Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

215: Feather Rabbit: The Lawer Of Reason, That's All!

"Isn't this trick the leader used before!"

Tesla was stunned: "Unexpectedly, Bronya also learned it! Amazing!"

"Indeed, it took even the leader a long time to barely master this ability to integrate his own consciousness into the core of the Herrscher of Reason.

Einstein also praised without hesitation: "As expected of the third Herrscher of Law, Bronya is indeed very powerful."

Bronya: "Thank you two doctors for your compliments."

On the screen, Bronya successfully escaped as an ordinary person by giving up the power of the Herrscher of Reason, and returned to the moon in the real world

【"But you fought for so long before, didn't you just want to prevent everything from the Herrscher of Reason from being taken away by me?" Yutu asked.

"This is the only way to return to reality when you 'cheat' with the power of the Stigmata Project."

Bronya watched Yutu vigilantly: "Also, if a person can't accept the situation of losing something, then he doesn't actually learn to really keep that thing."]

"Sister Bronya, you made a very bold speech!"

Xier was a little moved, her eyes sparkling: "Could it be, sister Bronya is going to start a counterattack!"

"However, Bronya has given up the power of the Herrscher of Reason, how can she defeat me?"

Feather Rabbit asked: "Not to mention, the power of the Herrscher of Reason has been transferred to my hands, and I can use the power of the Herrscher of Reason like a fish in water.

Bronya clenched her fists: "Bronya will not admit defeat!"

"Wait a minute, let's talk—is Bronya in the picture still unaware of the relationship between Feather Rabbit and her mother?"

Zhibao scratched his head: "Although we in the question and answer space can know the whole thing, but that Bronya doesn't seem to know?"

"It seems, indeed.

Bronya frowned: "Miss Feather Rabbit, why didn't you tell Bronya?"

"—Although Bronya didn't think she would lose, if she told Bronya the truth, maybe Bronya's hostility towards Miss Yutu would not be so great.

At least as far as Bronya, who knows everything and is in the question-and-answer space, doesn't have much hostility towards Yutu's feelings.


Yutu raised a slender finger to his lips, and smiled: "Who knows~"


In the picture, Bronya and Yutu are still confronting each other, and the atmosphere is quite tense

【"I have always wanted to help you, and this is also from the bottom of my heart."

Feather Rabbit paused, and continued: "But..."

Bronya spoke up: "Once we get to the crux of the problem and hinder the implementation of the stigmata plan, you will never give in."

Yutu affirmed: "Yes."

"But even so... Bronya can't understand why you are so obsessed with the Herrsrscher of Reason.

"What if I say it's because of jealousy?"

Yutu looked at Bronya's puzzled eyes and explained: "The original Herrscher of Reason, Walter Joeys. He is an existence similar to me, but he is admired by countless people, and has even become a kind of spirit. Inheritance."

"———It's completely different from the one I used to be."

"I hate the curse that has been imposed on me since I was born. I want to know how my own kind can transcend this 'pain beyond death', repair their wings in hell, and flap their wings again And fly.

"Now...you know?" Bronya looked directly at her.

"Yeah, I see."

Yutu said softly: "It is precisely because I know that I feel disappointed.

"Although it's a bit offensive, this is indeed what I think at the moment——"

"The Lawer of Reason, that's all."]

"What! How dare you underestimate the Herrscher of Reason!"

Tesla's violent temper broke out in an instant: "My old lady is really [beep--]! I [beep--]! Bronya, quickly show this stigmata crystal that knows no good or bad. ! Let her see how powerful the Herrscher of Reason is!"

Gracie: "Huh? Cosmo, why are you covering my ears, I can't hear.

Cosmo: "Gracio, some words are not suitable for you to hear."

Su: "Be careful not to let Gracie get the color of this Dr. Tesla, otherwise you will be in big trouble."

Einstein helplessly raised his forehead: "Dr. Tesla, even if you don't think about your own personal image, you should also think about the image of anti-entropy..."

Raven: "Phew, I hope Xiaokong won't meet this kind of person......

"Miss Feather Rabbit, it seems that she has been deliberately provoking Bronya.

Bronya analyzed calmly: "Is it possible that you have other plans."


Yutu smiled slightly: "Didn't I say it before, I really want to help you.

【"So, what are you going to do next?"

Yutu stared at Bronya leisurely: "You have successfully returned to reality, which is indeed worthy of praise—but at the same time, you have also lost the only strength you can rely on.

Bronya's eyes reflected a hint of imperceptible cunning, and she slowly said: "Before considering this, since you have completely taken away the power of the Herrscher, the rest - you can return it to Bu Lonia?"

".....…the remaining part?"

After thinking about it for a while, Yutu understood what Bronya meant: "Oh, you mean this crystal? It doesn't matter, just take it... It's the 'relic' left by the great hero , should indeed be properly preserved.”]

On the screen, after Yutu returned the core of the Herrscher of Reason to Bronya, she also told her that the core of the Herrscher of Reason is just a useless knot. The power has completely disappeared from above.

However, to Yutu's surprise, the moment Bronya touched the core of the Herrscher of Reason, a familiar force burst out from her body again.

And the costume on Bronya's body has also changed into the form of the Herrscher of Reason again!

"The power of the Herrscher of Reason has returned to Sister Bronya!"

Seele made a surprise voice: "Great! Sister Bronya!"

Kiyana also cheered: "Bronya is doing well!"

Tesla: "Go Go Go! Bronya! Go Duck!"

"Don't be too happy."

Yutu smiled lightly, interrupting the cheers of the crowd: "Don't forget, although Bronya has completed the [Pseudo-Emergence] with the help of Prometheus, the power she can use now is only no more than It's just one of the 300,000 copies of the Herrscher of Reason."

——Can you really win me with just this weak power?"

【"Indeed, if it is used against you, it may not be helpful to just do this step. But..."

A smile appeared on Bronya's face: "In terms of practical use, it seems that you made a wrong judgment again.

"Since you are very polite to Bronya, I hope you will also welcome them—"

As Bronya's voice fell, imperceptible cracks in space spread again.

Relying on her small and familiar power, she completely tore open the 'net' that trapped everyone before

At that moment, a familiar voice sounded.

"Thank you, Bronya!"]

"My lady is finally here!"

Watching the Lu Sanjia reunited with Bronya's help, Qiyana cheered excitedly: "Okay! It's 1V3 now, hehe~ Miss Yutu, you should surrender quickly!"

Qiyana crossed her arms with her chest in her arms, her expression quite airy: "Maybe we can't beat Kevin in the future, but it's more than enough for you~!"

Yutu smiled: "Hehe~ Kiyana is really confident."

"Of course!"

Qiyana said boldly: "Anyway, this lady will be the mighty Herrscher of Flames in the future, plus Mei, the full-body Herrscher of Thunder, and Bronya, who has recovered the power of Herrscher of Reason, want to deal with you It's sure to be fine!"

…………………… Ask for flowers… 0

"Having said that, since the Star of Eden has returned to Bronya's hands, the pseudo-black hole has also been lifted."

Zhibao asked the question: "What about the old antique? Where did the old antique go?"

Wait a minute, where's my old antique?

Fu Hua: "....... I'm probably in a coma."

On the screen, Bronya told Mei and Qiyana that the pseudo-black hole had disappeared, and Kevin had probably left here.

And Qiyana also discovered Fu Hua who had passed out at this time.

Kiyana: "Ah! The monitor is there!!"

Alicia: "Is it because Kevin struck too hard? Kevin, you are too merciless, and Fu Hua is your old comrade-in-arms!"


"Great Master... In my previous impression, I have always been invincible..."

Li Sushang's tone was delicate: "I didn't expect that the battles about Grand Master that I saw in this question and answer space all ended in failure..."

Fu Hua:

【"Squad leader and Herrscher of Knowledge stayed in the black hole for too long, and they haven't recovered their strength yet."


Bronya looked at Mei and Qiyana: "Qiana, Mei, can I ask you to take care of the monitor first?"

"Bronya alone can handle the battle here—and this is very important."


Mei looked at Bronya with a puzzled expression: "Even if Kevin won't show up, now is not the time to be arrogant.

"Don't worry. Just now, Bronya has thought of the strategy of 'must win'."

Bronya turned to look at Yutu, who had been just watching from the sidelines, with a dignified expression: "The prerequisite is that Bronya is fighting alone."]

"Sister Bronya!"

Hearing that Bronya was going to face Yutu alone, Xier subconsciously screamed, showing deep worry.

And Qiyana also expressed her concern: "Bronya, don't be overwhelmed!"

"It's more appropriate for us to deal with Yutu together, right? It can save time and energy!"

Qiyana said: "When the time comes to face Kevin again, we will also be able to maintain a sufficient fighting state."

"Even if you can win the Feather Rabbit, the physical strength consumed by fighting alone is quite huge!"

"Yes, Bronya."

Although Leiden Mei in the picture had already persuaded Bronya, Mei in the question-and-answer space tried to persuade her again: "No matter how you put it, this is too brazen!"

...Since this is Bronya's own decision, then Bronya trusts Bronya!"

Bronya rubbed her chest with her hand, her expression was determined: the future Bronya must have a "must win"


"Xi, Xier believes in Sister Bronya! 11

After a short period of worry, Seele took the lead in cheering for Bronya!

Miss Ben....... Miss Ben also believes in Bronya! 11

Kiyana also yelled: "Believe first! Believe later!"

Yutu smiled lightly: "Unexpectedly, Bronya is more courageous than I imagined.

【"However, it is necessary to remind you...you have only seen how I used to hurt others when I had no choice."

Yutu reminded Bronya: "Although that curse no longer exists,... this brand-new body, this power that can easily connect the stigmata and reality, is in a pair with the Herrscher. In a confrontation, they will not be at a disadvantage.

..It seems that you still don't understand.

Bronya looked directly at Yutu, her silver-gray eyes exuded awe-inspiring aura: "The one who is challenging you at this moment is actually not the Herrscher of Reason but 11

"————Bronya Zajcek!" Force].

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