Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

213: The Sacrifice Of Mother Duck, Bronya Tears!

【"No, no way!"

Mysterine vetoed: "It's not worth it at all!"

For an existence like her, it is obviously more important to perpetuate the stories that have already happened than the "future" that has not yet been born.



Alexander Della's expression became angry, and tears continued to flow down his cheeks: "No...is this something that can be evaluated as 'worthy'?"

"Am I going to take away the future she should have just to avoid my own destiny?"

"I originally thought you were a poor man who was cursed for no reason because of unfair fate..."

Alexander Della looked straight at Mysterin, and the words she spoke were like thorns: "But you don't feel sorry from the bottom of your heart. You still think of yourself as a god in the end! What decides the fate of any life at will?"

"You.....No, I..."

Alexander Della took a deep breath and calmed down the excitement in his heart: "Sorry."

She stopped those sharp words. Despite all her flaws, this woman never hurt others unnecessarily.

She looked at Mysterin again, and said slowly: "I am willing to exchange my life for the life of the child. Judging from your reaction... until now, this is the only way, right? ?”]

"Mom was right."

Bronya said bluntly: "No matter how miserable Miss Mysterin's life experience is, it is not a reason for her to forcibly awaken the stigmata regardless of other people's wishes."

——What is the difference between this approach and the Stigmata Project?"

If you compare Mysterin's approach with the Stigmata Project, you will find that except for the difference in efficiency, there is almost no difference in essence from the Xinhen Project.

Those who can successfully awaken the stigmata will naturally be able to live, but those who fail to awaken will become irrational dead soldiers... Even death is a kind of relief.

Such an approach cannot be called help at all!

No wonder her mother, Alexander Della, couldn’t control her emotions and said such words———Mysterine Shaniat, up to that time, still put herself in the position of God to make arbitrary decisions life and death of human beings.

...... Indeed, as you said, what I did at that time was no different from the stigmata plan to be implemented in the future. "

Yutu didn't justify his behavior, but explained it from a judging angle: "However, I hope you can understand the 'I' at that time. After all, she is not a human being in essence."

Kiyana complained: "It's as if the past you are not you."


Yutu pretended to be mysterious and smiled: "Who knows~"

In the picture, Alexander Della begged Mysterine to put the stigmata on her body back to sleep.

Mysterine listened to Alexander Della's words in disbelief. She didn't understand why she could give up her life so easily. For her, Alexander Della was the only special case that she could approach Humanity.

She didn't want to just watch Alexander Della die like this—

[…Alexander Della Pavlovna Zajcek. "

Mysterine looked at her: "After all, the way we see the world is very different, so I am not going to refute your ideas.

"So, I will use the concept of 'human beings' to clarify the pros and cons for you."

"The current difficulties are all caused by me, and I will not avoid it. But at least in this situation... Your decision is not 'responsible' enough"

Mysterine said slowly: "Giving life...is only the tiniest beginning for a mother."

"Her father has passed away, and you don't cherish your life like this... What will happen to the child if there is no relative?"

"Maybe you haven't really cared about the outside world—the collapse everywhere, the unfathomable human heart... Can you guess what she will become?"

"I hate to make such cruel assumptions, but—the world around you isn't a good place."

Mysterin looked directly into her eyes, and paused every word: "That child may fall into the hands of a certain gang, and be trained to be a ruthless killer. After completing only one or two missions, he will have to Don't die at the range of random guns."

"Or, because of her accidental contact with Honkai, although she managed to escape the bad luck, her body was left with permanent disabilities and pain, and she died in despair for the rest of her life!"

...If the life you give her is nothing but endless pain, how will she feel then?"]

What Mei, Yutu said... seems to be..."

Kiyana glanced at Bronya, as a friend who knew her past, of course she knew that Rabbit Yu had almost guessed everything right!

Mei was also deeply moved: "Miss Yutu's guess is really quite accurate."

Ural Silver Wolf——This is the title Bronya got when she was the killer of Morde's feelings.

Leg armor——This is when Bronya was exposed to the Houkai energy experiment, her brain and legs were accidentally eroded by the Houkai, and she had to rely on the leg armor to move.

It has to be said that almost all the possibilities that Yutu mentioned back then have now been realized in Bronya.

Fu Hua: "This, this may be called the law of words, right?"

"Perhaps to put it another way—"

Zhibao raised a finger: "Poisonous milk!"

【"You are right, no one wants to live only for pain.

During the long silence, Alexander Della spoke softly: "But maybe... When I finally can't hold on, someone else will treat her like a relative.

Or, when she grows up, she will meet a few friends who are willing to give her heart and lead her on the right track to find what she loves. "

"With luck...she will find her passion and make it her life's work."

Alexander Della stared at Misterin: "Mysterin, I also know that the argument now is meaningless, and no one can predict the future life of this child.

"But at least I know that it should belong to her life—even if it is just an uncertain future, it must have its own meaning."]

"That's right! Bronya's mother, don't worry!"

Qiyana patted Bronya on the shoulder hard, and hugged her in her arms: "With Miss Ben here, I will definitely take good care of her!"

...Stupid Kiyana, you should take care of yourself first.

Bronya complained mercilessly, but it was rare that she didn't break away from Kiyana's bear hug.

Mei nodded: "Yes, maybe we can do limited things for Bronya, but we all sincerely want to be friends with Bronya!"

"Yes, Ms. Alexander Della, you can rest assured!"

Teresa patted her chest: "Bet on the name of Teresa Apocalypse, I will definitely educate Bronya well!"

Ji Zi: "Well! Starting tomorrow, I will set a strict life schedule for Bronya! Help her get rid of the bad habits accumulated so far!"

Bronya: "Teacher Jizi, don't use this one..."

Fu Hua: "As the class monitor, I will strictly urge Bronya... Well, first of all, let's start with the bad habit of staying up late and playing games!"

"Games are Bronya's pleasure! The monitor cannot deprive Bronya of her only pleasure!"

Bronya sternly protested, but unfortunately the protest was ineffective.

"And Seele!"

Xi'er's voice also came late, and she said loudly: "Xi'er, Xi'er also really likes sister Bronya!"

Hei Xi: "Xi'er, don't speak too loudly when you say something so nasty, are you afraid that others won't hear you...

"Seele, Bronya heard it."

Bronya responded to her: "Thank you, Xier is also Bronya's most important sister."

"Woo--Sister Bronya!"

...So, after Bronya finds Xier, I will definitely give you a ride!"

Seele: "?"

"It's great, at least I can know that my mother loves me deeply.

Another voice very similar to Bronya's voice sounded, obviously it was Braun from the captain's line.

She didn't know whether she was sighing or sighing: "It's not like me. I haven't seen what my parents look like since I was a child. If it wasn't for being adopted by Xiola later, I'm afraid I'm still a little gangster until now."

Raven was stunned: "Siora? This name..."

How is it exactly the same as her?

"Oh, it's just a part-time mercenary of a certain bar manager who looks very similar to you, is a bit chatty, and has a bad temper."

Braun shrugged: """Don't worry, don't worry, there are not a few people who look exactly the same and have similar voices these days. Right, Miss-stargazing, Miss Rita?"



Rita: "Eh, me?"

Rosemary: "Hehe~"

"Heh, although I don't know what happened to that Xiora."

Raven felt the aggressiveness from Braun, and couldn't help but fight back: "However, it must be very difficult for her to adopt such an arrogant kid.

.…..…Yes. "


Braun originally wanted to continue the teasing between words, but recalling Siora's face in his mind, he suddenly lost interest: "She...is really not easy."


Hey, hey, why are you suddenly cowardly again? Doesn't this make her look like she's bullying a child?

On the other side, Alexander Della in the picture also persuaded Mysterine to close the stigmata in her body with a free and easy smile, and fell into a deep sleep again.

Although Mysterine was very unwilling in her heart, seeing that Alexander Della had made up her mind, she could only choose to respect her wishes

【"Ah... By the way, before we bid farewell—let's discuss one more thing."

Alexander Della smiled softly, even though at this moment she would become weak again with the deep sleep of the stigmata, even if it meant that her life was coming to an end, she could still show such a sincere smile.

She whispered: "[Venice has changed, and the best Greek islands are speeding up their silence. But it is possession, not retention, that is worth cherishing.]"

"—After burying Alexei's pistol with Cocolia, I found such a poem "I want to use it as an epitaph for myself in the future."

(Get Qian Zhao) Alexander Della suddenly smiled: "However, if you think about it carefully, I'm afraid not many people will remember me. These words seem too pretentious...so let's forget it."

"It's just——I just had a new idea, do you want to hear it?"

Mysterine nodded: "Okay, you say..."

However, at this moment.

Just as human beings cannot reverse their own death, darkness also erases everything without warning at this time.

For a long time, this stagnant darkness has been what she desires the most—whether it is an hour or a month, it means that she can temporarily leave the real space, and no longer have to hurt innocent living things contrary to her wishes

But at this moment, its arrival... is the biggest 'backfire'.

"Alexander Della? Alexander Della!!!"】

There was a long silence in the question-and-answer space.

It was not until a long time later that someone spoke.

"So in the end, Miss Yutu couldn't finish listening to her mother's words, right?"

Bronya asked softly.

What I got was Yutu's helpless answer.

"Yeah, after that, it took five months for 'I' to come back to reality... In order to find Alexander Della, I traveled to every corner of Siberia, but in the end I still couldn't can find her. 11

"In desperation, I had no choice but to seek the help of the World Snake. On the condition of joining the World Snake, I asked them to help me find the trace of Alexander Della."

Feather Rabbit paused: "However, when Gray Snake brought me to the place where Alexandra Della was... what I saw was a tombstone."

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