Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

157: Sister Mei, I Don't Want To Die!

While everyone was analyzing, the pictures on the screen were still flowing.

During the unlocking of Padofelice, Mei also ran to other places to watch the memory about Wei Wei.

Among them are the memories of her participating in the battle of the Herrscher of Restraint, the memory of her just joining the Firemoth, and the memory of her splitting her mind

["Do you know what you have done?"

Wei Wei's voice resounded in the space, and what followed immediately was filled with sneering laughter.


The voice that was not significantly different from Weiwei's was low and full of anger: "This is a mockery, understand? We are all geniuses, so there should be no need to explain why?"

"Separating me from thinking will solve everything?"

"What do you think [Evil Thoughts] are? Parts of a pocket watch? An existence that can be counted?"

Evil Velvet sneered: "As long as we are still alive, it cannot be eradicated completely."

"Even a small influence like a breeze can be regenerated immediately."

"————What you are doing now will not help."】

"Huh? Sister Weiwei, who are you talking to?"

Patuo leaned his head closer and stared at the screen: "Why did I see Sister Weiwei alone?"

"Uh, little Padu..."

Wei Wei Conductor's expression is a bit subtle: "Because I am indeed the only one here, or in other words, there is indeed only [Vilwei].

"Vilvi, are you talking to another personality of yourself?"

Mei was a little curious: "Judging from the tone, it seems a bit like one of the personalities?"

Extreme Evil Wei Wei: "Hmph, is it this memory?

Weiwei Benwei scratched her head with a puzzled expression: "I don't seem to have any impression of this memory..."

Wilwe Conductor: "That's because you had fallen into a deep sleep at that time, and you gave me the authority to divide your thinking.


Evil Wilwe snorted coldly: "You imprisoned me, right?"

"This is also something that can't be helped, the things you did at that time, no matter how you say it, are too much.

Wilwe Conductor sighed: "Even [Vilwei] can't accept this situation."

"Unless we can't, we have no choice but to imprison you here."

【"And this time, the capacity of the thinking I will divide will far exceed any existing area, and even have as much as 'half of Wei Wei'."

Wilwee Conductor said in a deep voice: "From now on, as long as there is a new evil thought in this individual named Weiwei... I will merge it into your place

"In other words, although you will be the most talented of us...

"———but it can only be used as a prison for evil thoughts, and it will never see the light of day?"



The evil Wei Wei's laughter was a bit sad, but more genuine hatred: "As expected of me, as worthy of us, as worthy of Wei Wei, the master of prison construction!"

"But what if one day, this cell is full?"

Vile Wei Wei said coldly: "As long as we are still alive, there will always be times when the 'mere half' can't accommodate.

"That also means that Wei Wei was originally a villain."

Wei Wei Conductor's voice revealed a certain sense: "If one day we can no longer imprison you, then we will be destroyed together by those who still retain 'goodness'. "]

"Is this memory a fragment of Wei Wei sealing the extremely evil personality?"

Mei was a little surprised: "Besides, there are 'half' as many extremely evil personalities!"

"Yeah, this is also impossible."

Wilwe Conductor emphasized: "After all, evil thoughts can never be erased, it is like a shadow rooted in my heart. This is the only thing I can do.

...However, this is too pitiful for the evil sister Weiwei. "

Mao Mao couldn't bear it: "After all, she has been imprisoned for such a long time!"

"Yeah, it's true that this is a bit cruel to her."

Wilwe Conductor nodded: "However, if I don't do this, then with extremely evil thoughts...she may become a more dangerous existence than Herrscher...for human beings for human civilization."

"——Inventions and creations that are not restrained and restricted will one day lead to disaster."

Wilwe Conductor said: "In our era, the Herrsrscher of Corrosion incident, isn't it exactly like this?"

In the pre-civilization era, after Bell became the Herrscher of Corrosion, she invaded the central computer of Flame Chasing Moth, activated the nuclear bomb invented by the evil Velvet, and destroyed the three remaining cities of human beings at that time—— As a result, human civilization was declared to be completely destroyed.

So in a sense, there is nothing wrong with directly linking the indirect cause of the complete destruction of pre-human civilization to Wei Wei.

"But now, our era has passed, and everything has become history—"

Wilwe Ben stood up: "I think, it should be possible to liberate her from the cage that will never see the light of day."

Extremely Evil Weiwei snorted coldly: "Hmph, now it's time to pretend.

Velvet Ben scratched her head in embarrassment: "Uh, sorry, I actually

While everyone was talking about the villainous personality, the screen was still playing, and Mei in the screen was gradually moving away, looking at Weiwei's earlier memories, and thus discovered an amazing secret——— Weiwei Before becoming a fusion fighter, you already have the ability to divide your mind!

At this moment, Padufelice's wailing came from a distance!

"Ah! What's the matter?!"

Patuo jumped up all of a sudden: "Sister Mei! We, we, we, we seem to be in some danger! Hurry up and save us!"

"But... I was stopped by this group of monsters that suddenly appeared!"

Seeing this, Mei was also very anxious, but the monster that suddenly appeared in the screen blocked her, causing Mei to delay a lot of time.

"Strange, why does such a monster appear in the thinking space of [Wilwei]?"

Wilwe Conductor felt something was wrong: "Sure enough, there is something strange about this!"

When Mei in the picture finally wiped out the group of monsters and rushed to the central hall where Pa Duo was, what came into view——Pa Duo fell on the ground.


Padofelice's body is like an erratic phantom, flickering on and off, as if it will disappear at any time.

Her expression was a little painful, and she couldn't even utter a complete sentence.

Mei picked her up, her movements were light and gentle, but her expression seemed eager: "Don't worry..."

She quickly swept her gaze across Patuo's body, and nearly half of the area there was already covered with a faint mist, showing a state of near chaos.

"It's okay...Pado...."


Pa Duo straightened her body up quickly, but curled up again due to the severe pain: "Sister Ya Yayi... we have to... get out of here quickly... just OK...D

Mei followed her line of sight and looked to the side, the mirror that was once closed had been opened by a clever technique.

But there was no reflection of the two of them, only an ominous shadow.

"In there...is...is..."

Pa Duo struggled to say the answer: "It's the memory when Boss Kevin disappeared...!"

"The person who killed.....Kevin's boss...!"

"I see, Patdo."

Seeing Pa Duo in such pain, Mei's expression became even more sad, and she comforted her: "There is no need to continue talking......

......Thank you. "

"Hey... hey... I'm the best at this..."

Pa Duo struggled to say these words, the smile on her face looked even more painful, she hugged Mei's hand tightly with both hands: "Then...we...let's leave quickly ...?"



Mei nodded with difficulty: "Don't worry, if you encounter any danger, let me handle it.

"Just like before... ok?"


The corners of Pa Duo's mouth pulled out a slight arc: "Oh... Sister Ya Mei... It's better not to say such things..."

"It's as if I... I'm really going to die 677... Don't scare me... How, how is it possible..."

"I've been..... very lucky.....

Pa Duo's voice was full of tears, and his body was as hazy as a cloud.

In the end, it turned into streamer particles all over the sky, and gradually dissipated into nothingness, leaving only the last coin and the last reluctant words

"Sister Mei...I...I don't want to die..."】

Patofelis burst into tears: "Sister Mei! I don't want to die!"

"Calm down, Patdo."

Mei reassured Mao Mao helplessly: "Aren't you still alive?"

"Ah...uh, yes!"

It was only then that Patuo realized belatedly that it was himself on the screen who died.

But then she turned her eyes to the extremely evil Wei Wei, expressing grievances in her expression.

"Sister Weiwei, you are too much! Why did you backstab me!"

Evil Velvet:

"Indeed. No matter how you say it, little Patuo can't pose any threat to you at all, right?"

Velvet Grand Magician also reprimanded the extremely evil personality: "Why do you want to do something to such a cute little Paduo?"

Velvet Expert: "Little Pado just wants to live, what did she do wrong?"

Wilwe Conductor: "I didn't expect you to be so mad that you would even shoot Little Paduo!"

Velvet I: "...Indeed, some are too much."

Velvet Vile:

Weiwei Baiwei: "So, the betrayer in Yingjie is actually Weiwei with an extremely evil personality?"

"But, how did the extremely evil personality do it?"

Weiwei Conductor was a little puzzled: "Isn't she imprisoned in the thinking field? How did she get out? And...where are the other Weiwei?"

"I'd like to know about that too."

The vicious Wei Wei folded her hands on her chest with a serious expression: "If I could escape so easily, I wouldn't have been imprisoned for so long."

She raised her head and continued to watch the scene of her confrontation with Mei on the screen. .

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