of Houkai. 27

Alicia said softly: "In the end, Kiana, who represents human beings, won the victory."

"It's really.....it's great..."

"Yes, Ellie." Eden nodded: "This is really a perfect ending.

"—Your efforts are not in vain."

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