Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

192: Lu Sanjia Confronts Karma Kaiwen! Duck Is Deflated Again!

After a not-so-pleasant debate match with Lu Sanjia, Yutu on the screen gave up the idea of ​​continuing the debate.

In order to show her sincerity, she hinted at some information about the stigmata plan and their own Herrscher's power to the Lu Sanjia, but even so, the Lu Sanjia still maintained a skeptical attitude of distrust towards her.

Seemingly aware of their thoughts, Yutu showed an almost distressed smile

【"Sure enough, it is really a difficult problem to gain your trust."

She lowered her eyes and seemed to be caught in some kind of memory: "If I help you a little more, will the trust between us become clearer?"

"I know that you wish to confront the Lord...and he is waiting for you."

Yutu solemnly said: "But even if you just intend to communicate... With everyone's current situation, I am afraid it will be difficult to gain anything.

Kiyana just said: "That's not--ah!"

A dull exclamation cut off her words. Without any warning, Yutu suddenly stretched out his hand towards Bronya—

Bronya: "...!!!"

Mei's slightly uncomfortable voice came from beside her, as well as Kiana's exclamation and questioning.

In the vortex of power, Yutu's voice still echoed in Bronya's ears at a leisurely pace.

"If you must go to see him [ten wives put themselves in danger—"

"Then before that, please let me untie the shackles imposed by the stigmata plan for you."】

Accompanied by Yutu's voice, Leiden Mei and Bronya in the picture erupted a huge wave of energy at the same time. This Herrscher energy, which seemed to be condensed into substance, indicated their complete recovery.

——The spiritual shackles originally imposed on the body, Xi completely disappeared.

"Oh! Mei! Mei has fully recovered!"

Kiyana saw Mei who looked like the return of the Thunder Queen on the screen, and cheered excitedly: "Yeah!"

"That means, sister Kaiyi can finally summon the red dragon?"

Patuo is also sincerely happy for Mei: "I remember it seems like 01———

Velvet Self spoke up: "It's Kurikara.

Alicia: "Kurigara's color matches Mei very well~"

"Great! It seems that Miss Feather Rabbit really wants to help us."

Seeing that her future self has regained all her strength, Mei's expression also looked a little excited: "We are the ones who wrongly blamed you.

"Hehe~ Don't jump to conclusions too early, Mei."

Yutu smiled: "Maybe, the future me has other plans."

"Since sister Mei has recovered all her strength, Bronya should also..."

Bronya looked up at the screen, but before she could finish speaking, she saw her Herrsrscher of Reason suit that had already been built on the screen suddenly flickering, "In the next second, it changed back to the driver suit Yamabuki appearance.

At the same time, Bronya also fell to the ground, turning into a woman with her mouth open and her eyes closed.

Bronya: "???"

Xier exclaimed: "Sister Bronya!"

"Bronya, why did you change back again!"

Qiyana looked at Bronya on the screen in astonishment, and couldn't help being a little confused, thinking that everyone is so fierce, why did you pull your crotch when you came here?

Mei: "Hush! Kiyana!"


Bronya bit her lips lightly, feeling quite depressed.

Thinking about it, Mei and Kiyana both returned to the form of the Herrscher before, and it would be aggrieved if she was the only one in the original form. I didn't expect that now I would finally have the chance to return to the Herrscher of Reason. After waiting for the fun, it fell back again in a blink of an eye!

This kind of thing is absolutely weird!!!


Zhibao finally lived in Bengbu and laughed: "Bronya is too shameful! Why do you always like to lose the chain at critical moments!"

Playing Kevin is a second lie, hitting Zhibao is also a second lie, and playing the Dominant Herrscher is even a trap, and they in turn occupy the power of the Herrscher. Now when playing Kevin, it is even more outrageous!

Haven't started playing yet, so I ate it first!

Fu Hua quickly covered Shibao's mouth: "Xiaoshi!"

Bronya: "...uh!"

Yaya is bitter, but Yaya doesn't say anything.

She just made up her mind in her heart - I will remember this hatred!

When Bronya opened her eyes again, there were three pairs of concerned eyes in front of her.

—Kiana, Mei and...Hare.

(At least...Mei didn't show my current reaction.)

Bronya thought to herself and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Bronya, are you all right?"

Facing Mei's concern, Bronya shook her head and looked down at her hands.

Sure enough, it was still in that state of lack of strength.

"Sorry, judging from the current situation, it seems that I can't help you any more.

Yutu's slightly apologetic voice came from behind Mei.

Kiyana was still confused: "What is this—?"

"I have untied the spiritual shackles that bind you, and you should have returned to the original state before falling into the moon.

Yutu explained: "However, the reality is contrary to it, I think..."

She paused suddenly, and looked at Bronya with deep meaning.

"The problem must be traced back to the origin of this power star.

(Indeed, as she said, I felt the rejection from the Herrscher core.)

Bronya thought to herself——

(However, this has never happened before....

(what on earth is it?)

She raised her head subconsciously, just in time to meet Yutu's eyes.

Facing Bronya's gaze, Yutu blinked calmly, showing a calm smile.

(It should not be an illusion, she still has something to hide from us.)]

"How does Bronya feel that Miss Feather Rabbit knows something inside?"

Bronya turned her face away: "Is Miss Feather Rabbit really hiding something?"

"Seriously, it does."

Yutu nodded quite frankly: "However, there is a problem with Bronya's Herrscher core, and the main problem lies in the future Bronya herself."

"Hmm... Bronya herself..."

Yaya is a bit strange. According to the scenes she saw before, the core of the Herrscher of Reason did not have such a strong rejection reaction against her, otherwise she would not be able to become the third Herrscher of Reason.

But why was there such a strong reaction this time?


While Bronya was analyzing the specific reasons, Kiyana's concerned voice came from the side.

"It's okay, Bronya is not a big problem."

Bronya shook her head and looked at her two companions: "On the contrary, you...

"Kiana, Mei, are you all ready?"

The two girls were taken aback for a moment, then nodded firmly.

The three of them have been together for many years, so they are naturally very familiar with each other and know the meaning of Bronya's words.

Even if they can't restore the power of the Herrscher of Reason, they still have to face Kevin!

"Although this sentence may not be for me to say, but..."

Yutu seemed to be warning them: "You have no chance of winning against the Lord of the World Snake in your current state."

"If you choose to recuperate, I will create a suitable space for you, and he is happy to wait."

"——As long as the stigmata project has not completely converted the earth."

Looking at Ritsu Sanjia who seems to have made up his mind, Yu asked again: "So...you still insist on talking to him now?"

Qiyana said righteously: "As you pointed out before, we must strive to return to Earth as soon as possible. And blindly recuperating, it is impossible to change the strength gap between us and Kevin."

Mei took over the conversation: "On the contrary, it will only make him look down on us."

Bronya: "——that's it."

Somewhat unexpectedly, Yu Tu and Bronya looked at each other for a moment, showing a meaningful expression.

"I see."

Knowing that the persuasion at this time has no effect, she nodded: "I understand, then, please continue to move forward. He is not far below."

After finishing speaking, Yutu's figure dissipated again, leaving only a fluttering sentence——

"I hope the information provided by the Lord himself can help you."]

"My lord?"

Qiyana was a little confused: "Miss Yutu, does it mean that... all the things I told us just now were actually arranged by Kevin?"

Yutu smiled in embarrassment: "This... Even if you ask me, I don't know."

"No wonder Miss Yutu would help us with such peace of mind."

Bronya was thoughtful: "Does this also contain the meaning of Kevin?"

...... Sure enough, Kevin also hoped that someone could stop him in his heart.

Alicia's expression looked a bit sad, and then she pulled herself together and tried her best to cheer for the Lu Wang family: "Come on, Mei Kiana Bronya!"

Mei nodded firmly: "Well, we will work hard! Alicia."

The picture on the screen changed, and the man named Kevin stood alone in silence.

Just like what he has been used to for fifty thousand years.

In the past, he allowed himself to be washed away by the waves of memory and thinking, chewing on the irretrievable past over and over again... and so on for thousands of years.

——until he no longer thinks about superfluous things.

The river of time has already passed today, and he only needs to wait silently.

Suddenly, he seemed to have noticed something——



Yutu's voice sounded from near him, and slowly emerged.

"it is good."

Kevin was succinct.

Yutu was silent for a moment, and couldn't help but said: "Aren't you curious about what I did? When I took the initiative to find you, you showed a little bit of surprise.

"—I even reminded you that the help of "Dream Catcher" to the Stigmata Project only ends here in 410. Don't you ever worry?"

Kevin said calmly, "It's not necessary."

"Yeah, it's not necessary, it's all in vain."

Yutu lightly closed his eyes, then opened them again: "But for human beings, every 'in vain' has its special meaning, doesn't it?"

"Otherwise, what was the reason for your actions just now?"

In the nearby space, the fluctuations brought about by the power of finality have not completely dissipated yet.

—That was the aftermath of Kevin's fight.

"That's just a way of 'talking.'"

As Kevin said, he suddenly closed his mouth and changed his words: "You back off.

"————They are coming."]

"Oh! Are you finally going to face Kevin!"

Kiyana couldn't help clutching

He clenched his fists, feeling a little excited.

This feeling is like the feeling that she and Bronya played games together, experienced dangers and finally faced the final big boss, and Kevin——is the final big boss


"However, I feel that we in the future may be somewhat reluctant..."

On the contrary, Mei's expression seemed a bit worried: "After all, the original plan was for us three Herrschers and the two S-rank Valkyrie Youlandelle and Li Sushang from Destiny to fight against Kevin together.

"As a result, now Youlandelle and Li Sushang are returning to Earth and unable to participate in the war, and Bronya is still unable to use the power of the Herrscher of Reason.

The more Mei talked, the less confident she became: "—With our current combat power, can we really win Kevin?"

"Indeed, Bronya also feels that we in the future are a bit too aggressive...

Yaya nodded: "In other words, some underestimated Kevin's strength."

"Let me tell you, after each of you becomes a Herrscher, you will become more and more inflated!"

Zhibao complained mercilessly: "My family's old antiques have not been able to support Kevin for a long time when they are in a collapsed state. Now you are at most two battles between two fully disciplined people.

Power, it’s free!”

"I agree."

Fu Hua also rarely asked Zhibao to restrain his rhetoric, but nodded in agreement: "To be honest, even Kevin from 50,000 years ago could not fall behind in the face of two perfectly disciplined people."

What's more, now he has mastered the 【Final Power】. "

"—In my opinion, the probability of your failure is almost predictable.

While everyone was still discussing the odds of winning the battle against Kevin, the Lü Sanjia in the screen finally arrived in front of Kevin, completing this epic formal meeting!.

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