Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

152: Paintbrush, Surrender To Me? Mei Is Numb!

"Etc., etc!"

Kiyana said in shock: "Could it be that Sakura...killed, killed Alicia?!"

Through the scene on the screen, it is hard not to think that it was Sakura who attacked Alicia.

After all, Sakura had only found Wei Wei before and repaired the third God's key, the seven thunders of cleansing sins!


Alicia took the lead in rebutting and upholding justice for Sakura: "I know Sakura, she would never do such a thing!"

"But that night in the picture, Sakura and Alicia stayed together, and then at dawn the next day, Alicia disappeared."

Bronya's rational analysis: "What's more, before Sakura went to Alicia, she also asked Wei Wei to repair the third key of God, the Seven Thunders of Cleansing Sins."

.......Indeed, even from my own perspective, the me in the picture...has a great possibility. "

Before Alicia continued to say something, Sakura took the initiative to stand up: "After all, as I said before, although I can understand, I still have resentment and anger in my heart.

"The me standing here at this moment chooses to restrain this impulse, but it doesn't mean that the me in the picture can do it."


"All in all, I believe in the list!"

Alicia walked up to Sakura, and wrapped her palm with her hand.

...Alicia, thank you. 27

Sakura smiled softly, and held Alicia's hand back.

"That's right! We also believe that it is absolutely impossible for Sister Ying to attack Sister Airi!"

Patofelice also expressed support!

Eden nodded: "Yeah, how could Sakura turn sword against Ellie.

Kevin: "I believe in Sakura, not such a person."

Hua: "I also believe in Sakura's character."

Even Mebius, who has never dealt with everyone very much, expressed his opinion: "Even if Sakura really wants to go to reason because of revenge, it won't be Alicia who is looking for it."

"Also, there is a most critical question now—that is, if Sakura really killed Alicia...how did 01 kill her?"

"I don't think Sakura has such an ability, even the third god's key, the Seven Thunders of Cleansing Sins, doesn't have such an ability."

"Yeah, this can also be proved by Sakura."

Wei Wei Conductor stood up: "As I said earlier, this is the paradise of the past after all, a space made up of memories, and ordinary weapons are simply unable to achieve [death] in the true sense."

"If you want to kill Yingjie as a memory in a physical sense, I'm afraid you have to delete the underlying code of Paradise of the Past."


Mei's expression was stunned: "Why did you jump to this word all of a sudden..."

While everyone was discussing how to truly kill Yingjie's memory in the Paradise of the Dead, a new round of questions and answers came to the screen once again.

[Question 5: "For this... I have to put my life into the barrel of the gun." ——Among the following options, who is the second memory of Yingjie who died in the Paradise of the Past? 】

【A: Kevin】


【C: Qian Jie】

【D: Padophyllis】

"Are we, are we going to be killed too?!"

When Pa Duo saw this option, she burst into tears: "No, don't wow! Help!!"


Mei was stunned: "Pa Duo, the correct answer to this question has not been revealed at all, why did you directly predict that you will die?"

"It's needless to say! Just look at it and you'll know that it's us QAQ!"

Pa Duo began to chirp: "Think about it, whether it's Boss Kevin, A Hua, or Brother Jie, they are all genuine combat-type fusion fighters, and there is nothing comparable to a small character like us who got in by pure luck." Sex!"

"It's said that persimmons are too soft to pinch. Doesn't it make it clear that they will definitely attack us!"

As soon as he thought of this, Pa Duo couldn't help crying: "What, what should I do?"

———Sister Mei, I don’t want to die!”


"Phyllis, there's no need to be so sad."

Alicia comforted Maomao: "It may not necessarily be you, and even if it is really you, it is the you in the picture, not the you standing in the question-and-answer space at this moment."

"...Okay, it seems that you are right!"

Only then did Patuo react belatedly: "Paduo is the one who died, what about Liz?"

"That's right! In this case, can't we still get rewards through the question and answer space?"

Pa Duo seems to have decided that the second memory of Ying Jie who died must be her, and decided that this time she will make the choice herself.

"Let's choose D: Patofelice!"

[Wrong answer and the correct answer is A: Kevin]

[Punishment measures, Padofelice will definitely fail in the next purchase]


Pa Duo was shocked instantly, but what surprised her was not the debuff that would fail her purchase, but a

"The second person to die turned out to be... Boss Kevin?!"

Not only her, even all the Yingjies present were greatly shocked!

Su's eyes widened even more: "Kevin...will die too?"

Sakura: "Even Kevin...it seems even more impossible to be me..."

Alicia: "My God! Even Kevin can be killed, no wonder I will be killed..

Mebius: "Even Kevin...huh, it seems that the enemy this time is quite difficult..."

"...That, monitor, monitor!"

Qi Bao tugged at Fu Hua's cuff, and whispered to her: "Do Ying Jie and others have to be so shocked?"

"Qiana, you may not know something."

Fu Hua: "What does Kevin's death mean to the heroes who are familiar with him?"

As the strongest warrior in the pre-civilization era, the existence that can even shut down the end, even as a memory, he is the most powerful man in this paradise of the past.

To put it bluntly, even if the rest of the Ying Jie in the Paradise of the Past are united against Kevin, they may not be able to win him.

It can be seen from this that the enemy who can kill Kevin has turned blue!

"But, if the other party can even kill that Kevin, why bother to keep it secret?"

Bronya raised the crux of the problem: "With this level of power, there is no reason to be so cautious, right?"

This enemy is clearly strong but overly cautious?


Fu Hua nodded: "It is not ruled out that the enemy has some kind of special 'ability', which can directly delete us as memory regardless of our strength."

"Uh, why does such a person feel a bit like me..."

Wei Wei Conductor scratched his head, having the illusion of gradually pointing the suspect at himself: "It's bad, the ghost is actually me?"

"...let's keep reading.

It was rare for Kevin to speak: "The truth will come to light sooner or later."

In the picture, Ying Jie launched a series of actions because of Alicia's death. They all had a premonition that there would be a bloody storm in the paradise of the afterlife, just as Alponia had foreseen... The day when the paradise of the past world will be destroyed is not far away.

The screen shows a picture of Cosmo standing in front of Gracie, guarding Kevin and Mei vigilantly. It can be seen that after Alicia confirmed that she disappeared, even Yingjie had some differences. And contradict.

Even alert and hostile.

【"It's okay, Cosmo."

Gracie walked up to Cosmo, looked up at Mei: "Sister Mei does have a gift for me.

"Although.....it's strange..."

She scratched her head, and her small eyes showed great doubts: Mother Aponia...why did you bring me...purple?"


Leiden Mei was stunned, not understanding what the purple in Gray's mouth meant.

Kevin's eyes widened slightly. 】

"...I didn't expect that Aponia even gave that thing to Gracie?"

Eden's expression was also slightly surprised: "It seems that the situation is indeed quite serious."


Weiwei Benwei nodded and agreed: "But in the final analysis, if Aponia gave all that thing to Gracie, it means that she plans to do something.

"I think, indeed."

As always, Aponiya spoke slowly, slowing down by 0.5 times: "It's just that even I can't know... What will I do in the future after learning of Alicia's death?" Woolen cloth...………"

...Uh, by the way...what exactly is that thing in your mouth?"

Mei was a little puzzled: "Alicia, do you know?"

"Hmm~ I don't know~"

Alicia spread her hands: "After all, as a memory, it is impossible for me to experience the last moment personally~"


Qibao expressed doubts: "I don't believe it!"

Alicia stuck out her tongue: "Hey~"

Mei: Forget it.

In the picture, Gracie walks towards Mei, stands on tiptoe and probes upwards, but still cannot touch Mei's neck.

Although Mei was unwilling, she still bent down and let Gracie put her hand on the right side of her neck... The hazy light and shadow radiated through her hanging hair like this.

【"All right."

Gracie withdrew her hand.

 … and that’s all?”

Mei was a little puzzled, and subconsciously touched her right side of the neck: "Did you really convey something? I don't seem to feel it."

Gracie suddenly changed her tone, with her arms crossed and her expression like ice cubes: "Because it has nothing to do with you. 11

After hearing this, Mei and Cosmo both set their sights on Kevin.

Kevin was silent for a moment, and changed the subject: "Let's get out of here first, we've already wasted too much time."

Mei agrees: "I think so too."

Gracie: "You... have something to hide from me and Cosmo?"

"Well...we didn't mean to."

Mei thought of a barely reasonable explanation: "Kevin has some private affairs, and he doesn't want too many people to know. Just ask Cosmo. Boys inevitably have their own little secrets."

In order to avoid coloring Gracie again, he carefully calculated his words.

And Kevin is also willing to cooperate: "... indeed."

Gracie put her hands on her hips: "I want to go too."

"I'm not going to take an answer that anyone forces on me, I'm going to find it myself."

This time, Wen and Kosmofu looked at Mei without hesitation.

...well, I know this is what I said myself.

Mei helplessly supported her forehead and sighed softly: "But this time, she was influenced by me too quickly."

She knelt down, looked at Gracie and explained softly: "Ge

Leixiu, we also have some other things to deal with before this——after the end, we will come back here and take you with us, okay?"


Gracie blinked, and then fell into a long silence: forget it. "

Finally, it was Kevin and Mei's turn to set their sights on Cosmo.

Cosmo: "Forget it...well, let's do it."】

"Pfft haha, little Gracie imitates like that!"

Patuo finally couldn't stop laughing: "Not only the tone and movements, but also the demeanor imitated perfectly! It's so funny hahaha!"

"Hehe~ It's really similar~"

Alicia couldn't help laughing out loud, in this situation where things were going downhill, only little Gracie could bring them laughter: "First Grevin, then Grey,

And lastly, Ge - a master imitator!"

"Yeah." Eden agrees: "Gracio does have a talent for imitation."

Kevin: ...cool.

Cosmo: "...handsome."

Qibao: "I will also imitate Mei---cough cough! I will fall into the darkness [in exchange for you to shine in the light!"

Zhibao: "Gangfeng, surrender to me!"

Bronya: "One cut, it's over!"

Mei covered her face, her shame burst instantly: "...Uh, you, stop talking!"

Leaving aside the reactions of the people in the Q&A space for the time being, Mei and Kevin in the screen are going to the Paradise Archives after they leave to seek clues with the help of a typewriter.

However, on the way, Gracie was found secretly following them.

So in order to get rid of Gracie, Mei and Kevin acted separately, with Kevin to persuade Gracie, and Mei went to the archives room first.

But when Mei arrived at the door of the archive room, Kevin also happened to appear at the door——

【"Are you sure you convinced Gracie?"

Mei looked in surprise at Kevin who arrived here almost at the same time as herself, and expressed doubts: "I just arrived here just now.

And Kevin's answer is also very simple and easy to understand——

"I temporarily froze all roads."

#:".............All right."】

"Kevin, you are bullying children!"

Alicia cast a sideways glance at Kevin with a three-point dissatisfaction and seven-point reprimand for ninety percent fun: "This is not good!"

Mebius looked at the wrong person: "Kevin, I didn't expect you to bully even a child as young as Gracie."

Cosmo expressed disappointment: "...not handsome.

Eden sighed: "...Kevin, alas."


Gracie: "Kevin Uncle, did you bully me?".

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