Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

191: Qiyana: The Herrscher Of The Last Yan Is Actually Myself!

"But speaking of it, why are there always some lovely girls around Kevin?"

Alicia glanced at Kevin subtly: "So far, I don't seem to have seen anything about a male member of World Snake!"

"Not only are they all girls, but they are also pretty and cute girls!"

She smiled narrowly, "—Kevin, what's going on, Kevin?"


Leaving aside the question and answer space for the time being, after the Lu Sanjia in the picture caught up with Yutu again, they found that they had also come to a brand new place—the final crater.

This was once a stage where generations of civilizations in the past fought desperately for their own destiny.

Human beings fail again and again, reincarnate again and again, and countless completely different wills create similar fates, and finally freeze here.

【"Kiana Kaslana, Bronya Zajcek, Raiden Mei——"

Yutu turned around and faced Lu Sanjia, with a lot of emotion: "As the Herrschers, you can not enter reincarnation, how lucky and sad it is."

Mei frowned: "...Reincarnation?"

"Well, haven't you collected some information about the world's cycle, destruction and rebirth?"

Yutu said lightly: "If it wasn't for 50,000 years ago, someone cut the thread of fate—this so-called reincarnation will continue to be staged on the earth."]

"Cut the thread of fate?"

Mei's eyes were thoughtful: "If it was 50,000 years ago, wouldn't it be Alicia?"

"It must be Sister Ellie!"

Pa Duo said: "After all, besides Ellie, who else in "One Four Three" can do this kind of thing!"

"That's right, the thread of fate..."

Aponia said: "That's what I saw with my own eyes. Alicia broke free from the tangled and unchangeable threads of fate, making the future of the world no longer absolute, but full of possibilities. sex."

"Oh~ that's how it is!"

Alicia suddenly realized: "So the silk thread that Aponia saw refers to this!"

"Aiya~ From this point of view, my contribution seems to be quite large~!"

"Yes Ellie."

Eden classic cheered: "Thanks to you."

Patuo happily wagged her tail: "Hey~ Sister Ellie is indeed the Herrscher of Humans! I didn't expect that even the next generation would be influenced by Sister Ellie!"

"Yeah, if it weren't for Miss Pink Goblin, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to have the qualifications to break free from the control of my body with the Herrscher of the Sky.

Kiyana also nodded: "Thank you! Miss Pink Fairy!"

Bronya: "This is the same for Bronya."

Zhibao: "I, I don't need it? After all, I don't remember being controlled by any 'Honkai consciousness'.

"If you say that..."

Teresa was ingenious: "Then don't we have the opportunity to reawaken the 'humanity' of every Herrscher?"

"It really is."

Ji Zi also came to his senses, and glanced at the student group of Herrschers beside him: "Our school alone has produced several Herrschers, and if there is a chance in the future, maybe most of the Herrschers can be recruited." All of them will become the combat power of the human side!"

Are you using Herrscher to fight against Honkai..."

Youlandelle was also a little shocked: "This is really... an unimaginable path.

"No, it's not as simple as you imagined, Teacher Jizi."

Fu Hua shook his head: "Even if all the Herrschers are awakened, as long as the last Herrscher arrives...everything will still fall short.

["But even if the 'silk thread' is broken... As long as human beings cannot completely coexist with Houkai, the energy of imaginary numbers will continue to be injected into the 'Cocoon of the End' to catalyze a new Herrscher of the End."

"In that case..."

Kiyana tentatively proposed: "If we destroy that so-called 'Death Cocoon'

"The World Snake really wanted to do that too. But it was impossible then, Kiyana."

Yutu shook his head regretfully: "After all..."

"If you want to see the 'Death Cocoon, most likely, you have to own the Destiny Five.

She paused, her eyes focused on Qiyana, and her tone seemed to have some meaning: "Especially, for you, Kiyana..."

"That means, you yourself have to become the 'Herserscher of the Last Yan'." 1

Mei: "..

Immediately afterwards, Yutu shook his head lightly, denying himself: "However, how is that possible?"】

"I want...to become the last Herrscher?!"

Qibao was stunned by Yutu's words, and completely froze in place.

Just now I kept saying that all the Herrschers will awaken humanity, which is already an unimaginable path.

Unexpectedly, this time, the idea put forward by Yutu can be called the real one - an unimagined path!


Mei and Youlandal both cast their worried eyes on Kiyana. Although the rhetoric of making Kiyana the Ultimate Herrscher seems too far-fetched, the person who said it was Hare Rabbit Such an existence, even though she later denied herself, the birth of this possibility made everyone feel a little worried.

"If you become the Herrscher of the End, doesn't that mean that as long as this lady is willing, she can take those Honkai energy away from the earth at any time?"

Qiyana seemed to have found Huadian, her expression became quite excited: "In this way, the Honkai will really be completely wiped out!"

"... To be reasonable, if the idiot Qiyana can really become the Herrscher of the Last Word."

Bronya couldn't help complaining: "Then Bronya thinks that Honkai might really disappear from the world completely."

...After all, even an important existence like the Herrscher of the End can be chosen on the idiot Qiyana. In addition to proving that the so-called "Honkai" itself does not have normal vision, it is also sideways It shows their plan to kill themselves. "

"Hey, Bronya, why do I think you are mocking Miss Ben!"

Qi Bao stared at Bronya.

Bronya denied it with a blank expression: "Bronya didn't satirize Kiyana, she was just stating the facts."

"—Bronya means that if Qiyana can really become the Herrscher of the End, then with your IQ, you will definitely be able to successfully eliminate the Houkai."

"Oh, oh, so you are praising me?"

Qi Bao scratched her head, her expression a little proud: "Hey~ I didn't expect Bronya to recognize me so much!"



Raiden Mei:

On the screen, Yutu seemed to not want to continue talking about the topic of finality, so he sighed softly——

【"Discussing the end, it's like discussing death... No one can come back from the afterlife, and we can't discuss what the experience of death itself is."

"And if you use this metaphor—then what the world snake is doing is redefining death."]

The figure of Yutu disappeared in place and reappeared in front of him.

Lu Sanjia set off to follow, crossed the final crater, and came to a deeper place

And Yutu had already been waiting for them here.

【However, to be honest, what I just said about death is just a kind of self-righteous arrogance."

Feather Rabbit said softly: "Although I can indeed walk on the boundary between dream and reality, I don't have the ability to transcend time and space and witness the whole 'reality'."

"Just like the final wreck on this moon that turned into ordinary rocks, it will no longer wake up because of the Lord, and even everything you have carried."

"And I was able to escape from the vast space of stigmata, and thus appear here and now, thanks to the road paved for me by a senior.

Raiden Mei was a little surprised: "...Senior?"

"Yes, the previous heinous senior.

As if thinking of something, Yutu stared at Bronya and let out a low, inaudible sigh. 】

"Hello, Bronya."

Qiyana leaned in front of Bronya and asked in a low voice: "As expected, that rabbit Yu seems to care about you a lot!"

"What does she have to do with you?"

"This point, Bronya also wants to know, it's just..."

Yaya shook her head, expressing that she could do nothing: "Unfortunately, even if Bronya asks her, she is not willing to tell Bronya the truth.

"Please take it easy, Bronya."

Yutu's voice echoed in the question-and-answer space: "As for the truth of the matter, perhaps it's better for you to dig it out yourself than for me to tell you the truth."

Mei tried to ask Kevin in the Q&A space: "Then...does Kevin know?"

Kevin:.......I don't know. "

"Tch, I always feel that Kevin in the Q&A space is so useless."

Qi Bao said surprisingly: "Besides being silent, it's either cool, or I don't know... Now it seems that Kevin is not capable of anything other than being invincible in battle?"


"Ahem! Kiyana, no matter how you say it, Kevin is your ancestor..."

Ji Zi was trying to emphasize what Qiyana meant by respecting the elders, but then she thought about it... Isn't Kevin's situation perfectly in line with the Kaslana family's tradition?

Apart from amazing combat power, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it!

It turns out that this is descended from the blood of the Kaslana family!

In the picture, Yutu is still explaining the situation of the stigmata project to Lu Sanjia, she told Lu Sanjia that the stigmata project is only a kind of life form suitable for "crossing the end", so as to carry the past created by human beings civilization----

[Mei asked her: ".....You mean, the World Snake has never found a way for ordinary people to 'cross the end' directly?"

"You can understand it that way."

Yutu didn't deny it: "After all, if we can even do that...why do everyone gather on this desolate moon and fight endlessly because of their different justices?"

Qiyana commented sharply: "From the perspective of subverting human beings and destroying life, you are no different from the Herrscher of the End."

"Yeah, isn't this the difference brought about by different positions?"

Yutu didn't seem to care: "The dispute between you and the world snake lies in whether the existence of the 'seed of reason' is the appearance of civilization, or the essence of civilization.

Bronya shook her head: "We just want to take back normal life."

Yutu said: "But [childhood] will always end, and [adults] must be responsible for the world after all."

Qiyana's expression was serious: "If you use this kind of statement, then the stigmata project is really a bad enough way to take responsibility."

"But it's fair enough."

Even in the face of successive denials from Lu Sanjia, Yutu remained unhurried: "Have you never heard of such a saying --- freedom and fairness, people can only choose other

"But freedom and fairness are not absolute."


Negating Yutu's statement: "And people can't accept the stigmata project——it is precisely because of its 'absolute'.

"This is actually a technical issue, Bronya... because 'absolutely' has the strongest operability."

Yutu put up a finger: "For example, the Stigmata Project will not simply exclude a person from the scope of civilization just because he is a [bad person] or a behavior is [evil deeds]

"Whatever they are worth, on top of this—if human civilization is good [then the integration brought about by Project Stigmata is also good."

Mei asked in a deep voice: "—Even if no one can feel this beauty in 1.3 at this time?"

"Then how could it be? It doesn't matter if you humans who used to be Herrschers, or Youlandelle and Li Sushang, and of course I—"

Yutu explained: "Obviously everyone can continue their lives in the new world."]

"This, how can this Yutu be so eloquent!"

Although Qiyana was confused by what she heard, she could also see the aura of Yutu Tongue fighting against the three families, and couldn't help but clenched her fists to cheer for herself: "Come on! Absolutely not!"

Be suppressed by this feathered rabbit!"

Bronya squinted at her: "Idiot Qiyana, you can't understand what we are saying to Yu in the picture, right?"

"Stop, stop looking down on people!"

Kiyana patted her chest: "For the time being, Miss Ben can understand a little bit!"

"Although I also heard a little confused, but

Mei rubbed her chest with her hand, her expression lost: "Sure enough, the stigmata plan is indeed the worst plan."


Alicia agreed: "That's why Kevin looks so desperate when he executes the stigmata plan..."

"If it is based on the strength of Kevin who holds the [Final Power] in the picture, I am afraid that if he really wants to, no one will be able to stop him."

Fu Hua stared at the picture on the screen, and said softly: "Maybe, he is also waiting...someone can stop him."

Su: "Kevin..."


It can only be said that the flag has been fully inserted, and there is a high probability that Qi Bao will go to the moon. .

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