Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

210: Yutu's Tragic Past, Everyone Is In Tears!

While everyone was discussing Gray Snake, the images on the screen continued to play.

Gray Snake was still trying to invite Feather Rabbit, but the other party refused without hesitation——

【"——Sorry, you are a little late."


"You know, I can awaken the stigmata in human beings according to my will." Yutu said.

"But I also know that when we first met, you had already given up this method." Gray Snake replied.

But...it is this thing that makes me reject you today. "

The girl who still called herself Shaniat said: "The person who bears the stigmata of forced awakening, but will not wither because of it... I... finally saw it."

...which surprised me.

Although Gray Snake spoke of surprise, there was no trace of surprise on his mechanical face. He said slowly: "The qualified ones—they are one in a million. Once they disappear, it is difficult to find another one." Two existences..."

Without any warning, Gray Snake raised his usual pistol towards the direction of the window just now.

At this moment, he finally understood that the peeper who had been hiding all this time was the biggest obstacle to his trip.


The picture was interrupted at the moment Gray Snake was about to raise the gun and pull the trigger.

"Wow! It actually broke here!"

Paduofelis flicked her tail, with the expression of 'We care about it!' written all over her face: "Sister Snake, do you think that gray snake will really shoot in the end?"

"Ask me why?"

Mebius looked puzzled: "I'm not him, how could I know his thoughts.

...... But, but Sister Snake, didn’t you create the Gray Snake?”

"Isn't the canned food also born in this paradise because of you? Can you understand its every thought?"

"Ah..." Pa Duo was taken aback, and subconsciously glanced at the can: "It seems that occasionally there will be times when I don't know what the can wants to do!"

Canned food: "Meow~!"

"This cat's voice is so nice~"

Teresa's love for cats burst out, and she couldn't help but also yelled: "Meow~!"

Padu: "Wow!! Two, two cans?!"

Teresa: "???"

"So, who is the person who made Miss Feather Rabbit refuse to join the World Snake?"

After a period of calming down, Qiyana has also stabilized a lot. Although her eyes are still a little red, she has returned to normal: "Qualified person, are you talking about a type like Xier?"

"Eh? Me, me?"

Xi'er didn't expect that the topic would suddenly lead to herself, so she made a voice in surprise: "For Xi'er, maybe she hasn't been born at this time..."

"About this point, I'm afraid only Gray Snake or Miss Yutu who is the person involved knows. 17

Bronya said: "But Miss Feather Rabbit probably wouldn't tell us so easily."

Feather Rabbit: "Hehe~"

"It's okay, but if Miss Feather Rabbit doesn't want to say it, Bronya can find the answer by herself."

Bronya raised her head: "However, Bronya already has a bold guess in her heart."

Combining the previous questions and answers, Bronya already has an answer in her heart, and she is even quite convinced!

Returning to the screen, after Bronya watched those memories one after another, she vaguely found something wrong——

【"Reloading Bunny, how many 'seeds of rationality' are left here?"

Reloading Bunny: "——,

The mechanical assistant who has been with her for many years reported a number for her: 16.

Bronya's eyes widened a little: "...Did you count correctly?"

The mechanical assistant who has been with her for many years reported the same number for her again. And this 16 also shows that during the time Bronya was trying to go further, more new information had already been implanted by the other party around her.

Although the situation is similar, this is obviously not an ordinary "game" - in the time Bronya took a step, the other party lost more than ten pieces.

After a long silence, Bronya crossed her arms and said with a clear expression: "I see. Someone has been cheating from the beginning.

"Bronya thought that no matter what Miss Feather Rabbit said, she wouldn't do anything to win, but she didn't expect——"

Bronya paused: "It's actually really capable."

Kiyana also nodded, standing up for Bronya: "Turn off Hextech!"

"This, even if you tell me it's useless."

Yutu in the question and answer space also expressed helplessness: "After all, the person who cheated is not me, but the me in the picture."

"However, I always feel that the gap between the current Miss Feather Rabbit and the former Miss Misterine Shaniat is getting bigger and bigger."

Even Youlandelle couldn't help but feel a bit of discord: "The Shaniat from the past... how should I put it, she always gives people a feeling of despair and escape. Feel......"

"But Miss Yutu, who is now in the question and answer space, gives people a...a subtle sense of detachment..."

Yutu tilted his head, not quite understanding what Youlandelle meant: "A sense of detachment?"

"It's like the feeling that two people have nothing to do except they look exactly the same..."

Urandale expressed her opinion.

"This... really..."

Yutu couldn't help laughing, she didn't expect Youlandal's intuition to be so accurate.

While everyone in the question-and-answer space was talking, Bronya's situation on the screen became more and more critical, and the added [Seed of Reason] was only after Bronya went to the next [Seed of Reason]. In the period before it, it has already started to grow wildly, and it has surpassed the [30] mark in a blink of an eye.

This also means that the probability of Bronya's victory is almost zero.

But she did not give up, but continued to search for a way to break through the level, and entered the next memory——

What appeared on the screen were Yutu and Gray Snake who were talking, and not far from them was a group of humans who had entered this dead place.

They fought against the Houkai Beast, but in the end they still failed to survive.

………ask for flowers…

【...It seems that they failed to make it through. "

Gray Snake only took a glance, then retracted his gaze, and stared again at the sad-looking 'Shaniat': "How—at this moment, do you still feel regret for not being able to save yourself?"

"Or... would it lessen your guilt than killing them 'with your own hands'?"

"Hands to the rescue... woo..."

The woman who called herself "Shaniat" muttered to herself, her eyes became far-reaching, like a misty dragon——

She whispered how she knew that she was the culprit who caused the disaster, and how she wanted to make up for the mistakes she made, but as the source of the disaster, no matter what she did, it would be in vain .

"If my senses were the same as those of ordinary people, I'm afraid I would have been imprisoned there with peace of mind."

But... Whenever I reappear in this world, pain, unwillingness, death... Similar concepts will continuously come from everywhere.

"That's when I realized that even if I'm not close to any existence, I'm still a source of disaster.

She said sadly: "Later, I left there and tried to make up for my mistakes with my hands."

"I can indeed save people from being bitten by the Honkai Beast; but my appearance can only make them die in another way...no one is spared."

"Perhaps saying this will seem a bit talkative..."

Gray Snake said: "But in my opinion, no one needs to take responsibility for their 'talent.

"...But anyway, I am Shaniat' after all...do you understand?"

—She is the crystallization of the idea of ​​[relief], and it is impossible to forgive herself for the other party's reason. 】

...I always feel that Miss Yutu also has her own difficulties. '

After witnessing Yutu's tragic past, Mei couldn't help feeling a bit of sadness and sympathy.

"Woooo, Miss Feather Rabbit is so pitiful..."

Pa Duo also felt tears, and Mao Mao cried.

"Indeed, Miss Feather Rabbit's past is indeed very sad and painful."

"——But because of this," the doubts in Bronya's heart became more and more profound.

Bronya was not immersed in the tragic past about Yumen, but questioned her: "Miss Yutu, since your characteristic is that all lives close to you will be strongly eroded by Houkai energy, why are you now You did not show this characteristic, and your purpose of exposing these memories to Bronya... What is it?"

From the beginning to the end, whether it is Bronya on the screen or Bronya in the question-and-answer space, they all just witnessed the tragic and sad past of the girl named Shaniat. Naturally, these memories can be captured. Everyone's sympathy, but it also makes people ignore that Bronya at this moment is in the middle of Shaniat's conspiracy and is facing danger!

A new month has begun, do you have any new evaluation votes, flowers, etc., please vote!

Does anyone know when the new Ya Ya will be smoked? I can't wait!.

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