Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

158: The Herrscher Of Corrosion? Miss Faded Leprechaun!

In the picture, after killing Patuo, the extremely evil Velvet finally revealed his true face of evil!

She confessed that a certain existence helped her escape from captivity, and also cooperated with her to occupy this paradise of the past.

And the reason Wei Wei lured Leiden Mei into her thinking space was because she did not belong to the memory in the Paradise of the Past, and that existence could not control her, so it wanted to imprison her in this area forever middle.

As for the other group of Ying Jie who would pose a threat, the extremely evil Wei Wei assisted that existence to delete them.

So as long as Raiden Mei is solved, the remaining Yingjie memories will be wiped out by that existence sooner or later!

【"So, Alicia...Kevin...and Mebius"

"I can't tell you that."

There was no guilt of betrayal on Wei Wei's face: "I know, stereotypes are your usual trick.

"I've said it before, everything just now was a performance, so the lines have been carefully crafted."

Wei Wei showed a triumphant and sinister smile: "Of course I will make sure that you will not find clues to defeat me. After all, I don't want the funny ending of 'the villain dies because of too much talk' to happen to me."

"What about... her?"

Mei questioned her, clenched her fists: "Padu, Padofelis."

"—A person who can't get in the way of your plot, she just wants to live.

"Oh, indeed, I also said..."

The extremely evil Wei Wei shrugged nonchalantly: "It was just an accident."

"After all, I did all this just to survive. Since my disappearance from the world is the price for good people to survive safely..."

"The other way around, why can't you accept it?"

In the brief silence, only Leiden Mei's breathing became more and more rapid, as if she was suppressing her inner anger.

"...Since you have mentioned so many of your own thoughts." Mei stared at her closely, her magnificent purple eyes seemed to be flickering with ferocious lightning: "Then you know what I am thinking at this moment ?"

"Oh?" Wei Wei put her hands on her chest and stared at her intently.

"——Now, I am facing an individual composed of evil thoughts, and she decided to put me to death."


"——She is advancing her plan step by step, a conspiracy that may endanger reality."

"Ah, to express it more accurately, it should be said... It will definitely endanger reality."

———But for me now, these are not important!"

Leiden Mei's voice was majestic but sharp, like a sword rubbing against each other: "There is only one thing in my mind..."

She slowly closed her eyes, trying to piece together the memories that had been fading away in her memory with more concentration.

Patuo's voice, Patuo's smile, the adventures I experienced with her, and getting along with her is very leisurely.

【I want to make friends with Mei-san!】

The words of the past are still echoing in her ears, but Mei clearly remembers that she has not even responded to her.

"You.....let my friend die for such absurd reasons...!"

The frenzied thunder light exploded in this thinking space, bursting out a deafening fearful thunder, like the wrath of God.

Raiden Mei suddenly opened her eyes, and she has already transformed into the form of the Herrscher of Thunder. The scarlet horns are formed from the top of her head, and the sword in her hand is like a thunderbolt.

She raised her head, her eyes cut through the vile Wei Wei like a sword.

.......Then, you should also make up your mind and pay the corresponding price!"】

"Sister Mei, you must avenge me!"

Padufelice cheered for Mei: "Defeat that sister Weiwei! Then let her apologize to me!"

Evil Wei Wei: "Let me state in advance, little Patuo, what the evil in the picture does has nothing to do with me."

To be honest, although Ji Evil is indeed angry and hated for the conductor and the others for imprisoning her, Mao Mao is innocent!

Anyway, I feel a little bit uneasy about attacking Mao Mao.

The cat is so cute, why do you want to backstab her?

This kind of thing is absolutely weird!

"But, can I really beat her?"

Compared to the furious Leiden Ya 1 on the screen, Yai's expression is full of worry: "Although I will be strong in the future, this is Wei Wei's home field after all, and I have already been weakened by Wei Wei's tricks before. I've gained a lot of strength.....The current state, no matter how you look at it, can't be said to be in a prime state, right`#?"

"You can't say that, Ren."

Wilwey Conductor emphasized: "It's not about being humble or self-deprecating, but in fact, as a combatant, Weiwei is actually quite weak.

"What's more, the opponent is still the Herrscher of Thunder. Even if it is not in its prime, Wei Wei is unlikely to win...even a tie may not be possible."

"So, I'm also curious—"

Wei Wei, the great magician, spoke up: "Why does the extremely evil dare to be so confident, thinking that he can firmly take down the mediocre Herrsrscher?"

"I'm curious about this even myself..."

The extremely evil Wei Wei said: "Also, who is that 'it' in my mouth?"

"It doesn't matter! Anyway, Mei must work hard!"

Qi Bao didn't care what happened, and cheered for Mei with all her strength: "You must not lose to this vile Wei Wei!"

Bronya: "Yes sister Mei, if you lose here, you will never return to reality!"

Hearing everyone's encouragement, Mei couldn't help clenching her fists: "Hey, I hope I can win!"

In the screen, because Wei Wei occupies the home field advantage, she has been engaged in a tug-of-war with Mei, dealing with her through the ability to cut the thinking space.

Mei, on the other hand, was looking for an opportunity, pressing her every step of the way, until the extremely evil Wei Wei had to show up to confront her head-on.

I thought that by forcing Weiwei out, Raiden Mei would be able to defeat her with the remaining power, but what I didn't expect was—

【"This is......!"

Seeing the emerald green mist wrapped around Weiwei's body, Mei could not help but widen her eyes.

"Oh, it seems that my friend is beginning to feel impatient."

The corner of Wei Wei's mouth raised a mocking arc: "It's a pity, so when you die, the expression you show is not powerless, but that your opponent is cheating...It's really boring.

Mei frowned: "My attack...doesn't seem to have any effect on her?"

Unbelievably, she used her full strength again to attack Weiwei, but the situation was the same as before.

The attack is like sinking into the sea, it has no effect on the extremely evil Wei Wei.

"Ah, go ahead..."

Wei Wei shook her head, her smile revealing a full of sarcasm: "I did say that I don't like to play that kind of game of teasing prey - but that's only under the condition that there is a possibility of missing.

"Since the victory is decided, I don't mind having fun."]


Kiyana's eyes widened in surprise: "Why, Mei's attack doesn't work on Wei Wei?!"

Fu Hua's rational analysis: "I'm afraid, this is closely related to the [friend] that the extremely evil Wei Wei mentioned."

Bronya: "But, what kind of ability can make the attack of the Herrscher of Thunder completely ineffective?"

"From the point of view of the game, Yin is like a game master, right?"

Expert Wei Wei frowned: "It seems that that existence is not simple, and it has very likely occupied most of the data in Paradise of the Past.

"Hey! If this is the case, wouldn't I lose?!"

Mei covered her mouth in surprise: "What should I do? I shouldn't really just fall down here!"

"No, no, no!"

Zhibao patted Cooking Po on the shoulder: "Have you forgotten? In the future, we met on the moon. If you die here, how could you still appear on the moon?"

"I can't. At that time, you were also pretending to be occupied by that so-called existence!"




Fu Hua:

Zhibao: "Eh? Why don't you talk anymore?"

Teresa coughed twice: "Ahem! Yes, it shouldn't happen.

Ji Zi spread his hands: "Don't ask me, I was buried in the ground at that time

Mei covered her chest, her expression somewhat worried: "I always feel a little uneasy..."

In the picture, after many trials, Mei found that her attack did not have any effect, so she stopped attacking——

【"Have you finally given up?"

"You just said..."

Mei calmed her breathing after the battle, narrowed her eyes: "Friend?"

"Well, that's right. After all, it can't always be what it's called."

Wei Wei shrugged: "However, I came back a little faster than I expected. It seems that solving the rising robbery...is not that difficult."]

"Jie, brother Jie?!"

Paduofelis was stunned: "So, unexpectedly, Brother Jie was also killed?!"

Qian Jie: "Huh?"

"Unexpectedly, even Qian Jie is not the other party's tree tail.

Su Weiwei opened his eyes: "It is known that Kevin's death was caused by the vicious Wilwe. If Kevin chooses to believe her, then it is indeed possible to ignore Kevin's strength and delete his existence."

"But Qian Jie...is not a rational person."

Sakura accosted: "I'm afraid this is the only time, it's a real battle of victory and defeat."

Eden: "So, is it defeated?"

Qian Jie: "Huh! Interesting, I want to know........ who can beat me! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Aponia: "Qian Jie, [please] calm down."

Qian Jie: "Tsk! Ah———Bo———Nia———!"

Alicia: "Qian Jie, you are still as enthusiastic as ever

Hua: "...the enthusiasm in this sense is so hot, it is really too much for people.

["Okay, I'm starting to get bored."

The vile Weiwei folded her hands on her chest, as if she had lost interest in teasing: "Farewell, lovely audience...you should try to cry as loudly as possible? After all... was pushed to death by my own stupidity, Isn't that something to regret?"

...... You seem too sure that that power can defeat me. "

Mei stared at Weiwei closely, the expression on her face seemed to tell that she hadn't given up: "Since this is a power I have never encountered before, how can there be such a thing as invincible?"

"Never touched?"

Weiwei glanced at Mei in surprise, then shook her head exaggeratedly: "No, no, you brought that in, why are you still so slow?"

For a moment, the dark green mist enveloped Mei, making her feel an extremely familiar strange feeling.

The scene from the past came to mind again, it was when Mei entered a

A strange space, when facing the will of the collapse.

At that time, she was possessed by something.........

"`Velvet, what you said..."

This is Mei's last question before she loses consciousness:——is it another Herrscher?"]

"Another Lawrence?"

This time, not only Mei, but even Yingjie from Paradise of the Past were involuntarily stunned.

They never expected that, without anyone noticing, the Paradise of the Past has quietly ushered in a second Herrscher besides the Herrscher of Thunder!

—and no one even noticed!

Just when everyone was shocked, the question and answer came again——

【Question 8: Among the following options, who is the second Herrscher who entered the Paradise of the Past?】

【A: Herrscher of Domination】

【B: Herrscher of Corrosion】

[C: Herrscher of Restraint]

[D: Herrscher of Man]

"I think it should be the Herrscher of Domination?"

Mei said with some uncertainty: "After all, isn't Wei Wei's thinking space the appearance of dominating the theater?"

"——And in the few battles just now, it seems that it is vaguely similar to the power of the Herrscher of Domination."

"But, hasn't the Herrscher of Dominance been eliminated by Miss Ben?"

Qiyana raised her hand with a proud expression: "And it was completely wiped out! By the Herrscher of Fire!"

Bronya: "Although the possibility of a remnant party is not ruled out, even if it is the case, then the only remaining individual would not be able to do something like destroy Yingjie, right?"

Mei thought about it, and found it very reasonable: "That's right.

"By the way, what's the matter with this person's Herrscher?"

Ji Zi stared at option D: "Aren't Herrschers all enemies of human beings? Why are there contradictory titles like Herrscher of Humans?"

"Yes yes yes~"

Alicia echoed it in a serious way: "It's really strange! Could it be that there is a bug in the question and answer option?"

Teresa: "Probably not?"

"In other words, you can only choose one between B and C, right?"

Qiyana turned to look at the monitor: "Squad monitor, what do you think?"

"I think it is very likely to be the dew of domination."

Fu Hua pushed his glasses: "After all, until now, I haven't seen the power of restraint, let alone if it is really the Herrscher of restraint, then Mei should not

It is impossible to use the power of the Herrscher of Thunder. "

(Made Zhao) "I think what Hua said makes sense."

Alicia nodded in agreement: "Then, I decided to choose B: Herrscher of Corrosion!"

【The answer is correct, congratulations to Alicia for getting a new costume—Miss Faded Fairy!】

I saw that the color of Alicia's clothing gradually faded to a blue-purple color, and even her hair changed color along with it.


Alicia raised her eyebrows in surprise: "I always think it's a bit novel~"

"How is it, Eden?"

Eden: "As long as you like it, Ellie."


Padofelis suddenly hammered her palm, as if she had thought of something: "So the clip about the cause of the destruction of the Paradise that was played at that time was actually the first sister Mei

A scene where the Herrscher of Corrosion leans over!"

Alicia also groaned: "Then, Mei immediately returned to the paradise of the past, and brought the Herrscher of Corrosion along the way."


Mei's expression was a little guilty: "Hug, sorry! I didn't mean it!"

"It's okay, Mei~"

Alicia smiled: "It's better to say, I'm a little worried about you."

"Yes, Ms. Mei."

Wei Wei said: "Don't forget, you have already lost to me!"

"Oh, no! Mei will definitely not lose!"

Qi Bao said loudly: "I believe that Mei will not lose just like this!"

Bronya: "Bronya also believes in Sister Mei!"

"Now it seems that I can only believe it."

Weiwei Great Magician: "Otherwise, wouldn't the extreme evil have really succeeded? That is the Herrscher of Corrosion. Once it leaves the paradise of the past and goes to the real world

I'm afraid it will set off another bloodbath. "

"Don't forget, in our era, the one that will eventually cause the complete extinction of human civilization is the Herrscher of Erosion.

"Yes." Fu Hua nodded in agreement, then turned to look at Mei: "Mei, you must work hard."

Mei: .........Ugh, I always feel so stressed!".

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