Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

193: Lü Sanjia Lost? Shangxian To The Rescue!

【"Let's make another thing clear first."

Facing the menacing Lusanjia, Kevin's expression was still as calm as stagnant water: "—Fu Hua, she is not here,"

"She is my only remaining comrade-in-arms in this world, and she is also a respectable opponent."

"But the Stigmata Project doesn't need these, so I don't mind using my own way to let her rest for a while.

Mei looked directly at him: "In other words, it's the same as what you did in North Africa last time, right?"

Qiyana was relieved: "Anyway, she's fine."]

"It seems that I have completely agreed with Hua's belief."

When Alicia heard Kevin call the future Huashi, she couldn't help but understand: "After tens of thousands of years, I finally found my own direction in life. Congratulations ~ Fu Hua!"

Hua also sincerely wishes for his future self: "Congratulations, you have found your own life direction, future me."

Eden also sighed with emotion: "It seems that it was indeed a wise move to entrust the implementation of the 'Tinder Project' to you."

"Then do we have to call the future Ah Hua 'Fu Hua' or 'Fu Hua sister'? After all, we also think that the future Ah Hua will be more mature!"

Pa Duo scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly: "Although the appearance doesn't seem to have changed much..."

Fu Hua was about to say some words of thanks, but Pa Duo gave him a knowing blow!

Li Sushang: "However, I didn't expect this Kevin to be able to defeat Grand Master. It seems that he is indeed a very powerful opponent!"

The law of knowledge dismissed it: "Hmph, let's open 50-50! I often kill him alone."

Xi'er: "This Miss Herrscher of Knowledge is so confident."

Bronya: "Just listen, Seele, don't really believe it."

Zhibao: "Hey! Bronya, what do you mean!"

On the screen, after learning the news that Fu Hua is safe and sound, Kevin told Lu Sanjia that he would not refuse any fight from them

【Kevin, I know all about that history and why you had to do it. "

As the only one of the three of the law, Mei, who has been in contact with the history of the pre-civilized era, can naturally understand why Kevin did this: "So this is not a 'duel'

....... You can ask questions.

"Then, let Bronya ask questions first."

Bronya took a slight step forward: "No matter how much the price is paid, human beings will definitely defeat Houkai—in your opinion, this price also includes the fact that human beings themselves are לחכ"

"You got one thing wrong, Herrscher of Reason."

Kevin denied: "Even if the current human beings cease to exist, civilization will continue to pass on, which is no different from the evolution of dinosaurs into birds.

Kiyana looked serious: "Even if this will push people today to extinction?"

"Any species can only choose between [extinction] and [stagnation]. Human beings are no exception."

Kevin suddenly looked at Leiden Mei: "Leiden Mei, you should know... There is no best-of-both-worlds solution in this world."

Mei was silent for a moment, and the voice and smile of the thirteen-flavored hero in Paradise of the Past appeared in his mind, and he took a deep breath: "Of course I know, what price you have paid to barely get this worst s plan."

"But Kevin... Before everything is settled, we in this era have reason to look for a better answer."

Mei continued: "——I don't mean Kiana, Bronya, the monitor, or myself. I mean everyone in this world [living in the moment."]

"That's right, Mei is right."

Ulandal agrees with Mei's point of view: "In any case, the fate of this era should not be decided by any single person, and the fate of all mankind should not be decided by individuals.

Li Sushang: "I also agree, there is a saying that 'nothing is difficult in the world, as long as there is a heart', if you don't even give us a chance to work hard, then completely deny it, "How can we make us willing?"

Kiyana also expressed her strong support: "Anyway, Miss Ben supports Mei unconditionally!"

Bronya gave her a blank look: "Qiana, don't join in the fun...~"..."

["The Flaming Moths used to be a 'majority' organization."

Kevin said flatly: "And its result... as you can see."

Kiana retorted: "This is not a reason for you to decide the fate of mankind without authorization."

Kevin: "When the fate of humanity is ultimately determined, it doesn't even need a reason.

"Since you say so—"

Mei looked at him: "Kevin, I have one of the most confusing questions."

"Finally...what is it?"]

"Yeah yeah!"

Kiyana reacted belatedly: "In the end, whether it is Kevin or us, we are all afraid of the end, but in the end, what is the end?"

"An Herrscher like us? Or something else?"

"I'm afraid, the end is not just a simple existence like a Herrscher."

Bronya shook her head: "And didn't Kevin say that before, the final power...is time."

Fu Hua muttered to himself: "50,000 years of reincarnation......."

And Kevin on the screen, after hearing Mei's question, fell into a moment of silence.

Then he told Lu Sanjia that the essence of the so-called "Final Yan" is to embrace the same kind.

"That is the 'final conclusion' to which our age can draw."

Kevin said: "The end is not a thing of the earth, it is a mechanism to manipulate fate, and it reincarnates human civilization over and over again—just to let its creators forgive [the same kind].

Mei was thoughtful: "So.....this is the reason why the stigmata project 'must succeed'?"

"That's right, it cuts in at the final weakness, and...dominates it in a way it can't refuse."

......... If you say this, then Bronya is even more incomprehensible. "

Bronya questioned him: "Do you really think this can be counted as 'overcoming Honkai'?"

"No. Of course not."

Kevin denied this point of view: "Paying the price and defeating Honkai is a human subject.

"Of course, I'm human too, there's no doubt about that

"That's why I'm looking forward to you...

For a moment, Kevin raised his right hand high, and the blazing flames whizzed up with the powerful Houkai energy.

A great sword intertwined with ice and flames appeared in Kevin's hand, and he held it tightly!

"Beyond everything."]

The blazing flames, accompanied by ferocious thunder, are heard endlessly amidst the roar of gunfire, making people dazzled.

"My God, are people so powerful five hundred years later?"

Xiao Lizi looked dumbfounded: "No wonder even the invincible Chiyuan Immortal is no match, now I have gained a lot of knowledge!"

To put it bluntly, if the level of battle shown in the current picture is put on the earth, it will definitely scrape a layer of skin off the surface of the earth!

Combing the earth or something in the middle is also foreseeable!

"However, even so... our attack still seems unable to cause effective damage to Kevin."

Mei watched the duel on the screen worriedly: "Look, that Kevin didn't even dodge, he directly resisted our attack.

"This, this guy is too hard!"

Qiyana was also shocked: "This lady will be a super powerful Herrscher of Fire Flames in the future! There are several blessings of Herrscher's cores in her body! Can't even hurt him!"

"Even Kevin from 50,000 years ago can be regarded as the strongest among human beings, not to mention that at this time, he has obtained the ultimate power!"

Fu Hua also stared at the duel on the screen intently: "Sure enough, for you in the future, facing Kevin now is still too reluctant."

Xier, on the other hand, has been paying attention to Bronya who is always thinking about it: "B, sister Bronya's bombardment...doesn't work at all!"

Bronya: "..To be honest, Bronya is already working hard without being slowed down."

Think about who are the people on this battlefield?

The multi-core driven Herrscher of Fire Flame, the complete Herrscher of Thunder who inherited all the engravings of the Thirteen Heroes, the strongest warrior in the pre-civilization era, and Kai Aotian who holds the [Final Power]!

And what about her?

Driver installation · Yamabuki.

Oh, and I still have a Star of Eden charging scene in hand anyway!

To be reasonable, she can still keep up with the rhythm of the crowd, and she is already very powerful if she doesn't lie down for a second, okay!

Thinking of this in her heart, Bronya raised her head and continued to watch the picture on the screen, only to see that with Kevin's left arm raised high, strong ice and snow gushed out, and her body was suddenly bound by a thick layer of ice cones The body can't move!

And Raiden Mei and Qiyana also advocated in the same way.

【"It seems that the Herrscher's determination is nothing more than that."

"It's not... over yet!"

The blazing flames confronted the ice crystals that bound Qiyana, and the flames burned tenaciously: "The flames won't cool—"

"It will just, ignite again!"


Xinyan broke through the glacier, Qiyana broke free and jumped up, and suddenly pulled out the great sword of Xinyan in mid-air, Wan Xiangkai!

Kevin, on the other hand, raised his sword in a calm manner, and after a round of fighting with Qiyana, he suppressed her again.

At the same time, Kevin swung his arm horizontally, summoned several ice thorns out of thin air, and attacked Qiyana who fell to the ground.

On the other hand, Qiyana set up the flaming sword, and the blazing and violent flames continued to spread and burn on the sword, and exploded in the next second as she swung it vigorously!


The storm rolled up by the flames melted all the ice thorns, and the ice crystals that bound Leiden Mei and Bronya also evaporated!

"Keep up, Herrscher of Humanity."]

"Oh! My future self is doing great!"

Qiyana couldn't help applauding her future self: "Come on! We must beat Kevin!"

"Qiana, it's really Tuzhi."

Alicia felt a tinge of admiration: "Even facing Kevin, who already has the ultimate power, he is not discouraged and fights bravely!"

"Indeed, the future Qiyana is already worthy of the title of Herrscher of Salary Flame, both in terms of character and strength."

Fu Hua nodded appreciatively, then frowned again: "However, the situation is still not optimistic."

"That's right. So far, Kevin still hasn't used his full strength, and even said that he may not even have used half of his strength.

Bronya frowned: If this continues, not only will we not be able to prevent the implementation of the stigmata plan, but we will also end up in defeat.

"Ah! Sister Bronya!"

Suddenly Xier let out a scream, and Bronya quickly looked up and opened her eyes wide.

I saw that after a long defensive strategy, Kevin finally started

Taking the initiative to attack, he drew out the big sword, and the terrifying energy gathered on the blade, and it hit the ground in the next second!

Even if it was just the aftermath from the ground, the Lu Sanjia flew upside down at the same time, and were completely overturned by this force!

They fell to the ground one after another. Mei and Qiyana were fine as the Herrscher's body, but Bronya, who had lost the power of the Herrscher, slammed hard under the impact of this blow.

He hit the wall and fell into a brief faint.

And the Star of Eden in her hand also fell off and rolled to Kevin's feet.

At the same time, the picture on the screen paused here, and the new question and answer sounded again with the familiar electronic synthesis sound——

【Question 18: Among the following options, who appeared on the battlefield between Lu Sanjia and Kevin, and helped Lu Sanjia to hold Kevin back?】

【A: Feather Rabbit】

【B: Fuhua】

[C: Ai Yi Huberian]

【D: Seele Fleur】

"Someone helped us?"

Kiyana was a little surprised: "Who could it be?"

"For Aiyi, it's impossible because of the probability.

Urandale said: "Didn't she stay with us before?"

Ai Yi: "Me? To be honest, I also think it's unlikely to be me..."

"It's impossible for Grand Master, right?"

Li Sushang said: "Didn't she fight Kevin just before? Should she still be in a coma?"


Fu Hua agreed: "I guess I won't be able to wake up for a while.

"I think it might be Miss Feather Rabbit?"

Mei said uncertainly: "After all, she was the one who helped us undo our spiritual shackles and regain all our strength."

"Indeed, if you analyze it from a rational point of view, there is a high probability that it is Miss Yutu.

Bronya directly ignored Xier's option: "Moreover, the question and answer also gave an obvious hint——"Help us drag (Zhao) live in Kevin", with the ability to

The strength enough to hold Kevin back must only be that of Miss Feather Rabbit who can move freely on the moon, right?"

Yutu smiled: "Oh, that's not certain."

Bai Xi said weakly: "What Xi'er said, it must be impossible...

Hei Xi: "Hey Xi'er, have some confidence in yourself!"

Bai Xi: "Oh, yes, I'm sorry!"


"Then, it's decided—"

Bronya makes a choice: "Bronya chooses A: Feather Rabbit!"

[Wrong answer and the correct answer is B: Fu Hua]

[Punishment measures: You cannot touch any electronic products within 24 hours after returning to reality. 】

".....is the class monitor?!"

Qi Bao stared wide-eyed: "But, hasn't Chang already been knocked unconscious?"

"Perhaps, it was because our battle with Kevin was too intense that it might have woken up the squad leader."

Mei also expressed surprise, but also worried: "But, if she is really the squad leader, how will she hold Kevin back? Obviously, the squad leader has been fine in the previous battle.


Bronya: "Could it be that the squad leader triggered the passive skill [Amulet Pushup]?"

Fu Hua:

"Ahem, I think everyone will know about this issue soon."

Fu Hua coughed twice, raised his head and stared at the reflowing images on the screen——

In the picture, Kevin looked down at the Star of Eden that fell under his feet. Just when he was about to pick up the Star of Eden, suddenly red and black feathers appeared on the battlefield

Accompanied by the condensed formation of several sharp Xuanyuan swords.

When Kevin subconsciously raised his hand to resist, a slender and swift figure flashed past him, and when Kevin turned his head—

Fu Hua held the Star of Eden tightly in his hands, and then turned around to attack him!

In the Setsuna room, a huge black hole enveloped the two of them at the same time, and they disappeared!

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