【"That's why... you just thought of awakening the stigmata in the human body and trying to make them an existence that can 'adapt' to you?"

...... I wish I hadn't had this thought. "Yutu lightly closed his eyes, as if unwilling to face this fact.

Gray Snake nodded: "It's not difficult to understand. That is indeed a kind of 'slaughter' in the secular sense."]

"Forcibly awaken the stigmata hidden in human blood?"

Youlandelle was a little unbelievable: "Shaniat's stigmata crystallization, can you even do this kind of thing?"


Yutu nodded: "Although it is unbelievable, it is the truth."

"——And it is precisely because of this ability that I will become the key to the [Stigmata Project]."

The screen is still playing. Due to the nature of [Shaniat] itself, even a mechanical life form like Gray Snake cannot escape the fate of being corroded.

However, this is exactly what Gray Snake wants to see. At the cost of his own life, he asked the existence named [Shaniat] to show him the complete data that can transcribe human information into rational data. process.

At the very end, he asked [Shaniat] to transcribe his information and data as he did to other human beings, to become an existence like [idea], and then to show——what is the real [Stigmata Project].

The picture was interrupted by this, and Bronya on the screen opened her eyes from the memory, her expression could not hide her shock

【"She... is not only the key to the stigmata project, but even to some extent... the origin?"

"That is to say..."

At this time, in front of her eyes, "377", the record named "7125 Gray Snake Legend" by Yutu's consciousness, was once a living existence in the real world, just like all the rational species here.

When they were about to perish, [all] or [some parts] of what they had experienced was preserved by Yutu as data on the side of the stigmata.

At this moment, the [Information Implantation] she is carrying out on the Herrscher of Reason is similar to that kind of transcription, but simpler and more direct.

"That is to say, this 'gameplay' chosen by Yutu...she is more proficient than anyone else, and she can also use the stigmata plan to help herself cheat."

At this point, Bronya turned her head away.

In her field of vision, it's hard to find any 'chess pieces' that exist in her own image. Of course, she no longer needs to reload Xiaotu's report.

"Being both a player and a referee ... trying to play within the rules she made doesn't help.

——There is no more time and opportunity.

Bronya must use everything she knows to find the key to turn defeat into victory, or... give up completely and give up everything about the Herrscher of Reason. 】

"Not fair not fair!"

Kiyana made a big daba with both hands: "Rematch! Miss Ben demands a rematch!"

I want to change rune talents! I want to change summoner skills!

"That is to say, it is too much to cheat so blatantly when you have the home court advantage!"

Pa Duo scratched his head, and expressed his thoughts: "Bronya didn't win the chance at all!"

Bronya crossed her arms: "Miss Feather Rabbit, is this what you mean by wanting to help us?"

"Oh, how should I put it..."

Feather Rabbit smiled softly: "Perhaps, in the future, I really want to help Bronya regain her ability as a Herrscher of Reason.

Bronya complained: "It is said to help restore it, but the fact is that the power of the Herrscher of Reason is almost taken away by you."

"It's broken, the Herrscher's ability won't be really taken away by this Feather Rabbit, right?!"

Tesla on the side was a little anxious: "Bronya, you must not lose!"

Einstein: "Dr. Tesla, stop putting pressure on Bronya.

Mei watched the scene on the screen worriedly, and raised her heart: "Bronya... can she really overcome the difficulties?"

"Honestly, let me listen!"

Zhibao said without hesitation: "After all, if you think about it carefully, after Bronya got the core of the Herrscher of Reason, it seems that she has never defeated an opponent once?"

Fu Hua: "...

Lies don't hurt people, the truth is the sharp knife.

What Zhibao said made Bronya's expression more subtle, and she puffed up her cheeks slightly [as if to retort: ​​"Bronya won all ten moves! Bet [Metal Gear Cloth Wolf Fang] title!"

As Bronya's voice fell, the picture on the screen suddenly stopped, and the familiar electronic synthesizer sounded—

[Question 2: Among the following options, Bronya faced the dilemma of Mysterine Shaniat (Hare Rabbit), what decision did she make——]

【A: Continue to peel off the seeds of rationality, in vain】

【B: Give up resistance】

【C: Yutu, I'm here to negotiate terms with you】

【D: Bronya, admit defeat here】

"Ah! It's a new option!"

Qiyana pointed to the four options that appeared on the screen, looked left and right: "However, I always feel that except for option C, none of them are very good.

"Yes, but this option C itself is also very strange, right?"

Mei tilted her head: "It's obvious that Bronya can't even find Yutu anywhere, how can I negotiate terms with her?"

"If you want me to say, just admit defeat directly."

Zhibao put his hands on his chest, and said without hesitation: "Isn't it the loss of the power of the Herrscher of Reason? At worst, just give it to her. Bronya, don't hold back at this time, in case it turns out to be true It’s not worth it if you lose your life!”

Fu Hua quickly grabbed Xiao Shi: "Xiao Shi, stop talking..."

"Miss Herrscher of Knowledge is right, Bronya."

Einstein said: "The Herrscher of Reason—the meaning it represents is not just a core, nor is it just a symbol of power.

"The Herrscher of Reason represents a spiritual symbol. What is important is not the core, but the thoughts of the 300,000 people it carries."

"Even if the power of the Herrscher of Reason is taken away, even if the core of the Herrscher of Reason is gone, as long as the person who inherited the ideas of those 300,000 people is still alive, even if the ability of the Herrscher of Reason is lost , she is still the 'herrscher of reason' fighting for mankind.

"Chicken Coop is right, Bronya."

Tesla also echoed: "It's really not possible, you just admit defeat, don't hold on!"

"Hehe~ Bronya, all your companions say so."

Yutu asked with a smile: "So, what are you going to do?"

Bronya was silent for a while, took a deep breath, and said firmly: "...Bronya, I won't admit defeat!"

Yutu: "However, you in the picture are at the end of the road, and there is no option in which you can defeat me.

"That's not sure."

Bronya took a step forward, raised her head and answered, "Bronya chooses C!"

[Wrong answer, the correct answer is D: Bronya, admit defeat here]

[Punishment measures: seal the game account [Metal Gear Cloth Spike] for one month]

Bronya: "???"

...Bronya, did you really surrender?"

Now it's Zhibao's turn to be confused. Although she was indeed a descendant at the beginning, it was just a casual mention, but I didn't expect that Bronya... actually did this?

This... Uh, it's hard for her to say.

Qiyana blinked, wondering if her eyes were wrong: "Bronya..."

"Bronya believes in the future Bronya."

Bronya clenched her fists: "Whether it's 'Bronya' or the 'Herserscher of Reason', they will never admit defeat so easily!"

Bronya in the picture is still racking her brains to conceive an opportunity to turn defeat into victory——

【"One thing, Prometheus is right. Changing the "organization method" of the Herrscher's core can indeed make Bronya "overturn the chessboard."

Bronya thought: "However, before that, Bronya also needs an opportunity that has never been obtained so far..."

In any case, Yutu represents the operational essence of the Stigmata Project to a certain extent... It can even be said that she is backed by a larger "another Herrscher of Reason".

It not only contains 300,000 people [but also tries to include all human beings.


Bronya seemed to suddenly think of something, her eyes widened slightly..

She raised her hand and constructed various weapons around her out of thin air, as if she wanted to verify something.

Then she was convinced of the guess in her heart.

...... In this space, Bronya really cannot compete with the power of the Stigmata Project. "

—With a decided confidence, the girl began to implement her strategy.

"Come on. To create that real chance to turn the board..."

—Under the control of the girl, these constructed armed forces suddenly turned the cannons that poured out dangerous lasers in her own direction.

That's where her body accommodates the Herrscher's core.

"—Bronya, admit defeat."

In the next second, the laser shot out and penetrated Bronya's chest. 】

"Sister Bronya!"

Seele couldn't help but yelled.

After seeing Bronya's behavior, everyone in the question-and-answer space couldn't help but widen their eyes.

"Bo, Bronya, why did you suddenly shoot lasers at yourself?!"

Kiyana scratched her head in shock, her expression full of puzzlement: "What the hell is she trying to do?"

"Bronya, do you know?"

Mei looked at Bronya in the question and answer space.

"Bronya doesn't know either."

Bronya shook her head obediently, her eyes were fixed on the screen from beginning to end: "But Bronya can be sure that the future Bronya [will definitely not give up so lightly!"

"That's right! And don't forget, Bronya is the Herrscher of Reason!"

Tesla's voice sounded: "The Herrsrscher of Reason can recast the flesh! The leader of the alliance has tried it several times before!"

"That's right! Didn't we see it in the Q&A space before!"

Only then did Qiyana recall it, and then she reacted: "So... the reason why the future Bronya can grow into such a good figure is probably because of the two secretly using the Herrscher of Reason. right?"

Recalling the tall and plump figure of Duck Yay she saw at the beginning, Qiyana expressed doubts.


Bronya coughed twice: "Qiana, now is not the time to discuss this issue, let's continue reading."

In the picture, after sensing the complete disappearance of Bronya's resistance, Yutu couldn't help sighing, his expression seemed to be disappointed——

【"Is it still a failure? Whether it's me, her, or Bronya."

Yutu looked at the core of the Herrscher of Reason in his hand, and now he has completely mastered it.

Knowing the power of the Herrscher of Reason, she actually no longer needs the core of the Herrscher of Reason that has lost its power.

She sighed again 2.4: "Is it because I am a little lacking in planning? What if... I also showed her the story in front of me in the first place?"

"But... Siberia, the Ural Mountains... Come to think of it, I've never been back here since then."

Yutu whispered softly: "I thought I could bring you some family news. But, even if I can..."]

"Siberia...the Ural Mountains..."

Bronya whispered the name mentioned by Yutu in the picture: "Isn't this the place where Bronya was when she was a child? Could it be that Miss Yutu has also been there before?"


"Yeah, the 'I' in the past has indeed been there, and... I also met a... an extraordinary existence for Mysterine Shaniat …

Mei said: "Wait! But, at that time, shouldn't you be able to get close to any human beings?"

"That's just for most people—"

Yutu explained: "You should also know that I can awaken the stigmata in the human body, and if someone can successfully awaken the stigmata, then I am very important to them."

But it will not cause any harm, but will also bring them almost unlimited vitality. "

Bronya: "...Who is that person?"

Yutu smiled slightly: "About this question, Bronya, don't you already have the answer in your heart?"

At the same time, the picture on the screen changed again, and what was presented to everyone was still the snow-covered plain.

However, what is different from before is that in that barren plain, there is a house that seems to be inhabited...

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