Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

183: Herrscher Of Corrosion Vs Herrscher Of Man! The End Of The Paradise Of The Afterlife!

In the picture, Alicia and Mei are about to complete the last part of the journey. Looking at the end that is approaching, Alicia suddenly speaks——

【"After sending Mei out of the paradise, I want to meet the Herrscher of Erosion in person."

....Don't you just activate the 'Model 666'?"

"It's possible to do the same... But before that, I still want to meet her a few times.

Alicia smiled softly, her eyes sparkling with curiosity: "Even though she is an enemy... but also a Herrscher, I still want to know her thoughts and her mood."

Mei reminded: "She is still a special existence in Paradise, and you may encounter danger."

"Hmm... maybe. However, isn't it something human beings do when they know the danger and dare to try?

Alicia put her hands behind her back and blinked: "Also, I have to pick up 'everyone'."

"I live in their memory, and they live in mine, too."

"The lives of the thirteen of us have long been intertwined and inseparable."

Alicia smiled: "So I can do what they can do. This time...it's my turn to go to everyone."

Mei looked at Alicia and smiled with relief: "That's right, you've always been like this..."

"And, it never disappoints.

"That's right, it's me after all!"

Alicia put her hands on her hips, with an airy expression on her face: "Even if the curtain ends, I still hope that the stories of Ying Jie will be brilliant and shining."

"We have existed, fought, and lived hard, and now, we give you all hope, future, and the right to choose your path.

"There is no real perfection in reality. But those who accept the shortcomings, face the pain, and carry these burdens on their shoulders with courage and wisdom..."

"It is an existence that is infinitely close to 'perfect'."]

"Ah! Sister Ellie is going to face the Herrscher of Corrosion alone!"

Patuo was a little worried: "This, this is not very good!"

"—Even if Ellie-sister has become a Herrscher, in the final analysis, it is still made of memory!"

Su agreed: "Indeed, this idea is too dangerous."

Eden: "But, this is what Ellie does~"

Velvet I: "No matter what choice Alicia makes, we will believe in you."

Albania: "Yes, no matter what the final result is, if it is your choice, we will gladly accept it.

"Thank you for your trust~!"

Alicia's eyes narrowed into crescents: "Trust Alicia! She will definitely live up to your expectations!"

"However, I always feel that Mei and Miss Pink Fairy get along very close

Among the crowd, there was a sour voice, but no one paid attention.

On the screen, the wheels keep moving forward, like a rotating fate, sending the two of them far away.

For the first time, Mei saw the whole picture of Eternal Paradise and watched it gradually move away from her.

So far, it is over.

【"So now, our story... is really coming to an end!"

Alicia took Mei's hand: "Mei, this is the last time. Just like before, I will meet with 'everyone' again, and then... let's say goodbye, okay?"


The roller coaster rides into a ray of light.

The warm light shone on Mei's body, and familiar voices sounded in her ears. It was the memory of the old people engraved in the paradise, and it was the last blessing they offered to their successors.

Finally, this 50,000-year journey of peers came to an end.

Then, they will go to their respective tomorrows

After saying goodbye to Thirteen Fire Chasers, at the end, Clothes returned to Alydia.

【"Qiangqiang——finally, come back to me!"

"After all, I was the first one at the beginning."

"Alishia is always like that, the beginning and the end of everything, isn't it?"

Alicia's voice suddenly became gentle and soft——

"So this time... we're really saying 'goodbye'.

"Thank you for being here, meeting us, talking to us."

"Thank you for being willing to remember our names and hear our stories.

"As long as Mei remembers us, this story will not disappear."

"Only human beings think this way, and only human beings can turn such beliefs into reality."

"——So now, I will give you the last inscription of 'true self', the 'human being' of the new era"

Alicia said: "This name entrusts the 'origin' of all things, all our thoughts and blessings, and one day, it will become your new strength."

"And you will also give this name a new meaning."

"We stay in the past, and you move into the future.

"Then, go and bloom your own, flawless and beautiful brilliance!"

"after all--"

My true hero, Alicia smiled: "A beautiful girl, she can do anything!"]

…………don't want.

【"Oh, what's wrong?"

"If you don't start again.........it will be too late?"]

【"Okay...... I know, you are very reluctant to part with me, right? Of course I am the same."

"But it doesn't matter, haven't you already carried my 'all'?"】

.don't want.

【"Ah, are you thinking—as long as you maintain this state, you can keep talking to me?"

"It's very bad, I'm really going to cry when you tease a girl's heartstrings like this?"]

.don't want.

【......All right.

"It doesn't matter, when you don't move forward, just stop for a while.

"Then, look beside you, look behind you..."

...we're always here. "

"It's exactly the same as 'before', isn't it?"】

When the light is on, it is a picture of the thirteen heroic warriors gathering together in one place.

【"So please don't forget"

"The Paradise of the Past has recorded such a simple story."

"In this story there is pain and failure, betrayal and parting, but at the same time there is also happiness and joy, tenderness and emotion.

"Sadness will not disappear in thin air, but warm feelings will always be treasured in my heart."

"What should be handed down to future generations should never be only hatred and mission. Only after experiencing the splendor of this era can future generations understand the meaning of our fight for it.

"Not being shoved, being carried along, or following a path chosen by someone else."

"It's with this idea—what I want to do, what I should do—to decide my own destiny and my own imprint."

"With my own will, towards the goals I set for myself, and in a free way, try my best to live the life of 'I' as the protagonist."】

【"You see, I am like this, and everyone is like this. The era I know, and the thirteen people it bred, are all like this.

"Thousands of trajectories are intertwined and lingering, thus giving birth to the miracle of a hundred flowers blooming."

"This is the eternity of 'beautiful', what I believe in...'true me'

"This is the paradise of the past—the story of the Thirteen Heroes Chasing Fire."

"At this point, our story is over."

"And from now on..."

"This is your story~"]

【.....…Thank you.

Mei's voice echoed in the space: "I will never forget.

"Goodbye, Chasing Fire Thirteen Yingjie..."

"Goodbye, Alicia】


Patuo burst into tears again: "Sure enough, it's still so uncomfortable! Why do we have to separate... Mingming, Mingming are so happy together!"

"Pa Duo, because there is always a banquet that will come to an end."

Hua softly comforted Mao Mao: "In life, there are always too many regrets."

"Yeah, although I'm also very reluctant to say goodbye to Mei, but..."

Alicia smiled regretfully: "After all, we are people stuck in the past, the shadows left in the past, and Mei is the person in the future, and she will continue to move forward|towards her own future.

Mei: "Sorry, Alicia..."

"Huh? Why are you apologizing?"

"It's just that I always feel sad.

Mei covered her chest, she could see that she was really reluctant to part with Alicia in the picture, and Alicia was also reluctant to part with her.

But they are destined to be separated, even if there is no Herrscher of Corrosion, even if there is no crisis of the destruction of the paradise of the afterlife——they cannot be together forever after all.

"It's okay, you really don't have to be sad!"

Alicia softly comforted Mei: "After all, don't we in reality and in the question-and-answer space still exist here? As long as Mei wants, you can visit us anytime~!"

"We are always welcome~!"

Eden: "That's right, Miss Dressing, the King of Past Lives welcomes guests at any time."

Aponia: "Don't worry, Miss Mei, I won't do anything dangerous to you again.

Qian Jie: "Just don't bother me."

Su: "I have foreseen the arrival of all of you, and I believe it will be a grand banquet...

Gracie: "I want to draw a picture for everyone, using my favorite color..."

Patuo: "Sister Mei, you must come!"

Mei: "Well! We will definitely come!"

Fu Hua: "I will bring Mei and the others.

Kiyana: "There is going to be a big team building in the Paradise of the Past!"

While everyone was discussing team building in the real world, the meeting was still going on.

After Alicia sent Mei away, she went to the location of the Herrscher of Corrosion alone, and successfully met her

["Hi—how are you?"

Alicia looked up at the Herrscher of Corrosion sitting on the ruins, and exclaimed: "Wow~ It's exactly like me! Sure enough, I look good with any color~!"

"This should be our first meeting, but you and I should be familiar with each other."

"——so, let's chat, shall we?"

The Herrscher of Corrosion stared at her from top to bottom, with a puzzled voice: "...Why?"

Alicia tilted her head for some unknown reason: "Huh?"

"You...should understand?"

The Herrscher of Corrosion looked at her: "You should delete the Promised Land together with me, instead of coming to me again like now."

"——Because I will never let go of the opportunity to corrupt you.

"As long as you become a part of me, I can completely gain the dominance of that order, and the things that can destroy me will no longer exist, and everything they do will become meaningless."

"Cherish the efforts of your companions and fulfill their wishes

Obviously this is what 'Alysia' would do, right?"]

"The Herrscher of Corrosion seems to be very hostile to Alicia."

Bronya was a little worried: "Although I believe it first, and then I believe it...but Alicia, you shouldn't overturn it, right?"

To be reasonable, if the Corrupted Herrscher succeeds at the last moment, it will be a big trouble!

Will not. "

Mei shook her head, her eyes convinced: "Alicia, there must be no problem!"

Bronya gave Mei a sideways glance, then glanced at Qibao with puffed cheeks, with a delicate expression: "Sister Mei, I trust that pink fairy lady quite a bit.

Mei nodded firmly: "Well, isn't that of course."


【"You do know me very well, but...not comprehensive enough

Alicia smiled and replied: "Everything has two sides. Your special power is indeed a bit powerful... So, I also want to use it to do some bold things, and let the paradise usher in what belongs to it. A grand end."

"When I told this decision to another girl who read my life, she understood me very well!"

In Alicia's mind, the girl who was just sent out of the Paradise of the Dead by herself appeared, with a brisk smile: "That's why I like her so much."

"Lightning Mei......."

The Herrscher of Corrosion chewed on the name lightly: "Are you trying to say that...Compared to me, she is more qualified to be 'Alysia?"


Alicia blinked in surprise: "Mei is Mei...not Alicia, nor anyone else.

"Similarly, you are also unique, why do you have to be 'Alicia'?"


In the short silence, the Herrscher of Corrosion sighed: "I don't know, and I don't understand.

"But I still have time to find out...and opportunities."

She looked at Alicia, with hostility and another subtle emotion in her eyes.

Alicia was a little frustrated: "Is this the only way in the end?"

...I thought about it for a long time, and sure enough, this is my 'will'.

Alicia's face was reflected in the pupils of the Herrscher of Corrosion. Although she was exactly the same as herself, she knew that there was a decisive difference in essence.

"I want to live, no matter what, just like you love human beings deeply, I also cherish my existence more than anyone else.

Alicia asked doubts: "But, the way of existence is not the only way to live."

"But there is only one kind of fate (the king's) destiny for us."

The Herrscher of Corrosion stared at Alicia: "After leaving here, I will weave you the most beautiful dream, just be with... them."

"Sorry, I can't let you get out of here."

Alicia shook her head lightly: "Besides, being with them doesn't necessarily have to be a dream, does it?"

"………………………so be it."

The Herrscher of Corrosion took a deep breath and stood up: "I accept your challenge, Herrscher of Man."

Her figure was gradually shrouded in black mist, merging with the entire city.

With a sad smile on the gradually blurred face, an inaudible sigh came from the darkness

"I chose to become like this at first, really just because..."

"I think you are beautiful, that's all...】

"Oh~ I didn't expect it to turn out like this in the end?"

Alicia seemed to feel sorry from the bottom of her heart: "What a pity, I thought things would go in a good direction.

"No way, Miss Ellie!"

Patuo was a little surprised: "Don't you really want that Herrscher of Corrosion to abandon evil and do good?"

"——She is the chief culprit who deleted you, and also the chief culprit who destroyed the entire Paradise of the Dead!"

Alicia smiled indifferently: "That's what I said, I just want to know her better."

"In any case, in order to prevent the Herrscher of Corrosion from descending into the real world, we must strangle her in the paradise of the past.

Su emphasized: "Just use the model number: 666."

"But looking at Alicia's appearance, it seems that he intends to fight her first?"

Mei looked at the picture on the screen and couldn't help cheering for Alicia: "Come on! Alicia!"

Kiyana also echoed: "Come on! Miss Pink Fairy!"

Patuo: "Yeah! You must not lose! Sister Ellie!"

"Thank you for your encouragement!"

Alicia clapped her hands: "With everyone's support, I will definitely win~!"

———And on the screen, the final battle between the Herrscher of Corrosion and the Herrscher of Man finally kicked off!

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