Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

Chapter 124: The Question Reappears! The Yingjies Are All Living In Bengbu!

【"Finally, tell yourself, Kiyana..."

"I will always be by your side."

Ji Zi looked at Kiyana tenderly, but Kiyana stayed in place silently, her legs motionless as if rooted.

"Kiana...don't worry too much about it.

Ji Zi comforted her softly: "Just treat this moment as a dream."

"When the dream wakes up, everyone has to move on.


"Don't be afraid to say goodbye."

Ji Zi said softly: "We bid farewell to the past in order to move toward the future."


"Qiana, you've been silent all this time..."

Mei felt a little empathetic: "I'm afraid, she is also very reluctant to say goodbye to Teacher Jizi."

Bronya was noncommittal: "After all, once you leave here, you may never have the chance to see Teacher Jizi again.

Teresa: "Yes, for Kiana, this should be the last time she and Jizi will be together. 1"

Watching the picture of the two people looking at each other silently on the screen, everyone was quite touched.

Life is so unpredictable.

There are some people and things. When you realize that you should cherish it, it is the day when you leave you.

No matter how you recover and how hard you try, it will never come back.

Think about it carefully, among the people present, which one has never experienced this?

Raiden Mei who lost her father.

Bronya who lost Seele.

Theresa who lost Cecilia.

Lost Himiko's Fu Hua.

Himeko who lost Captain Ragnar.

A person's life is always experiencing loss. Even if you gain something and have something at a certain moment, you will lose it again in the end, and it is irretrievable.

That's why Qiyana was unwilling to let go, was unwilling to leave...that was why she stubbornly stayed here and fell into a long silence.

Because she also understands that this farewell may be a lifetime.

In the days to come, no matter how hard she tries, no matter how hard she struggles, even if she tries her best... she will never be able to see the man in the red armor who wants to save herself even if she burns her life teacher.

【"I understand...Mr. Jizi...I understand 573..."

In the long silence, Kiana Genin's voice sounded.

She lowered her head, tears rolled in her eyes, but she still endured it firmly.

"I'm sorry... Teacher Himeko..."

...I know...I know that at this time I should say goodbye to you with a smile...should be strong and walk out of that door.....

"...I know that this place is just an afterimage of memory, reality is the place I should go back to..."]

How could Qiyana not know?

Farewell with a smile———Perhaps this is the scene that Teacher Jizi hopes and wants to see the most.

But sometimes, you know you should do it and you have to do it, but when you really stand there and see that fiery crimson figure looking at you with a smile and watching you leave here and return to reality, she will be there from now on. With your departure, together with this piece of space, it disappears——it no longer exists.

How is it possible for you to really leave without any worries?

[…But I still can’t help but think……”

...as long as I don't step out of that door...won't time go by...won't this moment change...'

Kiyana choked up her voice, and the tears kept falling from her eyes, but she couldn't even wipe them away:...I didn't even have a chance to say goodbye to you..."

.....I obviously still have a lot to say to you...those boasted...I haven't realized it yet..."

"This is a dream, dreams will wake up...I know..."

Qiyana clenched her palms tightly, and the words she said were already sobbing, and her eyes were blurred with tears: "I will go back... I will defeat the Lawrence of Thousand People... I will bring you Bud *O*..."

"The Eleventh Herrscher, the Twelfth Herrscher...Even if it is the Herrscher of the End, I will defeat them..."

.......I will turn this imperfect story into what we expect..."

Tears are like a dam that has burst, no matter how Kiyana wipes it, it can't stop.

She just choked up her voice and made a promise to Ji Zi, the sadness in her heart was like a knife cutting.

"I just... want you to see all of this..."】

Everyone in the question and answer space fell into silence.

Accompanied by the faint sobbing sound, Qiyana's crying (abdd) face was deeply reflected in their eyes, which aroused their emotional resonance.

After all, the purer the emotion, the more it can touch people's hearts.

Qiyana's reluctance, Qiyana's sadness, and Qiyana's nostalgia are all like a sharp knife stabbing into their chests.

Parting is always sad, even if everyone always says they want to leave with a smile, they can't restrain their inner emotions at the moment when they turn their backs to each other.

There is always a banquet in the world. How many people really understand this old saying?

"Woo.....I didn't expect...to say goodbye would be such a sad thing..."

Paduofelis wiped her tears, she had already shed tears: "It reminds me of my friends from Twilight Street..."

Hua: "Yeah, I also thought of my captain

Su: "Parting, since ancient times, there is less joy and more sorrow."


"Ugh... Teacher Jizi...!"

Even the always optimist Chongchong, whose face was blurred by tears at this moment, tightly hugged Jizi beside him: "Don't leave!"

"Don't be sad, Kiyana."

Ji Zi smiled softly and helplessly: "I'm living a good life, don't worry, I'm here and I won't go anywhere."


Chongchong nodded and wiped away her tears: I will definitely not disappoint your expectations! I will definitely become the only Valkyrie!"

"Okay." Ji Zi smiled softly, stroking Chong Chong's head: "Then I'll be looking forward to it."

【"Of course I can see it."

Ji Zi smiled softly, stroking Qiyana's head: "Qiana, as long as you want, I can see."

"——Because I am in your heart."

She told her past experiences, telling her that after her mother died, her father had told her like this—it's okay, Ji Zi, mother will turn into a star and watch us in the sky.

And now, she passed on the belief and hope inherited from these words to Qiyana.

"Qiana, as long as you believe, I will turn into a star and protect you in the night sky."

"Even if the torch will be extinguished and the moon will lose its light; this constant twilight will also light the way for you to move forward.

"——So, don't be afraid."

Ji Zi's voice became more and more gentle, like a mother comforting a wounded and crying child, her brows were full of pity and love: "I didn't leave you."

"Being the driving force for students to move forward is the most romantic destination for teachers."

Kiyana choked up and replied: "I know..."

"Everything will pass, everything will change, even if this change will take your whole world away."

"But it doesn't matter - it is also the most powerful force in the world, a force that can open up hope and road for anyone."

Kiyana nodded vigorously: "...um!"

"When you are confused, just look up at the starry sky."

Ji Zi smiled lightly: "I would like to be there to light up the entire dark night for you."]


Theresa's eyes were wet, she turned around and dared not face the crowd: "I knew that recruiting you into the school was the most correct choice for me!"

Mei and Bronya couldn't help crying too.

Even Fu Hua felt the obvious emotional ups and downs, while Xiao Shi on the side turned his head pretending to be bored to cover up his inner emotion.

"Everyone...don't cry..."

Ji Zi looked at the crowd who had already cried into a ball with some embarrassment, and his expression was a little embarrassed: "I'm living a good life, seeing you crying so sad makes me feel a little embarrassed... "

Although Ji Zi could understand everyone's mood, as the person involved, she felt somewhat embarrassed.

Inexplicably, there is a feeling of mourning standing in front of his own grave.

This kind of thing is absolutely weird!

【"...……………… Thank you, Teacher Jizi."

Qiyana took a deep breath and buried the sorrow and tears in her heart. She raised her head firmly, staring at her teacher with reddish eyes.

The white brilliance lights up from the end of the world.

......I have to go now. "

"Well, let's go."

Ji Zi showed a refreshing smile, and patted her on the head: "Take a step forward, Kiyana, just go forward boldly.

"I will bless you forever and watch over you. Bi Jing—"

"You are a student of my Wuliang Ta Jizi."

Qiyana laughed through tears, she raised her head to look at Ji Zi, the sadness on her face faded, and returned to a relieved smile: "Teacher Ji Zi..."

"It's a pleasure to be your student! It's my ticket to meet you!"

Ji Zi smiled: "It's also my honor."

"Go ahead, Kiyana."

"En." Qiyana nodded, her eyes became firm and brave: "Goodbye, Teacher Jizi."

Qiyana turned around and walked towards the door leading to the real world, while Ji Zi just stood there and watched her tenderly without saying a word.

The surrounding scene gradually faded away, and even Jizi's back gradually shrunk. Standing in front of this gate, Qiyana took a deep breath.

—Push away hard now!

Pure white light rolled in like a tide, enveloping her.

In this warm white ocean, Kiyana seems to have heard the last story Ji Zi told her——

It is a story about a mother and her children.

The seriously ill mother, knowing her time was short, began to write many letters in advance for her young child, and when she died, the child still received a letter every year on his birthday.

Even if he dies, he can still accompany him through his childhood as a mother who encourages his child to grow up.

For Ji Zi, the knowledge she taught and the will she passed down are the envelopes she left for them.

That is the proof that she ever existed, and that she will always be by her side.

"Qiana, I have nothing more to teach you."

"Because no matter what difficulties lie ahead, you can overcome them."

"You can make the right choice."

"I will always trust you, Kiyana—"

"Because you are my pride."

With Himeko's last words, Kiyana's consciousness returned to reality, and she opened her eyes. 】

"Wuliangta Jizi is indeed a good teacher worthy of respect."

Alicia's voice was full of emotion: "Wow, in the next generation, there will be such a beautiful woman


Eden sighed: "Yeah, maybe——this is the art of being a 'human being'."

Su sighed: "If there were more people like this in our era, maybe the ending would be different..."


Aponia: "Yes, if in our era, there are more people full of hope and light like Ms. Muyouta Himeko, maybe "Alicia will not die."

...Sakura's younger sister too."

Wilwe Id: "Yes, if there were more people like this in Flame Chasing Moths, our ending, the ending of mankind, might be different."

Mebius snorted softly: "But in this world, good people often don't live long... and only a big villain like me can live a long life..."

"But even so, don't Qiyana and the others still believe in the beauty of this world?"

Alicia murmured: "Fighting for all the good things in the world... It's really full of romanticism but makes people want to support it from the bottom of my heart...."

"That's right." Ellie agreed with a single pusher: "It's really enviable to fight for all the good things in the world..."

"So, you guys have to work hard! Kiyana!"

Alicia encouraged Qiyana: "We must defeat Honkai! Defeat the Herrscher of Domination!"

"Hmm! Don't worry, Alicia!"

Kiyana, who had just witnessed the farewell scene with Jizi, wiped her tears, as if she hadn't recovered from the sadness, she clenched her fists with a serious and serious expression

: "No matter what the price is! Mankind will definitely defeat Honkai!"

Kevin: "?"

At this moment, the picture on the screen paused, and the familiar electronic synthesis sound also sounded

[Question 5: Your body is good, but it will be mine in the next second! ——Among the following options, who was captured by the Herrscher of Domination and became the Joint Overlord?】

【A: Bronya and Fu Hua】

【B: Bronya and Kiyana】

【C: Bronya and Mei】

[D: Bronya and the Herrscher of Knowledge]

Bronya: "???"

Are you aiming at it? I spoil your mother!.

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