Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

Chapter 123: Farewell To Ji Zi! Salute To Ying Jie!

Human nature, for Herrscher, is actually a gift from a certain girl.

Alicia——she once chose to sacrifice herself in order to free the next generation of Herrschers from the control of Houkai, in exchange for the possibility that the next generation of Herrschers can have humanity.

It is precisely because of her selfless dedication that Qiyana has the opportunity to defeat the Herrscher of the Sky and become the Herrscher of Humans in this generation.

Not only for Kiyana, but also for Mei and Bronya.

"Alicia's sacrifice was not in vain."

Velvet Ben felt genuine joy.

Aponia also clasped her hands together, praying and praising Alicia.

Even Mebius hummed lightly to express his approval.

"Sacrifice is not meaningless, but as far as I am concerned, compared to sacrifice, Alicia, you can obviously make more contributions.

She vomited the snake letter: "For example—becoming my experimental subject, hiss~"

"Oh, dear, Dr. Mebius, are you still brooding over this matter?"

Alicia regained her smile: "Okay, okay~ Don't mind~!"

Mebius: "Hmph."

"Wuliangta Jizi is indeed a qualified and unique excellent teacher."

Su did not hesitate to praise: "If it weren't for Ms. Ji Zi's selflessness, I am afraid that Ms. Qiyana might not be able to defeat the Herrscher consciousness."

"Indeed. When I think of the future me, it is really enviable to meet such a good teacher.

Hua's eyes suddenly became distant, as if recalling the past.

Patofelice: "It would be great if we could meet such a good teacher!"

"If it's Wuliangta Himeko, I can consider letting her raise Gracie instead of Aponia..."

Mebius also rarely hinted that he agreed with Himeko.

Gracie: ………………………………………………………………………………………? so warm. "

Aponia: "..

Sakura: "If Suzu is here, I really want her to know Ms. Himeko..."

"In short, in this way, this lady has completely mastered the power of the Herrscher of the Sky?"

Qiyana said confidently: "The next step is to evolve into the Herrscher of Fire!"

Recalling his handsome appearance when he became the Herrscher of Fire, Chongchong's expression couldn't hide his excitement!

Although Guan Tian Qiong Ranger is also very handsome, but as expected, the Herrscher of Fire Flame is her ideal appearance!

————The cloak, the high ponytail, the flaming sword, and the resolute and brave face.

It can almost be said that it accurately hit her ideal image!

"I'm afraid, it's almost the same."

Fu Hua was not sure: "After all, for Qiyana, the biggest problem has been solved. Then her Herrscher power can be released without any scruples.

Mei suddenly said: "Ah! Kiyana, everyone, take a look!"

Everyone raised their heads when they heard Mei's words.

I saw Qiyana standing quietly on the screen, as if she had made up her mind, she closed her eyes silently.

Immediately, the surrounding scenes distorted like an ink painting, gradually changing into another picture.

In front of the pure white St. Freya Academy, there is a fiery red figure facing away from Qiyana, so familiar.

"Then, isn't that Teacher Himeko?!"

Chongchong yelled: "Could it be that Teacher Jizi has come back to life?"

"No, it shouldn't be possible."

Jizi said with some doubts: "Look at the surrounding environment, the whole Saint Freya is pure white, this place is obviously not the real world.".

"Indeed, it seems that this place still stays in Qiyana's consciousness space."

Teresa nodded: "It seems that after Qiyana regained control of the power of the Herrscher's core, the surrounding environment has also changed."

Zhibao: "Hmph, consciousness space! I'm too familiar with this!"

Bronya echoed: "I'm afraid, it's Qiyana who wants to say goodbye to Teacher Jizi?"

Yes, after all, the Herrscher of the Sky has been completely wiped out.

Qiyana has already fulfilled the agreement with Jizi, so it's time to say goodbye to her.

In the picture, Qiyana is striding forward, desperately chasing Jizi's back.

Until Jizi turned around and looked at Qiyana, a familiar smile appeared on her face——

【"Long time no see, Kiyana."

"Jizi... Teacher..."

Qiyana stared blankly at Ji Zi's face, tears accumulated in her blue eyes, as if she was about to cry in the next second.

She choked up her voice and bit her lower lip tightly. There were so many words in her heart, but she couldn't say anything when she reached her mouth.

"Did I.....did it appear too suddenly?"

Kiyana shook her head vigorously, pursing her lips tightly.

"That's good."

Ji Zi smiled, looked at Qiyana tenderly, and sighed: "You have changed so much."

"Teacher Jizi...it hasn't changed at all.

Qiyana's voice was full of tears: "...This is just an afterimage of consciousness, isn't it?"

Ji Zi looked at her with distress and pity on his face.

.......right. At least time here doesn't flow. "

"I'm sorry I couldn't be with you."

"No, it's okay..." Qiyana shook her head quickly, she raised her head, her eyes were slightly red: "I'm very happy to see Teacher Jizi again."

"At least, I can bid farewell to you in this form."

"Really, I'm not the only one who thinks you've changed a lot, right?"

Ji Zi sighed: "So, you finally defeated the Herrscher of the Sky, right?"

Kiyana bit her lips tightly, and the strong emotional impact prevented her from saying a complete sentence: "Well, thanks to everyone's help..."

"Well, I believe you can do it."

Ji Zi smiled gratifiedly, she turned her head and looked into the distance, which symbolized the gate of St. Freya Academy: "Let's not talk about that now. Kiana, do you want to go back to St. Freya?

"—————Let's enjoy a little bit of time that doesn't flow. 1

"Indeed, if you compare the Kiyana in the question-and-answer space with the Kiyana on the screen... It's not just that the changes are really big..."

Ji Zi from the Q&A space also expressed emotion: "It's a world of difference!"

Bronya asked the question keenly: "So, who is the sky? Who is the earth?"

"It's needless to say!" Chongchong answered first, proudly puffing out his chest: I'm sure Miss Ben is the sky! That Qiyana is the earth!"

Mei: "...Uh, I can't say.



Fu Hua: "Student Qiyana, people are valuable with self-knowledge. 11

Zhibao: "What Old Antique means is that you better know it yourself!"

No one expected that this worm would be able to say such words so brazenly!

They have never seen such a brazen person!

Leaving aside the question and answer space for the time being, Kiyana and Himeko in the picture are strolling together in St. Freya Academy. During this period, Kiyana talked about many things that happened after the Battle of Destiny

Including Bronya who became the Herrscher of Reason, Mei who became the full Herrscher of Thunder and joined the World Snake, and the squad leader who also became the Herrscher of Knowledge and Teresa who was allied with the anti-entropy.

They are all working hard for this world, and they are all working hard to save Qiyana. Even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire, torrents and tsunami ahead, they still cannot stop their footsteps

Even until now, they are still working hard and fighting hard!

Believe that the world will become a better place, and believe that the future of this world is bright.

Just like Himeko trusted Kiyana back then!

【"We believe that you can do it, save more people, and make the world a better place.

"And you did, Kiyana."

Ji Zi encouraged Qiyana: "Everything you have done in Tianqiong City, everything you have done in Taixu Mountain, and everything you are doing to solve the Herrscher of Domination..."

"You saved a lot of people, and those people will help many more."

"————This is the inheritance of mankind, the eternal burning fire."]

"So that's it, is this the origin of the Herrscher of Fire Flame?"

Kiyana nodded: "Eternal burning fire, human inheritance!"

"Hey, I didn't expect that the inheritance of human beings would end up being inherited by the seemingly most mischievous and incomprehensible Kiyana before. Should it be due to fate, or the difference in the world."

Jizi was not without emotion, she glanced at the braided, carefree Chongchong: "However, I always feel that this is not bad.

"Hey~ Teacher Jizi, just admit it!"

Qiyana puffed up her chest and stood in front of Ji Zi: "I am the student you are most proud of! Not only have I become the hero to save Tianqiong City, but I have also become a new generation of healthy people who have overcome the Herrscher consciousness!"

Ah, yes, yes, it would be even better if you were more mature like Kiyana in the picture. "

Ji Zi ravaged her hair in a funny way, and pulled the stupid hair: "But don't be too proud, after all, you are not the current you, if you want to grow into a warrior who can stand on your own, the current you still need A long way to go."

"Hmm! I know!"

Kiyana patted her chest: "I will not let you down! Teacher Jizi!"

In the picture, Qiyana and Jizi also gradually reached the moment of parting, and the two walked along the long and narrow aisle, walking towards the door leading to reality.

Although there is a lot of reluctance in my heart, in reality there are still many people waiting for Qiyana, waiting for her awakening.

So, in the end, the two stood in front of that door, saying their final farewell.

【"My journey has come to an end."

Ji Zi said softly: "From here, Kiyana, it's your way."

"...When you leave that door, it all goes away, right?"

"I have no idea."

Ji Zi shook his head: "But...it should be."

Qiyana choked up and sniffed, there were clear tears glistening in her pupils.

Ji Zi smiled lightly and patted her head: "Remember to say goodbye to everyone in Saint Freya on my behalf."

"Tell Mei, I support her choice, but next time I can't hit my friend so hard."

"......I will.

"Tell Bronya, I am very happy to know that she has grown up now, and she will definitely be able to become an excellent leader in the future."

.......I think so. "

"Tell Fu Hua that although we can't meet again in the future, no matter whether Saint Freya is still here or not, she will always be everyone's squad leader.

"From now on, there will only be Teresa (with the money) left to take care of you all. You must be obedient and don't make the headmaster angry. It's best to help her more, don't look at her as a braggart, Actually, much harder than ours

"Oh, by the way, I remember that Ragnar is also the teacher of Rita and Ulandal. If there is a chance, please convey her will to them. 17


"I didn't expect Ji Zi to know me so well.

Teresa was a little moved: "At first, I thought you went somewhere to drink after class every day..."

"Hey, hey, although I like to drink, I am also the head teacher, at least I have to do my job well first.

Ji Zi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I just drink a cup or two occasionally when I'm taking a nap.

....Even Teacher Jizi, did you feel that I was very hard on the rooftop?"

Mei was a little depressed: "Oh, sure enough, I still can't understand why my future self will be so violent..."

"A good leader..."

Bronya lowered her head and looked at her barren and petite figure: "However, an excellent leader must at least have an excellent figure..."

Fu Hua clasped his fists together: "Thanks to Teacher Ji Zi's encouragement, I will definitely do my duty and live up to the mission of the monitor."

Shi Bao clicked his tongue: "This old antique, the old problem has happened again!"

"However, I didn't expect Captain Ragnar and Ulandal to have such a relationship.

Ji Zi was a little surprised: "Perhaps, this is the predestined fate."

Qiyana blinked and stared blankly at the screen: "What about me? Teacher Ji Zi! And me!"

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