Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

242: The Sisters Quarreled, But Cecilia Comforted Her Own Daughter!

On the screen, Yolandelle searched for several other memories again, and one of them came from her own childhood memories with little Rita—

That was her first encounter with her.

Although they didn't know each other at the time, the wonderful fate finally connected them through the mission of Quantum Sea.

After that, they became the S-rank Valkyrie together and formed the 'Indestructible Blade' together.

"Oh~ Thinking back, I really didn't realize that I've traveled such a long way~"

Rita covered her cheeks, her expression seemed a little shy.

After all, no matter who it is, they will feel shy when they see the past that is different from the present.

Especially when Rita has such a huge difference between the past and the present.

"I didn't expect that Rita was so normal when she was a child!"

Teresa expressed a little shock, and couldn't help thinking: "I don't know why, but it turned out to be such a scary look later!"

Rita smiled and said nothing:

"But having said that, why is there such a big difference in the memories that Ulandal observed in this space, whether it is the time interval or the interpersonal relationship?"

Bronya frowned, expressing her confusion: "First, Kevin from more than 50,000 years ago, then Karen from more than 500 years ago, and then You Bandai yourself from a few years ago. ...there is no relationship between these masters at all, right?"

"The only thing they have in common—"

Fu Hua said: "I'm afraid they all belong to Kaslana."

If you don't know the real identity of Urandale, maybe it's not easy to guess, but now everyone knows that Urandale is the real Kiana Kaslana, the clues that were originally hidden behind the scenes , but become vivid on paper.

Ji Zi raised his eyebrows: "In other words, the memories that Youlandal saw are all related to the Kaslana 460" family?"

"I think it's faster to ask him directly instead of guessing here!"

Teresa questioned from the air: "Grandpa! You sent Ulandal into the question-and-answer space, talk about it yourself! What the hell are you planning!"

Otto spread his hands and replied with high quality: "Grandpa doesn't know."

Zhibao: "Forget it, instead of asking Otto, it's better to guess it yourself! Don't you know this old thing? Even if he really answered you, do you dare to be so great?"

What Shibao said made everyone speechless. After all, if you think about it carefully, it’s true——With Otto’s superb speech skills, what he said is often likely to deliberately mislead you, and let you fall into his trap , in order to achieve his ulterior purpose!

Instead of believing what he said, it's better to be blind!

Tesla: "Tsk! What a bummer!"

On the screen, after almost finishing the search, Ulandal activated the nearby device and teleported to another place——and after transferring to this space, Ulandal

I was surprised to find that the voice of the faded puppet following her had changed!

【.....…wait. Why did your voice change?"

The red puppet roared hotly: "Idiot, of course it's because we are not the 'him' just now!"

Yellow Muppet Humu: "He is different from us, he is an afterimage directly left by someone's consciousness..."

The pink puppet shouted: "During the days of being imprisoned, that person always missed his family... and we are the product of this longing being concretized. J

"Wait a minute!"

Qiyana's eyes widened: "Why does that Homu's voice look so much like me?!"

Mei: "Indeed, that Homu's voice is indeed very similar to Kiyana..."

Bronya: "Stupid Kiyana... turned into Homu?"

Teresa: "And! That pink Homi... the voice is very similar to Cecilia!"

Yutu: "Or you can say, it looks like me."

Youlandelle frowned and pinched her chin: "That roaring voice...why does it sound so familiar... I feel like I've heard it somewhere before?"

...Yourandelle, don't you really know?"

Otto reminds her: "That voice...is you."

Youlandelle's expression was taken aback: "...what?"

"Indeed, Lord Ulandal."

Rita said respectfully: "The voice of that red puppet is indeed that of Lady Bianca in her childhood.

Urandale was completely stunned now, no wonder she always thought it sounded familiar, but couldn't remember who it was—it turned out to be herself!

"Wait! She seemed to call me an idiot just now?!"

i scold myself

"But, what's going on here?"

Qi Bao scratched her head, with a puzzled look on her face: "Why in this space, do I become like Homu?"

"Miss Homi said just now—they are the product of the faded Mr. Muppet who missed his family too much."

Fu Hua made a rational analysis: "I'm afraid, the voices shown by these three puppets are the voices of the family members in that gentleman's impression.

"In that case, doesn't it mean that the silver puppet is really Dad?!"

Kiyana's eyes widened in surprise.

"It's hard to say now."

Teresa's expression was also slightly agitated, but she still maintained the calmness of her elders: "Let's continue to read."

In the screen, after listening to Homi's explanation, Ulandal also nodded to express her understanding.

And Houla told Ulandal that the more memory fragments she found, the more things they could recall, and the more memories the faded puppet could recall. Leaving the imaginary number space can also help more.

And Homi also gently expressed that they would try their best to help her——

【....……thanks. I also hope that he will finally be free. "

You Landai paused, and her voice softened: "Song Kang—"]

Deep in the girl's heart, she always has deep sympathy for those embarrassing unsung heroes.

In fact, the reason why she became a Valkyrie was to complete the mission that Mr. Ragnar failed to achieve.

Just like when she was 12 years old, under the fantasy starry sky of World Bubble, she once opened her heart to Rita...

【"How should I put it... just treat me as having some kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder."

"If I'm not the best at what I'm going through, I'm going to be unhappy—"

At that time, she was not the most powerful Valkyrie, let alone Bianca, who inherited the name of the holy sword "Yurandal", looking at the starry sky and saying: — Ah, I hate to explain it like this


"I also know that there are some problems with my personality. I can also imagine that in five or ten years, I may become a rather dull person because of it..."

......However, this is the only way I know to make myself stronger. "

Little Bianca clenched her fists tightly, her young face full of determination: "I need to become stronger. Become very strong."

"My relatives, my teachers, my fellow Valkyries...many of them are no longer here."

"The lives of each of them came to an abrupt end, as if destroyed like shredded paper by some evil, transcendent will."

"I hate it! So, what they can't do—I want to do the best I can."]

In her life so far, girls are constantly fulfilling this self-requirement in their own way.

She knows her natural weakness of character, irritable, reckless, simple thinking, self-satisfied

So she keeps tempering herself, trying to make herself calmer, more down-to-earth, and more rational, until she becomes an inaccessible existence in the eyes of others......

But she still feels from time to time that her character is still far from the strongest fighter.

【"—No. It seems pointless to dream up a plan to save others until you have a practical way to do it."

Ulandelle opened her eyes, her expression regained her seriousness: "Let's take action. We should hurry up and continue looking for breakthroughs in the direction of Gnius' pointer.


The fiery red puppet fell silent without a word, as if it had seen through what the person opposite had experienced.

Seeing this, the pink puppet at the side quickly made a smooth game——

"You are indeed right. However, there is a lot of space here. If you can't get in touch with the memory fragments in time, there is a risk of losing your own spirit."

Hou La was silent for a moment, and then said arrogantly: "They are right, don't let me get lost!"】

"You Landal, I have left my childhood self speechless..."

Kiyana blinked her eyes in surprise: "So, the personality changes between the Yolandelle in childhood and the current Yolandelle are quite huge, and even the voice has become a little deeper!"

Bronya: "Is this the price of growth..."

Kiyana: "But, because my aunt doesn't seem to have changed at all!"

Teresa was a little confused: "Hey! Why, why did you mention me all of a sudden!"

"Thinking about it carefully, the previous one is still cuter than Mrs. Anka~"

Rita seemed to recall the 12-year-old Ulandal, with a subtle smile on her face, and even her tone became agitated.

But she quickly realized the problem, quickly adjusted her expression, and bowed slightly apologetically: "Sorry, I lost my composure just now...

Youlandelle's expression was even more subtle: "It's okay, I'm almost used to it..."

Regarding the other side that her adjutant occasionally shows, Ulandal said that she has become used to it naturally.

Although very curious, everyone has their own secret. Since Rita wants to keep it a secret, it's not good for Ulandal to ask directly.

———Also, I always feel that if I really ask, the truth I get will be very scary!

While everyone was discussing the childhood of Youlandelle, the images on the screen continued to play, and the memory presented on it was about the time when Teresa had just established Saint Freya Academy and recruited students for the first time, but The situation of enrollment is very unsatisfactory.  ……………

"Eh? Why do I have it too!"

Teresa was a little confused.

"That's normal, Queen Teresa."

Einstein explained: "After all, although you are 'Apocalypse,' the blood that actually runs in your body is the pure blood of Kaslana."

"Sure enough, there is no difference between my aunt when I was young and now!"

Qiyana couldn't help complaining: "I think the reason why my aunt can't recruit people is because you look like a child on the outside, no one will believe you!"


It is rare for Ji Zi to stand up and admit: "I remember the year when the number of students enrolled in St. Freya Academy increased significantly... It seems that after the person in charge of admissions was changed from Teresa to me

Teresa protested: "Judging people by their appearance is not


In the picture, Youlandelle asks Houla if he knows the origin and operation principle of this space, but Houla shakes his head to express that he does not know

["I guess, that must require some stronger memory stimulation!"

Houla gave an example: "For example, the dying moment of a certain key person?"

Houm immediately retorted: "Hey! If you want to recall more things, you don't necessarily need such sad memories, do you?"

Houla emphasized: "——but stimulation is definitely a must!"

Homu expressed disbelief: "Hmph, nonsense! I want to see the warm reunion, the reunion is here!"

Hou La sighed: "...Alas. Is this the so-called 'Only Alice can beat the heart'?"

Humu asked: "Hey! Are you scolding me with words I don't understand!"

Hou La looked confused: "Ah? I'm obviously praising you, you haven't read that fairy tale book at all, have you?!"

The two childlike puppets quarreled on their own. On the contrary, it makes people feel that the relationship between them is really good.


Even Youlandelle couldn't help laughing, then restrained her expression, and said with emotion: "How should I put it... Just a few years ago, I seemed to be the same as the red one.

It's easy to quarrel with others about everything. "]

"Huh? Really?"

Qiyana was a little surprised, and blinked: "Durandal a few years ago, did she have such a personality?!"

Ulandal nodded frankly: "It's true, and I'm still self-aware of this."

"If this fiery red puppet really represents the immature me a few years ago, it is indeed easy to quarrel with others.

"Wow~ I didn't expect Ulandal to have an immature side!"

Qi Bao was really surprised at this time, she originally thought that her elder sister had always been the strongest Valkyrie who was mature, calm, powerful and rational, but she did not expect that there would be such a woman in the past.

The impulsive side!

"Everyone has their immaturity, and it's normal."

Teresa glanced at Qiyana: "Think about the future Herrscher of Fire and the current you, isn't that the best proof?" 4.2

"That's right... well, no!"

Kiyana came to her senses belatedly, and turned to look at Teresa: "Auntie! Are you saying that I am immature now!"

Teresa turned her head: "You said it yourself."

Houmei on the screen, after listening to Youlandelle's words, also expressed her opinion—

【"But now you are quite capable and mature."

Homi stared at Youlandelle, even though she couldn't express her facial expressions in detail in puppet form, she could still feel her emotional changes at the moment through her tone of voice.

Hua: "You yourself... must have experienced a lot and carried a lot in the past few years of growing tall and growing up?"

"The more demanding children are, the more children who insist on their own values...the more they will experience drastic personality changes in the process of growing up."

"It's actually not bad."

Urandale herself didn't care much: "I just kept going forward, and inadvertently became what I am now. The so-called price of growth, isn't it?"

"...Maybe. After all, life always takes us in all kinds of ways."

Homi seemed to have a feeling: "So, are you going to move on again?"

Youlandelle nodded: "Yes. Call those two guys who are making a fuss, I can leave at any time."

Homei looked at her silently, and said the last sentence in her heart: "(Mature children are always the most distressing.)"】

...I think it doesn't matter whether this Homi is the embodiment of Cecilia's consciousness or not. "

Teresa stared at the picture on the screen, and said softly: "I'm afraid, this is what Cecilia wants to say to Yolandelle.

Yolandelle looked at Homi on the screen, and murmured in a low voice: "Cecilia...Mom.

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