Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

182: Alicia's Farewell, The Insect Goose Sisters Hug Each Other!

The petals fall, the girl in memory stands there

Mei and Alicia looked at each other silently, and both fell into a long silence.

It wasn't until the petals fell on Mei's shoulders that she suddenly came back to her senses, her voice was soft and gentle—

【"Don't you want to say something? It's not like you to be so silent."

"So... I'm back?"

Mei smiled slightly: "Well, welcome back.

Alicia's eyes widened slightly, as if she didn't expect Mei to say such gentle words: "Oh...this is a super foul speech!"

"During the time I was away, you became quite active, Mei?"

……… After all, someone just disappeared without saying anything. "

Alicia raised a slender finger: "Then... am I the same as 'her' in your memory?"

......... exactly. "


Alicia smiled: "That's good!"]

"Well, I always feel... so touched!"

Mao Mao tearfully said: "It's obviously not as vigorous as we imagined, not even a simple hug, but seeing Sister Mei and Sister Ellie standing face to face, I feel very happy all of a sudden. Woo!.....By the way, why are we crying! Now should be the time to be happy!"

Hua: "Using the saying in my hometown, this is called tears of joy."

"Mei has gone through so many dangers, and finally succeeded in saving me~"

Alicia rubbed her chest with her hand: "Oh~ I'm so touched, Mei~ Now I have to make a promise with my body~"

Kiyana: "!!!"

"Promise something with your body..."

Mei looked at Qiyana who hugged her tightly again, and wiped the sweat off her cheeks in embarrassment: "Forget it, forget it..."

Alicia grinned: "Mei is shy~"

Bronya folded her hands on her chest, and her expression changed to [O-010]: "It smells like the Shura field."

Youlandelle coughed twice, pretending to be serious: Kiyana, I think you have grown up, and you shouldn't continue to pester Leiden Mei like this anymore.

Kiana: "Oh! Mei is mine!"

Teresa: "...I didn't listen at all, Yolandelle."



Mei stared at her: "I've finished reading the storybook titled "Alysia"... Now, it's only the last page."

"The ending of that banquet..."

Alicia said softly: "At the same time, it is also my ending.

"This time, I don't want to be a reader, or a bystander outside the story."

Mei looked directly into her pure and flawless eyes, and said seriously: "Reading the distant memories, but not being able to touch the slightest... I don't want to usher in the end in this way.

"So this time, I want to step onto the stage in the book, as a witness, to witness the end of a human named Alicia.

"———witness everything about you and Thirteen Yingjie."

"And then take it all to heart, and that's the highest tribute that I, as successor, pay to the heroes... who opened the way for us.

"Mei has already said that, so I can't refuse at all~"

Alicia chuckled and nodded: "Then I'll lead Mei...... let's turn to the last page of the storybook~"]

The crisp ringtone echoed melodiously, turning the whole world into pure white.

The petals fluttered and fell, and the pages of the book turned, returning to the original starting point of the article.

The pure white girl walked up to Mei with graceful steps, and stretched out her hand——

【"Then, this beautiful girl, I wonder if you would like to..."

"Will you come to this grand banquet?"】

Alicia replayed the scene of that banquet to Mei.

The first person to attend the banquet was Wei Wei.

She always arrives long in advance to prepare enough surprises for everyone.

She showed Alicia her inventions and ideas, and brought laughter to Alicia like a real great magician.

The second person to arrive at the venue was Aponia.

She didn't wear a veil, she wore a very formal dress, and she was too beautiful to be recognized.

She said——【I hate fate, because it will take you away. I am grateful to fate, because it allows you and me to meet]

And the third dress to attend was Eden, who was dressed like a treasure of pre-civilization.

She invited Alicia to go for a drive together, and the two traveled under the romantic starry sky together.

【"The last person at the banquet..."

"It's that big boy who's always been cold on the outside and hot on the inside."

Alicia walked to the center of the stage, closed her eyes, felt the peaceful atmosphere, and took a deep breath.

Then she turned around and faced Mei Lei.

"—So, I held out my hand to him like this."

"As I am now, I want to extend an invitation to Mei."

For a moment, the magnificent Houkai can roll in like a sea wave, with light and shadow intertwined, flowing past Mei's side.

Mei looked around, and finally fixed her gaze on Alicia.

Alicia, on the other hand, was smiling, gently lifted the skirts on both sides, and bent over to salute Mei—

"Could you please accompany me for the last dance?"]

In the picture, Mei and Alicia replaced dancing with fighting, and gradually completed the last scene, which is also the grandest scene.

"It turns out that the Herrscher's dance...does it refer to this...

Kiyana stared at Mei and Alysia who were beating in the dark on the screen, as if even the Dao was about to be wiped out, with a rather emotional expression: "No wonder Mei beat me so hard on the rooftop last time, it turned out that it was because Do your best to dance with me..."

Mei: "......No, no matter how you look at it, this doesn't look like a dance together, does it?"

The powers of the Herrscher collided with each other, and the fierce roar was endless. It is reasonable to say that if an ordinary person places an order in such a fierce dance, he will be out of his wits, right?!

Lawyer, is it so weird?

"Indeed, at the end of the fight Mei-sister started the serious mode directly..."

Bronya complained: "Why does it feel like Sister Mei doesn't want to lose?"

I saw that Mei, after using the power-saving mode to lose the enemy, regained her strength with the help of the engravings of the other twelve heroes, and activated her Herrscher of Thunder, the full body form, and at the same time transformed into the Herrscher of Origin The form of Alicia once again fought fiercely.

"Wow~ Airi-san and Mei-san are so serious!"

Even Pa Duo was stunned, as she was alone, she couldn't imagine how strong the fighters were!

In her eyes, the battle that was enough to destroy the world, but to these two perfect physiques, it turned out to be just a small dance party!

"After all, this is also my last dance with Mei~"

Alicia smiled and said: "Look, Mei must have realized this, so she didn't have the slightest idea of ​​letting go.

Mei scratched her cheek, and said embarrassingly: "Uh, I just feel that if you don't try your best, you may lose immediately..."

Kiyana: "Come on, Mei! Defeat Ellie...Oh no, you must persevere!"

Alicia: "Yes, Mei~ Let's work hard~ Try to defeat Alicia~!"


In the picture, Alicia and Mei are still fighting fiercely. At the last moment, they simultaneously activated their own big moves as the final finishing touch—

When the staff and the sword collided together, a grand ray of light hit like a tide, covering everything on the screen, turning it into the purest white.

And when the light gradually dissipated, Leiden Mei once again withdrew from the full form of Herrscher of Thunder. She squatted on the ground and took a light breath, then slowly stood up.

A pink shooting star flashed across her field of vision and landed silently behind her.

Alicia's figure appeared from it, and the two stood with their backs facing each other. Although they couldn't see each other's expression at the moment, they could still smile knowingly.

【"So...is it over?"

"Well, it's over."

After the last dance, Mei and Alicia sat on the swing, talking to each other.

"I didn't expect to be able to experience the 'banquet' again in this way... Thank you, Mei."

"So, this is what the Yingjies saw...your final appearance."


Alicia nodded and looked into the distance: "The people who left the table refused to attack because they believed in Alicia.

"The people present attended the banquet because they believed in Alicia."

There was an embarrassing smile at the corner of her mouth: "I originally hoped that the crusade against the common enemy would unite everyone...but in the end, my wish was fulfilled in another way."

"I was able to meet everyone like this... I'm really lucky."]

"We also feel that meeting Ellie is the greatest luck in our life!"

Pa Duo immediately expressed his opinion without giving way.

Eden nodded slightly: "That's right, meeting Ellie was the luckiest moment in my life.

Aponia put her hands on her chest, with a pious expression: "Me too."

Sakura: "Me too."

All the heroes agreed one after another, and even Mebius and Qian Jie, who were always the most uncooperative, rarely disagreed.

"Thank you everyone~"

Alicia's smile bloomed like a flower: "Sure enough, everyone in Thirteen Yingjie is irreplaceable!"

In fact, for Alicia, whether it is the thirteen heroes, the warrior of the fire moth, or every ordinary person she meets...everyone is an ordinary person, and Be someone special.

Get along with them day and night, observe their life trajectory, feel their emotions, share their thoughts, and witness their unique souls.

—It is precisely because of all these beautiful precipitations that "Alicia" was born.

【"I just like this kind of people, this kind of world!"


Mei nodded lightly: "I believe that every word you say now comes from your unreserved sincerity.

"Huh? This kind of statement...... Did Mei not believe it before? I will be sad?"

Alicia, you joked a lot today. "

Mei took a deep breath and calmed down: "Is it to cover up the real mood by always changing the topic half-jokingly like this?"

"You really...don't lie at all."

When Alicia heard this, the smile on her face became a little sad, and her eye sockets also turned reddish.


She forced a smile: "If I continue, I will really cry, okay?" 047 "I don't want to cry to bid farewell to Mei...because girls still look better when they smile.

"So...you took good note of my smile, didn't you?"

Mei nodded vigorously: "I will always remember... always... engraved in my heart."


Don't forget it. My lovely face, my sweet voice, every word I said to you, all of them, you must write them all down!"

Alicia was silent for a while.

. But, even if you really forgot, it doesn't matter. "

"Mea...why are you crying?"

Alicia forced a smile: "Do you want me to give you a big hug?"

Mei turned her head: "I didn't cry.

"do not have it?"


"Really~ no?"

Mei suddenly burst out laughing, feeling much better immediately: "Now it's really gone."

"Well, that's fine."

Alicia smiled: "Like I said, it looks better when you're dressed and smiling!"

"It's because you said that first that I couldn't help but want to tease you. In this kind of occasion, I won't let Mei gain the upper hand."

"Well, you won, okay?"


"Obviously Mei-sister and Ellie-sister are laughing, but why..."

Patuo covered her chest: "Why do you feel so sad?"

"Maybe it's because they both understand each other... this is the last time they talked.

Eden said softly: "After the conversation is over, Mei will return to reality, and Ellie will activate the model 666, so that the paradise of the past will no longer exist."

"Is there really, really no better way?"

Qiyana also felt very reluctant: "Not only can the Paradise of the Past continue to exist, but it can also completely eliminate the method of the Herrscher of Corrosion.

"You can't have your cake and eat it too, Kiyana."

Fu Hua shook his head: "Also, we can't live up to the will of the Yingjies."

"But, this kind of thing...is absolutely weird!"

Kiyana bit her lips lightly: "It's obvious that everyone is working so hard! It's obvious that everyone is working so hard!"

"But in the end, in the end, everyone still has to disappear, no longer exist!"

Everyone fell into silence, everyone didn't want to do this, but...they had no other choice.


Yolandelle watched Qiyana's sad appearance, and after hesitating for a moment, she still stepped forward and gently embraced her. .

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