Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

214: Bronya Has A Good Mother, Everyone Salutes!

In the picture, Mysterin and Gray Snake stand together in front of a tombstone, surrounded by a piece of pure white, and everything is covered with snow.

Until the end, Mysterine still couldn't hear what Alexander Della wanted to say.

Everyone in the question-and-answer space also sent prayers for Bronya's mother, just like Mysterine who fell silent on the screen.

【"How...it's been three hours, are you really not going to say anything?"

After a long silence, Gray Snake finally couldn't help but said: "It's very windy here, my umbrella is not as useful as you imagined—more often you are just angry with me."


"I've tried my best. When you proposed that deal to me, she was already dead. That's why I took so long."

Gray Snake explained: "It's easy to find a person, and it's a flaw to be alive. But the tombstone is not the case. As you can see, everything has been settled."]

"So until the very end... Mysterine still didn't hear what Mommy was trying to say, did she?"

Bronya asked softly, her own mother's tombstone reflected in her pupils.

Yutu sighed: "Yes, this is probably the most regrettable thing in the short life of the past 'I'."

["Ah...I see. That kid, right?"

Gray Snake suddenly said: "—she wasn't buried here."



"Don't worry, I have always done things from beginning to end, and I have found out some whereabouts of that child."

Gray Snake said slowly: "It is said that on the day the child was born, this mother cried alone for a whole afternoon, as if she was grieving for many people."]

"Ah! This child should be Bronya!"

Kiana guessed.

"I think it should be."

Mei's thoughts are also the same as Kiana's.


Bronya, who is one of the parties involved, nodded and admitted Kiana and Mei's guess: "Maxim Uncle once mentioned to me that when Bronya was born, her mother was crying alone in the room For a long time."

"Well, Bronya's mother is really hard...!"

Qiyana seemed to empathize with her, and her expression couldn't help becoming nostalgic: "Mom...I miss my mother too..."

Urandale: "..... Kiyana 413."

Not only Kiyana, but Ulandal also thought of her own mother after seeing Bronya's mother.

Although she has no memory of her childhood, but the dispatch between the blood, the maternal love she once felt.

Even if the memory is no longer, the memory is no longer, her heart will not forget.

Teresa: "Qiana, Ulandal..."

As the great aunt of the two, Teresa wouldn't know what they were thinking at this time, but now she——can't do anything!

Even at that point in time on the screen, she didn't even see a figure, and she didn't know what she was doing!

[…… She values ​​commitment very much. "

"Very well, you finally spoke.

Gray Snake's tone seemed to be laughing: "So, the child appeared in front of us, or disappeared in the crowd? If it is the former, I can continue to sell you some favors."

...She's still alive?" Mysterine couldn't believe it.

"It seems that you are not convinced, is it surprising?"

"This...how about her resistance? Is it like her mother?"

"No...she's nothing special. Don't talk about being close to you for three hours under the umbrella—I'm afraid I will die just as soon as I remember your appearance."

Gray Snake told the cruel truth mercilessly: "I'm sorry, don't you? The connection with you is not a [gift] to that child; on the contrary, it is a [curse]."

Mysterine frowned: "...Your wisecracks today are too much."

"I thought we were old friends. Or... do you prefer those gray snakes with newer numbers?"

Gray Snake paused, and continued: "I guess, in your opinion, Siberia's environment is too harsh. A mother who needs to take medicine to maintain her life is unlikely to give birth to a child smoothly, right?"


"It's a pity that the child who survived was very ordinary, with very little specialness in her body. I managed to collect some metabolic samples of her—"

"Even if she is only exposed to the general experimental level of Houkai energy, she may be disabled for life. And unless..."

Gray Snake was silent for a moment, and then he himself denied this possibility: "(ciae)...Forget it, that kind of situation is not worth mentioning."

Mysterine: "...how do you know?"

"——Do you think that an ordinary person can become a Herrscher?"]

"Why not!"

Qiyana yelled: "Wouldn't Bronya really become the Herrscher of Reason in the future!"

"That's right! Gray Snake is too contemptuous of people!"

It is also rare for Zhibao to speak for Bronya: "Although Bronya's strength as a Herrscher is indeed a little weaker, she has succeeded in inheriting the power of the Herrscher of Reason anyway!

Fu Hua: "...Small knowledge, if you don't know how to designate someone, you don't have to..."

"However, having said that—"

Bronya said to herself: "I didn't expect Bronya to have a relationship with the world snake at such a young age, and the gray snake seems to have said that it collected Bronya's metabolic samples... ...?"

"To some extent, he is really a pervert."

"I didn't expect there to be such a guy among Gray Snakes.

Raven's vigilant voice came: "It seems that we have to pay attention to those gray snakes in the future!"

Thinking of the children in its own nest, Raven really can't say whether there will be very few gray snakes who will plot against them!

In the picture, Misterin asks Gray Snake about the situation of the Stigmata Project——

【"Grey Snake, what will happen to me after the stigmata plan is truly completed?"

"First of all, the so-called '16th version of the stigmata plan' may not be implemented, and a colleague of mine is still exploring the possibility of realizing the '16th version'."

Gray Snake told her: "Of course, if you choose to join, she won't know that there is another direction that is going on simultaneously—after all, I don't want her to rush to you to die."]

"Oh! Dr. Mebius! You, why did you suddenly vomit blood!"

Alicia's surprised voice echoed in the question-and-answer space, Yingjie and the members of St. Freya's group turned their heads to look [Suddenly found that the person who was pinned on the mobile suitcase on the spot

"Uh, what's wrong with Dr. Mebius?"

Mei was a little dazed, thinking that snakes were so good, why did they vomit blood and fainted?

"Perhaps it was some fatal spiritual shock."

Wilwe Conductor shrugged: "Forget it, don't worry about her, anyway, even if Mebius dies, he can be resurrected again, it's just that he vomited blood and passed out, don't worry about it at all

"Let her recover blood slowly, she will wake up later."

Gracie: "Mebius Aunt, why are you asleep?"

Aponia: "Be good, Gracie, don't disturb Mebius Aunt's sleep."

Gracie: "Oh, good."

"Hey~ Take this opportunity to see if there are any good things on Sister Snake~"

Patuo had already slipped to Snake without anyone noticing, watching on her suitcase and clothes.

【"Oh, by the way, your code name after joining the organization was also given by that colleague."

Gray Snake told Mysterin her 'codename' of the snake in the world: "[Feather Rabbit]—maybe it was a coincidence. She didn't know what you went through, but gave you the 'feather rabbit'

Mysterine frowned, obviously she didn't like this title.

"I will not interfere with your system, but I will only use the name 'Mysterine'."]

"Okay, I think now I know who the colleague Gray Snake is talking about."

Raven raised his forehead: "I didn't expect that the code name Yutu was really chosen by her."

Yutu smiled slightly: "So, maybe she got the code name Raven?"

"Yeah, in fact, the title [Raven] has been around for a long time in the world, and I just inherited it.

Raven spread his hands: "Although I never cared about code names, this code name sounds pretty good.

"Do you mind asking—what do you think of the code name [Horror Rabbit]?"

Braunni asked Raven suddenly, Raven was slightly taken aback.

"Not bad."


Braunni nodded and said nothing more.

In the picture, Gray Snake explains to Mysterin that when the stigmata plan is truly completed, she will get a chance to 'transcribe herself'—

【"She will have the same body and similar abilities as you, but in the final analysis, she is no longer the same will. The curse that haunts you at this moment will naturally cease to exist.

Gray Snake continued: "She will know your past. But to her, all of this will only be like a song in the wind, and will not bring much touch."


Mysterin murmured to herself: "It seems that the name [Feather Rabbit] is more suitable for her. Of course, if she also likes [Mysterin], that would be a great thing.

"And for me right now...knowing that I have a real chance to die is enough."]

"So, this Miss Feather Rabbit in the question-and-answer space is not actually the Miss Misterine we saw on the screen, is it?"

When Bronya saw this scene, she suddenly realized: "The real Miss Mysterin had already disappeared when the stigmata project was completed."

"Yeah, after 'transcribing' myself, the reborn 'Mysterine'...is me."

Yutu said: "Well, how should I put it—this feeling is like watching what you will experience in the future through the screen in the question-and-answer space.

"Although it is undoubtedly 'self', it is not the 'same person' in essence, is it?"

"I understand!"

Kiyana nodded: "It's similar to monitor and Xiaoshi, aunt and stargazer, Mei and Dr. Mei, Bronya and Prometheus, right?"

...... No, this is not the same at all. "

Bronya glanced at Qiyana, who thought she was smart, shook her head, then raised her head seriously: "However, Bronya still has one problem."

————Why does Miss Feather Rabbit have some kind of unexplained emotion towards the Herrscher of Reason?"

"Oh, about this, you see—"

Yutu signaled everyone to look up at the screen: "The answer will be revealed soon."

On the screen, Gray Snake told Mysterine that after joining the World Snake, she needs to perform the mission immediately, but Mysterine's answer was also very straightforward.

【"I am not interested."

"It's not too late to refuse after listening."

gray snake patience

He explained: "In fact, it is precisely because of his jewels that we will immediately try to recruit you after we find you.

Mysterin was silent for a moment: "Is he... a monster who kills people like hemp and is hated by people?"

"no no."

Unexpectedly, Gray Snake denied: "On the contrary, he is admired by countless people, and even became a kind of spiritual inheritance.

Misterine opened her eyes slightly.

"Look, I've said it, it's not too late to refuse after listening.

Gray Snake said: "1 'Why?' - right?"

"Stop talking nonsense, who are you referring to?"

"He has a human name, just like you. But most of the time, people call him..."

Gray Snake slowly said the name: "The leader of anti-entropy, the lawer of reason."]

"I see."

Bronya nodded with a clear expression: "Is this why Miss Feather Rabbit has those abnormal emotions towards the Herrscher of Reason and Bronya?"

Yutu nodded: "But to be honest, although the 'I' in the past is not the same existence as the 'I' at this moment, her experience is like the movie and the audience's experience to me.

the difference.

"——But those emotions that have remained in memory have indeed affected me."

Yutu said a sincere word to Bronya: "Bronya, you have a good mother."

Bronya readily accepted: "Bronya, I think so too.

"——So, Bronya will never let mom down!"

With the fall of the voice, the situation on the screen also changed suddenly.

The memory belonging to Mysterin was interrupted, Yutu's spirit was forced to return to reality, she looked at the core of the Herrscher of Reason in her hand in surprise, but saw a dark red light coming from her

before the eyes.

She raised her head, and at the point of sight, the cracks in the imaginary space gradually spread.

A familiar figure reappeared in front of her.

Yutu smiled, and was not shocked by this sudden change, but rather pleased—

["Welcome back, Bronya Zajcek."

Yutu was sincerely happy: "At least you yourself, you didn't make me feel hopeless."].

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