Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

151: Corrosion Herrscher's First Shot! Alicia Is Dead?

In the picture, Wei Wei inserted the repaired third God's Key, the Seven Thunders of Cleansing Sin, into the scabbard around Sakura's waist, and clapped her hands easily.

【"——Sakura, you actually want to take the initiative to find that 'discipline' back together... I really didn't expect it."

"...you know about that?"

"Seal some memories of how you used it in the past, and release part of it every time the weapon is unsheathed, so that you feel double the psychological pressure when swinging the sword...

Wei Wei said the precepts related to Sakura with ease: "In order to protect her companions, Aponia has taken great pains.

"Then, I hope that you........and myself....... will be able to fulfill your wish in the future."

Sakura was silent for a while, then said softly: "Do you know, Wei Wei, recently I have been thinking about a question.

She slowly put her hand on the handle of the Seven Thunders of Purgatory——

"Who is that girl who keeps crying in my dreams?"

"Her hatred...... Where does it come from?"

"——Now, I can finally know."】


Alicia watched as Sakura slowly pulled out the Seven Thunders from her hands, and the expression on her face gradually became stiff.

What Sakura said is actually related to the Herrscher of Corrosion in the pre-civilization era. Her body is Sakura's younger sister and her only blood relative.

In reality, Suzu was killed by the soldiers of the Fire Moth, and thus herrsrscher's consciousness occupied her body, and Sakura chose to sacrifice her life to save Suzu in order to fulfill her post-907 duty.

The final result was that the Herrscher of Corrosion was sealed and Lou —— also died as the Herrscher of Corrosion was sealed.

The other members of Chasing Fire Thirteen Yingjie knew about this matter, but they all tacitly did not tell the truth to Sakura who is a memory in Paradise, and have been hiding it from her

However, as the Seven Thunders of Cleansing Sins were pulled out, Sakura's memories that were sealed under the "Precepts" also revived.

...Squad leader, why does the atmosphere over Yingjie feel strange?"

Qiyana swallowed, carefully pulled Fu Hua's cuff, and asked in a low voice.

....... This matter is a long story. "

Fu Hua shook his head and sighed softly.

And the law of knowledge just clicked his tongue and turned his head away.

"Alicia, you don't need to explain anything...

Sakura lowered her eyebrows, she hesitated for a moment: "Actually, I have always known—

"About the fact that Suzu is [The Herrscher of Corrosion]..."


Not only Alicia, but even the other Ying Hammers were stunned by the mother-in-law's words.

Even Su couldn't help opening his eyes wide, looking at the frank Sakura in disbelief.

 …Surprising, isn’t it?”

Sakura's expression was unexpectedly calm: "To be honest, when I just learned of Bell's death, I was indeed overwhelmed by thoughts of revenge, but... now it's gone with the passage of time. We who died, I who am like this...who should I seek revenge on?"

"Besides, at some point, it was Ling who chose that path..."

"Before Ling was taken away by the Flamemoth, I had a chance to take her away. But... Ling refused me."

Sakura whispered about Suzu's awakening, the agreement between Suzu and her, the consciousness of being a younger sister, the dignity of being an older sister...

"Ling, she is an amazing child..."

After listening to Alicia, she felt very emotional.

Eden agrees: "Yeah, Sakura, you should be proud of Suzu."

Aponia clasped his hands together: "Ling.....so she already had such awareness..."

Paduofelis wiped her tears: "Woo hoo, bell!"


Sakura's expression also showed a little sadness, but she was still calm: "Even though I recall these things now, I still feel sad and angry, but... I will no longer act impulsively... …”

For Sakura, the bell is everything to her, she can't not care about it, she can't let it go easily.

However, she didn't want to vent her anger on her companions and hurt those who really cared about her because of this incident.

"—After all, I can no longer let my sister down.


There was sadness in Alicia's eyes, she walked to Sakura's side, and gently hugged her into her arms: "It's been so hard for you..."

After everyone sorted out their emotions, the group returned to the topic again.

The pictures on the screen are still flowing. Alicia led Mei to see the scene in Eternal Paradise, and witnessed the past of most heroes, and Alicia also confides to Mei about her heart.

Mei witnessed all this, and her cognition of Alicia became richer and more familiar.

"Although they are called heroes, Ying Jie are just ordinary humans in essence."

Although I don't know how my future self will feel, but Mei Lei, who has witnessed all this through the question and answer space, feels a lot of emotion.

Sakura who was impulsive because of her sister's death.

Kevin blamed himself for the death of his teammate.

Because of the captain's death, Hua pursued persistently.

Even if they are Yingjie, they still have the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of normal people, they will also act irrationally because of impulsiveness, and they will become disheartened after repeated failures.

"Perhaps, if the world does not collapse, everyone can do what they like.


Alicia nodded slightly: "But if there is no collapse, maybe I would not be able to meet everyone, and it would be impossible for me to come to this world..."

Mei: "Huh? Why?"

Mei didn't understand. After all, Herrscher himself was once a human being. Even without Honkai, Alicia was just an ordinary human girl.

Alicia didn't answer, she just raised her head, her pupils reflected the self who was looking at Mei with her hands behind her back and her back to the warm light.

The warm sunshine sprinkled on her body, adding a bit of tranquility.

【"I think, the current Mei, must be able to calmly face my ending."

"I hope so." Mei said, "However... I'm a little surprised."

"You who never like to lie, still told a little lie about your identity as a lawyer.

"The Thirteenth Herrscher...you don't need to hide it from me for so long."

"That's right, maybe... I really told a big lie."

The smile on Alicia's face disappeared like a cloud of smoke: "The only lie in my life."

"After all, I'm also afraid."

She forcefully smiled: "If Mei knew my identity as the Thirteenth Herrscher, maybe...wouldn't be smiling and greeting me like before?"

"Will you doubt me? Will you... stay away from me?"

"Am I..... quite disappointing?"】

"how could be!"

Before Mei on the screen could answer, Mei in the question-and-answer space couldn't wait to speak first: "It's impossible for me to stay away from Alicia because of this kind of thing, and I won't be disappointed in you because of it!"

"——What about Herrscher? Am I not also a Herrscher!"

"That's right! I'm also a Herrscher!"

Kiana echoed Mei.

Bronya: "If she hates it because of the Herrscher, then Bronya will not choose to become the Herrscher of Reason in the future.

Fu Hua: "Although it was not my original intention to become a Herrscher, I don't think becoming a Herrscher itself is a sin."

Zhibao: "Hmph! Alicia, are you looking down on me!"

"Oh, how come~"

Alicia naturally knew that they were comforting herself, and smiled softly: "I just...just care a little bit..."

【"It really disappoints me that you think so."

Mei shook her head: "When you called yourself the deputy leader of Zhuhuo Yingjie, I didn't take it lightly. Similarly... the Thirteenth Herrscher will not let me treat you differently."

"Even if you become a Herrscher... so what, am I not also a Herrscher?"

Mei paused, and stared at Alicia who was stunned: "Is this answer enough?"

...well, that's enough~"

A smile bloomed on Alicia's face again, blooming like a flower.

Mei stared at her relieved smile, and was about to say something again

【Even if you become a Herrscher——】

․ Um?"

Mei followed the voice and looked.

Under the setting sun, Alicia's smile is pure and sweet, and the light falls on her cheeks, flowing down her fair skin

Going around the soft body, in the haze, there is something looming behind her, it is

a trumpet.

———Also has its own recording function.

【So what, am I not also a lawyer?】




Not only Ya 1 on the screen, but even Yai, the rice cook in the Q&A space, was a bit stunned.

What a great atmosphere just now, it was completely ruined by Alicia all at once!

"Hehe~ It really fits Ellie's style quite well."

Eden, who was Ellie's single pusher, smiled cheerfully. It seemed that he was not surprised that this happened, but took it for granted.

"Hmph, indeed."

Even Mebius agreed.

"Oh, I'm sorry~ I didn't expect that I would be so confused~"

Alicia smiled and said, "However, in this way, Mei already knows almost everything about me!"

"I really didn't expect that one day I would tell all my secrets to others!"

"And the other party is a Herrscher like me!"

"But this feeling——"

Alicia paused and narrowed her eyes: "Hmm~ Not bad~"

"Speaking of which, have we forgotten a very important question——"

Ulandal, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke: "If I remember correctly, I remember that the previous question and answer question has already been raised?"

"The first Yingjie memory to die is Alicia."

"But until now, Alicia is still communicating with Mei, and there is no sign of death at all.

"That's right! Haven't I already been sentenced to death?"

Alicia nodded belatedly: "But why am I still alive?"

As if to show Alicia's complaints, the picture on the screen changed from day to night, and finally it was frozen in the file room 1.7 of Paradise.

Moonlight streamed through the open door and cast the silhouette of the stairs in the dark archive room.

She stood quietly, without saying a word, tightly holding a pale sheet of paper in her hand.

【"...Hi, Sakura. What a coincidence..."

Alicia's voice

The voice was a little unnatural, as if shocked by Sakura's silent gesture at the moment: "The day we said goodbye, it seemed to be such a moonlit night."]

"This is, my private conversation with Sakura, right?"

Alicia was a little strange: "But, why is this picture played?"

Sakura: "I don't know, maybe there is some special reason?"

Before everyone could react, they saw the scene in the picture change again, from night to day.

Mei waited for a long time at the place agreed by Alicia, but she was waiting for her arrival. Mei, who sensed something was wrong, was about to set off to look for Alicia, but

Neither found her.

———On the way, he found the fire-chasing Yingjie headed by Kevin.

She walked over and asked everyone about Alicia's whereabouts, but the answer she got was that Alicia was missing.


Mei was taken aback for a moment, then frowned: "What do you mean by missing? Is she hiding, or..."

"Ah, it seems that this little white mouse is still kept in the dark."

Mebius smiled menacingly, his dark green eyes flashed with a dangerous light: "Su's words are always difficult to understand, let me translate for you—"

"Alicia, she is dead."].

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